Checked out that Barcade 1984. Fun but the weekend crowd was to much for me to enjoy. Will try again on a weeknight.
Also, ChocoChicken sucks.
Also, ChocoChicken sucks.
Checked out that Barcade 1984. Fun but the weekend crowd was to much for me to enjoy. Will try again on a weeknight.
Also, ChocoChicken sucks.
Almost everything. The biscuit was dry. The white choc mash was forgettable. The chicken was underwhelming.What did you not like about ChocoChiken?
Hang in there man. Wish you all the best.TheKaeptain said:Lost my internship last Jan which was a bitch but I was working on and off for my uncle and he died a month ago. Shits tough until I find a job.
I went to the Cinefamily last night on Fairfax. Place seems awesome and looks like they have great events.
Is that the best barcade in LA? Me and my friends loved one in Portland, and I would love to do it again..
I'm in Orange County.
Yeah, that's the one I went to. Unbelievably cool.I think Ground Kontrol in Portland is known as being the best bar arcade in the US.
In reference to the rain?Some of you people need to move out and see how the US lives.
Some of you people need to move out and see how the US lives.
I was walking around the area of N Cahuenga in between Hollywood Blvd and Sunset and was surprised at how cool that area seems. Looks like a lot of interesting bars, restaursnts, and cafes, which I found surprising considering it's right off the sort of a shitty area of Hollywood Blvd. Anyone go out in that area?
I checked out California Wings Cafe which was pretty damn good.
How is The Magic Castle?
You guys excited about Steven Gerrard?
Since this thread is probably more frequented I'm also posting this here:
So I am (probably) moving from Germany to L.A. in the beginning of February because of my new Job. I am going to stay for 6 months and need an apartment near woodland hills.
Can you recommend anything fitting for me?
Lmfao.bro that question was from a week ago,
my question was from just now ago.
worst thread ever confirmed.
it sucks but I know those detours like the back of sailor mercury.
Are you saying you had sex with an anime character?
bro that question was from a week ago,
my question was from just now ago.
worst thread ever confirmed.
no dood I'm talking about the live action show.Are you saying you had sex with an anime character?
no dood I'm talking about the live action show.
Venice peeps, where's a good brunch place with great food, drinks, a view, and eye candy?
Is that the best barcade in LA? Me and my friends loved one in Portland, and I would love to do it again.
Hang in there man. Wish you all the best.
Venice peeps, where's a good brunch place with great food, drinks, a view, and eye candy?
Sounds good to me, appreciate the response.Way late, but I prefer Blipsy's to Eighty Two.
Guys why has it been so smoggy.
What's worth checking out in China Town, to eat especially.
I jus wanna say, this is the worst thread ever for a thread that has the word "greatest" in it...
that said, foie gras... it's back.
(I got that from Slaters 50/50 on monday =P)
what apparently is not back however is Tabu Burgers in Santa Ana.
I heard they closed, which sucks coz their chile relleno burger is easily one of the best burgers I've ever eaten in my life!!
that said, what do everybody in this thread consider the best.burger.ever! in LA / OC / Socal.
excluding In N Out, Tommy's, and Father's Office, becoz I already know those are all amazing.
What areas? I'm pretty interested if only to visit places I haven't explored much.
Folks... I'm looking for spicy, flavorful food. Looking for recommendations anywhere in LA including San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, and Orange County. And preferably a place or two that isn't Indian food. Most places I've been to... the food is just straight out bland.
Folks... I'm looking for spicy, flavorful food. Looking for recommendations anywhere in LA including San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, and Orange County. And preferably a place or two that isn't Indian food. Most places I've been to... the food is just straight out bland.
Folks... I'm looking for spicy, flavorful food. Looking for recommendations anywhere in LA including San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, and Orange County. And preferably a place or two that isn't Indian food. Most places I've been to... the food is just straight out bland.
Gas is already above 3 again. One place has it at 329.
It was 235 less than a month ago. Yuck.
Also the rain was ridiculous.