Aaron Strife
I do like Harry's hair in the movie. In the books it's always described as unruly and long, first three movies his hair always seemed too normal. GOF was the closest to what I imagined.Because Mike Newell is a madman. Goblet of Fire is the only Harry potter movie that feels like it was made on acid (perhaps it indeed was).
Everyone acts like a complete lunatic (not just Dumbledore), everyone's hair is out of control, the colour palette and direction is more exuberant than usual, the books' most complex plot is rendered nonsensical by the cut-up script, and the pacing is just all over the place. Also, there's the scene with a midget crowdsurfing.
It's the weirdest movie of the series by far (and according to most people, the worst in the series).
And then for OOTP of course he shaved most of it.
Everyone else having long hair (Ron and the Weasley twins) is a poor look though.