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Looks like to no ones surprise Madden 22 is another flop! The decline of Madden


Why doesn't 2K go after NCAA Football license?

It would be nice to have some college sports back.

Also why doesn't any company want to bring back a great Boxing game.

It's been a long time since Fight Night launched on 360.


Why doesn't 2K go after NCAA Football license?

It would be nice to have some college sports back.

Also why doesn't any company want to bring back a great Boxing game.

It's been a long time since Fight Night launched on 360.
I think with NCAA games, there are licensing issues. With boxing it’s the same thing. They have to pay each boxer separately for their likeness.
And to get some of the top boxers like Floyd mayweather in the game they’d break the bank. There is a new boxing game who’s finding a way to get big names in. I think it’s called esports boxing or something like that.
Aren’t they practically the same thing every year? Maybe people are finally realizing it. Imo, I always thought sports games didn’t need yearly sequels and just should receive roster and gameplay updates via DLC or an expansion.


Not anymore. Not only does EA have the NCAA football license again, now that players can be paid while in college they can likely use their real names in the game.
If the bolded is true why wouldn't the NCAA force it out of EA's hands since they are not using it.
The point of owning a license is to use it for profitability. Not using it means less profits.


O might be in the minority here but if they made the trophies/achievements funnier theyd get more sales in my eyes forcing pay trophies and or achievements were their down fall I think that started with 13?. Make me want to play the fucking game not a card game I have to dump hundreds of dollars into not just to win but to get my platinum/100%
2k5 is the most overrated sports game of all time. It's a quality game but the best 2ks were the original two on Dreamcast because of the graphics advantage. Madden 05 put in the hit stick and was one of the best Madden games.


Gold Member
If I’m remembering right. They didn’t appreciate the fact that 2K sold their game for 20 bucks.
Yeah and concussion issues were starting to become apparent even though they didn't yet admit publicly. They wanted to get ultra aggressive nfl games off of the market ( blitz like football games) to be able to market a safer and more professional image. Nfl2k was just a casualty of the agreement.
2k5 is the most overrated sports game of all time. It's a quality game but the best 2ks were the original two on Dreamcast because of the graphics advantage. Madden 05 put in the hit stick and was one of the best Madden games.
NFL2K was very good but Nfl2K1 imo is where they really nailed it and then steadily improved on it. I think 2k5 is probably the best feeling football sim I've ever played. Starting with the PS2 games, Madden put too high of a priority on animations which made the controls less responsive. The difference was pretty big, especially coming from Madden 2000 on N64 and PS1. The Nfl2k games did an incredible job of balancing responsive controls with realism and great animation.

But ya, Madden 05 was pretty damn good, then EA went in and ruined 06 by adding the stupid QB vision mechanic. Absolutely moronic design choice


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
If I’m remembering right. They didn’t appreciate the fact that 2K sold their game for 20 bucks.
This was a major issue. Whats even more crazy that a game that came out nearly 2 decades ago have more features than madden today. Insane!


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
NFL2K was very good but Nfl2K1 imo is where they really nailed it and then steadily improved on it. I think 2k5 is probably the best feeling football sim I've ever played. Starting with the PS2 games, Madden put too high of a priority on animations which made the controls less responsive. The difference was pretty big, especially coming from Madden 2000 on N64 and PS1. The Nfl2k games did an incredible job of balancing responsive controls with realism and great animation.

But ya, Madden 05 was pretty damn good, then EA went in and ruined 06 by adding the stupid QB vision mechanic. Absolutely moronic design choice
2k and 2k 1 you saw the big graphics advantage over Madden at the time but also the gameplay was miles better. I thought the 2k series got better every year while 2k5 was the apex of that work. From the slick presentation with Chris Berman being an excellent pick to do the show to the details in the game. The animation is still next level compared to today's madden. The sideline, the crowds, the game just feels better. I love the play calling and selection of plays much better as well.

2k5 pushed madden to be better. Madden 05-08 is probably the best madden games to date due to the overwhelming quality game choices. Go and play Madden 05 then play Madden 22. Madden -05 had so many more features. Most of that was due to 2k series giving them competition. Now it's a copy and paste job with little innovation. The evolution from the PS4 to PS5 in Madden is very small.
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That is not football. Football is what we play in the rest of the world besides USA. That is something else...

Don't understand why americans call if football when they mostly play it with their hands.
In the USA we call that BS Soccer, and nobody here even remotely like soccer. Never have, never will.


Ah yes, gatekeeping sports behind expensive equipment. The American way 🤭
There are no shortage of American kids playing pop Warner football. Kids get full scholarships and EXCELLENT educations for free to play Football. The NFL is the most popular sport bar none. The one game a year we play in Europe is a sell out and massive draw and hype. Nobody likes soccer.


I haven't bought a MADDEN since Bret Farve was on the cover, don't see that changing anytime soon. They will keep doing what they're doing as long as millions of people keep buying it, not much you can do about it. Just flip the page and move on from MADDEN.


That is not football. Football is what we play in the rest of the world besides USA. That is something else...

Don't understand why americans call if football when they mostly play it with their hands.
Then educate yourself. This is football, your feelings on the matter will never change that.


But ya, Madden 05 was pretty damn good, then EA went in and ruined 06 by adding the stupid QB vision mechanic. Absolutely moronic design choice

QB vision was the single best mechanic introduced to Madden this millennium. Casuals hated it because it exposed how trash they are at going through progressions on offense and how hard they would bite on looks offs on defense. QB vision exposed them so they complained and EA took it out. That mechanic separated the men from the boys. I refuse to buy another madden until they put it back in because there is no point in supporting a franchise that devolves over time.

I can not believe you call it a moronic design choice. Madden is supposed to simulate football, no? Do you think QBs do not look at where they are going to throw the ball?


EA tried to pay for the license before 2004 but the NFL said no. The NFL only sought out a deal because instead of two competing $50 NFL titles generating a lot of revenue, they had a $20 title and soon after release a $30 Madden. Lower cost means lower revenue which means the publishers will want to pay less for licensing.

Personally idk why the game is perpetually doodoo. NCAA was also exclusive with no competition but it was consistently amazing. It must be the MUT money.
Because back in the day developers cared about delivering the best, you couldn't fix the game with updates or have DLCs. Internet ruined it. The more dumb sports fans, the better.
There are no shortage of American kids playing pop Warner football. Kids get full scholarships and EXCELLENT educations for free to play Football. The NFL is the most popular sport bar none. The one game a year we play in Europe is a sell out and massive draw and hype. Nobody likes soccer.
Nobody but the entire rest of the world, of course.


Nobody but the entire rest of the world, of course.
Why would any country, regardless of topic, give a fuck what the rest of the work thinks? It’s fucking soccer here and it’s boring and it sucks. On the other hand, multiple countries and regions play American Baseball, especially in Latin countries and Japan and South Korea, and the NFL Europe games pack the fucking house to the point of the NFL considering an actual European team?
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QB vision was the single best mechanic introduced to Madden this millennium. Casuals hated it because it exposed how trash they are at going through progressions on offense and how hard they would bite on looks offs on defense. QB vision exposed them so they complained and EA took it out. That mechanic separated the men from the boys. I refuse to buy another madden until they put it back in because there is no point in supporting a franchise that devolves over time.

I can not believe you call it a moronic design choice. Madden is supposed to simulate football, no? Do you think QBs do not look at where they are going to throw the ball?
100% absolutely loved that mechanic. It only making reads but actually “looking off” safety’s and DB’s………. It really needs to come back
I can not believe you call it a moronic design choice. Madden is supposed to simulate football, no? Do you think QBs do not look at where they are going to throw the ball?
There's an infinite amount of gameplay mechanics that can be simulated that aren't in the game. Simulating every aspect of the game doesn't make it good. Do you want to control the angle of your running backs hips with the right stick while they're running? Do you want to control audibles by yelling into your headset? Do you want to control the placement of the ball after it's snapped for a field goal? Maybe you do, I don't.

From a gameplay perspective the fact that they still had you using face buttons to pass is straight up bad design. They should've at least made all receivers shoulder button targets instead of just a couple. Ok gotta move the right stick left, then press square. By default using just the shoulder buttons would've at least made it a better overall mechanic.

TLDR: Just because it's realistic, doesn't mean it's fun.
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Because back in the day developers cared about delivering the best, you couldn't fix the game with updates or have DLCs. Internet ruined it. The more dumb sports fans, the better.

NCAA was around well after the Internet. In fact, some of NCAA’s best features revolved around online play. I do agree though that the general evolution of the industry is to blame, though. EA doesn’t care about quality anymore because they make shit tons of money through MUT.


There's an infinite amount of gameplay mechanics that can be simulated that aren't in the game. Simulating every aspect of the game doesn't make it good. Do you want to control the angle of your running backs hips with the right stick while they're running?
Their hips will generally follow the direction they are running in, there is no need for that.
Do you want to control audibles by yelling into your headset?
I would love to be able to call audibles with my voice. Then I would not be limited to the number of buttons on the controller I would like the option to call my entire playbook in the huddle with my own custom names for each play. I would love to be able to identify the Mike linebacker, shift line protections and call out blitzers with my voice, too. Hell, throw in hard counts and hiking the ball while you are at it. Of course, doing those things would require the player to actually have some idea of how football works to be useful, and if the average Madden player can not handle turning the QB's head back and forth then I expect nothing but bellyaching if those mechanics were put in the game.
Do you want to control the placement of the ball after it's snapped for a field goal? Maybe you do, I don't.
It goes to where the holder is. It's place is already controlled.
From a gameplay perspective the fact that they still had you using face buttons to pass is straight up bad design. They should've at least made all receivers shoulder button targets instead of just a couple.
There are only 4 shoulder buttons and at least 5 eligible receivers on every play. However, this does have some merit to it even though it was never an issue for me. A simple button layout option in the menus could take care of it.
Ok gotta move the right stick left, then press square. By default using just the shoulder buttons would've at least made it a better overall mechanic.
You could also hold R2/Right Trigger + The face button corresponding to the receiver to snap the cone to them and have it track automatically. It was literally in the tutorial videos. It made look offs so much easier.
TLDR: Just because it's realistic, doesn't mean it's fun.
Football is fun. Watching a QB playing at a high level going through his progressions and fooling defenses is entertaining to watch. Why would I want that capability kept away from me as a fan of football and as a gamer?

And QB vision was fun, too. It was fun because of the sense of catharsis one gains from executing the passing game well despite being restricted to only passing accurately when looking at their intended target. As well as being able to manipulate defenses with your "eyes" like an actual NFL QB. I expect a game that represents itself as simulating the NFL experience to do everything it can to get close to simulating it. Having a game where the qb can scramble around wildly and still throw accurately to the other side of the field by using magic/Bat Radar/The Force/Whatever to know where all receivers are at all times is arcadey in comparison. I will play my copy of Blitz: The League for that.
Why is it still called "Madden"?

Isn't that like Fifa being called "Beckham Fifa 22"? Neither still play the game ...

EA surely are maddens.
John Madden is more famous for being a commentator too. Lol so just imagine soccers biggest play by play commentator and think of his name being the name of the game.
Why would any country, regardless of topic, give a fuck what the rest of the work thinks? It’s fucking soccer here and it’s boring and it sucks. On the other hand, multiple countries and regions play American Baseball, especially in Latin countries and Japan and South Korea, and the NFL Europe games pack the fucking house to the point of the NFL considering an actual European team?
Football is so much bigger than the NFL it's just a simple fact. And don't make me laugh on rounders either ;)
Football is so much bigger than the NFL it's just a simple fact. And don't make me laugh on rounders either ;)
He's absolutely right. The NFL is a monster but Euro Football is fucking godzilla.

Compare the Superbowl's Revenue to the world cup.

(I do agree it's a bit boring though ;) )
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Why would any country, regardless of topic, give a fuck what the rest of the work thinks? It’s fucking soccer here and it’s boring and it sucks. On the other hand, multiple countries and regions play American Baseball, especially in Latin countries and Japan and South Korea, and the NFL Europe games pack the fucking house to the point of the NFL considering an actual European team?

American Football.... It's basically Rugby for girls. Get your helmet & padding on boys.

Also, the unpopular sport you refer to as Soccer, has a World Cup in which basically every nation around the world has a chance to compete in, whereas American Football was basically invented to give you guys something to be the best at, because nobody else really plays or cares about it. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
American Football.... It's basically Rugby for girls. Get your helmet & padding on boys.

Also, the unpopular sport you refer to as Soccer, has a World Cup in which basically every nation around the world has a chance to compete in, whereas American Football was basically invented to give you guys something to be the best at, because nobody else really plays or cares about it. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
We have the Olympics for that....I'm sure we had more gold medals alone than your country's entire output but by all means draw your line on athletics with a monster...seems smart.
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We have the Olympics for that....I'm sure we had more gold medals alone than your country's entire output but by all means draw your line on athletics with a monster...seems smart.

Considering the population of your country, lets look at medals to population ratio

USA - 3.44
UK - 9.84

So, back to "Soccer" ... :messenger_blowing_kiss:


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022

QB vision was the single best mechanic introduced to Madden this millennium. Casuals hated it because it exposed how trash they are at going through progressions on offense and how hard they would bite on looks offs on defense. QB vision exposed them so they complained and EA took it out. That mechanic separated the men from the boys. I refuse to buy another madden until they put it back in because there is no point in supporting a franchise that devolves over time.

I can not believe you call it a moronic design choice. Madden is supposed to simulate football, no? Do you think QBs do not look at where they are going to throw the ball?
No in madden every QB drops back 20 yards and heaves 80 yard bombs while running backwards.
Considering the population of your country, lets look at medals to population ratio

USA - 3.44
UK - 9.84

So, back to "Soccer" ... :messenger_blowing_kiss:
Not our fault you guys couldn't hold onto strongholds such as the Falklands and Canada.

My point still stands. Athletics (and world wars) really aren't your guy's thing.

I enjoy football however. So happy to talk about it.


Not our fault you guys couldn't hold onto strongholds such as the Falklands and Canada.

My point still stands. Athletics (and world wars) really aren't your guy's thing.

I enjoy football however. So happy to talk about it.

Lets not touch on "war" when the whole Afghanistan debacle arose because of your country. Plus we might end up discussing Vietnamese farmers.

Sooooo back to Madden then ...
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