I think that it is rather sad that with all the songs on offer in live hits, we always just end up playing the 2 EX songs in rotation. Klab should stop being stingy and leave released EX songs in live hits. Would work wonders in preventing burnout.
Until the app update comes out (which should be like tomorrow or something), the bug on Lollipop is that downloads always fail. They get stuck at about 50% and never progress. If you have all the content now, that's fine, but once the update to start the event comes out, don't be surprised if it doesn't function anymore.
Until the app update comes out (which should be like tomorrow or something), the bug on Lollipop is that downloads always fail. They get stuck at about 50% and never progress. If you have all the content now, that's fine, but once the update to start the event comes out, don't be surprised if it doesn't function anymore.
On the plus side, it does mean that anyone planning to go to Lantis Vegas isn't going to have to compete with roving Japanese Livers for tickets. I'm pretty sure it'd have been a bloodbath.
Well, I was discounting rival groups - Jupiter aside, I think there is some kind of law about the rival groups actually being the best. Also see I-1 Club actually having the best song in WUG.
Not from me - heck, I went to ACEN to see them live back in May. I know own a really sexy 7 Girls War CD release promo poster signed by the whole group and the legend known as Yamakan.
Little Challenger, for which I'm suddenly failing to find a youtube link for. It's the song from the DVD from when MayuC was in I-1 Club from the movie, if you've seen it.
Little Challenger, for which I'm suddenly failing to find a youtube link for. It's the song from the DVD from when MayuC was in I-1 Club from the movie, if you've seen it.
I thought WUG was alright. Of course I went in with different expectations (a show about the darker side of the industry) so after a few episodes when that whole aspect evaporated I was left with a fairly predictable show.
I thought WUG was alright. Of course I went in with different expectations (a show about the darker side of the industry) so after a few episodes when that whole aspect evaporated I was left with a fairly predictable show.
Heretics. Lantis brings you ChouCho and Faylan and JAMPro. We're probably going to get some Sailor Moon songs from Ishida Youko and Sasaki Sayaka is a pretty darn good singer. bamboo is awesome, but I guess it's just him and not the rest of milktub? Everyone coming has performed on the main stage at Animelo, and you let out a "meh?" HEATHENS, EVERY LAST ONE OF YA. More room for me in the front.
(DiGiKerot excepted)
(no, not really. It's a kick ass lineup in my mind, but like what you want to like. I had a feeling µ's or even a sub group wasn't in the cards early on).
Edit: Not at home, so I'll have to dig up an image later.
It's about more than just liking the line up. Most of us would have to travel far, even from other countries, to get to Vegas. I wouldn't make the trip unless I realllly wanted to see an artist, and I barely like some of the ones mentioned. :/
Yeah I have no idea who any if those people are, nor do I care to find out. I wasn't expecting them to go, but still would of been cool to wave glow sticks.
Personally I think the new Lily White song might just be my new fav. It's too gud (Rin sings a lot too)
and the first thing I thought of with the new Bibi song is the title is basically Silent Night (totally a Christmas song)
Of course, the problem once an act gets to be the size of the Love Lives or the 765Pros is that attending one of their shows in Japan becomes a long, frustrating and/or expensive process - that first Love Live season 2 BD sold a crazy number of copies for a reason, and I've certainly had acquaintances begging for iM@S lottery codes off me in the past. It's even worse for us Johnny Foreigners, as there are even more hurdles to jump (like, typically knowing someone in Japan to receive your tickets you trust enough not to auction them off) [*]
This is kind of the problem with the target of this threads affections turning up at these foreign Lantis shows - even if it's just a four-five song set as part of a longer concert, buy-ticket-see-m's is very much easy mode, and whilst it may involve flying to Vegas, compared to some of the Japanese events, it's a pretty low-stress, low-cost exercise, particularly when nabbing a VIP ticket could potentially get you into a Hi5 session. Heck, there were about a dozen WUGners at ACEN, and WUG doesn't have anywhere near the rabid fanbase of Love Live, so the likelihood of a significant portion of tickets to any of these Lantis shows were the girls appear going to Japanese Livers would be pretty high.
The crux of the issue, I guess, is that it's fine and well saying that no m's at these foreign Lantis events reduces any significant interest a lot of people have in them, but at the same time, m's are at the point where announcing them would arguably bring in too much interest. I mean, what's the point in holding foreign concerts to promote your record label if most the audience ends up being travelling members of your Japanese fanbase anyway? At that point they may as well just put on another show in Japan and save everyone the hassle.
That being said, I do have to say I'm a little worried about them not filling the hall and deciding that this whole foreign endeavour isn't worthwhile replicating in the future. I'm probably actually going to go to Vegas myself (despite being from the UK...), but we'll see.
I'm probably going to shoot for iM@S 10th next year, and I'm kinda not looking forward to the stress of it all...
To be fair I just want to experience the atmosphere so I would be happy with an unknown up and coming group. My friend was explaining to me how he wants to see AKB48 and that they only have a set number of seats for overseas fans.
I did have lottery codes for a YuruYuri concert. I probably should have tried selling them, but that probably would have been too much of a pain with the language barrier.
All the new sub-unit songs sound great! I also agree with Husk that the Lily White song would be perfect for an 80's anime opening. It'd fit perfectly with Zeta Gundam.