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Look where mobile phone gaming is going! (Kingdom Hearts.. WOW)







GAF's Pleasant Genius
Neptunes, do you realize that is a Cell-phone ? I'd say it is good news for portable gaming (3D can and should be present on portables: they are not limited to 2D).


Panajev2001a said:
Neptunes, do you realize that is a Cell-phone ? I'd say it is good news for portable gaming (3D can and should be present on portables: they are not limited to 2D).

I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that this could have been on something else.


It looks impressive actually, considering the platform it's on!


yes 3d aswell as 2d should be present on portables. But why should we care about this when we have TWO new 3d portables on the way...


Unconfirmed Member
I am sure the absolutely stellar play control will transfer over to cell phone well.

does a double sarcasm cancle out?
scola said:
I am sure the absolutely stellar play control will transfer over to cell phone well.

does a double sarcasm cancle out?

No but then I don't know what cancling is.

But yeah, no, and frankly I want to stop this double negatives cancels things out crap. It's not a linguistic idea is a mathematical idea and has no place in determining how a language. In fact for much of the history of english double and even triple negatives were used to emphasis the negation. And many languages retain this use. So go forth and use double, triple or as many multiples of negatives as you want and if any person tries to tell you you are wrong slap them and tell them to go fuck themselves with a destpan.


Games were not meant to be played on phones. I actually use my phone to talk to people, this stuff is going to kill the battery and leave you with less talk time for the actual purpose of the phone. And, it is no fun playing games on a phone, without a better control scheme I don't see this changing.

There is only so much you can expect your phone to do well.


Unconfirmed Member
Die Squirrel Die said:
No but then I don't know what cancling is.

But yeah, no, and frankly I want to stop this double negatives cancels things out crap. It's not a linguistic idea is a mathematical idea and has no place in determining how a language. In fact for much of the history of english double and even triple negatives were used to emphasis the negation. And many languages retain this use. So go forth and use double, triple or as many multiples of negatives as you want and if any person tries to tell you you are wrong slap them and tell them to go fuck themselves with a destpan.

Yeah, Yeah.. blah blah.

Some linguists will tell you that double positives don't make a negative either ;)

The grabbing onto "canceling" is lame, the internet is largely transitory and you know that was a typo and not a "think-o." You know this from experience, unless "destpan" is a bait ;)

I use double negatives all the time, mostly because I don't give a fuck, the only reason I mentioned it was to keep even one person from thinking I actually thought KH had great play control. Now that would be a tragedy.
scola said:
Yeah, Yeah.. blah blah.

Some linguists will tell you that double positives don't make a negative either ;)

The grabbing onto "canceling" is lame, the internet is largely transitory and you know that was a typo and not a "think-o." You know this from experience, unless "destpan" is a bait ;)

I use double negatives all the time, mostly because I don't give a fuck, the only reason I mentioned it was to keep even one person from thinking I actually thought KH had great play control. Now that would be a tragedy.

Nothing in my post was meant to be taken seriously. The whole cancling thing was 'cause I liked the sound of it and want to use it in future conversation. Just needs to mean something now.


Unconfirmed Member
Die Squirrel Die said:
Nothing in my post was meant to be taken seriously. The whole cancling thing was 'cause I liked the sound of it and want to use it in future conversation. Just needs to mean something now.
Mine wasn't serious either. I have been waiting months to use the whole "Yeah Yeah" thing to anyone who said two "-" make a "+" but two "+" don't make a "-"


cancling should be a word, if its pronounced Cankling that is ;)


neptunes said:
I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that this could have been on something else.
You never know... Square Enix said they are thinking about porting their mobile games to DS.
scola said:
cancling should be a word, if its pronounced Cankling that is ;)

It is. I was thinking it could be something to do with shellfish but that might be too limited in usage. I want cancling to become a household word.


I got a Sony Ericsson T630 recently, and wowerz, Gameloft makes some GREAT cellphone games. Macrospace ones are pretty decent too but Gameloft = KING!.

Just check out some of the better games at www.gameloft.com like Might and Magic and Block Breaker Deluxe. Awesome stuff. The licensed stuff they have in Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, etc aren't remotely bad either.

Macrospace has stuff like Alpha Wing and Detonator which are pretty impressive too.

Previously I was stuck with an ancient Nokia phone too, mobile gaming was limited to Snake and Pinball. I was really surprised by how much games on cellphones have evolved since then. :)
I have heard that the framerate in Kingdom Hearts is really bad...dunno...

But yeah, gameloft makes great games. Ghost Recon on N-Gage is really good.




And their non-N-gage titles also look good, check out this java version of Might and Magic:



Requiem of Hell although not a Gameloft title looks also fine:





Mobile phone gaming is already a big business for operators and will be a MASSIVE business in few years time. EA, Square etc, all big players know it.


I'm not sure about the 3D thing. I guess it'll come naturally in time, and it'll help open up mobile phone games to the massmarket, but its almost like they are being forced there by manufacturers/publishers, before the handsets are ready.

Its like mobile phone gaming is being forced to grow up too quickly.

You'll have whizz bang 3D graphics, stereo sound, bluetooth multiplayer. But you'll still have a crappy 4 way controller with action buttons underneath, that runs out of battery in an hour.

I'm also not convinced about the types of games being put across. You need either very short, instant on games (like tetris, or snake) - or very slow, thought out games (like Advance wars). They fit the mobile lifestyle well - you can play them in the downtime between doing other things.

Making an hour to play a few levels of ghost recon means destination gaming - an apppointment with your phone. for me, thats likely to be a GBASP, or upcoming DS/PSP. For the massmarket who don't have a portable console (the trojan horse model), maybe they won't even bother apart from the 15 minutes on the bus
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