Great film series but I will never forgive them for turning the longest book (Order of the Phoenix) into the shortest Harry Potter movie. Complete bullshit.
Also, wtf was up with this:
Yeah I think Gambon was far better. Everything he did in POA felt like Dumbledore come to life. Harris, when in better health, was a fantastic actor but he was already ghostly looking in HP1. I think Gambon is marred for a lot of people because of his performance in GoF but everyone was awful in that movie and it wasn't his fault. He ended up nailing the role far more than Harris did.The Dumbledore divide is always interesting. I didn't much care for Harris, with his sort of Gandalf-with-a-foot-in-the-grave take on Dumbles, but he was serviceable. Gambon, especially in Azkaban, managed to pretty much nail the way I saw the book Dumbledore--powerful and intelligent, but also at times lighthearted and whimsical.
Honestly I can't imagine Harris pulling off the fight with Voldy in the fifth movie.
The Dumbledore divide is always interesting. I didn't much care for Harris, with his sort of Gandalf-with-a-foot-in-the-grave take on Dumbles, but he was serviceable. Gambon, especially in Azkaban, managed to pretty much nail the way I saw the book Dumbledore--powerful and intelligent, but also at times lighthearted and whimsical.
Honestly I can't imagine Harris pulling off the fight with Voldy in the fifth movie.
I mean that's a cool side bit in the books but it makes sense that it was cut since it does lead nowhere
Voldemort defines the prophecy by his own actions by going after baby Harry. From that moment on Neville can't be the choosen one anyway
Just wrapped up Azkaban, and I thought it was excellent, an improvement upon its predecessors on nearly every front.
I was very into how much darker it was, not only in tone, but in its visuals. The bleaker color palette was way more interesting than anything used in the first two.
I was slightly disappointed to see that Oldman's screen time was very limited, but he was as great as he always is. David Thewlis too was also a wonderful new addition, and I hope both characters reappear in the series.
I'll watch Goblet of Fire tomorrow, which seems to be the most hated on, at least by glancing on some of the posts here.
Someone claimed it seemed like an acid trip, so I'm curious to know how that goes.
Oh, and I miss the old Dumbledore. I found the replacement fine, since I'm always open to different interpretations, but Richard Harris was such a stand-out in the previous films.
Oh, and Ron still sucks.
Because Mike Newell is a madman. Goblet of Fire is the only Harry potter movie that feels like it was made on acid (perhaps it indeed was).
Everyone acts like a complete lunatic (not just Dumbledore), everyone's hair is out of control, the colour palette and direction is more exuberant than usual, the books' most complex plot is rendered nonsensical by the cut-up script, and the pacing is just all over the place. Also, there's the scene with a midget crowdsurfing.
It's the weirdest movie of the series by far (and according to most people, the worst in the series).
What's even worse is it might be my fave book in the series.Holy hell these are exactly my thoughts - HP4 is by far the *worst* movie in the series. I will watch any of the other films except that one because of how bad it is. There was something off about that movie and you summed it up perfectly. Compared to how great HP3 was, HP4 is trash.
What's even worse is it might be my fave book in the series.
Michael Gambon was a disaster as Dumbledore compared to Richard Harris.
First 3 movies really captured the magic of the world. I wish Christopher Columbus would have been given a chance as the actors matured and he could push for a more PG-13 film. Even giving Cuaron another go was better than the crap we ended up getting.
Should have just called the last 2 movies, Harry Potter and the battle at Hogwarts as the Deathly Hallows all but irrelevant.
Richard Harris also was the perfect Dumbledore. By the end, the cast looked like Abercrombie models who have wands that shoot white projectiles or red light against green light etc. All magic and wonder gone from the world. Watch the world building Columbus did in the first two and then watch by the end. It became a flat sprint from beginning to end. The ancillary stuff that makes the movie different from others was gone.
so depressing. Everything was dark, you had Harry and crew hanging out at old English houses in the middle of nowhere, and then a huge battle. Everyone was sad when that elf died, but I felt nothing. What's his name? Gomby?
Well Dobby only played a large part in Chamber of Secrets, a movie you didn't watch, so it is to be expected that you had less of an emotional response to his death
Neville is the chosen one. He gets chosen into Gryffindor, he wins them the house cup, he finds the room of requirement, he destroys the last horcrux. The true hero of HP.
Half Blood Prince is my favorite of the movies
Ignore Dumbledore in Goblet of Fire for the most part, he got some absolute shit direction.
Maybe having zero knowledge of the books influenced my enjoyment of this one?
I was slightly disappointed to see that Oldman's screen time was very limited, but he was as great as he always is. David Thewlis too was also a wonderful new addition, and I hope both characters reappear in the series.
Totally agree with your Gambon take.The Dumbledore divide is always interesting. I didn't much care for Harris, with his sort of Gandalf-with-a-foot-in-the-grave take on Dumbles, but he was serviceable. Gambon, especially in Azkaban, managed to pretty much nail the way I saw the book Dumbledore--powerful and intelligent, but also at times lighthearted and whimsical.
Honestly I can't imagine Harris pulling off the fight with Voldy in the fifth movie.
Great film series but I will never forgive them for turning the longest book (Order of the Phoenix) into the shortest Harry Potter movie. Complete bullshit.
Also, wtf was up with this:
Perhaps it was me going in with lowered expectations, but I'm shocked at how much I enjoyed Goblet of Fire. It's, by far, my favorite of the four I've seen.
This one finally completes the transition from kids movies that can be enjoyed by all ages to a much more serious fantasy tone that I find a bit similar to LOTR, that being my all time favorite trilogy.
I did enjoy how quickly this one "starts" as opposed to the predecessors. It takes maybe 15 minutes for Ghost BC to show up and start torching the Qudditch, instead of again wasting time with slapstick humor at Aunt Petunia's.
Even the humor here is much better. I found myself liking the scenes with Harry and Ron finding a date for the ball. It was a much better shot at levity, as opposed to the "HAHA HIS HEAD IS A MEATBALL NOW" found in the previous films.
Voldemort's rebirth scene was excellent. Ralph Fiennes was perfectly sinister in the role, and that makeup is just horrifying.
Maybe having zero knowledge of the books influenced my enjoyment of this one?
Anyway, I'm hyped to finish the series now that it seems the main tone and antagonist have been established.
I actually liked him a lot here!
HBP is one of my favs. Good mix of humor and setting up the endNeville is the chosen one. He gets chosen into Gryffindor, he wins them the house cup, he finds the room of requirement, he destroys the last horcrux. The true hero of HP.
Half Blood Prince is my favorite of the movies
Great film series but I will never forgive them for turning the longest book (Order of the Phoenix) into the shortest Harry Potter movie. Complete bullshit.
Also, wtf was up with this:
Pffft. Who cares about Voldemort back story when you can have Death Eaters randomly attack the Burrow?HBP is my favorite book. Not only did I love the Voldemort backstory,but it's also the only book that feels like a normal year at hogwarts. How villain, no real mystery.
Then the movie screwed it up by just going overboard with teen angst and barely going into Voldemort backstory.
Pffft. Who cares about Voldemort back story when you can have Death Eaters randomly attack the Burrow?
Hold up. You think Camping: The Movie is the best Harry Potter movie?
As someone who never read the books Goblet of Fire is my favourite. All eight were way better than Fantastic Beasts.
I actually really enjoyed Fantastic Beasts, and look forward to seeing what happens next with Newt and the gang. I cared more about them in one film than I did with the original trio over all eight.As someone who never read the books Goblet of Fire is my favourite. All eight were way better than Fantastic Beasts.