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LTTP Metroid: Other M - WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (long rant ahead)

Not Spaceghost

To call other M an unpolished gem is like calling Stalin a good guy that did bad things, in other words it's just wrong. But the sad thing is, it still manages to give you brief moments of fun where you're like "oh so this is how it works!" but then the game makes you say "oh never mind it's just busted"

Other M is a flawed game, not just as a Metroid game but as a action adventure platformer hybrid thing.

My opinion on other M can be broken down into 4 main categories, their fairly generic - but then again so is this piece of shit.

1) Expansion Upgrades
2) Game design choices
3) The combat design
4) The story

Expansion Upgrades

The common complaint I kept hearing about Other M was that it was a pixel hunt, but this is a silly complaint because every metroid game has been a pixel hunt and on top of that you don't even need the expansion upgrades in this game.

The core problem with this game is that it gives you no reason to do anything other than the objective. I find myself at the finale of the game with 5 energy tanks and 29 missiles. Why so low do you ask? Because the game encourages nothing, it out right tells you "hey buddy there is an expansion upgrade in this room" and some times you can even see it before you can get it, unless it's beyond easy to get and I don't have to go out of my way to get it or it's a full energy tank, I'm going to skip it. Explaining why is going to unravel the core of the gameplay issues as well which is just wonderful.

Let's begin with missiles. Missiles are a staple of Metroid games, you gather an expansion and you have 5 more at your disposal, by the end of the game you'll probably be pushing 150 - 200 missiles in your arsenal but in Other M the core design behind missiles changes. In previous games missiles were like an instant charge beam that you could spam rapidly and unless the enemy was impervious to them they were usually a far more speedy method of dispatching enemies. In Other M they're treated more like a tool, to blast off enemy armor, expose weakspots, or break stuff in the map. While missiles are treated like a tool in the previous games as well that feels like a secondary function, but given the fact that to trigger missiles in Other M you must stop holding the wii mote like a controller and point it at the screen then lock on to the enemy and only then you may fire a missile, using them in combat unless the enemy is at a distance, immobilized or dazed is highly impractical. What this means is that in Other M you'll be using them as required and rarely as an offensive option.

What this means for expansion upgrades is that getting a missile expansion (which only gives 1 additional missile in this game) is an underwhelming feeling and leaves you feeling like you wasted your time hunting it down.

However, there is yet another reason why missile expansions are further devalued. It's a mechanic that other M adds called "concentration mode". Basically if you hold your wiimote upright and you hold A you recharge missiles to max in only about 2 seconds of charging.

Why the fuck does this shit exist? Because enemies no longer drop ammo or health.

Which brings me to why energy tanks are devalued- concentration mode also recovers 99 energy base when you're at critical health. When Samus drops below 30 energy your health bar turns red, at this point you can just run away concentrate for about 4-5 seconds and restore 1 energy tank. There are also these new items called e-recovery tanks that increase how much concentration mode restores. This shit makes me fucking laugh, because it changes so much about the game, the tension in combat is basically gone outside of situations where you're trapped in the room and may not get the chance to recharge if it comes down to it, not to mention it creates some extremely silly player behavior such as: Being low on energy just makes you wanna drop to critical so you can recharge 200 more health, great design huh?

Now energy tanks aren't as worthless as missile expansions because enemy damage over all is much higher in Other M than in the other games, so much so that you'll probably die a lot more in Other M because you didn't realize those last two hits you took erased almost 90 energy, but because of concentration mode, as soon as you see your health bar go red, go to the corner and recharge.

Game design choices:

This kind of ties into the previous section a bit, but there are some things here that need to be discussed. A lot of the time in Other M when you see that there is an expansion upgrade in the room you're in it's unreachable with your current equipment which means you'll have to come back...but you likely won't give a shit later on because the game gives you no reason to care as I explained above. The fact that you're expected to walk past a ton of upgrades because you've got to come back later with a new thing is great and all except that it clashes directly with how linear the game is. You've always got an objective marker, which isn't soo bad except that the maps are SO STRAIGHT FORWARD there is literally no way you can ever find yourself saying "I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere".

You've also got the much hated "authorization" thing, while Samus does collect a few power ups on her own and uses them as she finds them I actually didn't really hate the authorization system. It gave the game a way to introduce a new type of obstacle and a way to deal with it in the same room. Early on you find enemies that wont' take damage from the power beam so Adam says "yo sammy gurl use that ice zapper on those bitches" so you do. It may not be elegant and it's not very exciting but it's not as horrible as people make it out to be. Also it was kind of satisfying when Samus would authorize herself to use stuff, like she'd be all snide and be like "Any objections adam? kekekek" then authorize herself to use the space jump.

Odd design choices include: Iconic sound effects are almost totally gone, a horribly muted sound track with literally no iconic songs on it, the decision to remove shooting to open doors, those awkward slow moving sections, and not allowing people to use the nunchuk.

There is also that complaint that the game doesn't do a good job of making the player feel isolated because they're always in contact with the other squad mates but honestly you always forget they're on the ship because the whole cast is so forgettable not even an elephant would remember they exist. Except for Anthony, because he says "REMEMBER ME!?" in the trailer and it's always hilarious to think about.

Perhaps the funniest mishap in the game has to be the power bomb, it is shown how to use it in the tutorial mission but it becomes totally locked until the final boss. Fucking lol.

The Combat:

I'm sure you've heard people say "OH OTHER M HAS GREAT GAMEPLAY BUT IT HAS A BAD STORY" Well I won't tell you to tell them that they're wrong, but they're definitely not right. Combat in this game flip flops between two states, functional, and unresponsive. When the combat mechanics work the game is pretty fun and fluid and actually pretty thrilling, when it's being unresponsive it's a disaster.

There are 4 main mechanics to Other M's combat:

-Sensemotion - Move in any direction as you're about to get hit for a slow mo dodge that insta charges your shot
-Charge attacks - Charge up blast that deals big damage and usually has a nice secondary effect
-Lethal blow - Tap towards a floored enemy while charging a shot to insta kill them
-Overcharge - Jump on an enemies head while charging to deal massive damage.

Sensemotion usually works consistently, the idea is that you flip away and you can instantly land facing them to release the charge shot and hit them back, but some times Samus is facing the complete wrong way out of the flip. Other times you're dodging into walls and you still get hit during recovery frames, and other times it just won't register, usually I noticed this happens when there are multiple projectiles heading your way from many angles. Also sensemotion is really sensitive and very forgiving as to what triggers it, meaning in most cases when you're not sure when the big attack is going to come rapidly tapping a direction while holding shoot is the best way to guarantee a dodge. Which is kind of funny looking on screen. This could have been rectified by giving samus some kind of visual feedback on when it's time to dodge.

Charge attacks are fine but they don't feel like they do enough damage and feel like they're more of a set up, for maybe using a missile on a dude or starting an overcharge attack. Also because of the advantage instant charge gives you during a sensemotion dodge it encourages the player to remain still charging and shoot and just wait for dodges to help you charge and shoot faster...kinda makes for shitty combat pacing.

Lethal blow and Overcharge at the main offenders of being really big pieces of shit, The game has no feed back system on when you can perform these actions, some enemies floored animation is just a slightly longer knocked back animation which makes doing a lethal blow a total guessing game. Some times it looks like they're downed by you can't seem to trigger it, other times you're just re-positioning around them after hitting them and the move just triggers. What would have been wonderful is if enemies would flash red when you're allowed to use lethal blow.

Overcharge is a bit easier, but even landing on an enemies head is a cumbersome affair, Samus won't really stick to an enemy, and most of the time failing to land in the correct hitbox for their "head" makes you take damage from enemy contact. An alert for this too would also be nice but the game does allow you to jump on enemies when they're not ready to take overcharge damage (like they still have armor on their head or something).

Basically combat in Other M is fast but boring, it gives you the illusion of it being more interesting than it actually is but it's generally pretty serviceable, the classic games feel more mobile during combat despite that fact that you're not zipping around dodging like in Other M. The best thing about the combat is that it has a lot of strong player feed back, firing a charge shot feels powerful and firing a missile feels like you just did a ton of damage. Also I do like that overcharge attacks are available without any special conditions, it kind of adds a nice dynamic to the combat.

Honestly though a lot of my main gripes with the combat don't really stem from any of these things, they all stem from the horrible soft auto lock system. It's not as snappy or responsive as it should be. Given that you're being asked to navigate a 3D world with a fucking D pad at least make the auto lock more powerful. I should always be snapping to my nearest target, if I start shooting I expect the game to snap to something in front of me not start shooting at the wall.

Boss battles were eh, the infamous Ridley encounter was kind of a total joke and was probably the easiest boss fight in the whole game, mean while the final boss was absurdly frustrating. Having to freeze metroids and super missile them down was really rough considering how little time you had to adjust.

There were a few sequences that felt ridiculous too, the two final ones were the worst by far, you have to use a power bomb in the queen metroids tummy to kill her but the game doesn't alert you to the fact that you've got the power bomb online (which I found to be hilarious that you use the power bomb only at the end of the game when it's one of the first things the game teaches you how to use in the tutorial) so you just kinda sit in the belly bombing away and then you die. The final first person sequence is extra hilarious because you're expected to super missile the enemies away from Madeline but if you miss twice it's all over unless you happen to have collected enough missiles expansions, then again I'm not entirely sure if that's the case at all because I still don't know how this section works.

Probably the most disappointing thing as far as combat goes is that the game just starts to feel right by the time it's over, Samus with all of her upgrades and weapons finally feels right, enemies die in a reasonable amount of shots, you have a good amount of options at your disposal (space jump helps a lot with whiffed attempts at overcharge attacks) and it just feels more solid.

What's funny is that the bulk of the combat issues could have been fixed by giving the player more visual feed back on things, it's not exactly necessary and the game isn't even very hard but it would make things feel a lot less clumsy. Imagine playing MGR without the red / yellow flashes and that's kind of what Other M feels like.

The story:

Samus is depressed all the time, she's really sad or something, her voice actress sounds about 5 years too young and sounds really bored, I hate everyone who speaks, nothing gets resolved and the whole mission feels pointless. Early on it is established that the facility is making bioweapons which are illegal and they've clearly gotten loose and are running rampant through the station, do we really need more information before we decide to blow the ship up? Apparently we do...

There is no resolution and the game just kind of ends, the big twist is introduced and promptly resolved in the next 15 minutes.

There is an entire subplot that is basically discarded, and the BIG moment of adam's death was just kind of....there? It made Samus look like a fool and it made me lose brain cells. It was just kind of implied he walked off to his doom but not seeing it happen made it feel like a really weak moment.

I'm not asking for Adam to be ripped to pieces in front of me, but I would have liked to see him start a self destruct sequence and then eject himself with the sector or something that would at least make me go "yep he's toast".


Jesus this fucking game.


Honestly if I had to sum other Other M briefly it would be that it's an okay game that is totally destroyed because every single aspect of its core has at least one small problem. There isn't anything I can point to in Other M and say "Yep that's perfectly fine with me!" or even "Yeah they did a great job here!".

Even visually the game feels weird, there are times where it feels really metroid and other times where it feels like it could be any other generic sci-fi world. It doesn't help that the animations are just awkward as hell, especially the standing animations during cutscenes, they make Samus look almost like a turtle in her power suit, which is really sad compared to how Samus looks in the prime games, she stands tall and proud and it gives her a very heroic pose at all times when she's standing upright. In Other M she's just kinda poorly proportioned or something.

Speaking of how Samus looks, uh did she get shorter or is it me? She's 6 foot 3 right? Because she's shorter than every single character in the game by at least a foot in some cases.

The whole game isn't even a train wreck in slow motion, it's like you're riding this train and every once in a while the lovely scenery outside turns into mountains make of bloody skulls and they're laughing at you, then you go through a tunnel and it's all sunshine and lollipops for a while.

The game has glimpses of fun in it and when the combat flows it flows well but when it stumbles it feels like getting clothes-lined out of no where. It was only a 6 and a half hour experience but man did it feel like 30 hours.

You know, the sad thing is I don't even feel like I've covered everything wrong with the game but I just can't go on any more this shit is already like 3000 words.

TL;DR Other M is 90% Ugh and 10% kind of fun.


When people complain about 'pixel hunts' in Other M, they don't mean searching for upgrades, they mean the actual times where the game stops and tells you to search for a pixel before the story cutscene will continue. Happens about 4/5 times in the game.

But yes, Other M is a piece of shit of a game. One day a new Metroid will come out and we can all finally move on from this abomination.

Not Spaceghost

I hope Adam gave you permission to state your opinion on the game.

I didn't need his permission because he's dead.

When people complain about 'pixel hunts' in Other M, they don't mean searching for upgrades, they mean the actual times where the game stops and tells you to search for a pixel before the story cutscene will continue. Happens about 4/5 times in the game.

But yes, Other M is a piece of shit of a game. One day a new Metroid will come out and we can all finally move on from this abomination.


I knew I was forgetting something, yeah I actually had to look up the one in the big purple room in sector 1, because I was sitting there searching for almost 10 minutes.
God I hated this game
Why oh why did they give Samus's first VA appearance to team fucking ninja
InB4 apologists ruin the thread


RIDLEY?!??!?!?!? 😢😢😢



I didn't enjoy the story but the gameplay (besides pixel hunts) wasn't bad. You seem pretty upset maybe you should take a break.


The story really causes one of the biggest amounts of game play / narrative dissonance that I've experienced in any game. Also gotta love how it absolves Samus of any responsibility by having the plot be driven by everyone but her, as well as Anthony suddenly coming back to life, meaning her stupid behavior is consequence-free and she learns nothing from the entire game. Also Adam's sacrifice makes no sense and amounts to nothing because the federation blows up the Bottle Ship regardless. Other M's story was the biggest waste of time.

And what strengths the game had in terms of game play, regardless of how little it adheres to its series core principles, is lost on the cumbersome controls, cookie cutter designs, effortless encounters and endless rehashes of Metroid elements without anything new in terms of enemies, powers and abilities to add to the table.

Not Spaceghost

RIDLEY?!??!?!?!? 😢😢😢

You know the Ridley scene and the horrible characterization given to Samus was actually pretty far down the list on my actual issues with the game.

My biggest issue is easily the fact that expansion upgrades are absolutely worthless and there is no incentive to pick them up.



I liked Other M.
My favorite Metroid game after Fusion.

The only real complaint I had were the pixel hunts and that the game was made with the Wiimote in mind. Would have been so much better with Pro Controller or at least wiimote and nunchuck.

I still can't agree about the story elements that people get so mad about. Since I didn't mind them at all. Hell I think they added to the game in some ways. Since it changed things away from the norm.
Other M is an awful, awful game. And it put Metroid in a coma.

It's also the only Nintendo game I've seen for $5 at Best Buy clearance for a new copy.

Not Spaceghost


I liked Other M.
My favorite Metroid game after Fusion.

The only real complaint I had were the pixel hunts and that the game was made with the Wiimote in mind. Would have been so much better with Pro Controller or at least wiimote and nunchuck.

I still can't agree about the story elements that people get so mad about. Since I didn't mind them at all. Hell I think they added to the game in some ways. Since it changed things away from the norm.

Fusion is my personal favorite as well but all of my real big issues with Other M stem from countless errors in its core design, there are so many things about this game that are just a mess.

The story is of no consequence to how I really feel about the game. The story could have been 10/10 would watch again and the game would still be heavily flawed. I was able to forgive things a few times but when the game decided that exploration meant nothing and the rewards for exploring made me feel like I was wasting my time I realized that's where the game truly went wrong.

Dr. Buni

Garbage tier game. The best thing Nintendo could do is remove its status as canon game, but apparently they aren't planning on doing that. This game only made me dislike Samus (by that, I mean the one outside of the Power Suit... Zero Suit Samus or whatever... the silent pre-SSBB Samus was great). Also, Adam Malkovich has to be the worst character created for a Nintendo game. Ever.


The freakin' power bomb. I was stuck on that final boss for so long because 1) I didn't know I could use them and 2) I forgot how to use them.

What's even dumber is after you beat the game and start the epilogue sequence, one of the first things the game does is give you a brief reminder on how to use the power bomb, even though you were supposed to have already used it to beat the game.


Fusion is my personal favorite as well but all of my real big issues with Other M stem from countless errors in its core design, there are so many things about this game that are just a mess.

The story is of no consequence to how I really feel about the game. The story could have been 10/10 would watch again and the game would still be heavily flawed. I was able to forgive things a few times but when the game decided that exploration meant nothing and the rewards for exploring made me feel like I was wasting my time I realized that's where the game truly went wrong.

Brought up the story since I knew a lot of people who come in here that's the biggest controversy. As for exploration I never minded. But I know they should have done a better job on it for people who wanted to. Since that is a series staple gameplay wise. I went through with ease and never bothered getting anything that wasn't in front of me.

Not Spaceghost

The freakin' power bomb. I was stuck on that final boss for so long because 1) I didn't know I could use them and 2) I forgot how to use them.

What's even dumber is after you beat the game and start the epilogue sequence, one of the first things the game does is give you a brief reminder on how to use the power bomb, even though you were supposed to have already used it to beat the game.

Lol yep, that sequence man, the game loved those moments of going to the pause screen and showing you that you have a new power available. AND THEN AT THE END IT FORGETS TO DO THAT UNTIL AFTER THE CREDITS!

If I hadn't beaten the game in two sittings I would probably have forgotten all about that, the funniest thing though was that after 4 or so deaths in the queens belly I sat there thinking "noooooo it couldn't bee....there is no way it could be the fucking power bomb...right?"

Turns out it was.

My wii mote was almost thrown against the wall.


I agree with almost everything you said OP. Not only a bad metroid game but an awful game in and of itself. Its like they threw everything away what the metroid series ''learned or added'' along the way and started from scratch using his, and only his vision of what a metroid game should be. Automatic aiming at enemies makes the combat void of any challenge, weapon switching is no longer there, and only using missiles during inability of movement ABSOLUTELY CONTRADICTS the fast gameplay this game relies upon. Flabbergasted about most of the design decisions and didn't even finish the game (Stopped at the boring last boss), and almost ALWAYS finish my games.

Another huge bummer was the music, or lack thereof. I remember being excited hearing the title screen music... but got nothing instead, just like skyward sword :(.
Restarted it about a year ago, but just couldn't... stopped again about halfway through. Bland enemy design same-looking environments, way too linear ''corridor'' hallways reused with other themes (snow, lava plants, same save rooms, etc.). And don't even get me started on the story and how sexualized samus is presented. Honestly, I can look past all of its little shortcomings, even if there were way too many, if the core gameplay is actually exciting and engaging. Sadly it is not.

Now this complaining may get tired for some, in the end, its just another game right? NO, this game damaged not just any series, it damaged FUCKING METROID, you know those series with those 2 masterpieces on the cube and that one on the SNES, and the others on NES, GBA and GB, certainly worth your gaming tiome, even approximatley 25 years later.


I dislike Other M and I'm on that list (you know which one), but for me it boils down to a huge missed opportunity.

- it could have been the great 2D/3D hybrid metroid game we all wanted. They had the right idea with the 3rd to 1st person perspective switching, but they didn't use the correct control setup. Wiimote+nunchuck would have been ideal, I would have already been pointing the Wiimote in the correct direction so it would have been less akward switching. Also the analog stick would have allowed movement during 1st person mode.

-It could have been the story-focused metroid we all wanted. We know what happened there, all the characters are forgettable. Samus is frightened of her shadow and needs authorization to do anything. Such a missed opportunity.



That RIDLEY!!?!? shit(among other things) is just an insult to Metroid/Samus fans everywhere. Sakamoto is such a has-been.

Not Spaceghost

IAnother huge bummer was the music, or lack thereof. I remember being excited hearing the title screen music... but got nothing

Yeah this shit bothered me as well, there were almost no iconic songs or sound effects used at all during the game. The few times there was music the songs were really quiet and felt generic and bland.

They even failed to nostalgia trip long time fans into thinking the game could be good because it has the same songs and sounds from other games.


Junior Member
Its sad that because of this game I cannot call the Metroid franchise anymore a perfect franchise. This game was the Devil May Cry 2/Sonic 2006/Final Fantasy XIII/Zelda Phantom Hourglass/Resident Evil 6/Deus Ex Invisible War/Starfox Assault/Golden Axe Beast Rider/Megaman X8 of the METROID franchise.
Other M was originally going to have a more Metroid-y sounding soundtrack but Sakamoto ordered it to be changed to something more "cinematic" sounding.

He's also responsible for the Gravity Suit being an ugly pink glow because he thought it looked too silly in his super duper serious cutscenes. "Why is Samus purple" was an honest to god question asked by the man who made Super Metroid.

Not Spaceghost

I personally thought the level design was pretty good. But that's about it.

What level design? The corridors and rooms you just walk through and blow something up with missiles or shoot a door lock or walk up to a terminal? There was so little that was satisfying about traversing the world.

If you've ever played Prime 3, then you'd know about that awesome segment right as soon as you get the spider ball upgrade, that's good level design, Other M has no moments that make me wish I could go back and do over again.

Unless you mean aesthetically? Because even the games aesthetics are kind of messy and the whole game world just feels flat.

Other M was originally going to have a more Metroid-y sounding soundtrack but Sakamoto ordered it to be changed to something more "cinematic" sounding.

He's also responsible for the Gravity Suit being an ugly pink glow because he thought it looked too silly in his super duper serious cutscenes. "Why is Samus purple" was an honest to god question asked by the man who made Super Metroid.

How can one man who did such wonderful things with this franchise do so many things wrong?


Worst thing about Other M were some enemy designs.
My brother and I used to joke about the "Whale-Elk", an abomination you fought in the ice zone.
I mean, this is beyond sick

Edit: other than that (And the insult it is to Samus) I kinda like it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
To Sakamoto: thank you for creating the Metro I'd franchise. Now get the fuck away from it.


Wish we got a Mother Brain battle in Other M. The art is fabulous!

Yeah, I'll agree there. I kind of liked the added lore surrounding Phantoon, how he exists in another universe and we only see his head peering in.

I thought it was a neat idea even though Phantoon looks more like a Kirby final boss in that artwork than a Metroid one, and it's inconsistent with his role in Super.

There, I said a nice thing about Other M. For the record I'm on the "it was a train wreck" team.
Ehhh, gameplay wise it wasn't so bad. Would have never considered some of the first person parts "pixel hunting", to be honest I didn't find them frustrating at all. I had fun with it. Enemy design was great too, loved the abundance of color!

The story was definitely horrid and it's the only time the plot has hindered my enjoyment of a game, though.

Sakamoto has made good stuff (like Wario Ware), but he never ever should touch the Metroid lore again… Well, if they ever make another one.


What level design? The corridors and rooms you just walk through and blow something up with missiles or shoot a door lock or walk up to a terminal? There was so little that was satisfying about traversing the world.

If you've ever played Prime 3, then you'd know about that awesome segment right as soon as you get the spider ball upgrade, that's good level design, Other M has no moments that make me wish I could go back and do over again.

Unless you mean aesthetically? Because even the games aesthetics are kind of messy and the whole game world just feels flat.

I remember that I liked the ice and fire world sections. It's an opinion, deal with it.

I played Prime 3, and that game was also disappointing. Not as disappointing as Other M, but certainly not in my top tier Metroid games.


I feel like the story elements have been discussed to death, and there's no one that really thinks they're good at this point.

Gameplay wise though, it's a bargain bin title at best. It evokes a feeling of "cheapness" at every turn, it just doesn't feel like a quality production. Not even talking about judging it on the merits of a "metroid game", but just any game. There are brief moments where it works, but all of these are immediately interrupted by bad gameplay design.

K' Dash

I have stated my hate for this game, it is like Sakamoto said: "Well the Prime series put my creation on the map again with 3 masterpieces, it is time to bury this IP forever"

Retro RESPECTED the core elements of a Metroid game more than it's creator, that is such BULLSHIT, they shouldn't have taken the IP from Retro, Grow the damn studio and shift the development of the games with every development cycle, ugh!

As a hardcore Metroid fan, I want Sakamoto 100 miles away from this IP forever, go drown in you fucking Tomodachi shit.
It's clearly the worst game that will ever be made and gives Ebola to everyone who plays it, funnels money directly to ISIS, lead directly to Atari's horrible E.T. game, caused the stock market crash of 1929, invented head cheese, was responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus, and renewed Duck Dynasty for subsequent seasons.

Thanks, Obama.


I have stated my hate for this game, it is like Sakamoto said: "Well the Prime series put my creation on the map again with 3 masterpieces, it is time to bury this IP forever"

Retro RESPECTED the core elements of a Metroid game more than it's creator, that is such BULLSHIT, they shouldn't have taken the IP from Retro, Grow the damn studio and shift the development of the games with every development cycle, ugh!

As a hardcore Metroid fan, I want Sakamoto 100 miles away from this IP forever, go drown in you fucking Tomodachi shit.



The sensemotion dodge + instant Charge Beam just assured that it was pretty much all you needed for every fight save for the occasional missile shot to blow off armor, then it's right back to the good ol' shootdodge. It made combat in the game very same-y.

The one prop I would give Other M is that it made shinesparking in different directions much more manageable than any previous game.
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