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Lords of the Fallen |OT| We don't praise the sun around here


wait the potion I gave to
the monk I cut the arm of was one of the perma health potions

where are you guys getting so many potions :(

Yep, the ones you give to NPCs are gone for good. I kind of regret giving mine away, but I've easily got enough now.

I've just come across them from exploring. Found some in random portals that unlock after killing that sections boss, found some in random chests hidden away and some I don't even know where I got them because I didn't notice I picked them up lol.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Is there any consensus yet on what the 'best' magic type is? I'm torn between Brawling and Deception right now.

best is so debatable because it depends on how you play. I bet the warrior / red / brawling, whatever it is, ends up being the "best", but for example, some user earlier was abusing Rage for no-stamina spending strikes, and Im a warrior and I rarely use it, Ive been using mostly the clone and more recently Ram which I love (goes through shields like a motherfucker)

the green / rogue / whtever its called spells look fun aswell.

Yep, the ones you give to NPCs are gone for good. I kind of regret giving mine away, but I've easily got enough now.

I've just come across them from exploring. Found some in random portals that unlock after killing that sections boss, found some in random chests hidden away and some I don't even know where I got them because I didn't notice I picked them up lol.

meh didnt know that, not giving any more then, fuck them. Ive been doing every portal, exploring every nook and only have my 3 :/ Wonder if its random drops


Yeah, I chose the brawler tree and haven't really used magic much at all.

Jim Sterling mentioned the purple tree(not sure the name, the clericlike one) was quite abusable as well. Spamming shelter would heal you up and give you a defensive boost.
meh didnt know that, not giving any more then, fuck them. Ive been doing every portal, exploring every nook and only have my 3 :/ Wonder if its random drops
I think some of the chests are random, and have a chance of dropping empty potions. Not all chests are random though, it seems kind of mixed.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Yeah, I chose the brawler tree and haven't really used magic much at all.

Jim Sterling mentioned the purple tree(not sure the name, the clericlike one) was quite abusable as well. Spamming shelter would heal you up and give you a defensive boost.

you should, its awesome and pretty. The clone is super useful, and ram is fun to use


I did use prayer a bit on the Catacombs boss. Outside of that it seemed a bit temperamental. Normal mobs would sometimes just ignore it and still go for me. Other times their attack would hit the shadow and still clip me somehow courtesy of poor hit detection.

They're just kind of slow to cast, and take up so much mana. I mean I could put points to get more mana, but meh. I like the melee play style.
Based on impressions here, it seems like this game should have been delayed to Q1/Q2 next year to work out the bugs, crashes, memory leaks, collision detection, etc. This goes beyond mere "jank", and seems like one of the most unpolished multiplatform games to come out in the past 2-3 years. Disappointing and ridiculous. QA testing is important, devs. If I pick it up at all (for PC), it'll be during a sale.


Based on impressions here, it seems like this game should have been delayed to Q1/Q2 next year to work out the bugs, crashes, memory leaks, collision detection, etc. This goes beyond mere "jank", and seems like one of the most unpolished multiplatform games to come out in the past 2-3 years. Disappointing and ridiculous. QA testing is important, devs. If I pick it up at all (for PC), it'll be during a sale.

I dunno, I wouldn't go that far. Outside of the crashing issue which I've fixed the only annoying thing has been hit detection, and even Dark Souls 2 had very similar issues.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well shit... the game crashed before I even got to take control of the character. A little bit after the wizard man threw up his magical light.

Any common crash issues/fixes I should be aware of?


Well shit... the game crashed before I even got to take control of the character. A little bit after the wizard man threw up his magical light.

Any common crash issues/fixes I should be aware of?

In the Nvidia control panel, set Physx to use your CPU. Alternatively you can try just turning off Nvidia Turbulence in the game settings which should turn off the problematic parts of physx that causes the crashing.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
In the Nvidia control panel, set Physx to use your CPU. Alternatively you can try just turning off Nvidia Turbulence in the game settings which should turn off the problematic parts of physx that causes the crashing.

both of these things worked for me, first the physx thing, then the turbulance option when they patched that (I have since returned physx to normal), no more crashes

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
In the Nvidia control panel, set Physx to use your CPU. Alternatively you can try just turning off Nvidia Turbulence in the game settings which should turn off the problematic parts of physx that causes the crashing.



Revising my opinion...I'm LOVING this game. I'm one shotting everything right now with my flaming greatsword, and, shit...that feels nice. The xp multiplier system is awesome.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Does the game eventually add a merchant or some way to get rid of loot you don't need?

I would love to know this myself. I mean, theres no currency so probably not? :/


the man who sold the world
It's funny to see that I got slagged for writing the game off (despite having completed it) and to hear that I was "probably just being jaded" or "being too much of a Dark Souls fan". Especially now that people are playing this for themselves and are witnessing this game's faults first hand the longer they play it.

From the confusing level design and one-sided combat, to the game-breaking glitches and bugs, it's just a mess.


It's funny to see that I got slagged for writing the game off (despite having completed it) and to hear that I was "probably just being jaded" or "being too much of a Dark Souls fan". Especially now that people are playing this for themselves and are witnessing this game's faults first hand the longer they play it.

From the confusing level design and one-sided combat, to the game-breaking glitches and bugs, it's just a mess.

From what I have seen of this game so far (was initially really excited for it) it is all style and not very much substance. Think I'll get this at a later point on a steamsale

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's funny to see that I got slagged for writing the game off (despite having completed it) and to hear that I was "probably just being jaded" or "being too much of a Dark Souls fan". Especially now that people are playing this for themselves and are witnessing this game's faults first hand the longer they play it.

From the confusing level design and one-sided combat, to the game-breaking glitches and bugs, it's just a mess.

Congratulations. You definitely see what you want to see.

Anyway, thanks for the PhysX -> CPU solution. That seemed to eliminate the crashing. I just played up to right past the first boss. Seems like a decent game so far. Definitely not quite as "tight" as the Souls games, but I can see myself having a decent time with it.


the man who sold the world
I'd agree with that if the game actually had any style.

Aesthetically, this game seems made up of whatever the Diablo and Warhammer franchises didn't feel like using anymore.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'd agree with that if the game actually had any style.

Aesthetically, this game seems made up of whatever the Diablo and Warhammer franchises didn't feel like using anymore.

why cant you understand that other people might have different opinion than yours? :/


the man who sold the world
Why can't you understand that I can (and do) understand that, and that by expressing my own opinion I do not necessarily condemn the views of others?

By the way, not everything is an "opinion", my friend. Some criticisms are directed towards simple facts. Lords of the Fallen being a buggy game, for instance, is hardly something that falls in the realm of opinion.

Everyone is always free to express his/her opinions, but the better those opinions are backed up with good arguments, the more merit they have and the more they deserve to be listened to. Every idiot can (and will) have an opinion, after all, and it is crucial for us to filter out quality thoughts from incoherent ramblings.


Recently realized that the alternate gamepad control scheme - which puts roll-dodge on B and as such is heaven-sent for Souls veterans - is completely missing the bind that lets you quickly switch between weapons you've favorited. :/


the man who sold the world
The runes aren't currency, the experience points are.

You can spend those points on the runes to (hopefully) up their rarity and power, though.


Played 4 hours so far on the PC version. No performance issues and only one crash. Specs are: 4770K, 7970, 16GB. Killed the first three bosses. Game is really fun especially for a Souls fan like me. Love how shield charge knocks enemies on their asses and breaks larger enemies guard.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
does the game eventually send you to every zone or are some actually optional.

for example,
that jail zone via the outside wall early on
, I went in there once, the first dude almost killed me and I ran


It's funny to see that I got slagged for writing the game off (despite having completed it) and to hear that I was "probably just being jaded" or "being too much of a Dark Souls fan". Especially now that people are playing this for themselves and are witnessing this game's faults first hand the longer they play it.

From the confusing level design and one-sided combat, to the game-breaking glitches and bugs, it's just a mess.

The level design is one of the worst aspects about the game. It wouldn't be as bad if the areas didn't meld together with a bunch of "sameness". Even then, it feels like they tried to copy Dark Souls interconnectedness but instead just ended up with a random architectural maze.

Oh, and shielded enemies that turtle all day until they decide to do a multi-hitting combo that either takes 80% of your energy or 75% of your health are just stupid. They aren't even hard, but fucking tedious and boring to fight. You can ram them with your own shield, but then you get off a single strike and there's this huge delay that prevents you from rolling to avoid their counter. So you can block, have the rest of your energy depleted and take damage regardless. It seems like I end up having to use a potion for every single one of those that I fight.


the man who sold the world
Yup. The loading screens don't help either.

Dark Souls' areas were big, but were connected in such amazing ways that it felt real and traversable. Lords' areas are small, but are connected in such convoluted and confusing ways that it soon feels like a sadistic trap.

The turtling enemies are easy to fight once you figure out how to do the shield dash thingie, though. The game's piss easy after a while; even spiders get predictable and easy.


Yup. The loading screens don't help either.

Dark Souls' areas were big, but were connected in such amazing ways that it felt real and traversable. Lords' areas are small, but are connected in such convoluted and confusing ways that it soon feels like a sadistic trap.

The turtling enemies are easy to fight once you figure out how to do the shield dash thingie, though. The game's piss easy after a while; even spiders get predictable and easy.

Read above. I mentioned the shield dash.


the man who sold the world
I typed that message before you edited that in, smartass ;)

Anyway, there's a fail-safe way of dealing damage to them and that's standing far away from them, forcing them to rush at YOU. You can always hit them while they are dashing, even if it looks like they have their shield up. This won't drain your energy as much as the shield dash approach.


I typed that message before you edited that in, smartass ;)

I don't even see how that's possible considering my edit was the whole second part about those enemies. Everything in the second paragraph was typed at the same time. The last edit was just to edit a single word.


I'd agree with that if the game actually had any style.

Aesthetically, this game seems made up of whatever the Diablo and Warhammer franchises didn't feel like using anymore.

Apologies for the misunderstanding, I just meant style as in "all looks" , visually it looks impressive and colourful compared to something like dark souls 2, but aesthetically I agree and feel it is uninspired (things like the enormous shoulderpads, big burly characters that look out of proportion and many more issues). Of course anyone can really like that and is free to do so, I personally had enough of that style myself.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I like the Diablo / WoW (or maybe I should just say Blizzard) style armors and weapons :(


Anyone know how to get the special version of the
I read it requires killing him with "the lightning weapon" which I assume is from him throwing his mace at you. I couldn't figure out how to use it against him.


The level design is one of the worst aspects about the game. It wouldn't be as bad if the areas didn't meld together with a bunch of "sameness". Even then, it feels like they tried to copy Dark Souls interconnectedness but instead just ended up with a random architectural maze.

Oh, and shielded enemies that turtle all day until they decide to do a multi-hitting combo that either takes 80% of your energy or 75% of your health are just stupid. They aren't even hard, but fucking tedious and boring to fight. You can ram them with your own shield, but then you get off a single strike and there's this huge delay that prevents you from rolling to avoid their counter. So you can block, have the rest of your energy depleted and take damage regardless. It seems like I end up having to use a potion for every single one of those that I fight.

The leveldesign is interconnected. It's not like they were just "trying" they accomplished it. I'm sorry for people who can not navigate trough buildings and smaller areas but hell, there are so many ways out and into one place. JUST LIKE IN A REAL CASTLE.
People did not build that stuff with symmetry in mind. They did it that way, to confuse invading enemies who are not familiar with the outlet so they would run into dead ends, traps, death holes etc..Especially catacombs were and still are a huge mess today. Seriously what do you expect? The level design imo is very authentic and well done. I found areas which look insanely atmospheric.

And for the shield enemies: Theres no problem with them. You can just easily their sprinting attack and stab them. You can R2 out an attack out of a roll. You can use your gauntlet to tickle them at least. You can "rune" a poison dot into your weapon, which eats hp away.

You people need to stop thinking this wants and has to be like DS in every fucking aspect.
DS 1 did not have that great enemy variety like you guys seem to remember. DS2 has one of the worst world asthetics for me and is a wonderfully dumb interconnected game.

Argh longest post I ever made.

That stuff aside, the technical issues are really piss poor... there is nothing to defend here.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The leveldesign is interconnected. It's not like they were just "trying" they accomplished it. I'm sorry for people who can not navigate trough buildings and smaller areas but hell, there are so many ways out and into one place. JUSET LIKE IN A REAL CASTLE.
People did not build that stuff with symmetry in mind. Especially catacombs were and still are a huge mess today. Seriously what do you expect? The level design imo is very authentic and well done. I found areas which look insanely atmospheric.
And for the shield enemies: Theres no problem with them. You can just easily their sprinting attack and stab them. You can R2 out an attack out of a roll. You can use your gauntlet to tickle them at least. You can "rune" a poison dot into your weapon, which eats hp away.

You people need to stop thinking this wants and has to be like DS in every fucking aspect.
DS 1 did not have that great enemy variety like you guys seem to remember. DS2 has one of the worst world asthetics for me and is a wonderfully dumb interconnected game.

Argh longest post I ever made.

That stuff aside, the technical issues are really piss poor... there is nothing to defend here.

did...did I write this post? are you me? o_O

but yeah, basically this is exactly how I feel aswell. I would add that you can Ram those shielded fuckers, it bypasses shields. I love that spell :p

Also agree that the technical stuff (which, again, I have fortunately fixed for myself) are awful and have no excuse.


did...did I write this post? are you me? o_O

but yeah, basically this is exactly how I feel aswell. I would add that you can Ram those shielded fuckers, it bypasses shields. I love that spell :p

Also agree that the technical stuff (which, again, I have fortunately fixed for myself) are awful and have no excuse.

Hi, I'm you from the future!

I don't know that spell. Been using the cleric and abusing the Shelter spell.
lol I'm so op and I don't know, how I got to that point :D.

And my guess is, they will fix that technical shittyness on all plattforms.
Question's when that will happen :|


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hi, I'm you from the future!

I don't know that spell. Been using the cleric and abusing the Shelter spell.
lol I'm so op and I don't know, how I got to that point :D.

And my guess is, they will fix that technical shittyness on all plattforms.
Question's when that will happen :|

Ram is the third Brawling(? the "warrior" spells) where you launch a clone runnin forward and it knocks down / staggers / damages enemies in a line (doesnt stop at the first so it can hit multiple). Damage is decent even with just 1 point, I love it and cant wait to put more points in it. And it ignores shields


Ram is the third Brawling(? the "warrior" spells) where you launch a clone runnin forward and it knocks down / staggers / damages enemies in a line (doesnt stop at the first so it can hit multiple). Damage is decent even with just 1 point, I love it and cant wait to put more points in it. And it ignores shields

Sounds like a problem solver for the people having problems with those guys :p

Here is how i deal with them:



There's a weird white film over the whole picture even after you turn off postprocessiong, Any way to get rid of it? Shit looks really bad.
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