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LTTP Metroid: Other M - WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (long rant ahead)



... how do you get that upgrade anyway?

If you go to the room to the south of that upgrade, it's a long cave like place. Hug the left wall and eventually there's some kind of tunnel that will bring you to a second door leading into the room in the gif. This door is up on that ledge that the invisible wall is blocking samus from. It's a tricky one to find because the 'secret' to getting it is in the prior room rather than the room it's found in.
The Prime 3 PED suit has the best proportions of any of the suits in the series if you ask me.

It may not be my favorite suit aesthetically but the proportions on it are near flawless, a big issue with the Other M suit is that it makes Samus' head look tiny and like she's wearing a really over-sized shirt.

I like that one too, but it varies too much from the classic look for my taste.
I'm a fan of the huge shoulders Metroid Prime 1 Varia suit.
It's unique and I always liked the idea that a full-body armor full of technology doesn't have to be so form-fitting to the body. Some bulk to store technology makes sense. And I love some huge eighties shoulders realness. :D
I wish Samus' Amiibo had this design.


If you go to the room to the south of that upgrade, it's a long cave like place. Hug the left wall and eventually there's some kind of tunnel that will bring you to a second door leading into the room in the gif. This door is up on that ledge that the invisible wall is blocking samus from. It's a tricky one to find because the 'secret' to getting it is in the prior room rather than the room it's found in.

Cheers. I'll have to boot the game back up and get a 98% completion rate.

Mr Swine


Where is it established that the wrecked ship is a Chozo ship? Is this just in reference to the Chozo statues? If I recall correctly, there is only one Chozo statue on the wrecked ship and it's the one that's able to move on it's own that leads you to the Gravity Suit.

I thought it was established that the ancient astronauts that came to the planet with the Wrecked ship where Chozo
I'm glad we have the 'majority of NeoGAF liked Other M' thread to refer to when things like this come up.

Well to be fair, the OP of that thread made a blanket statement by openly referring to people who disliked the game as "haters" and seemed to count the "results" at a completely random time so it's not like it wasn't extremely biased.


I didn't enjoy the story but the gameplay (besides pixel hunts) wasn't bad. You seem pretty upset maybe you should take a break.

Pretty upset? Seened like a well thought-out analysis on why the game is bad, OP even mentioned stuff they liked about it.

Nice post agree pretty much with most of it.


I just feel worn out from the burden of Other M's existence - it did so many things wrong and had so few redeeming qualities that I can't help returning to the site of the wreckage. I'd rather it were buried and forgotten, but it keeps on being exhumed, its corpse tainting Smash Bros., Monster Hunter, the Amiibo line and any other representation of the Metroid series, NES Remix excluded. Hopefully, once we get the next Metroid game in 10 years or so, we can finally put this travesty behind us.

I'm a fan of the huge shoulders Metroid Prime 1 Varia suit.
It's unique and I always liked the idea that a full-body armor full of technology doesn't have to be so form-fitting to the body. Some bulk to store technology makes sense. And I love some huge eighties shoulders realness. :D
I wish Samus' Amiibo had this design.

I miss the ridged shoulders as well...

If the shoulders and cannon were reverted to their bulkier former designs, I actually wouldn't have all that much of a problem with SSB4's salvaged version of the Other M suit.


It's just the color scheme. The suit design is from Other M *puke*.



Why did they give Samus high heels? Why? I still love the figurine though.
they should have made some years ago based on Metroid Prime

I want to play Metroid Prime again, so, SO bad.


Awful game. And the story is just.... i can't even describe how bad it is. It's like they tried to gather everything that can make a story bad and implemented it.
For all the heinous shit this game pulled, at least Samus' face looked awesome. Not as believable as in Prime 1 but still the best 3D representation of her face, yes even the mole.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Honestly I hope Sakamoto is embarrassed by Other M. The vibe you get while playing is so creepy, it's Sakamoto essentially lusting after his fragile waifu. Only the Japanese could think the portrayal of Samus was in keeping with previous games.
Totally agree with you OP!

Nothing more to add, this was a huge disappointment!

the only cool thing is anthony, why? because my name is anthony too and everyone remember's him now! Yeah!
Really enjoyed my time with the game when it was released. That was probably my favourite year of the wii in general; super mario galaxy 2 and epic yarn both came out that year too right?
Is the poll skewed because it doesn't agree with you?

No because of this.

Well to be fair, the OP of that thread made a blanket statement by openly referring to people who disliked the game as "haters" and seemed to count the "results" at a completely random time so it's not like it wasn't extremely biased.

Not to mention the OP put down some people in the incorrect place (though this was more than likely just carelessness) and the results were close anyway. Then you've got people going "for because lol haterz".
No because of this.

Not to mention the OP put down some people in the incorrect place (though this was more than likely just carelessness) and the results were close anyway. Then you've got people going "for because lol haterz".

Plus there wasn't a middle option.

A lot of the "for" answers in that thread seemed to be along the lines of, "Ehhhhhh... I didn't hate it as much as everyone else, so for I guess?"

I guarantee, if there was a "maybe" option, a lot more of the "for"s would have changed than the "against"s.

Or if you asked everyone to rate the game and then averaged it up, there would be far more sixes and sevens than eights and nines, and the average would be closer to five than ten.


Is the poll skewed because it doesn't agree with you?

No, but when plenty of "pro" posts literally say: "for, because fuck the haters" and the "against" posts actually get into it in detail, then that's saying at least something. I'm also pretty sure that plenty of so called "haters" didn't even bother to post in there, because they were so fed up by it. I don't enjoy to hate it. I actually feel sad every time I post or even think about Other M.

I could have liked it in case they wouldn't have fucked up everything. But they did. Because of Other M I also now understand how women must feel when there are ass-shots everywhere and so on in video games. Those actually made me feel uncomfortable. It's as if Team Ninja and/or Sakamoto jerked off to it.


Who needs in depth analysis and critique when you can just state how popular something is?

When we had a thread full of in depth analysis where the majority liked Other M, nobody, unless one wants to beat a dead horse on the off chance that Iwata reads NeoGAF and greenlights a sequel based on someone actually thinking the game isn't a blight upon mankind.


When we had a thread full of in depth analysis where the majority liked Other M, nobody, unless one wants to beat a dead horse on the off chance that Iwata reads NeoGAF and greenlights a sequel based on someone actually thinking the game isn't a blight upon mankind.

If a very biased polling selection is only barely scratching passed a very large amount of people against the game, it doesnt matter who the majority winner is. The fact that the ratio was so neck to neck is telling enough about Other M's perception.


Pretty upset? Seened like a well thought-out analysis on why the game is bad, OP even mentioned stuff they liked about it.

Nice post agree pretty much with most of it.

I didn't read the OP's entire analysis, but the parts I read were full of inaccurate claims, such as how he argued that you can run away from enemies to recharge your health in the middle of battle. In reality, all of the game's combat encounters take place in closed-off arenas where it's impossible to run from enemies, and the health recovery move requires far too much time to activate for you to actually use it in the middle of combat -- you're guaranteed to get hit by an enemy while waiting for the move to activate, as anybody who ever actually attempted to do this can attest. The health recovery was designed to be used in between battles, and to that extent that it serves its purpose well, making sure you aren't totally overmatched following a narrow escape from a tough encounter. When the OP makes inaccurate arguments like this it really hurts the credibility of his entire analysis, making it seem like most of his issues with the game are things that he dreamt up, rather than actually experienced.


The Samus PTSD thing would have made a lot of sense if there weren't a half-dozen games before it where she didn't seemingly have any issue.


Other M should be nuked from history and killed with fire.

Sakamoto = Nintendo's own George Lucas. He made something cool a long time ago, it has fans, and he doesn't understand why it's good or why fans love it. And he shits on it in amazing ways.


The fact that the ratio was so neck to neck is telling enough about Other M's perception.

That's not even the important part. GAF is a "tiny" forum in comparison to Metroid players in general or even Wii owners.

Nintendo haven't released another Metroid title. There is not even an anouncement. And THAT's telling something about the reception of Other M. What was of course also telling is that Metroid Other M was one of the very few Nintendo titles, who went to bargain bin within a month or so. One's for sure: Nintendo didn't do that because the reception was positive.
The Samus PTSD thing would have made a lot of sense if there weren't a half-dozen games before it where she didn't seemingly have any issue.

I feel like PTSD is the new lazy tool writers use when they need to make characters in a narrative suddenly more dynamic after several entries where it was completely non-existent.


Other M should be nuked from history and killed with fire.

Sakamoto = Nintendo's own George Lucas. He made something cool a long time ago, it has fans, and he doesn't understand why it's good or why fans love it. And he shits on it in amazing ways.

Whilst Retro cranks out DK shit.

I feel like PTSD is the new lazy tool writers use when they need to make characters in a narrative suddenly more dynamic after several entries where it was completely non-existent.

I think it's less about laziness and more about not really understanding the character after having been off the series for a while. Like in Prime 3, Samus goes toe-to-toe with Ridley falling down that shaft and shoots him directly in the mouth with no problem but then LATER has PTSD issues?


I think it's less about laziness and more about not really understanding the character after having been off the series for a while. Like in Prime 3, Samus goes toe-to-toe with Ridley falling down that shaft and shoots him directly in the mouth with no problem but then LATER has PTSD issues?
Sakamoto had said in interviews that it was the result of thinking about what Samus would be like as a character, a reasoning that probably would have held more water if Other M was the third game instead of the tenth, and if most of the other games didn't have Samus conveying a fairly consistent (if not necessarily deep) character through her actions and narration.

Not Spaceghost

I didn't read the OP's entire analysis, but the parts I read were full of inaccurate claims, such as how he argued that you can run away from enemies to recharge your health in the middle of battle. In reality, all of the game's combat encounters take place in closed-off arenas where it's impossible to run from enemies, and the health recovery move requires far too much time to activate for you to actually use it in the middle of combat -- you're guaranteed to get hit by an enemy while waiting for the move to activate, as anybody who ever actually attempted to do this can attest. The health recovery was designed to be used in between battles, and to that extent that it serves its purpose well, making sure you aren't totally overmatched following a narrow escape from a tough encounter. When the OP makes inaccurate arguments like this it really hurts the credibility of his entire analysis, making it seem like most of his issues with the game are things that he dreamt up, rather than actually experienced.

I mention that it doesn't work every time, but in your average corridor battle it usually works flawlessly, also every single boss has a big wind up attack that gives you the perfect opportunity to recharge your health.

The only time I found it to be a challenge or outright impossible to recharge your health was in the first part of the Queen Metroid battle, because the Metroids are faster than you.


This is not how you critique an analysis.

An analysis?

That's what that was?

Because it sure didn't seem like one, especially when the OP starts off by saying a lot of complaints were by trolls. There's trolling and then there is the intense dislike of Other M that some (Me included) share due to the numerous glaring problems (That were explained in varying degrees of intricate detail in that topic only to be brushed off as 'hur dur haters gonna hate') that plague it as not only a game on its own but one under the Nintendo umbrella and as an entry in the Metroid series.

Being the best Team Ninja game (As debatable as that is in itself) is not exactly a bar Metroid should be tripping over itself to reach especially when looking at Team Ninja now vs Team Ninja of the past. That's like saying because Hyrule Warriors was one of the better Warriors games of recent times therefore Hyrule Warriors can now comfortably stand alongside any mainline Zelda game.


I didn't read the OP's entire analysis, but the parts I read were full of inaccurate claims, such as how he argued that you can run away from enemies to recharge your health in the middle of battle. In reality, all of the game's combat encounters take place in closed-off arenas where it's impossible to run from enemies, and the health recovery move requires far too much time to activate for you to actually use it in the middle of combat -- you're guaranteed to get hit by an enemy while waiting for the move to activate, as anybody who ever actually attempted to do this can attest. The health recovery was designed to be used in between battles, and to that extent that it serves its purpose well, making sure you aren't totally overmatched following a narrow escape from a tough encounter. When the OP makes inaccurate arguments like this it really hurts the credibility of his entire analysis, making it seem like most of his issues with the game are things that he dreamt up, rather than actually experienced.

It is entirely possible to recharge during encounters. I remember doing it multiple times through out the game. Enemy AI is poorly designed and simply running into a corner will not stop them from blindly attacking in slow ponderous animations the space you occupied 10 seconds ago. The entire combat system is lazy and poorly handled and rarely do you find an enemy that is challenging as opposed to annoying, which they all are.


What I find pretty shameless about this game is -besides everything mentioned in this thread- how they tried to appeal to our Metroid Fusion nostalgia by bringing back Nightmare. Even the Space Station was very similar to that in M.F., with different thematic sectors (forest, magma, submarine).

Metroid Other M was a really bad attempt by Ninja Theory to make a Metroid game without putting in it all the time and work required.

The game felt really short and poor; the way you adquired new weapons made exploration unnecessary; the number of power-ups availabe was inferior to other Metroid games.

And not to mention the flaws in the story and the characters.

The good things: It was beautiful, the 2d platforming was well implemented -not so the combat which was a button masher, Metroid never was about button mashing IIRC- it brought back the 2D Metroid, Samus redesign was really cool.

Oh, and the memes.


Lady Gaia

No, but when plenty of "pro" posts literally say: "for, because fuck the haters" and the "against" posts actually get into it in detail, then that's saying at least something.

Yes, it's saying you're willing to ignore the pro posts that gave reasons, and the con posts that just trash the game without stating why. There was plenty of justification on both sides of the discussion. People just happen to disagree.


The Samus PTSD thing would have made a lot of sense if there weren't a half-dozen games before it where she didn't seemingly have any issue.

People that say this have a major misunderstanding of PTSD; Like it's something that is easily gotten over and doesn't relapse. She made it clear in the beginning of Other M that she thought Ridley was dead forever.

If we include the Prime games, which may or may not be canon with Other M, Samus faced Ridley in 4 games prior to Other M and if we discount them she faced him in 2 games. In all of those games she knew or had a reasonable expectation that Ridley would be encountered. In Zero Mission she was sent to the Space Pirate base on Zebes where Ridley would obviously be since he's their leader. In Prime she encounters him at the beginning of the game but he doesn't attack her and runs off. In Prime 3 she again encounters him at the start of the game where she's called to protect Norion from a space pirate invasion where Ridley would be likely to show up. In Super Metroid she again encounters him at the beginning of the game where he is supposed to kick her ass. In none of those games did she blow up the entire planet he was on after defeating him.

You know. After facing the guy who killed your parents and tried to eat you when you were 2 years old several times and believing with completely justified reason that you had finally seen the last of him, encountering him again would probably make most people have a breakdown. I'm not saying that the scene couldn't have done a better job of conveying what it did. They definitely should have shown a flashback of what happened to Samus' parents. But that scene is totally plausible.

What's especially weird is that a lot of people act like just because of one scene where she has a PTSD flashback that makes her freeze up for about 1 minute that she's a coward and afraid of everything in the whole game. Ridley is the only creature in the game she shows anything resembling fear towards and after snapping out of her flashback she does this to him:



What I find pretty shameless about this game is -besides everything mentioned in this thread- how they tried to appeal to our Metroid Fusion nostalgia by bringing back Nightmare.

And the fight didn't even have the cool music from Fusion!
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