Alright so I uploaded a No-Man's Wharf run I did just to see how many of the complaints in the OP would show up and just try to illustrate the thing to some extent. Turns out I didn't have to force it for most of them to happen:
00:15 - Sniper arrow out of nowhere. I know it comes from the guy on top of the building but the first time you go this way you probably won't even see him before you have an arrow in your ass, mainly because you're busy fighting a dog and a zombie while dodging another sniper from another direction. This one is the least flagrant anyways.
00:20 - I get hit when I'm rolling and the character doesn't give a shit, but the lifebar does. Also the axe clearly doesn't hit my character at all.
00:43 - One hit stops him but the next one doesn't, despite being the same kind of attack/weapon.
01:00 - Self-explanatory awful hitbox/hit detection.
01:43- New parry has barely the same effect of a shield block despite being much riskier and harder to perform than a parry in Dark Souls or a shield block in this game.
02:04 - I don't expect that zombie but I can't do anything to react because drinking estus is a sacred ritual in Drangleic that can't be interrupted or accelerated. You couldn't move in DaS either but it didn't take 1 minute to drink.
02:21 - I don't know where the fuck does this bullshit damage come from but I assume it's from the barely initiated attack animation of the dead zombie.
03:28 - Amateur, hardly tested hit detection.
03:31 - Vikings like their ice skating and instant magnet attraction to get to their targets. Literal first time I see such blatant low quality shit in these games.
03:47 - A viking come from behind for apparently no reason. I assume it's the one that doesn't aggro for some reason and therefore I didn't kill, but I don't understand why I'm triggering him this time around, I guess because the game recognized a gang bang opportunity and also throws in a random common zombie that I certainly didn't leave behind.
You can deal with that and more in Bloodborne because the game is designed around it and your character has ways to overcome the challenge. Even with the tools you have in that game, the pack of enemies don't attack at all times like they do here. Here, you have a very limited stamina bar -while the enemies' are infinite-, a dodge with barely any i-frames and a map filled with aggroable enemies everywhere. It's plain cheap and unfair, just ridiculous. The best strategy is to lure them to a zone where they can fall off the map. And it's not like you get in these situations because you rush or fail at something or just actively want to like it usually is in Dark Souls or Demon's, it's because the levels are designed for these kind of situations to happen every moment while not giving you the tools to deal with it properly.
4:25 - I have no stamina but I can roll, though the dodge keeps being useless as it doesn't mitigate damage let alone dodge it. Curious thing about this moment though is that one might thing that the delay between the end of the attack and the roll is caused by the lack of stamina -which would make sense and it's how it is in previous games-, but the fact is that it's indeed the usual recovery time of a short sword's R1 attack and basically every weapon. By the way, if you attack the ones with the two swords when they are blocking, they show feedback, whereas if you attack them when their chest is open because they're swinging their swords, with most probability they will ignore it and go on with the attack.
5:53 - The epitome of useless dodge/bullshit hitboxes. First off, he hits me while I'm attacking but my character doesn't show any feedback, then I clearly dodge the next attack but he hits me for full damage and the character couldn't be less bothered about losing half his lifebar. Listen, if you want to make roll less useful I'm fine with that, but how about you show some feedback like I don't know, the character actually BEING HIT like it is in every other goddamn game of the franchise? I just can't believe this is a thing in this game. Like holy shit the fact that it's a "feature" is beyond unfathomable.
Also, what's the point of rolling anyways? You're gonna get hit most of the time no matter how you time it, especially in mobs with long range like that one -or those with just plain broken hitboxes like the eagle knight at the giants forest or whatever he's called-, so not using the shield at all times is strongly discouraged -so much for increased build variety. And I'm not expecting the dodge from Bloodborne, just the balanced roll of DeS and DaS that allowed players to play two-handed weapons and have a somewhat high risk, high reward aggressive playstyle that at least isn't just "turtle the hell out of it".
06:25 - I try to lock on the target in front of me but the new "improved" system locks on a target below I can't even see.
06:55 - With this level of fall damage I don't even know why they bothered with a jump button. I guess the chosen undead just isn't very fit despite holding inmense weapons and weighty armor. That or he just has Crystal Not-so-straight Legs +1.
08:36 - Again, the infamous "invulnerable-just-not-really-dodging-anything" roll. Punch in the face but the character goes on with the rolling. Hey I might be taking damage but I'm not letting the out-of-place weird Oolacile rehash know.
09:37 - After killing 4 of those and dealing with the bleeding status I can get even by blocking attacks with a shield, I just needed another one to come down from the skies to hit me with his magnet punch through my useless roll.
11:15 - I won't even bother to describe this. Amateur or rushed doesn't do justice to it.
On the bright side, I killed -yet another dissapointing- boss and got to Lost Bastille, which I enjoyed quite a lot more than any of the previous zones despite having those nasty exploding zombies.