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Lords of the Fallen |OT| We don't praise the sun around here


Man the armor/weapon and enemy design is throwing me off :(
I will get it down the line for sure because it looks like a blast to play, but that's one big issue for me.
Why can't you understand that I can (and do) understand that, and that by expressing my own opinion I do not necessarily condemn the views of others?

By the way, not everything is an "opinion", my friend. Some criticisms are directed towards simple facts. Lords of the Fallen being a buggy game, for instance, is hardly something that falls in the realm of opinion.

Everyone is always free to express his/her opinions, but the better those opinions are backed up with good arguments, the more merit they have and the more they deserve to be listened to. Every idiot can (and will) have an opinion, after all, and it is crucial for us to filter out quality thoughts from incoherent ramblings.

I approve of this post.
I don't mind seeing the pros and cons people have, it adds to the discussion of the game, but some folks could surly be a bit nicer about how they talk to other gaffers. Good lord, it's a video game.

As for the shield enemies, should really be using the distraction magic and hitting them from behind. I'm rolling a rogue on ps4 version and it's a necessity.
If you aren't specializing in faith scaling weapons, is it still valuable to pump stats into faith? Can you get by casting spells/using gauntlet without doing so?


Does this game have awful crushed blacks on Xbox One? I was thinking of getting it but this is from the GB quick look. Top is PC, bottom is XB1.


Wtf...the menu is barely readable.


Does this game have awful crushed blacks on Xbox One? I was thinking of getting it but this is from the GB quick look. Top is PC, bottom is XB1.


Holy shit thats bad...
Yesterday I saw a screenshot of the main char title screen on pc and xbox. The crushed blacks were noticeable but not nearly THAT bad.
Does this game have awful crushed blacks on Xbox One? I was thinking of getting it but this is from the GB quick look. Top is PC, bottom is XB1.


Wtf...the menu is barely readable.

Yeah they have their gamma setting off or something. It's Def not that bad. I have both versions.
It's funny to see that I got slagged for writing the game off (despite having completed it) and to hear that I was "probably just being jaded" or "being too much of a Dark Souls fan". Especially now that people are playing this for themselves and are witnessing this game's faults first hand the longer they play it.

From the confusing level design and one-sided combat, to the game-breaking glitches and bugs, it's just a mess.

I haven't seen many negative opinions as strong as your "5/10" review, so i don't know what you're talking about here.
Good stuff so far. Level design is solid and sensible (not sure where people are getting confused, perhaps it changes later).

Combat with the regular enemies is quite fun, and more sensible than what I remember from Dark and Demon Souls.

Not digging the bosses though. Seem a bit too spongy.


Sounds like a problem solver for the people having problems with those guys :p

Here is how i deal with them:


You realize that you don't start out with enough stats to use that kind of weapon, let alone that type of weapon right? I don't actually have any issues with them now. I just running jump attack right through their shields. They weren't even the enemy type that I was talking about in the first place. Those are the easier of the two running around with the large shields.

On the more bulky versions I just use rage and just trade hits since I don't feel like replacing my 180 damage axe with one that's fast enough to actually get a single attack in after a running shield bash.

And who cares if "in real life they..." ? Give me a break. I can't believe you're actually trying to use real life logic in this game for the design. It's a shitty design, and even if the way castles were designed in real life had any real effect on the game design, it would still be a lot easier to navigate, because not everything would look almost exactly the same.


Does this game have awful crushed blacks on Xbox One? I was thinking of getting it but this is from the GB quick look. Top is PC, bottom is XB1.


Wtf...the menu is barely readable.

I saw the top pic (without reading past the question) and though "nah that's nromal" then sw the Xbone pic. Wow. That is terrible.


I haven't seen many negative opinions as strong as your "5/10" review, so i don't know what you're talking about here.

Agree it's no masterpiece but for me it's a solid 7 so far. Im enjoying it so far. I agree some aspects are forgettable. The voice acting is horrendous. Far worse then I expected. I'm really enjoying the combat though I think it's really solid. As for the whole layout I can't see what the problem is. Seems easy enough to find your way round and not get lost.

Its a shame its just not more memorable. It's the least favourite out of my recent purchases (drive club, evil within, mordor)


News flash, people have different opinions on a game. This is exactly like what happened with the Souls series, some hated it some loved it. It is what it is and I definitely encourage people sharing their stories and opinions as that is the entire point of an OT.

I would say though that some will take offence with your opinion because of how you write it. We don't need to get into each other's throats and start bickering, no one needs that.


You realize that you don't start out with enough stats to use that kind of weapon, let alone that type of weapon right? I don't actually have any issues with them now. I just running jump attack right through their shields. They weren't even the enemy type that I was talking about in the first place. Those are the easier of the two running around with the large shields.

On the more bulky versions I just use rage and just trade hits since I don't feel like replacing my 180 damage axe with one that's fast enough to actually get a single attack in after a running shield bash.

And who cares if "in real life they..." ? Give me a break. I can't believe you're actually trying to use real life logic in this game for the design. It's a shitty design, and even if the way castles were designed in real life had any real effect on the game design, it would still be a lot easier to navigate, because not everything would look almost exactly the same.

Sure I know that. But in a rather short periode of time you can at lest get enough stats to use that Greatsword you get early on. And I'm pretty sure by that all the other weapon types have similar jump attacks too.

Oh i thought you meant both versions of the shield blocking bitches. But the same thing works for both most of the time. With the big ones you just have to be really patient or use your magic. It takes a while sure, but come on, they are heavily armored and have a huge ass weapon. So it seems ok.

People who want authenticate worlds care. I'd rather have a confusing dungeon inside a castle that looks like that than a windmill which leads inide a active volcano :D
but yeah, the rooms are similar to each other and are hard to navigate. For most of the part I know where I have to go, where I came from etc. Maybe you're just not that well versed in navigation?


Don't have any crashing and the game is fun so far, just beat the third boss.

Got it on PC for 25€, good price, good game.
Based on impressions here, it seems like this game should have been delayed to Q1/Q2 next year to work out the bugs, crashes, memory leaks, collision detection, etc. This goes beyond mere "jank", and seems like one of the most unpolished multiplatform games to come out in the past 2-3 years. Disappointing and ridiculous. QA testing is important, devs. If I pick it up at all (for PC), it'll be during a sale.

That's an impressive amount of spite for somebody who's never even played it.


Does this game have awful crushed blacks on Xbox One? I was thinking of getting it but this is from the GB quick look. Top is PC, bottom is XB1.


Wtf...the menu is barely readable.

This looks more like someone didn't adjust the brightness setting.

You people need to stop thinking this wants and has to be like DS in every fucking aspect.
DS 1 did not have that great enemy variety like you guys seem to remember. DS2 has one of the worst world asthetics for me and is a wonderfully dumb interconnected game.

I like this.


Just got the game and I'll probably start it tonight or tomorrow.

i was wondering if someone can give me sone insight about the classes. Why does the warrior have to be considered easy mode? Isnt just like Souls warrior.

Also, can you mix different stats and spells in all the starters classes like in Souls? For example, in those games I usually started as a Warrior but ended up doing more of an DEX or ST/FTH build (some ofensive magic and weapon buffs).
Or it would be better to start as a Cleric?
Just finished the first boss, surprisingly great so far. The action kinda feels the way a Blizzard cinematic looks, which turns out to be immensely satisfying for me.


Does this game have awful crushed blacks on Xbox One? I was thinking of getting it but this is from the GB quick look. Top is PC, bottom is XB1.
Saw it in effect during Giant Bomb's quick look of this game. They started out on PC, then switched to Xbox One.

The difference in on-screen color spectrum was jarring. Plus the game looked rough as all hell on XO.
Man I am so fucking tired of this
boss. I feel like I'm getting screwed. Have got him down to a sliver of health half a dozen times (which takes forever, by the way) and gotten screwed by
those stupid random fucking meteors.
Any ideas?
Just got the game and I'll probably start it tonight or tomorrow.

i was wondering if someone can give me sone insight about the classes. Why does the warrior have to be considered easy mode? Isnt just like Souls warrior.

Also, can you mix different stats and spells in all the starters classes like in Souls? For example, in those games I usually started as a Warrior but ended up doing more of an DEX or ST/FTH build (some ofensive magic and weapon buffs).
Or it would be better to start as a Cleric?

I believe the only real permanent choice at character creation is your spell list, which is roughly rogue, cleric, warrior. Other that that, your equipment and stats can be tailored as you play. The game goes out of its way to give you all the different armor sets in the beginning of the game (found in chests) to allow you to play around and see what works best for you.


Had an unfortunate meeting with the 3rd boss on accident and he one shotted me with a gimmicky move.

Second meeting I won barely, I got a bit greedy at the very end and came so close to dying.

Cellars question:

I finally found out I could kill those spiders easier with a 2 hand stance great sword and cleared the area in including the pressure plate door. There is still one door though that is locked and you can see a spider behind it, it's near the wall you break to get in there. Anyone got this open yet?
Man I am so fucking tired of this
boss. I feel like I'm getting screwed. Have got him down to a sliver of health half a dozen times (which takes forever, by the way) and gotten screwed by
those stupid random fucking meteors.
Any ideas?

I don't know, he seemed fairly straight forward to me. He's definitely got a couple moves that are very easy to avoid and blatantly set him up to take damage -
the one where he slams his shield to the ground (avoid the ~5 ft AOE stun) and shoots out a shock wave, and the one where he points his sword and shoots a beam out of it.
You can avoid most the other stuff. Once he calls for
his adds, I used my spells to help take them out quickly - and if you can kill the last add near the Commander, you can get in a couple extra shots as he's getting up. If you're having trouble with the random meteor drops, I don't know. Those rarely ever hit me. I guess the trick would be not to be at such a low health to begin with.
This looks more like someone didn't adjust the brightness setting.

Not to point fingers but I see plenty of streams where they either have a brightness up too high or too low on their capture cards, but I can't say how it looks my end because i'm still waiting for my copy to arrive, damn post.


Saw it in effect during Giant Bomb's quick look of this game. They started out on PC, then switched to Xbox One.

The difference in on-screen color spectrum was jarring. Plus the game looked rough as all hell on XO.

The chromatic aberration and filthy camera lenses effects are AWFUL. Way too much. Can you turn them off on PC?
I don't know, he seemed fairly straight forward to me. He's definitely got a couple moves that are very easy to avoid and blatantly set him up to take damage -
the one where he slams his shield to the ground (avoid the ~5 ft AOE stun) and shoots out a shock wave, and the one where he points his sword and shoots a beam out of it.
You can avoid most the other stuff. Once he calls for
his adds, I used my spells to help take them out quickly - and if you can kill the last add near the Commander, you can get in a couple extra shots as he's getting up. If you're having trouble with the random meteor drops, I don't know. Those rarely ever hit me. I guess the trick would be not to be at such a low health to begin with.

Yeah, I feel like I wasn't having any trouble damaging him, and even with
the adds, I didn't have any trouble taking them out and keeping my health up.

I feel like once I get down to
the last phase where he stops shielding, meteor drops fuck me over. I had three separate attempts last night that went smooth as butter up to the last phase, and then I had a meteor spawn to where I was moving, and then chain hit me while I was down. Frustrating,


I believe the only real permanent choice at character creation is your spell list, which is roughly rogue, cleric, warrior. Other that that, your equipment and stats can be tailored as you play. The game goes out of its way to give you all the different armor sets in the beginning of the game (found in chests) to allow you to play around and see what works best for you.



I rented this the other day, put in a solid three hours. Can't stand it. I'm actually excited to return it. Big let down for me out of the October releases. Hope bloodborne is better than this. I love demon souls on the ps3.


Hi everyone! I was wondering if this game would be a good fit for someone who dug the idea behind the Souls series, but sucked at them enough to not enjoy the actual games themselves (that's not to say I don't appreciate the Souls games. I'm just not good at them lol). I prefer to judge games on their own merits and all, but since the games do seem to be in same vein I feel the comparison is slightly appropriate.

I am really digging the aesthetics of the game and what I have watched of the gameplay as ARPGs tend to be my favorite genre. To top it off, I am a huge fantasy nerd, so this game seems to be right up my alley...just wondering if the difficulty level that is present would be something that would sour the experience (I'm one of those people that like my character to eventually feel like a total badass).

Between this, Shadow of Mordor (great game IMO), and DA:Inqusition, this is one of the best seasons in years for fans of the fantasy genre.
....I had three separate attempts last night that went smooth as butter up to the last phase, and then
I had a meteor spawn to where I was moving, and then chain hit me while I was down.

Huh. I never had anything like that happen to me during that fight. Out of the two times I fought him, I think I was only ever hit once with one of those. Bad luck? Hey, I do have a point in Luck, maybe that's it! =P
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