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LTTP: Cloverfield. . . why the hell were reviews mixed?

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I finally got around to seeing this film today. I'd been completely avoiding all spoilers, and so I knew very little about the film going in.

I just have to say, that was one of the best films I've seen in some time.

There is very little that I felt Cloverfield did wrong. It was a little on the short side, but it packs more intensity into its 80 minutes than almost any 120 minute epic. The ending wasn't quite what I hoped for, but it wasn't terrible, and it was probably about the most realistic way for that story to end. The first 20 minutes or so were cheesy at times, but I felt they were pretty real. That's how people in their early to mid 20's act at a party.

With that said, man did Cloverfield do a ton of things right.

1) The characters, and the way they are developed, are awesome. They aren't archetypes; they are real people. I strongly identified with Rob. He's the hero of the story who also happens to be an ordinary 20-something young man. The actor who played him did a terrific job. I felt genuine emotion at the scenes where
he tells his mother on the phone that his brother is dead and starts sobbing
, and
the scene where he hears the message from Beth who is trapped in the apartment
, and
the scene where he decides to go back for Beth and tells the others that they don't have to come with him.

The narrator, Hud, was also very well developed. The scenes at the party show him to be pretty cool, but just enough of a loser that the girls don't go for him. The part where he
starts telling everyone that Rob and Beth hooked up
made him seem like more of a loser, but that's what people like him do when they're drunk and jealous. But the best part of his character was after
Marlena dies
and he just stops and looks at the ground for a few seconds until the other characters ask him if he's alright. That lent a touch of humanity to his character that so many films in this genre are sorely lacking.

2) The feeling of suspense and terror that the film generated were awesome. This movie had more genuine suspense than all three Resident Evil films combined and then some. Part of it came from the camera work, but a lot of it came from the pacing and the way information is withheld until it will have the greatest possible impact. For example, the subway scene was a masterpiece. Even more chilling was the way that
Marlena started to look more and more out of it, which the audience assumes is just from blood loss
until they get to the
makeshift emergency room
, and that woman screams
"We've got a bite!" And then you see her get pulled behind a screen and blood splatters everywhere.
There were tons of other amazing sequences, but that one in particular was just utterly chilling.

3) The film hits real emotions. I felt connected to the characters, which is something that far too many films are unable to do. In addition to the emotional scenes I described earlier, there was the scene where
they finally find Beth and they have to get her out of the apartment.
Man, what a scene. Too many films are content to present you with characters, settings and events without exploring the psychological and emotional aspects of what is going on.

So yeah, I just can't imagine how anyone would write a negative review of Cloverfield. It's not going to win Best Picture or anything, but I'd say it's the best film in the "apocalyptic" genre that I've seen in years. I can't remember the last one that I liked as much. Maybe 2004's Dawn of the Dead remake, but that would be it.


It was too much of a 'tweener to be great for me. Too much focus on characters to be a great action movie, but then I didnt give a rats ass about any of the characters, so it failed as a drama too.

It did have several genuinely thrilling sequences though.
RT score:77
Metacritic score: 64

Seems like the reviews were mostly positive on the whole.

Also I love how you manage to reference the Dawn of the Dead remake multiple times.
DeathNote said:
link to a fucking monthish ago? are you kidding me?

shaky cam for the lose?

haven't watched it.
I feel truly sorry for anyone who couldn't appreciate this film because they get motion sickness.

I stopped noticing the camera after the first 10 minutes or so.

Solo said:
Too much focus on characters to be a great action movie

Since when are the two mutually exclusive? The greatest action film of all time, Terminator 2, has a ton of focus on the characters.


Green Shinobi said:
Since when are the two mutually exclusive? The greatest action film of all time, Terminator 2, has a ton of focus on the characters.

They aren't, although I realize now that I could have worded it better. Cloverfield wasnt an excellent action movie, nor an excellent drama. T2 was a bad ass action movie, great sci-fi romp, and a pretty good drama to boot.
DeathNote said:
oh, look, the official thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=205121&highlight=cloverfield

latest post was like a weekish ago.

as i said in the juno thread. don't lttp shit that's a current discussion.

your opinion of something recently discussed is meaningless compared to a combined thread of opinions.
It's definitely not a current discussion. And dude, you joined like five months before me and have fewer posts. You're not some kind of authority figure here.


Green Shinobi said:
It's definitely not a current discussion. And dude, you joined like five months before me and have fewer posts. You're not some kind of authority figure here.
By that logic, we can make new threads about topics a few days old correct?

Also, by the other logic included, having more posts than someone makes someone an authority figure? I have more posts than many people, so then I should be an authority figure right? Admit talking about my posts is irrelevant since mods are the only authority figures.

...That doesn't change the fact that I can get annoyed at and point out idiotic lttp abuse like in the OP.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Kaervas said:
Because is a piece of steaming boring shit

I can understand not liking it, but how can you possibly say you were bored? The movie could not have been MORE intense without knives coming out of the theater seats at random times.


Green Shinobi said:
You were bored?

What the hell excites you then? You sound like a meth addict complaining that the cocaine can't get him high.

28 days later.

The subway part was cool though.
I was surprised how much I liked it. But I did see it after Sweeney Todd and before Juno, so I think they kinda make anything else look *****.


hey, i like it. it just depends on your expectations of going in, for the most part. very good for a thrill ride, and left me on the edge of my seat from the first explosion to the finish.
The Storyteller said:
Thats a really stupid question.
It's not, really.

Stoney Mason said:
RT score:77
Metacritic score: 64

Seems like the reviews were mostly positive on the whole.

Also I love how you manage to reference the Dawn of the Dead remake multiple times.
The RT score is higher than I had though. I guess it went up a bit from the opening week. I really feel like this is a solid 8.5/10 or higher though.

TheGreatDave said:
I was surprised how much I liked it. But I did see it after Sweeney Todd and before Juno, so I think they kinda make anything else look *****.
How can you even compare Cloverfield to Juno?

They aren't alike. . . at all.
Green Shinobi said:
It's definitely not a current discussion. And dude, you joined like five months before me and have fewer posts. You're not some kind of authority figure here.

I have twice as many posts as you. So therefore I am your god.

With my authority I am going to tell you to stop posting.

Abide by my authority you weakling.
Green Shinobi said:
It's definitely not a current discussion. And dude, you joined like five months before me and have fewer posts. You're not some kind of authority figure here.

in every thread, everyone other than the thread maker is an authority figure. this applies especially for whoever makes the first few posts.
Karma Kramer said:
I have twice as many posts as you. So therefore I am your god.

With my authority I am going to tell you to stop posting.

Abide by my authority you weakling.
Okay, I'll address this.

I don't like posting in threads that haven't even touched the front page for weeks. I know that when I see an old thread get bumped, especially in the OT, I very rarely even click on it, much less discuss any new replies to the thread. Threads definitely have a "prime," except for that Super Smash Bros. thread in Gaming, and the official Cloverfield thread was way past its prime and in a retirement home. There was no point to posting in it.

EBCubs03 said:
Didn't like this movie.
I'm not going to insult you for not liking it, but I am curious to know why you didn't like it.
I hated it after my initial viewing but after thinking about it, I'm starting to like the movie. I just couldn't stand the empty ending. I'm positive I'll like it more the second time because I know to expect a mindless monster movie. I can't wait for the Blu-Ray.
striKeVillain! said:
I hated it after my initial viewing but after thinking about it, I'm starting to like the movie. I just couldn't stand the empty ending. I'm positive I'll like it more the second time because I know to expect a mindless monster movie. I can't wait for the Blu-Ray.
It was so much more than that though.

I can't think of another film in the genre that had characters as real as the ones in this film.
Green Shinobi said:
Okay, I'll address this.

I don't like posting in threads that haven't even touched the front page for weeks. I know that when I see an old thread get bumped, especially in the OT, I very rarely even click on it, much less discuss any new replies to the thread. Threads definitely have a "prime," except for that Super Smash Bros. thread in Gaming, and the official Cloverfield thread was way past its prime and in a retirement home. There was no point to posting in it.

I'm not going to insult you for not liking it, but I am curious to know why you didn't like it.

I actually agree for the most part. I think people here are a little strange with how much new threads annoy them.

Its also a power/ego thing I think. People like to be the creator of threads... and they don't like other people making similar threads which might overshadow their own.


Green Shinobi said:
It was so much more than that though.

I can't think of another film in the genre that had characters as real as the ones in this film.

They may have been real, but that didn't make me care about them at all. The movie is a lot of fun, though.
I enjoyed the movie, but I can see how the shaky cam could turn people away. For example,
The party scene at the begininng where he was walking around with the camera for 20 minutes talking to people constantly jerking and twitching was annoying. Once the action started the movie was great though.
Karma Kramer said:
I actually agree for the most part. I think people here are a little strange with how much new threads annoy them.

Its also a power/ego thing I think. People like to be the creator of threads... and they don't like other people making similar threads which might overshadow their own.

To give the other side people don't like the same spammish topics tending to come up again and again also.

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
I enjoyed it for what it was, an 80 minute thrill ride, nothing more.

The humour at the start was cheesy, but it helped bring the characters out very quickly, which really helped keep the pace of the film up.

The subway scene as a whole was very well done. Especially the tunnel attack.

They one disappointment was that I heard there was a scene after the credits, which there wasn't. Was there a recent film I mixed it up with, or was it not in the European version?
Stoney Mason said:
To give the other side people don't like the same spammish topics tending to come up again and again also.

If the threads are just like pointless banter... or someone trying to be funny... then yeah that type of shit is annoying. But if someone takes the time to make a long post about a particular topic/subject then I don't mind at all if they create a new topic. Its actually nice cause it starts a fresh conversation that allows everyone to join in... while long threads usually are too involved for fresh eyes to dig into.


I honestly don't know how to feel about this movie.

Or this



It's an entretaining, very accessible, tween flick with a decent quirk. The cinematography is top-notch at times, too.
Green Shinobi said:
So yeah, I just can't imagine how anyone would write a negative review of Cloverfield. It's not going to win Best Picture or anything, but I'd say it's the best film in the "apocalyptic" genre that I've seen in years. I can't remember the last one that I liked as much. Maybe 2004's Dawn of the Dead remake, but that would be it.

Children of Men was far better.
Karma Kramer said:
If the threads are just like pointless banter... or someone trying to be funny... then yeah that type of shit is annoying. But if someone takes the time to make a long post about a particular topic/subject then I don't mind at all if they create a new topic. Its actually nice cause it starts a fresh conversation that allows everyone to join in... while long threads usually are too involved for fresh eyes to dig into.

Agreed to a certain extent although I'm still generally in favor of a bump of a recent thread than a whole new thread although GAF moderation seems to encourage the latter.
MadraptorMan said:
I agree with the OP. Cloverfield was amazing and unlike any movie I have seen before.
Bolded for emphasis. It felt like a completely new experience. There's really nothing like it, at least that I have seen.
Green Shinobi said:
Not the same genre at all.

What? You have seen the movie right?

-resembling the end of the world

Children is a movie about a guy living in a post-apocalyptic world. I agree its not a monster film obviously... but COM is an apocalyptic film. Shit many aspects of Cloverfield remind me of Children of Men... just not as well executed.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Green Shinobi said:
Bolded for emphasis. It felt like a completely new experience. There's really nothing like it, at least that I have seen.
Indeed. I doubt a film like this would've been feasible even 5 years ago (excluding Blair Witch Type indie stuff - I'm talking more action like this). The Youtube Generation is upping the ante.
Karma Kramer said:
What? You have seen the movie right?

-resembling the end of the world

Children is a movie about a guy living in a post-apocalyptic world. I agree its not a monster film obviously... but COM is an apocalyptic film. Shit many aspects of Cloverfield remind me of Children of Men... just not as well executed.
If you are going to classify Children of Men as apocalyptic, that's fine, but I was referring more to films where humanity faces some kind of outside threat (zombies, monsters, aliens, disease, etc) as opposed to infertility.


I liked it, it was entertaining, but it was in no way as good as people seemed to predict or as early screenings said. I dunno who mentioned Children of Men or why, but it's a much superior movie, IMO.

Edit: I wouldn't classify CoM as 'apocalyptic'. I'd rather use the term 'dystopian'.
So the people who weren't feeling the characters: what about them didn't you like?

You didn't find the palpable terror that they were experiencing to be compelling? Or the bereavement that Rob feels after
Jason dies.
? You weren't moved by his heroism in going back to the apartment to rescue Beth?


I thought it was fantastic. I would've liked a different ending
Hud dying was unnecessary and a little unrealistic. Plus if they were going to end it with everyone dead, I would've preferred to just see the city get nuked CoD4 style
icarus-daedelus said:
Apocalyptic and dystopian are really similar, and it's not like we get enough of each to actually separate the two.
No, and the ones that we do get are usually pretty mindless fare, like the Resident Evil films or Independence Day or Godzilla.

That's why I really liked Children of Men in 2006 and Cloverfield this year.
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