Hello guys. I'll talk a bit about the movie with uncensored spoilers so if anybody reading this hasn't watched it, please don't read after this point.
I like the harry potter franchise a lot, though i ended up missing this movie in the cinema because of reasons. I picked up the Blu-ray and finally watched it. And i loved it.
The elements it brought to the harry potter lore are really fascinating and i feel they are taking advantage of a really underdeveloped aspect of the world (imo): all the magical creatures that supposedly exist and have lots of charisma. My favorite scene was probably the one where Scamander shows the contents of the suitcase to the No-maj. I felt like when i first watched "HP & the philosopher's stone": it was mesmerizing. The colors, the creativity involved. It was really amazing and inspiring, imho.
The Obscurus stuff was really interesting, and i just found out that it could actually connect to Dumbledore's sister story, so it's even better imo. I think the scenes where it ravages the city are successful in conveying the horror, violence and despair (the effects were insane), and i feel it's demise subverts the trope of the "mc saving everyone" (sad about credence, though). I mean Newt actually solves the whole mess in the finale, but is unable to save the poor man.
One thing that bothered me a lot was the Grindelwald reveal. I mean holy shit what a turn-off that was. You go from hot af, mature Colin Farrell that i think pulled off the antagonist part really well in the entire run, feeling menacing and savage (execution scene anyone?) to 2 minutes of old, WEIRD AS HELL, Johnny Depp with the weird look that imo clashed too much with the aesthetic of the movie. Felt like it was a batman "cartoon" villain from the burton era. Awful.
What's the consensus on it? Do you guys enjoyed it? Felt it was worthy of joining the lore of HP? To be a franchise?
I like the harry potter franchise a lot, though i ended up missing this movie in the cinema because of reasons. I picked up the Blu-ray and finally watched it. And i loved it.
The elements it brought to the harry potter lore are really fascinating and i feel they are taking advantage of a really underdeveloped aspect of the world (imo): all the magical creatures that supposedly exist and have lots of charisma. My favorite scene was probably the one where Scamander shows the contents of the suitcase to the No-maj. I felt like when i first watched "HP & the philosopher's stone": it was mesmerizing. The colors, the creativity involved. It was really amazing and inspiring, imho.
The Obscurus stuff was really interesting, and i just found out that it could actually connect to Dumbledore's sister story, so it's even better imo. I think the scenes where it ravages the city are successful in conveying the horror, violence and despair (the effects were insane), and i feel it's demise subverts the trope of the "mc saving everyone" (sad about credence, though). I mean Newt actually solves the whole mess in the finale, but is unable to save the poor man.
One thing that bothered me a lot was the Grindelwald reveal. I mean holy shit what a turn-off that was. You go from hot af, mature Colin Farrell that i think pulled off the antagonist part really well in the entire run, feeling menacing and savage (execution scene anyone?) to 2 minutes of old, WEIRD AS HELL, Johnny Depp with the weird look that imo clashed too much with the aesthetic of the movie. Felt like it was a batman "cartoon" villain from the burton era. Awful.
What's the consensus on it? Do you guys enjoyed it? Felt it was worthy of joining the lore of HP? To be a franchise?