Read the final block, couldn't really figure anything out anyways. But I think I'm gonna pick up the mag because of this, is it in stores yet?BenjaminBirdie said:I should also point out that piece is really fantastic. Kind of an overview made up of a lot of different charts and sidebars. There's a great talk between the Polar Boro and physicist Sean Carroll.
SpeedingUptoStop said:Read the final block, couldn't really figure anything out anyways. But I think I'm gonna pick up the mag because of this, is it in stores yet?
Hmm, I'll stop by a store on my way home, check it out. With the way we get anything here in Michigan though, it may or may not get here for another 6 weeks, but who knows. It's always a roll of the dice.BenjaminBirdie said:I found it in Borders, but they also had the last issue out. I think they must have just gotten it in like today.
Lucky me.
Tigerwoodsfistpump.gifBenjaminBirdie said:Brackets represent obscured material; words, letters, etc.
First, the episodes:
"The Last Recruit"
Most likely "Roundelay," an episode focusing on everyone, bovs.
"The Candidate"
"Across The Sea"
[ ]EY
Hurley? Smokey? The world may never know.
Any point in telling us this but to tempt us into asking you what it was?Dead said:lol...
So I got spoilered on something...
I'm not even mad. I have no one to blame but myself
On one hand I wish I wasn't spoiled at all, on the other, at the very least I'm glad it wasn't something about the Finale
Hm, makes it seem like the resolution could be partially inconsequential to the larger end game of the series. Like, the X timeline is the arc for this season, but not the key to the end of the series. Which gives hope to a lack of "total conversion" or "reset", but will probably give credit to the "filler!!" crowd.Tim-E said:I, too, picked up the new issue of Wired. Some bits about Giacchino, Gregg Nations, the show's continuity guy, and an interview with Darlton. Here's one bit from Carlton about the way people could react to the resolution of the two timelines that I found interesting:
"We don't know whether the resolution between the two timelines is going to make people say, "Oh, that's cool" or "Oh, fuck those guys, they belly-flopped at the end." But the fact that we're nervous about it and that we're actually attempting it- that is what we had to do."
SpeedingUptoStop said:Hm, makes it seem like the resolution could be partially inconsequential to the larger end game of the series. Like, the X timeline is the arc for this season, but not the key to the end of the series. Which gives hope to a lack of "total conversion" or "reset", but will probably give credit to the "filler!!" crowd.
What I get from that quote is, the X people will probably end up killing them selves to convert to the island timeline, or things will course correct to the point where the timeliens are very similar regardless, and these lfash sideways were a glimpse at another existence (of many) where the Losties never crashed, but were still manipulated into similar circusmstances by the literal hands of fate. The island story is still the main story and the x universe has it's own conclusion, it seems.Tim-E said:I'd be okay with that, kind of. I want it to play a part in the end, but I'd be alright with it not being the thing that makes the ending. I don't see it as being filler like some of the haters do, though.
I don't think they said that, I think they said they're both equally valid/real. I think the implication was at the start of the season by fans that this shit doesn't matter, it's not directly relating to the on island material, that's pretty obviously not the case anymore.TheGreatDave said:What happened to "both timelines are as important as the other!"?
StuBurns said:Hey, anyone know why Desmond is still saying brother?
StuBurns said:Hey, anyone know why Desmond is still saying brother?
Yeah but Desmond says brother because he was a priest. In the X world, I'm guessing he wasn't.yacobod said:why do ppl say hey brah, bro, dude, etc........
I see no reason to think his time at the monastery didn't happen. Unless I'm missing something.StuBurns said:Yeah but Desmond says brother because he was a priest. In the X world, I'm guessing he wasn't.
There isn't really, except that it'd be quite odd with the corporate Desmond we see in the X world.Catalix said:I see no reason to think his time at the monastery didn't happen. Unless I'm missing something.
Yaweee said:Ilana but no Desmond.
Dead said:I'm kinda pissed that Desmond isn't on it
Brotha gets no respect
Not really.omg rite said:Oh, and WOW. That clip was awesome. It definitely confirms.Walt wasn't Smokey
StuBurns said:Not really.he could be lying, there could be reasons why he could do it for Walt and not Locke, for example Locke being alive, meaning there would be two Lockes which would spoil the illusion he was attempting
Really? By whom?Blader5489 said:I think it has been said already that Smokey only takes the appearances of dead people.
I got my hint from him, but I couldn't really discern much of anything from it. Basically just said Desmond made two attempts at course correction in this episode.Panda Bear said:Where's that theory Chipopo, tha fuck??
SpeedingUptoStop said:I got my hint from him, but I couldn't really discern much of anything from it. Basically just said Desmond made two attempts at course correction in this episode.
She's still in the bag on Jacob's wheel.Discotheque said:Shiet. I always thought of Locke as the Roslin of the group.
Also why was Kate kinda nerfed from the whole thing? Why isn't she a candidate? I know she's boring as dogshit, but she's an original cast member, and was pretty important in the first few seasons.
Sh'es gonna snap and break Hurley's neck.TheGreatDave said:.Kate is the secret loophole that's going to change everything.
She's that brat kid cylon