So - I'm revisiting the CS challenge to get my stuff re-enabled.
Live Chat transcript:
Christian Z.: Basically, if your PS+ account expires, once you renew the subscription you will have access to the same free games you have downloaded before.
Coringar: That's originally what I expected to have happen, yes.
Coringar: But that is not what I'm experiencing, and a number of people also are unable to access their "old" IGC content from their last PS+ subscription period.
Christian Z.: Yes, I'm able to confirm all your free games.
Christian Z.: We have the record in our system.
Christian Z.: I encourage you to give us a call, so we can assist you further.
I'm now on the phone...
Wow, so a service rep named Stephanie who repeatedly told me that it was not possible and put me on hold a few times, said they pushed through a restore request for my content, but that it would take 3 - 5 days to process.
When asked what changed from the previous support call and from the beginning of our phone conversation, she hung up on me. So, lets see what happens in 3 - 5 days.