I can make this much easier for you with a simple question:
Are you scum? Yes or no?
if i answer this question can i stop reading?
I can make this much easier for you with a simple question:
Are you scum? Yes or no?
if i answer this question can i stop reading?
Process of elimination combined with the unlikelihood that Ouro would have been roleblocked two nights in a row when scum likely knows a virgin exists due to the hooker role. The votes and activity of several boats at this point have me Town reading them while Star has been flustered at best and non-existent at worst.Not just real people, they are an actual couple, so no shipping is necessary.
Just for inactivity, or is there something else? (Im super late to this party.)
See my response to Natiko. Im at my desk the next 90 minutes or so, so if there is something I can specifically clear up for you I will do my best.
Just for inactivity, or is there something else? (Im super late to this party.)
Day 2 reread is almost done, be ready for a post that's far too long. :x
Sophia - #2220 - Sees the Kits/Fran fight a lot like the Darryl/Sorian; lots of words but doesn't go anywhere. I'm pretty sure Sophia gave more of a negative response here than for Darryl v. Sorian so I'm not sure why she is backing away from it?
Let's do this meta-shift!Im still reading, but I am seriously starting to consider shit posting a scumtell. All it does is make the game insanely hard for replacement players.
1.a) That the Scum team isn't the brightest wrt how to use their hooker and probably in general for mechanics related stuff or b) that Burb gave them less information than I expect.I want everyone to post what they think they will learn when I flip Town.
3. We can take a closer look on who refrained from voting for you too hard knowing the outcome.
3. We can take a closer look on who refrained from voting for you too hard knowing the outcome.
But wouldn't scum be some of the first to vote? Today's a bus. Scum wouldn't be silly enough to hold out when the majority is already decided.
The vast majority of votes are on Ouro, with almost nothing anywhere else. Five of those votes were early on in the day phase too (six if we're counting Sorian's moved vote)
Anyone refraining from voting now is probably simply wanting to avoid a hammer so we can talk out this day phase. Do you think there's a lot that is alignment indicative to be found there?
rachors, AbBro addressed this which was nice, and certainly you don't have to, but if you would like to give us any insight from your predecessors' chat I'm not sure it would be mightily appreciated.
Mind clarifying what you mean here? Not sure I'm reading you right.
Sure! I read your comment there as you saying you felt the same about Kits v Fran as you did Sorian v. Darryl and that they were 'a lot of words but not really going anywhere'. From memory though I felt like you were more on Kits' case here than you were of Sorian v. Darryl so I found it odd that you went from questioning Kits motives and tone ( even going so far as to say 'your posts feel dishonest and I don't like it' ) to saying 'I'm not to sure what to think of it'. It just seemed to me like you were going somewhere only to suddenly decide against it and backed away.
On the plus side this will be a learning experience to GAFia that reading into the "bus" comments doesn't always pan out the way you want.
Has anybody actually quoted that as a reason for thinking you're scum? I thought it was a funny comment and I also pointed at it and raised an eyebrow but I'm well aware it wasn't a tell in....persona? When Exodu5 did it even though he did happen to be scum.
slight shade against Kark pair, very, very slight shade against Star pair.Vote: Karkador
Don't let's wait all day for your partner to participate. You were present and then withdrew. What's up?
Star and Sexyfish pop in at the same time and then disappear as well. Strategy is great and all but if you hit the private chat and then decided best strategy was to have nobody post at all then I don't know...
minor shade against StarUgh.
Vote: Starsketch
Leaning scum:
12. [m] Ourobolus & [m] kingkitty - ouro is purposefully vague and unhelpful. Kitty is perpetually promising opinions that never seen to materialize. I wish either one could manufacture some solid opinions
10. [m] Natiko & [m] Nomadic Sparks - natiko is solid. Nomad is all over. I feel like natiko is reigning his partner in a bit. I was criticized for not going to bar for kits but whatever opinions she earned from her exchange, she earned. I know she's town and don't mind her proving it without me swooping in. I'd like to see nomad fend for himself a bit.
some friction with NatikoI missed day end because of real life shit as well and ended up with no vote. It happens. We're on honor system with real life excuses, so try and be cool when they come up. Nothing to do with scum or town. I see what it seems like you're trying to get at, why did she never once vote in four days, but are you arguing that it is scummy to hold a vote until the end of the phase? You can make that argument while still accepting that she meant to vote last day and couldn't.
I told kits already for me, but I found out I was fired last day phase and made the choice to go drinking instead of keep up with the thread. I'm over it so go ahead and throw shade this way if missing day end is nagging anyone.
bit of friction with NatikoI missed day end because of real life shit as well and ended up with no vote. It happens. We're on honor system with real life excuses, so try and be cool when they come up. Nothing to do with scum or town. I see what it seems like you're trying to get at, why did she never once vote in four days, but are you arguing that it is scummy to hold a vote until the end of the phase? You can make that argument while still accepting that she meant to vote last day and couldn't.
I told kits already for me, but I found out I was fired last day phase and made the choice to go drinking instead of keep up with the thread. I'm over it so go ahead and throw shade this way if missing day end is nagging anyone.
this post leads to a lil bit of friction with SorianIs this confirmed? Are you confirming this?
Vote: Kingkitty
Scum aside, maybe let's be careful about revealing whether or not the roles and setup in this game are the same as LB1. Seen a few other rather definitive looking statements. Never actually read through it all myself.
shade against Kark and DarrylKark, sorry if you explained this and i missed it. I'm on mobile. But... what was with your vote at end of d1? You're at the end of the night edging for number one and you throw your vote somewhere that doesn't matter at all. Why?
Darryl, similar question. I'll read through again when i have the tablet, but why put your vote on us at that time?
Especially after you spent the whole day arguing with Sorian and then post:
You know we aren't lynching Sorian so you want to put your vote somewhere useful... vote Kark... but then jump onto kits 30 minutes before day end, stick around for day end, but never change off. Seems like you just wanted to stay off kark but didn't want to be on the orb train.
Vote: Karkador
more Kark shade, maybe some type of Darryl shadeI have a weird thing from Kark and then a weird thing from Darryl involving kark. Rather lunch kark who is playing Strange and then got the people protecting than the other way. Plus, Darryl has been contributing and kark has been... watching?
Tbh, if it was me with the chat silence and someone admitted they'd been using their private chat to the detriment of town i would absolutely slam them with it.
very slight shade against NinYeah, let's ignore what things we can find and focus on cold reads. You do you.
Maybe a little bit of shade against Worm.Oh boy.
First, I'm going to disagree with kits. I don't think there's that huge of a disparity between fran and worm. They've both split up their efforts today to attack new players. I think fran is doing the better job there and worm is starting to lose the good will i had for him yesterday. Not just because I'm still townreading muffins and co. Maybe because the tone has shifted. More aggressive but not for any real reason that i gleaned. I'll do another read, did just catch up.
half hearted shade against Sophia, slightly stronger shade against Worm.Much ado about nothing. I'm going to reread but I'm not really focused here. My opinions didn't really change that much as I caught up. Sophia slipping a bit scummier from being around but kind of poking halfheartedly, not sure why she bothered to post at all. But then she picked up a bit. I noted worm also is slipping for me but without the pickup. Need a refresh but i know there are some things to say about darryl and royal, mostly good. Kark put in some effort that i can appreciate but my vote is still there. That was reliant on more than just him though so definitely up to change, especially the better darryl looks since that was my link. Sorian meh. Natiko posted something that caught my interest I'll revisit as well. Didn't jump out at me out change my read of him so I'll have to go back to it. Sawneeks hustling, Sorian jogging in place behind her but not doing badly. Ouro nothing, nin, nothing. Kittya bit better but not much.
very slight friction with sorianWell, looking back through the vote sheets I've kept for every gafia game I've played in, scum basically never sit on the same vote right next to each other. Less so on the very bottom of the pile. Never in the first two days. It's not to say they couldn't but they just usually don't.
What both ways? I said from the start it wasn't impossible. But in over a year in this community with something like 9 games, I've found that it never did. I've played scum twice and i know the feeling. It is paranoid. We actively tried not to leave trails. We say to play like town but that's all you can do. Play like town. Not play town. There are pretty clear tends into how scum act. It's in their best interest. Scum stacking can make sense in this game... with partners. A million excuses for partners to stack. And it helps stacka vote rather nicely. But different pairs stacking early game, early vote? No, the odds are incredibly low. So reading two votes stacked on a team right now as both scum is pretty ridiculous.
And I'll assume you're asking about the ouro vote. It's 1am here and i have shit to do in the morning. Not staying up until 4 for endgame. But of course there votes can change in the next few hours. Last few minutes i would of course toss ouro under the bus to save my team. But no need. I have enough time to accuse you of either being scum or just exhibiting scummy negligence to how the game plays. You can talk about individual meta but your arguments against ouro are the same as anyone else's. Your arguments against kits are the same as anyone else's. You ignore the unique elements that actually define the social way scum act as a team. You're full of shit. You're either blindly and wildly wrong like we all sometimes are. Or you're full of shit. But I've seen your wildly wrong before and it was a thoughtful wrong. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed you're phoning this game in. There's no though. You're wildly wrong but you're not really trying, so i say you're full of shit. And more, you're willfully full of shit. Once more
Vote: Sorian
also Ouro in case we don't meet again
you were the Waluigi of chat partners.
Thanks, Bowser, who you were totally shipping and not at all personifying
Crimson - #2351 - Votes Kits and says he won't be around for Day End. Odd because he hasn't really stated his opinion on Kits v. Fran ( unless I missed it ) so this just sort of comes out of nowhere.
Sophia - #2411 - Votes with Crimson despite Crimson never giving a full read and Sophia going from her 'i don't know what to make of this argument' to a vote on Kits. ??
Ok, finished going over Dragonz Vs Kitsu
So essentially, Dragonz goes after Kitsu with arguments which seem to misrepresent her posting, which I agree with, I don't see the argument that Dragonz is making against Kitsu at all. Even after the clarifications, it seems like a very odd interpretation of Kitsu's no lynch post and doesn't explain why Dragonz initially said that Kitsu was backtracking after getting heat, when Kitsu had made only one post.
Kitsu on the other hand has been entirely on the defensive since joining, but all her posts have been focused on this same argument, and it feels like she's trying to drag it out and avoid commenting on anything else.
I'm never really convinced by long read lists with vague comments like that, the first comment is ok, but not really enough to make up for kitsune's continued lack of contributions since the Dragonz argument.
Sophia - #2476 - Hey Sophia, why did Crimson vote Kits? 'oh...it's in our chat don't worry about it. also I won't give specifics, just that we talked about it.'
I'm not gonna go back and look, but I feel like it was the "straw that broke the camel's back," or something
Don't you think that's a bit misleading? I clearly had a negative opinion of Kitsunelaine at #2109 and #2128
And Crimson had reads of Kitsunelaine here on Day 1.
It's not like our opinions came completely out of nowhere, especially when you take into context the Kitsunelaine vs Dragonz fight, and the fact that it was extremely unlikely for both of them to be scum.
Okay now this is just full of shit, and isn't what I said here. Crimson had a list of "Most townie to least townie" ranking, but he didn't provide reads for why he felt that way. As I noted, I was going to ask him for his opinion, but he was already gone for the day phase.
I don't like the fact that you're misinterpreting this. It reminds of what Kitsunlaine did with her reads on Day 2...
No, you had some slight 'i don't know...' concerns over Kits' but you follow up with later in #2220 ( which we just talked about above ) where you default back into an unsure position. I saw no indication of what changed your mind from 'unsure' to 'i'm ready to lynch them' in between those posts, hence the comment that I don't know where the vote came from.
Yeah, on Day 1. Besides some questions here and there I saw no update on Crimson's thoughts regarding Kits/FEP other than the vote which is just dropped in and left there. Not to mention the fact that he voted for Kits on Day 1 only to back off of it and then jumps in Day 2 with little update to plop a vote down there - that doesn't look weird to you?
And I don't understand where you're going with the last bit there? VereDragonz was still alive at that point so I'm not sure why you're bringing that up.
Also I'm feeling extremely lazy and a cursory look didn't get anything but I feel like you recently said something about 'reads changing overnight' or something to the affect. That or it was Natiko.
You don't even mention that in the linked post above so how am I supposed to know the real extent Crimson went to in a chat I can't read? Just going by the linked post it reads like Crimson had a most to least town ranking going on and was at the very least talking to you a bit about them( 'but admitted he wasn't super confident in' ) and that you used his opinion to form your vote, that's it. I assumed you were being cagey about your opinion again since you keep doing that this game and found it odd you were keeping that info hidden.
Day 1 reads are still perfectly valid. Also he didn't "back off" it. He merely voted elsewhere to preserve a tie. He gave his reads on both Kitsunelaine and Dragonz, and voted for the pair he thought was scummier.
I don't recall saying something to the effect, but I could be wrong, this has been a large game so far. If you find it, please jog my memory.![]()
For what it's worth, OuroKitty are the first team to really fight to stay alive. The others had less time, admittedly, but still did far less. I thought that was at least worth noting.
Dr Worm, I have liked the questions you've asked this game. Who's your top town, if you have one? Do you think lynching OuroKitty is the right choice? If so, what's your strongest reason for it (or against if not)? I'm on mobile; if you specifically mentioned strongest reason just tell me post number or whatever (should you choose to answer)
Is this the part where I pull a Darryl and start yelling about how you're lying about what I said?Natiko - #2358 - Sees people worried about trying to play in a consistent manner as 'Scummy' .
I do NOT envy y'all trying to come in during a day phase. I at least had the night to read. But you can do it!my brain is mush
Is this the part where I pull a Darryl and start yelling about how you're lying about what I said?
I think Ourokitty's story is too conveniently unverifiable, especially for a role that ought to be supremely verifiable; I suspect the plea for another night of life may be because he has an investigative role that's scum-aligned, as Sorian suggested..
I do NOT envy y'all trying to come in during a day phase. I at least had the night to read. But you can do it!
/adds to post pile
Best to not follow the end point too far out of courtesy to Bear.i dont even know if that would even help at this point, i suck at keeping track of regular mafia but 3000 posts yall?
let me ask you a question, would town monkey try to kill a team getting replaced?
also it seems like some posts are missing it my predecessors notes, they stop talking on the 9th
must've been scrubbed, ya know
i dont even know if that would even help at this point, i suck at keeping track of regular mafia but 3000 posts yall?
let me ask you a question, would town monkey try to kill a team getting replaced?
also it seems like some posts are missing it my predecessors notes, they stop talking on the 9th
must've been scrubbed, ya know