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Love Live! School Idol Festival |OT2| Despair comes in a pink envelope

Whats the name of the song that Nozomi Nico And Eli sing ...

In the movie when they put the sunglasses on and start to sing a song while running away

I lost 2 plays to failing at beating anemone heart on hard, and a 3rd play died to a phone call. I'm off to a rousing start for my first Nico SR.


i wish i had that rng

i'm tempted to do the 10+1 now, i really need a UR pure

anyone know the stats of doing a an attribute pull?
I actually did the last pure pull, i got nothing good


Attribute pulls should have the same rate as regular pulls 90/9/1 R/SR/UR.

And wow, I knew the UR Maki wouldn't be great, but WOW her Smile stat is lower than some non-idolized non-Smile Rs. And her skill only raises Smile slightly, and a bunch of people have taken to using her as their lead.


Attribute pulls should have the same rate as regular pulls 90/9/1 R/SR/UR.

And wow, I knew the UR Maki wouldn't be great, but WOW her Smile stat is lower than some non-idolized non-Smile Rs. And her skill only raises Smile slightly, and a bunch of people have taken to using her as their lead.

max Lvl is 4230 while Smile R Honoka (initial set, idolized) is 4060 (highest of the initial set, second highest after latest Smile R set's Rin of 4090 and 3rd if you include JP). you can't really compare using Lvl 1. actually, what were you comparing specifically? even Max Lvl Idolized Cool R is ~2100 only while Lvl 1 Promo UR Maki is 2740...

then we have to also remember the Promo UR is idolized UR so 1000 bond. 4230 + 1000 bond is better than 4580 + 250 (SR, unidolized max Lvl). even factoring 2 UR Skill boost (which doesn't affect Bond), then it's 5230 to ~4893. or if we compare to Idolized Event SR Eli (Accessory) 4640 + 500 + Skill = ~5214, which is still worse than the Promo UR Maki

also for reference comparing against the other Promo UR given out in attendance
Christmas 1: Kotori 4150 Pure Timer Charm
1 Year Anniversary: Eli 4250 Cool Total Charm
10? Million players celebration: Nozomi 4270 Cool Perfect Charm
Christmas 2: Maki 4230 Rhythmical Charm
Maki isn't even the worst. Kotori wins that with lowest attribute pts AND worst Effect while Nozomi is best attribute pts and best effect


Yeah, I know she's going to get stronger (though I didn't know Bond also makes them stronger; I thought it was just for stories). I just expected her to start out a bit stronger because my other UR and all my SRs immediately jumped to relevance upon being obtained, while she was in the middle of the second page when sorting by Smile. And I also expected her to have a better leader skill.

Though looking back on it, I do have to take back the claim any non-Smile Rs had more Smile than her - she was just the weakest of my Smile cards (R and up, of course).


Yeah, I know she's going to get stronger (though I didn't know Bond also makes them stronger; I thought it was just for stories). I just expected her to start out a bit stronger because my other UR and all my SRs immediately jumped to relevance upon being obtained, while she was in the middle of the second page when sorting by Smile. And I also expected her to have a better leader skill.

Though looking back on it, I do have to take back the claim any non-Smile Rs had more Smile than her - she was just the weakest of my Smile cards (R and up, of course).

yea, just for future reference, all Promo cards, SR or UR, have R Lvl Skill/Effect. base stats suck but keep the same stat growth. can't have the free stuff overshadow the RNG stuff ;D (but Rarity generally still trumps so Promo UR is better than Idolized SR... sorta). they're definitely way weaker than the same Rarity (Unidolized max Lvl UR is ~5000 + 500 Bond, already better)

as for team stats, it's Sum of all cards + (Leader Skill*Sum) + (Friend Support*Sum) + Bond of same color cards (as song) = total
All the same, all of the people on my Friends list who have taken to using the Promo Maki card as their Main Leader needs to stop. Nico demands top tier smiles for her performance.

I definitely feel more comfortable with this song than with Junai Lens, and I don't think it's just because I've been playing for over a month. On the other hand, I missed a lot of play opportunities over day 1. I've set my alarm to help handle things this time. Just like with Maki I don't have any SR Nicos, though I do have a few rares at least.

Also I managed to snag 2 Gems from FCing a daily song. 50 gems by New Years may still be possible.


Subete no aware
It's annoying because you want to give people a good main to use as a friend support, but you probably want to hear some of the new card's lines.

This is probably the next thing they should patch into the JP version actually.


I've simply slowly but simply added/removed friends until I found people that don't display Promo UR or Event SRs (at least not for extended amounts of time and generally not during events). though at my current lvl it's hard to find more people to add (they don't accept). some of them also got new UR (and don't swap around) so my color distribution is lopsided (14 Cool, 9 Pure/Smile)


I've set my main to ugly initial Nico UR. Will be avoiding home screen when I can.

I can actually transform it now to get rid of ugly (notice no new tag >.>), but individually it's stronger than any of the other smile cards I have in my JP team. ;_;

edit: TBH, I always ask myself "Why is she staring into a frying pan?" because that's all I ever see. Also, T-16 hours to wheels up~


Decided to start up again on my tablet and holy fuck I guess this screen just isn't fucking capacitive enough. So many missed notes I'm definitely hitting because the screen fails to register or drops my held notes

This Google save files thing works right? Maybe I'll toss it back onto my phone...


I don't have 100 gems in both versions yet (have 100 in Jp but that's for Rin event) so I might just do one version for christmas and one for new years.


Decided to start up again on my tablet and holy fuck I guess this screen just isn't fucking capacitive enough. So many missed notes I'm definitely hitting because the screen fails to register or drops my held notes

This Google save files thing works right? Maybe I'll toss it back onto my phone...

AFAIK if you link it to Google Play Games it -should- (I have not tried it), but honestly I'd take a screenshot/picture of a transfer code just in case.


So, it's over.

I booted up SIF after... months of not playing. And somehow, it is now unplayable. I try to sync the screen, and the sync is off. Rings that hit below the idol's pictures are counted as 'perfect', and rings that hit right on the picture like they're supposed to are counted as a 'miss'. I tried to recalibrate, with no luck. Still FUBAR.

In despair, I blew my Loveca on single draws; three R Eli and an R Honkers. The dream has ended; it's official. Not even the Rice Goddess can keep me around, Guess I really am playing Starlight Stage from now on for good. It's been fun, LL!GAF.
I got a couple more love gems by A ranking one song and clearing an Ex song. After I get my 2 remaining daily gems, I'll have exactly 50 gems. I'd like to have a few more in case I feel like I REALLY want the Nico card and don't have the points for it. As I said before I practically blew off day 1.


I've simply slowly but simply added/removed friends until I found people that don't display Promo UR or Event SRs (at least not for extended amounts of time and generally not during events). though at my current lvl it's hard to find more people to add (they don't accept). some of them also got new UR (and don't swap around) so my color distribution is lopsided (14 Cool, 9 Pure/Smile)
What's wrong with an event SR compared to a normal SR, especially if it's idolized? Unlike promo UR vs normal UR, at least the event SR has the same center skill as normal.
You're just discriminating against people with terrible luck.


What's wrong with an event SR compared to a normal SR, especially if it's idolized? Unlike promo UR vs normal UR, at least the event SR has the same center skill as normal.
You're just discriminating against people with terrible luck.

UR > SR! the people that I added have URs but some use their SRs mid-event. that's just being short sighted. as for me only adding people that have UR, I guess I am
Wait, so Event SR's don't become normal SR's later? Huh. TIL.
not sure what you mean. Event SR are slightly weaker than Scouting SRs but otherwise basically the same (they're added to the Scouting pool ~2 events later, too at lower rate)
UR > SR! the people that I add have URs but some use their SRs mid-event. that's just being short sighted. as for me only adding people that have UR, I guess I am

You specified "Event SRs" instead of SRs in general, so it made it seem like normal SRs are a-ok. Unless you notice a pattern that people who use Event SRs are less likely to swap to a UR.

I should track my friend points to see how many people have been using my card during the event. My only UR is a Smile Honoka, so hopefully she's been seeing a lot of action.


You specified "Event SRs" instead of SRs in general, so it made it seem like normal SRs are a-ok. Unless you notice a pattern that people who use Event SRs are less likely to swap to a UR.

I should track my friend points to see how many people have been using my card during the event. My only UR is a Smile Honoka, so hopefully she's been seeing a lot of action.

I was referring to the case where people have URs but once they obtain the Event SR, swap to that for the rest of the event. it just helps your friendlist out if you don't do that =\

also, I thought you get FP from someone using your card but I don't think it does. I checked my FP on my Main then played a song on my secondary using my main as support then checked back on main. the FP didn't change. maybe there's a delay? changing Main team is instantly updated though so it'd be weird for one thing to be instantly updated while another isn't
I was referring to the case where people have URs but once they obtain the Event SR, swap to that for the rest of the event. it just helps your friendlist out if you don't do that =\

also, I thought you get FP from someone using your card but I don't think it does. I checked my FP on my Main then played a song on my secondary using my main as support then checked back on main. the FP didn't change. maybe there's a delay? changing Main team is instantly updated though so it'd be weird for one thing to be instantly updated while another isn't

I've seen a delay with certain things like event scores, so it's very possible. As for the Event SR thing, yeah I kinda agree. I always try to change my Leader back to my UR if I'm every playing around with the voices or anything during my sessions.


I've seen a delay with certain things like event scores, so it's very possible. As for the Event SR thing, yeah I kinda agree. I always try to change my Leader back to my UR if I'm every playing around with the voices or anything during my sessions.

oh event scores (your friends or the overall ranking) only updates once an hour (half past the hour). first half hour of the event is something like every minute? and in score match, your rankings are always updated behind the scenes. as in the general rankings that you can check only do the regular scheduled updates but you can see the updated rankings of yourself and your opponents in the waiting room before the song


It's annoying because you want to give people a good main to use as a friend support, but you probably want to hear some of the new card's lines.

This is probably the next thing they should patch into the JP version actually.

I say they continue giving EN features that JP lacks.



Subete no aware
If they let me just use Nico or Honkers on my home screen while displaying my other URs to everyone, that would be the best solution. lol


I love having a Smile Rin UR during this event because my friend points increase like crazy. I can tell friends and randoms love me right now.


Maturity, bitches.
Last home screen card I set was the promo Honkers SR from the movie.

I haven't actually played a song since then, but the silence when reaching the menu screen is appreciated.

Also thanks to the free UR promo I got enough free hearts to hit 50 for the group draw.


Neo Member
I love having a Smile Rin UR during this event because my friend points increase like crazy. I can tell friends and randoms love me right now.

I had Pool Rin for a bit but it felt weird having her on a friggen Christmas BG ahahaa
Ill change her back soon enough
also i can nicopost too.


except again i drew it har


Oh yeah, Christmas draw won't have guaranteed SR on the main box. I'll probs draw from the first year box on JP since it's guaranteed SR and 2/3 times it'll be one of my faves.

Also, with Muse seiyuu contracts ending soon, does that mean no more solo version albums? :( was really looking forward to more Rin solo versions

Top of page Rin gif


I had Pool Rin for a bit but it felt weird having her on a friggen Christmas BG ahahaa
Ill change her back soon enough
also i can nicopost too.


except again i drew it har

Heck, there's CoinNicoArt earlier in the thread. Everyone should Nicopost.



TW version has updated to be feature parity with the EN version.

It only took 3 loveca to tier! Best version of the game!

Neat. :)
? and geez...3? )=

So yeah, clock ticked over to the 25th here and I'm both wiped out and on trains for a lot of tomorrow, so here are my mediocre Christmas rolls. =( =( =(



Hoping for better things from the new years rolls. =/

better luck in a week maybe
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