Not what I was getting at, but thanks for the comedic misinterpretation for effect. I simply meant posting "I have nothing to say that my partner didn't." isn't something I'm willing to take. Agreeing with a play and read overall? Sure. But you can still contribute your own point of view as to how you arrived at them looking scummy, or at least use your own words to explain it. All I'm saying is it's a lot easier for a pair of scum to fake being town if only 1 of them posts.
Fair enough. I'll try to make sure we post different things, even though we'll probably ultimately end up at the same conclusions.
Seriously, though do we have any other good candidates besides Blawl at this point? Flux and I, I'd think? I know you all are ready to lynch us on policy, but are you willing to ignore Blawl to do that at this point in the game?
Nah. You're still a possible candidate for later, but lynching you (or anyone else really) on a hunch when we have an all-out battle between trackers right in front of us would be a poor choice.