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Louie Season 4 |OT| He's finally back, Mondays on FX [S5 premieres Apr 9]

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Really enjoyed the season now that it's actually over (I thought it was over after episode 12). I'm kinda surprised by how many people feel that the elevator storyline went on too long. Maybe when I watch this season again some day I'll agree, but I don't remember it being too long at all.

I'm also a big Pam fan, so that could be why I liked the rest of the season more than some of the people who didn't enjoy it.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Saw it mentioned above but was still disappointed that they didn't address the almost rape.
That was weird, indeed. However, when he tried to do that to Pamela, she simply said cut it out and he stopped. Then she said that he can't even do that right.

I don't know if that was Louie's attempt to re-characterize the previous event or what.

I actually think it's also interesting that Pamela mentioned his ex's ethnicity, since no one else had done that. I mean, we all perceived it to mean that she was a different woman compared to in the past, but to actually acknowledge it was very fourth-wall, maybe?

big ander

Last two episodes were a real fumble. Uninteresting typical romance. Pulled off okay, but no sense of adventure and nearly no weirdness. Did like the projector gag and how silly Louis looked naked. But CK ditched all nuance for these last two, didn't continue to tackle the interesting subject matter that'd been his focus all season, didn't find anything particularly interesting. Big disappointment.

On the whole season 4 was fantastic. Slip-up of an ending keeps it from passing 3, maybe equal to 2.


I like to think that this season was intentionally bad/boring just to make that unexpected button gag funnier.

big ander


These two are the best post-mortems on the season I've read, particularly the Greenwald:

Instead, in ways large and small and in scenes satisfying and not, Louie suggested that the most powerful thing one human being can do for another is simply to be present. That’s what Maron was yearning for in “Pamela: Part 3” (“Do you remember when we were best friends?” he asked. “We were doing comedy and we sucked at it, but we loved it and we were there for each other”), what the hand-holding at the end of “Fat Lady” was about. And presence was the lesson at the end of the brilliant, melancholy “In the Woods,” too, when, in lieu of a lecture, Louie reached out and offered his daughter a hug. Talking is not only cheap, it’s also overrated. It’s listening that takes real skill.

Accepting this sounds easy, but it’s not. It requires a sort of patience that is hard to come by, particularly online, where reflection has mostly been replaced by reflex. To be present — really, truly present — in art and life requires empathizing with uncertainty and wrestling with risk. It means sitting next to the hole instead of trying to fill it — be it with ice cream, pot, or a hastily typed-out “THIS—>>”. What if Pamela’s flippant behavior is actually awful and abusive? What if what Louie did to her was far worse? What then? What is our responsibility to these fictional characters and to each other? We may be conditioned to expect answers to these questions, but it’s not Louis C.K.’s job to provide them. He doesn’t owe us tidiness. He doesn’t need or expect us to like him. (As Pamela said in the closing moments of the season finale: “Can this just be OK?”) Not everything needs to be favorited. Sometimes it’s enough just to have it be heard.
I don't know if it improves Pam 2&3 for me but it's certainly a smart read.


Don't get why people are getting hung up over Janet, Jane and Lily. They'd be quarter black right. All four below are part black.


Also no one need mention continuity since the woman who plays Louie's mum in flashbacks was the same woman he went on a date with when he got bullied by some kid.
- Louie renewed
For Louie, FX has ordered a seven-episode season from creator-producer-star-everything Louis CK. The show will return next spring. “Louie’s fourth season was once again groundbreaking. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking – always thought provoking,” said Landgraf. “The show went to narrative and cinematic places no comedy has gone before and we look forward to seeing what Louis comes up with next.”

Vert boil

- Louie renewed
For Louie, FX has ordered a seven-episode season from creator-producer-star-everything Louis CK. The show will return next spring. “Louie’s fourth season was once again groundbreaking. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking – always thought provoking,” said Landgraf. “The show went to narrative and cinematic places no comedy has gone before and we look forward to seeing what Louis comes up with next.”


Could it be award related again? Too much work for a embiggened order to be done on time.

big ander

Shorter season and shorter wait? I'm probably okay with that, though part of me does worry that the decision was made because S4's ratings were below what FX wanted. I'm guessing it was part that and part Louie and Landgraf agreeing a shorter season delivered more quickly would be a good choice creatively.
A couple of tidbits from Sepinwall on the short length and timing:
Basically, that was the most Louis CK felt he could make and still hit the next Emmy eligibility window.

Re: shorter “Louie” s5, John Landgraf also told me C.K. was exhausted from making s4, and also needed time to make a film. “If Louis asks…"

EDIT: From IMDB's report on the TCA panel:
Landgraf explained to IMDbTV that “Louie’s” shorter fifth season is FX’s way of giving Louis C.K. the creative space he needs to make an independent theatrical film he’s been developing. Plus, Landgraf added, “He’s exhausted.”


Hunky Nostradamus
This probably won't win me any fans in the thread but I honestly hated most of season 4. In fact I disliked it to the point that I'm not even that excited for another season.

I...I actually feel the same way. :( Season 4 was my least favorite season by far.

I am still looking forward to season 5 though.


I started watching this at netflix. It's hilarious sometimes and kinda boring a lot of the rest. and just too damn real sometimes ;_;


People didn't like Season 4? I thought the Elevator 6-parter had some beautiful scenes in it. I rewatched "In The Woods" last night too, and I think it's one of my favourite episodes.
People didn't like Season 4? I thought the Elevator 6-parter had some beautiful scenes in it. I rewatched "In The Woods" last night too, and I think it's one of my favourite episodes.

The highs are very high. "In the Woods" and "So did the fat lady" really stand out. But I'll be honest, that storyline with the Hungarian girlfriend didn't need to go on for six episodes.


I shot people I like more for less.
People didn't like Season 4? I thought the Elevator 6-parter had some beautiful scenes in it. I rewatched "In The Woods" last night too, and I think it's one of my favourite episodes.

I loved the whole thing. Great season.


Louie season 4 was the best thing on television this whole year. Hope s5 is like it, and has a long four parter or something. Its so obvious Louis ck wants to do a film length project tho


This entire Delores arch is just....wow.

Season 3 is killer, the DAD episode. omg The repeating bass reminds me of breaking bad. lol

final four episodes are just GOMDAMN
Amazon just canceled my S3 blu-ray order, anyone else? Has there been any news of a blu-ray release of 3 / 4 beyond the initial S3 POD stuff? So strange that this is hard to get on disc.
Yeah, that's where I first read about the blu-ray announcement. Even the POD DVD version is in "preorder" state on Amazon though it supposedly came out months ago. So weird. It's a critical darling; I realize physical media doesn't sell anymore but the sales of the first two couldn't have been that bad right? Maybe Louie's doing it all by himself considering he pretty much does everything else on his show...
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