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LTTP: A Plague Tale: Innocence. A 14th century "The Last of Us" during the black plague.


"The Last of Us" during the black plague is a dumb description, but there is some truth to it. Remove the guns and add a slingshot, remove the mushroom monsters and add rats. And add some jank to it.

I like the game a lot more than I expected, but I also sit with the feeling that there is a lot of untapped potential here. They can do a better job with the story, they can make you more effective in combat, and they can make the game feel less level-based and predictable. They can do more work with the voice acting, like making things sound more natural, some of the conversations could be a bit stiff at times.

I like dealing with the rats, I liked the fast flow of the game (the 10-12 hours felt like 7-8 to me), and I like the characters and the setting. And the passion of the developers shows in all the little details throughout. Well worth playing.


Initially, in 2019, I was never sold on this, I am tired of the trope where the main character has to protect or take care of a kid, and all the stealth and sneaking didn't sound that interesting to me. But since it's leaving Game Pass in a few days and the sequel is around the corner, I gave it a shot.

And I am very glad I did.

Amicia de Rune is in a desperate struggle to take of her sick brother during the hellish days of the black plague, the inquisition (nobody expects the inquisition) is after her little brother, and as you survive, you slowly start to piece together information about the real horror behind the curtain.

You can immediately tell the amount of work and heart that has gone into the game. It's a passion project from a studio that seems to have been outsourcing their work to other studios but doesn't seem to have built a game from their own making in a while.

The game is designed around environmental puzzles and sneaking or taking out enemies as you try not to get spotted. You can still fight when you get spotted, but it gets more difficult. What makes it work, is that managing and dealing with the rats is pretty satisfying. It's a horde of destruction, a whirlwind of rats that you have to use light to force around so you can move past them. Taking out the soldiers is satisfying too, and you get more and more ways to take them out as you progress.

Another thing that elevates the game, is how quickly you progress through areas. The game is easy, and while it could probably benefit from a few more complex puzzles, it means you are going from place to place and story bit to story bit quickly. I was never bored or tired of anything, I always felt I was supplied with new tools and that the story was moving.

Most areas are rather small, you usually only have to get past 3-4 guards, in a manner you choose, and I liked not getting constantly bogged down in long dragged-out stealth sequences. I also loved hearing the guards talk, as you don't know what a hell is going on early on, and by eavesdropping, you pick up interesting information.

The themes of the game revolve around how characters change as they are going through horrible things, and I think they hit that target in a so-so manner. Hugo, the little brother, has some sequences that are a bit over-the-top for a little kid, and Amicia has a tendency to react strongly to some things, and move past other things incredibly fast. I didn't necessarily buy into any of the characters too much, but I did like them. And I am interested in seeing whatever happens to them in the next game. There are some good side characters too that you work alongside, and they all have story arcs and well-made personalities.

There is a supernatural element to the game, and fear not, there are no corny fantasy monsters other than super-rats, but there is some wacky stuff later on in the game that does betray some of the more down-to-earth nature of the earlier parts.

I gotta say though, it's odd visually, it almost seems like there is some weird filter on it or something, at times it feels so foggy. Generally, the environments are detailed and well made and it's not a bad-looking game, at times it looks great, but there is some bloom or something weird that affects the look. It's worse in certain areas.

But, the cinematography of it is pretty solid, there are some big impressive areas and cool-looking places. Especially that battlefield with all the corpses early on. The presentation is hurt by the animations however, the is very little facial movements, and a lot of the walking looks janky, especially in the cutscenes. It really betrays the game if you just look at a cutscene.

What I found to be problems:
- Animations.
- It has a bunch of annoying stuff like slowly walking up ladders with your kid brother, and walking around pulling levers over and over to uncover a "secret door".
- Half of the upgrades were a bit useless.
- The game does repeat some of the puzzles and encounters, or at least they are too similar to previous ones you have already done a few times.
- They could have gone a lot deeper regarding the story of the macula.
- It was somewhat predictable at times rather than an organic adventure.
- Could use more novel puzzles and innovative segments.
- Limits you to a slow jog too many times.
- If you don't upgrade your slingshot, you gonna get some of those incredibly annoying sequences where you can't aim fast enough before the enemy gets you.



Its one of those games that I just dont get the fuss about it ... but at least is a new IP that people love ... I tried to play but is too slow and repetitive, Im not a fan of the sneak around genre thats for sure ...


I've just completed it, the last chapter took me at least two hours, quite difficult, at least for me. The original voice acting is excellent, it's quite rare that I play a game in French. Oh and the soundtrack was excellent as well.
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I've just completed it, the last chapter took me at least two hours, quite difficult, at least for me. The original voice acting is excellent, it's quite rare that I play a game in French. Oh and the soundtrack was excellent as well.
Yeah, the soundtrack is by the guy who made the Streets of Rage 4 OST, which is already a classic.

Now that you mention it, I wished I played it in French. I don't think about it unless it's the native option.

One thing I noticed early on, is that almost every area got some cheap spot, where the enemies can't see you very well, and it's very easy to pick them off. The levels are designed with the player engaging from the "start" of the area, but they fall apart a bit if you move aggressively into the level. I always did that, especially in those later areas with a few more enemies.


I loved it.
It's essentially a game that combines Stealth, Puzzle and "the floor is Lava".
The facial animations could use some more work and some enemy faces repeat to often, but it's an excellent double A game, by a studio that until now they where making cheap Shovelware. A good way to rise from the crap I would say.


Gold Member
Just finished yesterday. From the ‘what game are you playing lately’ thread.
A Plague Tale Innocence. A beautiful AA title, improved with an XSX upgrade. Asobo is a such a talented studio. Wanted to give it a run while it was still in Game Pass (until Sept 15) and ahead of the sequel coming out next month. Liked the characters, writing, story, haunting music and gorgeous environments. Mostly easy puzzles (fine by me). Then there the rare, rush combat sequences that can be a pain with instant death and having to repeat actions from the checkpoint before the combat. Looking forward to Requiem.

The game is basically a light puzzler with heavy narrative focus. The ‘combat’ is stealth puzzles. There are maybe 3 or so scenes that I’d define as combat. Any comparison to TLOU beyond the surface level doesn’t make much sense. The actual games are quite different.
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People will clown you for the comparison. There is some resemblance between the two games of course, but Plague Tale was made with 1/10th of the budget and it shows.
Yeah, the reason why I used that title is that the devs said they were greatly inspired by The Last of Us. It has a lot of surface similarities. A narrative-focused game where you take care of someone more vulnerable in a monster-infested world, and see how their relationship change, is copied straight from The Last of Us. The soul and DNA from A Plague Tale are closely linked to The Last of Us even if there is plenty of differences.


This is one of those titles I always keep reminding myself I need to beat before the sequel comes out. I just have so many other games on my plate lol. Overall, how long did it take you to beat? If its not too drawn out I may hop into it next.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This is one of those titles I always keep reminding myself I need to beat before the sequel comes out. I just have so many other games on my plate lol. Overall, how long did it take you to beat? If its not too drawn out I may hop into it next.

I'll say a full run can take you 8~10 hours. Maybe 12~15 if you're going for a 100% run.
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This is one of those titles I always keep reminding myself I need to beat before the sequel comes out. I just have so many other games on my plate lol. Overall, how long did it take you to beat? If its not too drawn out I may hop into it next.
I used a little over 10 hours to finish it. I thought it was a very easy game to keep playing in terms of motivation, I could easily have played another 5-6 hours without getting tired of it, so I would recommend you to give it a shot, you still have a month til the next game. Unless you are playing over Game Pass, the game leaves soon.


I never cared enough about Amica and Hugo enough to go through with the sometimes ridiculously frustrating chapters (like having to sling a headshot on like 6-7 guards on a matter of 7 seconds with a 2 second delay of your sling, dying over and over again). I might have done that if the writing, voice acting and animations was even remotely on par with TLOU.

The sequel will probably be way better though.
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Amazing game, loved the section especially after arriving at the castle. Amazing art, music but sure gameplay could use improvement. Pretty hyped for the second.
I never cared enough about Amica and Hugo enough to go through with the sometimes ridiculously frustrating chapters (like having to sling a headshot on like 6-7 guards on a matter of 7 seconds with a 2 second delay of your sling, dying over and over again). I might have done that if the writing, voice acting and animations was even remotely on par with TLOU.

The sequel will probably be way better though.

Just finished that section, am going through the game.

You don't have to kill them all. Just a couple. After that, thief opens the locked door. You just have to stay close to them.

Game can be buggy though and could be glitched in your case.


Just finished that section, am going through the game.

You don't have to kill them all. Just a couple. After that, thief opens the locked door. You just have to stay close to them.

Game can be buggy though and could be glitched in your case.
I got past that part in the burning church (was it a church?) , but there were a few too many of those types of moments for me to bother playing through the whole game. I think it’s mostly down to the controls, it never feels responsive to aim and use the slingshot. I might pick it up and finish it at some point (probably before playing the sequel).


It boggles my mind that Asobo also worked on the current Flight Simulator. How did they find the time to do Plague Tail and its sequel? I imagine Flight Simulator would be an all-encompassing endeavor.
I got past that part in the burning church (was it a church?) , but there were a few too many of those types of moments for me to bother playing through the whole game. I think it’s mostly down to the controls, it never feels responsive to aim and use the slingshot. I might pick it up and finish it at some point (probably before playing the sequel).

Yeah, controls are very tactile and you cannot do anything in a hurry.

If you fail, you see it coming. Does require getting used to.


I got past that part in the burning church (was it a church?) , but there were a few too many of those types of moments for me to bother playing through the whole game. I think it’s mostly down to the controls, it never feels responsive to aim and use the slingshot. I might pick it up and finish it at some point (probably before playing the sequel).
I have had too many instances where the reticule cleary indicates the target is in my site and I miss completely.

I found a glitch in the cart level where I use the rat control to move to areas ahead of the cart. (Otherwise inaccessible until the cart reaches that point.) I ran behind a shelf in the back and picked off enemies one by one. I would not have been able to pass that level otherwise.

Really like the game but I am tearing my hair out trying to beat the last boss. The interface feels too slow to make split second actions and descions.
It seems like it's leaving Gamepass on the 15th and I may be out of luck trying to finish the game. I have it on Steam but have no desire to start all over.
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The interface feels too slow to make split second actions and descions.
Yes, that’s my gripe with it as well. You get locked into animations that feels like they animated just a little too slow for what the game is asking you to accomplish within a pretty short timeframe. It ends up being trial and error and pretty frustrating.

I checked now and apparently I made it to chapter 9, only half way through the game. I can only imagine it gets harder and more frustrating in those end game encounters.
I gave up on this game for the 2nd time. Everytime a guard spots me i can't hit them with a sling for the life of me. Roll cart, guard spots you, let go of cart, Frantically try to shoot guard and miss completely. Restart at checkpoint. The story is really good though. I will just watch a playthrough on YouTube.


I gave up on this game for the 2nd time. Everytime a guard spots me i can't hit them with a sling for the life of me. Roll cart, guard spots you, let go of cart, Frantically try to shoot guard and miss completely. Restart at checkpoint. The story is really good though. I will just watch a playthrough on YouTube.
What cart? I have no recollection of this.
I'm probably about 40% through my first play through and... yeah... it's TLOU is the middle ages, but not as good. The gameplay is super simplistic, which is fine, I guess. Looking at videos of this game, it was clear the developers focus was on cinematics and not on deep gameplay, so it's not like I felt lied to. I just wish the characters moved faster. Walking, running, moving boxes, climbing ladders, everything is just so slow.


Not even close, awful stealth when the game is based around stealth, the many situations have only one solution making it a shitty linear puzzle game.

Overall I hope the sequel is actually good. This game is over hyped.


A very solid game ruined by an absolutely dreadful end, with a horrendously placed (and paced) slingshot section. Such a shame.
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