will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I am Mark Pellegrino and I can verify that i get my hair cut there.
Sorry, I was joking about the hair extensions.thekad said:So just skimming over, but it seems like this thread has been compromised (again)? We give you an inch...
Jak140 said:Maybe it's time to get a new hair stylist.
Mifune said:I thought it was a funny sucks-to-be-Mifune moment that was worth sharing.
Okay. Rudy's Barbershop in Los Angeles. AVOID.
Blader5489 said:holy motherfuck
I know some of you guys like to go there to check out titles or press releases or whatever, but they just posted some huge unmarked spoilers on their front page pertaining to (I think) episode 15.
I hit the back button like a motherfucker, but my unfortunately quick eyes saw a couple names, and while I don't know how exactly they connect to each other, I can guess they'd be pretty big spoilers.
Again: unless you revel in major spoilers, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM DARKUFO
Blader5489 said:holy motherfuck
I know some of you guys like to go there to check out titles or press releases or whatever, but they just posted some huge unmarked spoilers on their front page pertaining to (I think) episode 15.
I hit the back button like a motherfucker, but my unfortunately quick eyes saw a couple names, and while I don't know how exactly they connect to each other, I can guess they'd be pretty big spoilers.
Again: unless you revel in major spoilers, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM DARKUFO
i already read the callsheet with the biggest fucking spoiler ever so at this point i just dont careomg rite said:Costanza, your limits of suckitude know no bounds. You're seriously ASKING someone for possible huge finale spoiler with 3 1/2 weeks left? Lame.
Blader5489 said:Again: unless you revel in major spoilers, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM DARKUFO
Costanza said:i already read the callsheet with the biggest fucking spoiler ever so at this point i just dont care
InaudibleWhispa said:Huh? I've just been on and didn't see any unmarked spoilers. If you're referring to the article "'Lost' Collector's Vintage Prints of Final Six" it's just prints from the official store of the remaining candidates, not a statement as to who the final 6 surviving losties will be.
Edit: Yep, just double checked. I see no marked or unmarked spoilers on the front page, nor even anything unmarked in the spoiler section. They're always careful about shit like that.
No it isn't. I've been more spoiled by careless GAF posting than I have by visiting DarkUFO's spoiler section.Arment said:I don't think I've been there since the end of S5, that place is fucking evil.
Well yeah, if you listen to the podcast...Blader5489 said:"ODI LOST Podcast 65 - DarkUFO Confirms and Reveals Spoilers"
I'm not scrolling below that title, but that bit doesn't have any major spoilers?
InaudibleWhispa said:No it isn't. I've been more spoiled by careless GAF posting than I have by visiting DarkUFO's spoiler section.
Costanza said:oh god theres a PM from mifune in my inbox
do i want to open it?!?!?
InaudibleWhispa said:Well yeah, if you listen to the podcast...
You spoilt Charlies death by choosing to read that spoilerArment said:That place spoiled Charlie's death for me before it happened. Never again.![]()
It's taunting me whenever I look at my subscribed threadsArment said:That place spoiled Charlie's death for me before it happened. Never again.
You would be braver than I if you did.
That's exactly the spoiler DarkUFO is discussing in the aforementioned podcast. I'm not listening to it of course, but that info is out there!Dead said:At this point the only spoiler that could truly piss me off is the identity of Adam and Eve.
I'd lose my mind if I ever got spoiled on that.
InaudibleWhispa said:You spoilt Charlies death by choosing to read that spoilerI've been visiting the spoiler section since season 3 and I've read almost nothing but the minor stuff we discuss in here. The major stuff is hidden.
No it doesn't. It has an "Are you sure" button. It's almost impossible to accidentally read a massive spoiler.Arment said:Well duh. Once you let the page load it already has you.
InaudibleWhispa said:That's exactly the spoiler DarkUFO is discussing in the aforementioned podcast. I'm not listening to it of course, but that info is out there!
InaudibleWhispa said:No it doesn't. It has an "Are you sure" button.
They've definitely had the buttons since Seaqson 3. I remember the massive LostFan108 leak. Sucks that you were spoilt, but I've always managed to avoid reading anything I don't want to. People make DarkUFO out to be some place that is evil and tries to spoils us all. On the contrary they're very sensible and careful with their spoilers and actively make sure that people who don't want to read a certain piece of info don't.Arment said:I was making a Lost reference damn you.
And this was S3 stuff. I'm pretty sure all I did was highlight something and there it was.
InaudibleWhispa said:They've definitely had the buttons since Seaqson 3. I remember the massive LostFan108 leak. Sucks that you were spoilt, but I've always managed to avoid reading anything I don't want to. People make DarkUFO out to be some place that is evil and tries to spoils us all. On the contrary they're very sensible and careful with their spoilers and actively make sure that people who don't want to read a certain piece of info don't.
Costanza said:well, i caved in.
damn, why would pelligrino just randomly spoil that for your hairdresser, mifune? :lol
Solo said:I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to bail the fuck outta this thread for good.
Blader5489 said:I could spoil you.
I could spoil every single one of your friends.
And there's not a thing you could do to stop me.
Costanza said:well, i caved in.
damn, why would pelligrino just randomly spoil that for your hairdresser, mifune? :lol
InaudibleWhispa said:You spoilt Charlies death by choosing to read that spoilerI've been visiting the spoiler section since season 3 and I've read almost nothing but the minor stuff we discuss in here. The major stuff is hidden.
omg rite said:As far as I'm concerned, people who have had major things spoiled can't have a fair view on the final episode after it airs. I'm so happy the season 3 finale wasn't spoiled for me when I caught up the summer after it aired.
I had the "Ji Yeon" plot twist ruined for me and the whole episode I knew that Jin was having a flashback while Sun was in a flash forward. It ruined the impact of the episode for me. And I think that the overall impact of a story is just as important as the writing and acting in many cases.
Yea, Charlie is a dude who I think could still fit into all the stuff going on right now. Eko though, I just don't see it. I think he woulda died on island in S4 at the very latest.Arment said:Charlie's death would have been like x20 more devastating if it happened while watching it real time. He was one of my favorite characters. I'd have liked to see his reaction to all the stuff going on right now.
fuuuuckInaudibleWhispa said:That's exactly the spoiler DarkUFO is discussing in the aforementioned podcast. I'm not listening to it of course, but that info is out there!
It's kind of a crappy resolution for Sawyer, IMO.Solid Moustache said:I dont read spoilers and I already know who Adam And Eve are..
It cant be sayid because nadia is dead, frank & miles are too minor, Jack will be probably the new jacob so he cant die, claire has no bf on the island and jack (if we assume hes not the next jacob) bailed ouT of the brother thing..
I bet 100 boars its sawyer & kate, any holes in my theory?
Really doubt it's going be any of the losties. The show has long since gone away from the time travel shit.Solid Moustache said:I dont read spoilers and I already know who Adam And Eve are..
It cant be sayid because nadia is dead, frank & miles are too minor, Jack will be probably the new jacob so he cant die, claire has no bf on the island and jack (if we assume hes not the next jacob) bailed ouT of the brother thing..
I bet 100 boars its sawyer & kate, any holes in my theory?
SpeedingUptoStop said:Rose & Bernard
Basically the most predictable thing they could do. They're already old. They're not relevant anymore. Their characters "retired" last season. They fit the timeline. Shit is too easy.SalsaShark said:I always thought that, so at this point it would be kind of lame.
Thats why I wanted to beleive its not them. Its way too predictableSpeedingUptoStop said:Basically the most predictable thing they could do. They're already old. They're not relevant anymore. Their characters "retired" last season. They fit the timeline. Shit is too easy.
Dead said:I don't think it will be any of the Losties.
I think when Hurley joked around that "hey maybe these guys are us from the past!!" That was basically Darlton saying "No its not"
omg rite said:Yeah, everyone needs to remember this. I think at this point the most logical and rewarding answer would be that in, we are introduced to characters (perhaps"Across the Sea") who then become Adam and Eve in the end. That's my guess.Jacob or MIB's parents, something like that
As for Rose and Bernard, I really hope it's not them. At this point, I think it would be dumb. Why would they stay back int he 70's while everyone else went back to the present?. Not everyone was even near the Swan when the bomb went off, yet they went back to the present -- so how would Rose and Bernard not?
Also, it's minor but they DID say Vincent would make it to the end of the series. :lol
I'm actually hoping that we end up seeing them run into Rose and Bernard again on the island by the time the show is done. Hell, wouldn't mind them being part of the final group of survivors, tagging along like in the season 3 finale. (And any future flash-sideways cameos don't count.)
Blader5489 said:oh shit
Rose and Bernard are in the outrigger!