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Love Live! School Idol Festival |OT2| Despair comes in a pink envelope


Nice Zuramaru episode, it made me feel exactly like when I first heard her character introduction. Probably my favorite episode so far.

PK Gaming

Love Live Sunshine 4


Chika is definitely feeling herself at the moment

Despite being noticeably less exciting than the last episode, Episode 4 was a good watch. The episode largely focuses on Ruby and Hana, who are given development that's analogous to the first years from the original anime. Ruby and Hana are obvious parallels to Hanayo and Rin, but with different, better & more complex motivations.

Ruby's a pretty gimmicky character at first glance, but her relationships with Hana and especially her sister help her stand out as a character. The scene where she's pretend performing with her sister was super endearing, but it also does a good job of informing to us just how important school idols are for her. It wasn't just something she enjoyed by herself; it was passion that she could enjoy with her sister as well, and it was genuinely sad to see Dia break off from idols.

Hanamaru was pretty much the MVP, and definitely one of, if not the most nuanced characters in Sunshine. We get her entire history, presented storybook style (the anime still hasn't lost its flair for style), and I really appreciate how how her passion for reading in isolation wasn't portrayed as a bad thing. I never really got the sense that Hanamaru was unhappy with her lifestyle, and the anime doesn't really try to make her out to be some unfortunate individual. That said, her passion for books is actually surpassed by her passion for Ruby, which is one of the major themes of this episode. Hana loves Ruby, and I don't mean that in a yuri way. It's a testament to how selfless and supportive she is when her dream is seeing Ruby succeed. It's just outright heartwarming to see her do her best to make that dream a reality. Love Live basically operates on these intimate relationships between the girls, and Hana's devotion to Ruby was one of the best examples it, bar none.

Overall, this episode wasn't as fun as the previous ones, but it was very strong in terms of character development.

Re: The Original Love Live's influence

I totally get the annoyance, but the characters exist in a universe where Muse is essentially as big as it is in real life. The heavy prominence makes sense, since pretty much every school idol group going forward has been significantly influenced by Muse. The girls look up to Muse and want to succeed just like them, and I actually really like the fact that they're passionate about individual Muse members. Of course Ruby would love Hanayo, because Ruby finds comfort in knowing that an incredibly shy person like Hanayo could succeed. Hana routinely puts herself down for not being athletic enough (nice inversion), but she finds solace in the fact Rin had doubts as well. I'll admit however, that I dislike the show's insistence on following the same format as the original anime. Regardless of how they subvert expectations, it just feels too familiar. Hopefully, this lessens as the series goes on, and I extra hope Dia doesn't join in episode 8.


Lol i still find it funny that there's no real narrative thrust forcing them to be idols. They seem to be doing it "just cause"
I feel like them not having a real "reason" to start the idol club is supposed to support the fact that these girls are doing this purely out of their passion for idols/µ's. They didn't need a reason like saving the school, they were just so inspired by µ's that they wanted to be like them.
shit, you're Dia too. Well, different Dias so I guess it's OK.
Never too much Dia
Love Live Sun shiiiiinyyyyyy ep 4

the series could be moving in directions i am very pleased with. the over dependence on µ's as a narrative force actually works really well here establishing more of the Dia/ruby sibling relationship and even name dropping some of each girls favorite idorus. the Dia/ruby acting out being school idols scene was really touching. Dia's is obviously Eli(good taste!) and Ruby's Hanayo. Unlike the rin/hanayo dynamic in LL season 1, where rin was mostly an afterthought untill the ep focused on her, Hanamaru is covered very well in almost storybook fashion, and seeing her play the support role is almost more touching than rin/maki nuding hanayo to become an idol in LL season1. But we find in learning about school idols, hanamaru herself wants to try it as well and looks up to rin. which is surprising when hanamaru's character traits are best contrasted with hanayo. Seeing ruby stand up to Dia at the end of the episode was also very very nice.

But more interesting than ruby/hanamaru's charicter devlopment is whats going on with the third years, the story seems to somewhat hint that possibly in the past they tried to start a school idol club at some point and failed(maybe due to Mari leaving japan, or something she did as; kanan and dia dont seem all that happy to see her?). Dia clearly opposes a school idol club(i think it possibly may come from past failures/not wanting to put ruby through the same thing), Mari's reason for returning seems to be the school idol club, and kanan seems kind of in the middle. this gives the series an opportunity to explore somethings that never really came up in LL.

Honestly i hope they go all in on the third year's failing and this being their second chance for idol redemption, as this wasn't a theme really explored in love live. Secondly i hope the season actually ends with aqours failing in the LL prelims to some Podunk school.Why you ask? in the original Love live everything was handed to µ's more or less on a golden platter. the group never had to deal with true failure aside from a minor setback with honks overworking herself. this gives sunshine a chance to do two things, A) give a reason for all 9 to get gud second season and B) gives aqours a chance to stand on there own as idols and not be copypasta µ's 2.0. Everything's been "we want to be like µ's" this "lets do things like µ's" that, and if this blows up in there face at some point as causes them to question, and eventually rise up and be there own school idols, then the heavy focus on µ's being there influence will ultimately be justified


Honestly i hope they go all in on the third year's failing and this being their second chance for idol redemption, as this wasn't a theme really explored in love live. Secondly i hope the season actually ends with aqours failing in the LL prelims to some Podunk school.Why you ask? in the original Love live everything was handed to µ's more or less on a golden platter.

I think you're misremembering OG LL. Muse was Nico's second chance after failing at idoling the first time, and Muse ended the first season having failed to even enter the Love Live. What you describe would be a retread with some variation.


Subete no aware
Ultimately there's two ways to go. They lose, or they win but it's just the local tournament or something before the big one.

That said, I'm assuming they're going to want to milk this over two or more seasons.

Dia is Nico, in backstory. All this failed idol stuff and denying this new idol group is all Nico's backstory. Dia is Nico as school president.

I know Dia is the Eli clone so maybe this Nico relation is just a spin on Eli's failure in ballet. But since the start I felt that Dia was Nico..... but also I was confusing Yohane in a face mask as Dia. Thinking back the hairball = Yohane so I got them confused for a while.
I'm just going to stop trying to making comparisons between members of µ's and Aqours. 😐 The anime so far is already so structurally identical and reliant on OG that it should have been called Love Live 2: Sunshine Boogaloo 😎.

I find the Aqours members to be substantially more unique and well-rounded compared to µ's, which consisted of anime girl archetypes(can't think of what Nico falls under) played almost completely straight.


Maturity, bitches.
Plot twist. They don't win Love Live! but unlike µ's they don't break up and continue to have an idol career after graduating and spend their later years as a µ's tribute band.

We also find out the dark secret of µ's. They are all dead (murdered) apart from Honoka, who has fled to New York and taken on a new identity of Hannah Karr.
Plot twist. They don't win Love Live! but unlike µ's they don't break up and continue to have an idol career after graduating and spend their later years as a µ's tribute band.

We also find out the dark secret of µ's. They are all dead (murdered) apart from Honoka, who has fled to New York and taken on a new identity of Hannah Karr.

you forgot the part whare Hannah karr time travels and goes back to tell honoka that breaking up is the right thing and corrects the time line.


Score Match coming up on the English version, and they've confirmed that they won't be raising the tier requirements any. Looks like I'm skipping another event. :(


Score Match coming up on the English version, and they've confirmed that they won't be raising the tier requirements any. Looks like I'm skipping another event. :(

if the other versions is/was integrated into LLSIF EN, then that's just total BS (not like the 10% increase before wasn't)


if the other versions is/was integrated into LLSIF EN, then that's just total BS (not like the 10% increase before wasn't)
Yeah, it's getting really frustrating. My interest in the game grows less by the day, I'm finding it difficult to even log in daily for the reward (I've already given up doing the goals for the one free Love Gem per day).

The in-game events were the only thing I really enjoyed about this game, if they keep this up, I'll lose interest entirely and move on. It's not as though there's a shortage of gatcha games out there, although (unfortunately) none of this style, unless you count Japan-only release.


Heck, I'll post it here, too:

1) I've been wondering about raw stats vs. score boost skills.

Let's do some napkin math, assuming a 400 note song. 100 extra points in whatever stat yields an average of 100*1.09*1.1*1.15*.0125 ≈ 1.72 points per note, assuming you are playing EN and have a UR that increases points based on its own color, the card color matches the song, you maintain the combo the whole way, and you hit Perfect. Also assuming that the wiki's formulas are correct. 689 points for the song.

Let's arbitrarily take Rock Nico: "For every 16 perfects, there is a 39% chance of increasing player's score by 240 points." Again assuming all Perfects, we have 25 chances for it to go off in a 400 note song, yielding 2340 points on average.

So it looks like for Rock Nico you'd need a card with 340 extra points in the stat to kick her out. That's a much bigger difference than I would have expected. The raw stats gain in strength for longer songs with higher combo bonuses, and for when you're allowed to take a friend's +9% to help as well, but I imagine the line would pretty much never be less than ~250 or so for SRs.

2) I'd assumed that until one had a surfeit of them, any true UR has a place on a team, just by virtue of her stats, but...

The inarguably weakest UR in the game is Valentine Nico, a healer at 4890 Cool points at level 80 plus bond. There are 19 score up idolized SRs with more Cool points that that. I'd never realized how comparable unidolized URs and idolized SRs actually are. The best URs are Animal mk. 2 Maki and Christmas Eli, both score boosters at 5040 at level 80, which is <100 better than the best score booster SRs at 80 (though their skills are also better). Past the one center, URs really aren't at all necessary.

I think optimal team building for an account with a few URs of each color would involve eating half of them to idolize the other half and filling the free slots with idolized SRs.

3) More napkin math time, this time for the skill alteration 4-slot School Idol Skills!

My Victorian Nozomi's skill is "For every 27 perfects, there is a 41% chance of increasing player's score by 620 points." She has the Empress Charm SI skill, giving a 2.5x bonus to that. In our FC Perfect 400-note song, that's 14 chances to trigger, for 14*.41*620*1.5 = 5338.2 extra points from the SI skill.

If I gave her a Cool Cross [3rd Year] (which I don't have) and a Cool Kiss, that'd give her an extra 5520*.16+200 = 1083.2 Cool points, which by my previous math gives 7463 extra points.

My Kunoichi Nico's skill is "For every 15 notes, there is a 16% chance of recovering player's HP by 5." If I had an Princess Heal to give her, it would turn into 1350 points when it triggered, for 16*.16*1350 = 3456 points during our 400-note song.

Smile Cross [3rd Year] + Smile Kiss gives her an extra 5880*.16+200 = 1140.8 Smile points, for 7860 extra points.

July Maki is a Perfect Locker with "For every 20 notes, there is a 36% chance of turning all goods and greats in the next 3.5 seconds into perfects." Overlooking the fact that while it's active the note counter isn't running, we have 19 chances for it to trigger in a helpful way, i.e. not at the very end, for 19*.36*3.5 &#8776; 24 seconds of lock. Let's say... 20% of the song covered by this? Sure, why not. 80 notes covered, then.

If she has an Empress Trick, then at level 80 and 5800 Cool points we're looking at 58*1.72*80*.25 = 1995.2 extra points.

I'm not even going to bother to calc the exacts from a stats kit, it's going to be multiple times that.

That's a blowout for better stats SI skills over the gimmick skill alteration SI skills.


1) (decent) score skills are equivalent to a few hundred stat points

2) idolized SRs are often very similar to unidolized URs, at least when filling out non-center spots (this varies a lot based on individual cards)

3) stats SI skills > skill change SI skill


PK Gaming

Love Live: Sunshine 5

This episode pulled the wool over my head in the best way possible. So up until now, we all thought Yoshiko would be a super chuuni, right? But the opening of this episode has her COMPLETELY denouncing the chuuni life. Madness. What follows is a relatively standard, but really entertaining episode (seriously, this episode is hysterical) where the girls convince Yoshiko that it's okay to indulge in what you truly love and be yourself. I did like the message, and Yoshiko is a character with a surprising amount of depth (she's overly self conscious). She'll definitely add to the group in a big way.

In other news, Riko and Chika's chemistry is incredible. Like, it's some boy meets world type shit. Riko in generally is a deceptively entertaining character, and every week they up the ante with her jokes surrounding her. Unfortunately, the ending of this episode has me worried in a BIG way. I haven't minded the obvious parallels to the original Love Live so far, but if the show follows a similar school closure route then that's some serious cause for alarm.

You wouldn't hurt me, right Love Live?


Gonna write more stuff about this ep when I'm not tired
but if the show follows a similar school closure route then that's some serious cause for alarm.

You wouldn't hurt me, right Love Live?
Sadly, it seems this is the case, unless they fake us out hella. The next episode has a re-enrollment form thing, so looks like this is what's gonna happen.

PK Gaming

Haven't we known from the beginning that school closure will be part of the storyline?

That was a part of the original scenario, yeah. But a lot of aspects from the original scenario have been dropped. Like Dia not even knowing what idols were, Hana being a part of the choir, etc. I was hoping they'd drop this too :(

Gonna write more stuff about this ep when I'm not tired

Sadly, it seems this is the case, unless they fake us out hella. The next episode has a re-enrollment form thing, so looks like this is what's gonna happen.



I like Yoshiko a lot.


I don't like Zuramaru's gimmick of living in the Showa era and never going to friends' houses or out at all until high school. She makes good faces, though.


Their interaction is great.


I love Chika's shtick of climbing up on a desk when she wants to earnestly entreat someone.


Poor Riko :(


Damn Riko!

http://i.imgur.com/MigZxZ9.mp4 <-- I'll spare you the 10 MB gif

And uh oh! School closure? Membership in the school idol club mandated for student council presidents? Probably the former.



Whats with the laptop abuse? They took a fair beating in this episode lol.
Riko better get to pet that dog in the end.
So im guessing 2 more episodes to get the third years to join?


That just means Kanan's coming back.

Why tf didn't I assume that. Well, that means there's still hope that they aren't gonna close the school down. Though making Kanan come back in order to increase # of students and prevent closing down is a thing
Whats with the laptop abuse? They took a fair beating in this episode lol.
When Dia slid the laptop towards the others I had a heart attack. You don't do that to laptops, Dia!

I am so terrified
Love Live: Sunshine 5

This episode pulled the wool over my head in the best way possible. So up until now, we all thought Yoshiko would be a super chuuni, right? But the opening of this episode has her COMPLETELY denouncing the chuuni life. Madness. What follows is a relatively standard, but really entertaining episode (seriously, this episode is hysterical) where the girls convince Yoshiko that it's okay to indulge in what you truly love and be yourself. I did like the message, and Yoshiko is a character with a surprising amount of depth (she's overly self conscious). She'll definitely add to the group in a big way.

You wouldn't hurt me, right Love Live?
I feel like Yoshiko's characterization is handled a lot better than Nico. Like with Yohane, Nico gave off a vastly different impression before the anime even aired. From her debut, to even after her development in Season 2, Nico has a sizable group of haters(I am not one of them). This is mostly due in part to her antagonistic, Kanye West-like ego. Sunshine gives Yoshiko a similar "split" personality, but handles her more gracefully.

If anything, I'll say that Sunshine so far is surpassing OG in almost every way.


Yoshiko is ending up as my favorite so far. Love her chuuni-ness, and I really like her characterization in how she just wants to live like a normal high schooler. Hanamura is also the most precious thing omg. Really loved this week's episode and was smiling throughout most of the whole thing.
The episode was great in a lot of ways, but I don't buy Aqours getting that kind of crazy popularity so quickly at all. That was one of my gripes with the original show and it's almost worse here.


I'm still can't figure out my favorite between Hanamaru and Yoshiko. Right now I'm leaning Zura though.

Are Aquors in the english version of game or would I need to play JP version for them?


I'm still can't figure out my favorite between Hanamaru and Yoshiko. Right now I'm leaning Zura though.

Are Aquors in the english version of game or would I need to play JP version for them?

Their initial Pure R cards were in the english version for about a month in the seal shop, but that's it until Fall when they'll be added properly.

That's why events and sets are so fucked up on the english version right now, they're rushing to catch up to JP so they can add aqours.


I feel like Yoshiko's characterization is handled a lot better than Nico. Like with Yohane, Nico gave off a vastly different impression before the anime even aired. From her debut, to even after her development in Season 2, Nico has a sizable group of haters(I am not one of them). This is mostly due in part to her antagonistic, Kanye West-like ego. Sunshine gives Yoshiko a similar "split" personality, but handles her more gracefully.

If anything, I'll say that Sunshine so far is surpassing OG in almost every way.

Chuuni is close to nico conceptually but I think dio is closer to Nico's actual personality
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