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Lost Boys 2 - Devil May Cry (Original Cast Reunited)?

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"this proposed film has been a sore scar on manys face. I believe Warner are looking at a spec script called "Lost Boys : Devil May Cry", being pushed in their faces even more by Corey Haim and Corey Feldman - who're now 'best buddies' again and raring to work on something again. I believe they're the two that are trying to get Warner to greenlight it and they made some sort of deal to attend the recent comic convention and promote the DVD if meetings would be arranged to start talking sequel. Last I heard, its out with all the unknowns and back with all the original cast - Patric, Coreys, Kiefer, Wiest etc.... Shame, could've been a great project for a lot of young up and coming talent. Do we really need more Haim/Feldman?""


"The bloodsucking Brady Bunch are back!"


How this will pan out, I have no idea. Perhaps David will be resurrected? maybe Max wasn't quite dead.. or he wasn't the head vampire after all? I'm sure with all the sway Corey Feldman & Corey Haim must hold with warner execs, this movie will have no problems being green lighted. :lol

Seriously though, this is more unnecessary than the Catwoman sequel.
Some of that would make NO sense. Keifer is killed at the end of the film, as are all the other vampires. There's no way they can backtrack on that... When Max is killed, they show Kiefer turn into a younger boy. He's obviously the head. Backtracking would be rather annoying.

There has been a Lost Boys 2 script floating around since I was a kid. It wasn't made into a movie for a reason: it wasn't very good. Hopefully, it has nothing to do with this.

A couple of years ago I had read that WB was interested in making this into a franchise with a film called Lost Girls. Who knows what happened to that.

I love the original movie for various reasons. It's very 80s, but it's also a fun vampire movie that's actually done rather well. I don't think this is a great idea.


Semjaza Azazel said:
A couple of years ago I had read that WB was interested in making this into a franchise with a film called Lost Girls. Who knows what happened to that.

Yeh, I read about that too, it had Britney Spears pegged down for a major role.


Yes, but with today's kids, they'll see the wisecracking vampire killers and think they cribbed from Buffy.

As a matter of fact, I can guaran-damn-tee that if this movie gets made, there'll some sort of in-joke takeoff on the petite blond killer of killers in the movie somewhere.
Devil May Cry? Do they realize that the phrase Devil May Cry was crafted by Shinji Mikami as a random amalgamut of words that simply sounded cool?? It really has no meaning or precedent, which makes it completely obvious that the Coreys got really baked one day and just decided to hijack the title from the game in order to add cool factor to their unnecessary sequel.

In fact I dare say that if this were the final subtitle of an eventual movie, that Capcom could sue them for copyright infingement or something..in fact wasn't Capcom already shopping a DMC film project to some of the movie studios? This is wack..


Drunky McMurder
Ned Flanders said:
Devil May Cry? Do they realize that the phrase Devil May Cry was crafted by Shinji Mikami as a random amalgamut of words that simply sounded cool?? It really has no meaning or precedent, which makes it completely obvious that the Coreys got really baked one day and just decided to hijack the title from the game in order to add cool factor to their unnecessary sequel.

In fact I dare say that if this were the final subtitle of an eventual movie, that Capcom could sue them for copyright infingement or something..in fact wasn't Capcom already shopping a DMC film project to some of the movie studios? This is wack..

Never having played the games, I always just took it as a spin on the phrase "Devil may care". I don't know whether "Devil may cry" was used before the game or not, but I didn't think it was just random words for the sake of having random words.
I specifically remember an interview with Mikami where he stated that the title was nothing more than an attempt to create something that sounded badass. The phrase has no lineage to speak of, other than the aforementioned "devil may care".

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
If they got a second shot at fame, why in gods name would "The Coreys" do a movie together again?


First tragedy, then farce.
God damnit.. they made onf of the most fun movies ever.. why the hell ruin it with a bad sequal?
In the interviews on the new DVD... both of the Coreys seem almost entirely indifferent (or even against) a sequel to this film. Haim himself says something to the effect of "why ruin the first movie with a crap sequel?" and some stuff is mentioned about the Lost Girls idea.

This article seems to go directly against that, so who knows.
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