Have people forgotten that PvP sucks in Dark Souls 2?
? It sucks far less than in Dark Souls which is BS-fishing: the game.
Builds becomes irrelevant after a certain threshold thanks to Soul Memory and start seeing people wearing heavy armor and buffs that takes little damage.
People say that, and for a while we did see Havelyn katana hexers (pre-nerfs) but after a while I stopped seeing those, and see all sorts of varied characters. Same with giantdad in Dark Souls really.
But that doesn't matter because Poise is broken in Dark Souls 2 so a dagger can stop a full Havel. Invaders are at a huge disadvantage because they have no healing items with Miracles taking too long to cast making them useless.
This is funny because in Dark Souls, invaders cannot heal either. And worse, re: poise, in Dark Souls, you can attack an opponent to try to interrupt his running-backstab, but poise will mean they'll tank right through it and BS you anyway. Fun times!
Poise was poorly implemented in Dark Souls. It's not really that much better in Dark Souls II, true. The ideal lies somewhere in the middle.
Let' not forget that they had to re-balance the game every month because of Monastery Scimitar, the Spells, the consumables(for the worse), The weapon balance and buff stacking.
True Walk of Peace, Ring of Fog, Darkwood Grain Ring, Magic Shield sorcery, Crystal Ring Shield... I could go on. But yeah how dare they support the game by making balance adjustments, hmm...
Either you are actually a Dark Souls critic too, or people's memory is really pathetically short.
But it's combined with other issues.
Some enemies have those wack ass hit boxes, some enemies have what seems like infinite stamina, some enemies seem to get staggered by one hit, then don't flinch at all by the next and counterattack you out of nowhere, some have insane tracking on attacks which can be combined with low agility in the early game for maximum frustration etc.
All that combined makes the game feel a lot worse. In past games it felt like the enemies were playing by your rules, whereas in DS2 you have to check for bullshit every time you find a new enemy.
There is exactly one "infinite stamina" enemy and he is not in early game, he's in very-late game. The staggering thing, and the tracking thing, I noticed happening in Bloodborne as well. Hitboxes are more or less the same as well, maybe a tad more wonky in DS2 because of Agility and the fact that DS2 has too many grab attacks, which I feel is a legit criticism - grab attacks have always been rather vacuumy bullshit in
all of the games, and DS2 has more of them than in the other games so it probably stands out more.
It's fucking disgraceful that OP took his/her time writing why he/she feels the game sucks and dozens of responses on the first page are essentially equivalent to "Hurr, you're just a hater, game is good" with absolutely no content whatsoever.
How about all of us who
are addressing the points? I would say it's "fucking disgraceful" that you selectively ignore them but, well, I'm not a fan of hyperbole so I wouldn't go that far.
Whats the point of build variety of what your playing through is the same pile of garbage each an every time?
If you don't think the content is a pile of garbage, that build variety makes the game all the more amazing. Imagine that!
There are no areas dark enough to require a torch.
Its a completely pointless mechanic, made even worse by those fire butterfly whatevers. Now the player can really just circumvent the game.
Pointless? No. It's rarely 100% essential I suppose, but it's still very helpful in some areas, such as the Gutter, No Man's Wharf, Shrine of Amana (to detect the falls), Tseldora (to repel the spiders), and of course, the Old Chasms of the Abyss.