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LTTP: Cloverfield. . . why the hell were reviews mixed?

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Green Shinobi said:
There's a big difference between emphatically taking a position and what you're accusing me of.

Whatever man, you're first handful of posts in this and the official thread had you dredging up There will be blood as some sort of apt comparison when clearly you were trying to bait people into a response.

big_z said:
Main problems for me were:
-hud, who is dumb as fuck and needed to shut up.

Totally agree, the film would have been a lot better for me if you didn't have Hud's running commentary through the whole film.

-the incredible shrinking and growing monster. early on by the subway entrance it's foot is the size of a human, then later it steps on a tank and crushes it easily. sometimes it's bigger than buildings then at the end it's tiny. wtf!

I think the last bit was down to the perspective of HUD, but since we know it's an 'infant' could it be possible it changes size or perhaps even growing through the film?

Nemesis556 said:
My impressions from the original thread:

I saw the film only last night but I'm pretty sure the guy that stops Hud early in the film wasn't speaking Japanese (And the Dharma inatitive in Lost isn't Japanese either).


Warrior300 said:
The most realistic movie i ever saw, cant wait for a sequel.
What :lol :lol I see you don't watch many movies. Also I read the first page of the thread as if it was just recently posted and didn't notice the date... then I realized I had already replied and this is an old thread D:


master15 said:
I saw the film only last night but I'm pretty sure the guy that stops Hud early in the film wasn't speaking Japanese (And the Dharma inatitive in Lost isn't Japanese either).
Yeah it's Russian. I don't know what I was on to think it was Japanese. As for DHARMA? Well I swear it was Japanese >_> but whatever =P
master15 said:
Whatever man, you're first handful of posts in this and the official thread had you dredging up There will be blood as some sort of apt comparison when clearly you were trying to bait people into a response.
When the fuck did I compare Cloverfield to There Will Be Blood?

What I said was that this was going to be one of the most well-remembered films from the year, even though it will never win an Oscar, just like how Terminator 2 is one of the best remembered films of 1991 and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is one of the best remembered films of 1994. On the other hand, I think There Will Be Blood is going to be a lot like The English Patient or A Beautiful Mind, where it's highly lauded on release, but no one really has the stomach to sit through an entire viewing of it ten years down the line.

That was a relatively minor point in this thread until people started misinterpreting what I had posted.

AmishNazi said:
Yes because only your opinion about a subjective medium such as film is right :lol

You know the more you have to defend and attack people with different opinions the worse your opinion probably is. Justification for liking a shitty movie FTL.
First of all, more people in this thread agree with me that the movie was fuck-awesome than agree with you that it sucked.

Second of all, I have no doubt that this film is going to be considered a classic a few years down the line. What would you say to someone who told you that he thought The Terminator sucked? You'd tell him that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, he needs to get better taste in movies and that he should shut the fuck up. Sure, it's his opinion, but he sucks for having it. Same kind of thing here.
Finally saw it and am really happy with the movie. My only issue is that the writers/director (whomever) couldn't seem to pull enough focus away from the main characters. Keeping them two-dimensional makes sense as it is really Cloverfield and Manhattan's movie but, given Rob & Co.'s lack of depth, I would have liked to have seen less of the main characters and more emotionally charged clips of random passerbys/victims to give the movie its human element.
CabbageRed said:
I would have liked to have seen less of the main characters and more emotionally charged clips of random passerbys/victims to give the movie its human element.
This sentence gave me painful flashbacks to those random shots of Middle Earth villagers in distress that Peter Jackson loved interspersing in every battle scene in Lord of the Rings.
SaggyMonkey said:
It has the most annoying characters of all time... (Rob... rob... rob... hey rob... rob...rob...hey rob... rob...rob...rob..rob. come here.. rob rob rob rob rob)

You forgot "Dude, dude, yes bro?, dude ,dude, are you ok?, dude, dude, dude, dude, do you feel alright?"

The main core of the film is a well executed rollacoaster ride but the first 18 minutes is so unbearable.
Green Shinobi said:
When the fuck did I compare Cloverfield to There Will Be Blood?

What I said was that this was going to be one of the most well-remembered films from the year, even though it will never win an Oscar, just like how Terminator 2 is one of the best remembered films of 1991 and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is one of the best remembered films of 1994. On the other hand, I think There Will Be Blood is going to be a lot like The English Patient or A Beautiful Mind, where it's highly lauded on release, but no one really has the stomach to sit through an entire viewing of it ten years down the line.

That was a relatively minor point in this thread until people started misinterpreting what I had posted.

First of all, more people in this thread agree with me that the movie was fuck-awesome than agree with you that it sucked.

Hey, if its any consolation, I agree with you.

The special effects in the movie were actually rather average. If you recall the scene in which the statue of liberties head collides into the street where Rob and Co. are, the CGI image of the head when the dust clears is actually pretty terrible. Luckily the monster was believable enough.

Overall though the movie was excellent. Mixing in footage of Rob and Beth throughout was a clever way of building the relationship between the two without having it slow down the story too much. In the context of the story I found the characters actions to be believable, and being behind Huds camera really made you feel like you were there.

I don't remember if Huds commentary annoyed me in the cinema though. I can't recall it at all. What sort of shit was he saying?
Green Shinobi said:
This sentence gave me painful flashbacks to those random shots of Middle Earth villagers in distress that Peter Jackson loved interspersing in every battle scene in Lord of the Rings.

I was thinking more along the lines of "have you seen my wife/arm"-type scenes.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I thought it was a very good film, and a much better execution of the concept than Blair Witch.

But have to agree about the characters, I didn't care about any of them and their actions were often typical 'action-film stupid' ones.


Nemesis556 said:
Yeah it's Russian. I don't know what I was on to think it was Japanese. As for DHARMA? Well I swear it was Japanese >_> but whatever =P

Well on the videos they end it with the guy speaking Thai, also in the episode Man behind the curtains (Ben's flashback) when they arrivie on the island they use the same greeting.

Green Shinobi said:
When the fuck did I compare Cloverfield to There Will Be Blood?

What I said was that this was going to be one of the most well-remembered films from the year, even though it will never win an Oscar, just like how Terminator 2 is one of the best remembered films of 1991 and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is one of the best remembered films of 1994. On the other hand, I think There Will Be Blood is going to be a lot like The English Patient or A Beautiful Mind, where it's highly lauded on release, but no one really has the stomach to sit through an entire viewing of it ten years down the line.

It clearly was an attempt to bait people buddy, whichever way you swing it.

And I highly doubt in a few years people will even remember Cloverfield frankly, mainly because as interesting as the idea of seeing the film through first person perspective/camera it's been done before (And a couple have done the whole idea a whole lot better I might add). Plus with films like Dark Knight, Indiana Jones, Quantum of Solace, The curious case of Benjamin Button and Lovely Bones among others coming out this year I've got a sneaky suspision it's going to be forgotten more quickly then you expect.

Please don't even start comparing the aformentioned film with the Terminator franchise, please.The Terminator films worked on so many levels (I'm talking about the Cameron films, T3 never happened). They had outstanding action pieces, some solid characterisation, able to seamlessly blend sci-fi elements and had easily some of cinemas most memorable villains (Arnold in T1 and T1000 in Judgement day). Frankly Cloverfield doesn't even deliver in a lot of those categories, and comparing them is pretty futile.

I'm glad you liked the film so much, like I said I thought it was an interesting idea with a couple of nice scenes but really failed to exectue such a promising concept.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I get the guys point who said 'one of the most realistic films I ever saw'

for an
alien SMASH
film, it was pretty realistically done with everyones responses
including the army

Not sure if I needed spoilers, but the movie was better for my flatmates who didn't know a thing about the film.


Green Shinobi said:
First of all, more people in this thread agree with me that the movie was fuck-awesome than agree with you that it sucked.

Second of all, I have no doubt that this film is going to be considered a classic a few years down the line.

Eh it's just not my cup of tea, shaky cam, poor decisions, 20 somethings being emo. Blair Witch is considered a classic by a lot and shit by a lot. Neither of these opinions is right about the other persons opinion. It's fucking subjective.

Green Shinobi said:
What would you say to someone who told you that he thought The Terminator sucked? You'd tell him that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, he needs to get better taste in movies and that he should shut the fuck up. Sure, it's his opinion, but he sucks for having it. Same kind of thing here.

You must have tons of friends.


First a comment like that would lead to a conversation that went further than any of your rebukes in this thread. I guess I'm just weird in people's right to have a opinion about something. It's just when it becomes this I must convert people into loving this movie fanaticism that I hate. Which is all you've been doing regurgitating the same points over and over and over.

Oh and I never said the movie was crap I just agreed with a poster about flawed logic that bugged me.


i just finished watching cloverfield...

my thoughts: what a pile of shit, as if there's a sequel coming out. this is worst than waterworld.


to OP

You trash no Country for Old Men and then you see a no brains, 80 min empty movie, and you say it's one of the best movie you've seen in a while? Wow

This movie is at best "brainless fun".
I would like this movie more, if it is made as a regular movie instead of Blairwitch.

BTW, what other monsters have attacked NY before? I remember, godzilla, King Kong.
WrikaWrek said:
to OP

You trash no Country for Old Men and then you see a no brains, 80 min empty movie, and you say it's one of the best movie you've seen in a while? Wow

This movie is at best "brainless fun".
You didn't get it.

Blablurn said:
this thread (especially the haters) makes me sad :(

I guess you weren't ready for this movie.
QFT. Or they don't really understand the subtle nuances that separate this one from the rest of the pack. Most of the best parts of Cloverfield were quite subtle, actually.


Fireblend said:
What :lol :lol I see you don't watch many movies. Also I read the first page of the thread as if it was just recently posted and didn't notice the date... then I realized I had already replied and this is an old thread D:

lol. i have watched thousands of movies and this movie is by far the most realistic in terms of cinematography.
Green Shinobi said:
You didn't get it.

QFT. Or they don't really understand the subtle nuances that separate this one from the rest of the pack. Most of the best parts of Cloverfield were quite subtle, actually.

And most of the shitty parts were quite obvious.

How the hell does Beth go from being on the verge of death from being impaled to running around New York like she's fine and dandy? I don't remember where the that rod pierced her but I think it should have, at the very least, punctured her lung. Surviving a helicopter crash is also pretty shitty.

EDIT: Oh shit...I didn't realize who I was quoting. Carry along.
WrikaWrek said:
Oh i didn't get it?

:lol :lol
If your opinion was that it was brainless, then no. It took a fuckton of intelligence and creativity to write that script.

AmishNazi said:
I guess I'm just weird in people's right to have a opinion about something. It's just when it becomes this I must convert people into loving this movie fanaticism that I hate.
You might notice that I'm not disagreeing with everyone who didn't like the movie. It's just that there are specific reasons for not liking the movie that just don't make sense, specifically the claim that it was "mindless" as WrikaWrek is arguing.

Jamesfrom818 said:
How the hell does Beth go from being on the verge of death from being impaled to running around New York like she's fine and dandy? I don't remember where the that rod pierced her but I think it should have, at the very least, punctured her lung. Surviving a helicopter crash is also pretty shitty.
It went through the shoulder.


Jamesfrom818 said:
And most of the shitty parts were quite obvious.

How the hell does Beth go from being on the verge of death from being impaled to running around New York like she's fine and dandy? I don't remember where the that rod pierced her but I think it should have, at the very least, punctured her lung. Surviving a helicopter crash is also pretty shitty.

EDIT: Oh shit...I didn't realize who I was quoting. Carry along.

I'll give you that it was kinda silly.


Green Shinobi said:
If your opinion was that it was brainless, then no. It took a fuckton of intelligence and creativity to write that script.

Because it included some day to day "could be your friend acting like that" characters?

You gotta be freaking kidding me.


Green Shinobi said:
If your opinion was that it was brainless, then no. It took a fuckton of intelligence and creativity to write that script.

Because it included some day to day "could be your friend acting like that" characters?

You gotta be freaking kidding me.
Wow, I remember when I trashed the film after opening night for not liking the ending. It kept me entertained but I hated that it had no closure. GAF was not happy. :lol

It seems like people are still pulling the "You didn't get it" and "Research a film before you see it" bullshit. I'm sure this film will be remembered for the subtle nuances. :rolleyes

It was an entertaining plot but nothing deep or revolutionary.
WrikaWrek said:
Because it included some day to day "could be your friend acting like that" characters?

You gotta be freaking kidding me.
That's not why, but do me a favor. Next time you have some free time when you aren't doing anything, try writing a suspenseful action sequence, or just try to think of one in your head.

Once you've done that, watch a James Cameron film like Terminator 2. That exercise will show you just how much more creativity it takes to write top-tier action scenes like the ones in his films than the ones in something like a Roland Emmerich film.

I'm not saying that Cloverfield is on the same level as Terminator 2, but it's closer to that level than the mindless drek some of you guys are comparing it to.
To answer the thread title: because some of us don't like to listen to whiney shits for 90 minutes straight. I don't care how "brilliant" the writing was - the people in the film made me want to shove things into my ear drums. That's not my idea of a good time.
eudaemonic said:
To answer the thread title: because some of us don't like to listen to whiney shits for 90 minutes straight. I don't care how "brilliant" the writing was - the people in the film made me want to shove things into my ear drums. That's not my idea of a good time.
I just have to use this post to illustrate a point. This post describes a perfectly respectable reason for not liking the film. AmishNazi, you would never see me trying to "correct" this person's opinion, because it's a perfectly valid one.

It's the "Cloverfield was a brainless monster flick" opinions that I can't fucking stand.


Green Shinobi said:
I'm not saying that Cloverfield is on the same level as Terminator 2, but it's closer to that level than the mindless drek some of you guys are comparing it to.


Look here's what. It tried to depict ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, and it largely fails. Friends dying, family dying, what do we see? A guy in the middle of all this calmly going on his way to save his not-girlfriend, meanwhile there's this loser that just keeps filming the whole thing i mean, there's a freaking monster in the streets that the army can't stop, minions that are killing left and right, and this guy is just "There's some background noise so what? I'm filming bitches, i can't stop, i won't stop"....son please....

They get there look up, and see the tower of pizza about to fall off and think to themselfs "Fuck it, the building might collapse at any moment but i don't give a shit" and the other dude goes "YEA, i'll film". They get there and this chick, who obviously is hot as hell, has this freaking bar across her chest (Not exactly the shoulder, it was a bit above her left boob), and they go and just get her up like that, and bam she's good to go, she's ready to get the day started.

So they get to the chopter, and i mean obviously the pilot had to act like a dick, "push it closer essay" when common sense says "get the hell away, far away". And then it just so happens we got ourselfs a bunch of Wolverins up in this bitch, she bah, a chopter crash on top of her injury? The monster is gonna need much more than that, the other two are just fine, and obviously the camera dude goes back for the camera and when the monster, by pure coincidence happens to walk up to them, apparently without anybody hearing the son of a bitch, the guy has some stealthy feet, what does the camera man do? He films the monster obviously, run? why? It looks so...cute.

This movie had a good beginning, but by the time it's over, i felt the same way as i felt when i was walking into the theater, i was waiting to see a film.
WrikaWrek said:
You know, all of this makes sense, and if this had been your first post, I wouldn't have argued with you. The very premise of the film obviously requires a certain amount of suspension of disbelief (that someone would constantly be risking his own life in order to keep on filming a disaster instead of getting the fuck out of there).

If someone is willing to overlook this (and doesn't mind the characters), then I think that person's opinion will be close to mine. If someone can't overlook this, or hates the characters, then that person won't like the film.
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