Continuity issues are what piss me off the most about the WWE.
Paul Bearer gets killed and Kane is mostly pissed that Hardy cost him his Cruiserweight title shot the next night. Nevermind that your brother just MURDERED YOUR FATHER.
Or how about C&E now being 'a good tag team'. They could play up an awesome angle about them being brothers and Edge thinking Christian was allways holding him down, and how Christian only got in the WWE because of Edge, etc.
My jaw almost hit the floor when Regal mentioned that he was HHH's mentor in the WCW. That kind of shit is GOLD. You throw together a trillion meaningless matches when most of these guys have feuded with everyone on the roster at some point in the last 10 years.
Also, what the fuck are they doing with the London/Chavo/Kidman angle they had going? Kidman was getting some BIG heat there for a while, and they have simply brushed this under the rug and have all three of them jobbing to people on Velocity now... way to go asswipes.
About the only thing they have done well in the last year was the Christian/Y2J angle, putting Benjamin over Trips, setting up Benoits title reign (though the actual run was crap), setting up Batistas turn, Edge's turn and JBL's title run... and to a lesser extent the elimination chamber is set up well.
but in each of those situations you have a massive 'but'.
Christian gets hurt, and when he returns does a week long mini-feud with Y2J, somehow Trish and Tyson Tomko disapear, Tomko reapears, and then they start a tag team feud with Y2J and HBK, then HBK gets a title push gets hurt, and they have done NOTHING with Jericho since C's return. (When Vince McMahon vacated the title while Jericho was GM, he should have declared himself champ).
They put Benjamin over Trips, then parlayed that into a decent fued between Benjamin and Orton... and since Sheltons return? He has feuded with Christian when he should have come after Trips and had Batista sent after him. A Batista/Benjamin feud would be gold right now.
Benoits push to the belt was perfect.. his second match was perfect (Triple threat).. his match with HBK was awesome until the end. When HHH's ego got in the way... from that point on Benoit would be the champ, but would be relegated to second tier matches while they found a way to make sure HHH was still the main event. A thrown together fued with Kane? Check. A feud with HHH where Benoit couldnt win without the help of a retard? Check. Losing to Orton with absolutely no setup at all? Check.
So far Batistas turn has been perfect, including the fake turn a few weeks back. Im sure they will muck all of this up by trying to make him an instant good guy who teams up with Benoit to take on the evil HHH. He and Orton should both be tweeners for a while.. hell, Stone Cold was never a goodie goodie and he is the biggest star in WWE history, save Hogan, maybe.
Edges turn again has been without problem so far, except for the fact that they cant get him a solid feud going.. he had something with Benoit that is being brushed aside at the moment.. I think there is going to be a massive payoff with a Cage match or something at Wrestlemania though. Also, I should say that post turn Edge has been perfect.. the actual turn took way to long, and it seemed like on week he was gonna be a good guy and the next he hated the world.