Excellent post. I actually just finished Steins;Gate 0 the other day, which is a game about the Okabe that sends the Dmail to Steins;Gate Okabe at the very end of the game, the one about fooling the world into believing Kurisu is dead.
Excellent post. I actually just finished Steins;Gate 0 the other day, which is a game about the Okabe that sends the Dmail to Steins;Gate Okabe at the very end of the game, the one about fooling the world into believing Kurisu is dead.
I recently got my platinum and I loved your write-up! It captured many of my sentiments.
I played this after watching the anime so the game didn't have as much impact until the various endings started appearing. They totally added to the characaters in ways the anime didn't though.
I can't believe it's been 6 years since the original game came out. I never thought it would get an official localization.
Yes but be prepared that the game is pretty much just reading and it for the most parts doesn't have traditional choices or gameplay. If this is fine for you then Steins;Gate is a great first VN.
For example the zero escape games have actual puzzles you have to solve and you make regularly decisions how you want to continue which then sets the path the game takes which makes it a bit more adventure-like.
If you play Steins;Gate avoid using a guide the first time and when you get your first ending, just load your last save and continue without a guide. Only the true ending requires a guide but that's something I would do much later.
I recently got my platinum and I loved your write-up! It captured many of my sentiments.
I played this after watching the anime so the game didn't have as much impact until the various endings started appearing. They totally added to the characaters in ways the anime didn't though.
I can't believe it's been 6 years since the original game came out. I never thought it would get an official localization.
Great OP. I was in your shoes a few months ago, I picked it up in September and found the intro slow going. I would've given up multiple times if I didn't have several people convincing me to stick with it...and I'm super glad I did. Best game I played this year.
Been slowly going through the anime now. As mentioned previously, the dub is excellent. It's a little more localized, in that it changes some of the dialogue to more closely match English net speak terms, but it works really well. The guy who did Okabe pulls off a similarly excellent faux-theatrical performance, and Daru's much more likable because he gets some really good one liners. Mayuri isn't quite as air-headed sounding either. Conversely Kurisu's actress is good but since they've cut down on some of the long winded science speak, it's mostly her tsundere side that's shown through, at least the point where I'm at (ep 7 or so, after Luka's change).
Steins;Gate 0 just came out a few weeks ago and what little I've heard suggests that it's really damn good. Eagerly awaiting a localization announcement.
I apologize in advance for not reading your entire OP, because I know the feels that come with this game. I teared up just looking at some the screenshots and glancing at the moments from the 2nd half of the game. The story...is just so good. I even knew the story before playing this game thanks to the anime, and the VN was still so much better.
It engrossed me. It made me laugh. It made me cry. By the end, I felt joy. Glad you were able to play it.
Great post! Steins;Gate was my GOTY2014 and will remain one of my favorite sci-fi stories of all time. Hope Zero can deliver some more magic but I don't think the creators can top the original Steins;Gate.
Kurisu is one of the strongest female characters in games I think. Some unnecessary tropes and sadly felt a bit dumbed down/more like love interest in the anime version due to cut content. Otherwise I like the genious, in my mind the true hero of the story.
I played Steins;Gate right after I played Ever17. It was supposed to be another sci-fi epic, so I actually took Okabe seriously in the beginning, when he was all over dramatic, haha.
I struggled through the first part of Steins;Gate. Fell asleep while playing it and everything. Took me about four days to get through it.
Then I blasted through every ending in two days. The plot ramps up SO hard, I love it.
Great post! Steins;Gate was my GOTY2014 and will remain one of my favorite sci-fi stories of all time. Hope Zero can deliver some more magic but I don't think the creators can top the original Steins;Gate.
Kurisu is one of the strongest female characters in games I think. Some unnecessary tropes and sadly felt a bit dumbed down/more like love interest in the anime version due to cut content. Otherwise I like the genious, in my mind the true hero of the story.
I believe the reference was to the entire Science Adventure series, though opinions are divided on which entry is the best (especially after Chaos;Child came out).
For those who don't know, the main series (the most updated versions in release order) consists of Chaos;Head Noah, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes Elite, Chaos;Child, and Steins;Gate 0. There are a number of references to Chaos;Head in Steins;Gate, and I hear that Steins;Gate 0 references all of the previous games in the series. They generally have different character casts, but they are all set in the same world.
For some reason I clicked into this thread (I literally don't know why I did this to myself) and saw
an image indicating, I think, that... Suzuha is Daru's daughter?
. There's no one I can blame but myself for not being awake enough to realize "no, don't click that", but ouch. I'm probably pretty close to where that knowledge would drop anyway, but given how almost completely unspoiled I've been... good job, me.
For some reason I clicked into this thread (I literally don't know why I did this to myself) and saw
an image indicating, I think, that... Suzuha is Daru's daughter?
. There's no one I can blame but myself for not being awake enough to realize "no, don't click that", but ouch. I'm probably pretty close to where that knowledge would drop anyway, but given how almost completely unspoiled I've been... good job, me.
I believe the reference was to the entire Science Adventure series, though opinions are divided on which entry is the best (especially after Chaos;Child came out).
Oh. Yeah, that's extremely disappointing. I keep hoping Chaos;Head will get an English release now since there are a few good venues to do it, but so far nothing.
Oh. Yeah, that's extremely disappointing. I keep hoping Chaos;Head will get an English release now since there are a few good venues to do it, but so far nothing.
There were some teases earlier in the year pointing to Chaos;Head Noah and PQube (publisher of S;G PS3/Vita) has hinted that they are doing more Science Adventure games, so there's hope.
I must say , you managed to perfectly nail , why steinsgate is the VN that took everyone by surprise.
Okabe as a MC actually mimic how you're supposed to feel at specific moments of the game.
And it's glorious
And yeah ..You can't have the STRONG moments in steins gate , without all the blanter in the first part , every scene before the first WTF was made so you could feel the ride of the second part .. the best 3 weeks of a mad scientist..
There is so many things steingate did right , i can forgive the small thing the game did wrong.
Actually you should probably just watch the anime for a refresher, and there's a bonus OVA at the end that's an epilogue to the game, that takes place after the true ending of the game.
And then, after watching that OVA
I am not a man who cries when I am sad or emotional. Not even when a family member dies. What happens instead is that I get this grasping feeling in my throat. It is extremely rare for any piece of media to legitimately pull that feeling in my throat. In fact, I can think of only two pieces of media off the top of my head that have made me so emotional that they have done so.
And one of those is the Steins;Gate movie.
And it did it basically throughout the entire course of the film.
I like the movie and think it's fine, especially if you want to fill the void after finishing the game and missing the characters but the OVA is horrible. On its own it wouldn't be so bad. Just a silly bonus episode full of goofy moments but right after the true ending it feels completely out of place and too big of a shift in tone.
I would just read a summary and then skip right to the movie.
The first ending did send chills down my spine. I mean, the whole ponderimg rape thing and thinking about using the time machine to undo it, aw man. I think it was one of the few times where I was disgusted by the main character. I was like dude come on, don't be like that! I wasn't yelling at the screen, but I almost did. Luckily he snapped out of it.
It was like playing the game all over again! XD God I love this VN and you pretty much hit most of what I thought while I was playing it too. A bit long in the tooth at first but then SHIT GETS REAL!!
That's a fantastic opening post!
And I feel the same. Always heard good things about the game, finally played it when it was released on Vita and it ended up as my game of the year.
I love this game so much. The characters and the story with all its twists are just so good.
Thanks! About the true ending, are you talking about the conversations about Kurisu's father? If so, I agree. I was even more shocked to see how Nakabachi's inferiority complex was more than a simple tantrum, but something that made him attempt murdering his own daughter. Holy Upa, dude.
Great OP! When I read the thread title I thought the game brought tears to your eyes because of how bad it is or something. I'm glad I was wrong.
I only watched the anime and I LOVE it. 9/10 in my book. I plan on playing the VN someday (if my backlog allows it).
I remember my reaction in the anime when Mayuri died the first time. I couldn't believe it.
The fact that deaths didn't matter at some point is also a thing I noticed when Mr. Braun killed himself. There was a scene where Okabe told Kurisu how deaths didn't matter to him anymore and how he sometimes tried things out just to see how Mayuri would die this time. That scene crushed me.
I was the same, went in with minimal expectations and just enough knowledge to justify my purchase, and I was absolutely floored.
I don't recall ever being as hooked on a narrative as much as this. I had the Vita version and was playing after waking up, whilst eating my breakfast, on the bus to work, the 20 minutes I had before my shift started, on my breaks, during my lunch, on the bus home and during the evening pretty much from when I started to when I got the true ending. I had to apologise to my girlfriend for the duration of my infatuation with this game! Dark days indeed.
The emotions hit me like a brick, I've gotten close to tears with games before, but never full-on tears streaming down my face. No shame in admitting that!
It certainly left a Steins;Gate shaped-hole in my soul for a while afterwards. Now I'm just praying for a localisation of the sequel.
Oh wow, this is amazing to read. I know that feeling of having something that gets you so hooked up you literally can't stop thinking about it. I don't think there's anything wrong with experiencing something like this every now and then. I can definitely relate!
I saw the anime a few years ago and decided to play the VN earlier this year and I'm really glad I did. It felt way more fleshed out and the alternate endings added a lot too.
Definitely give the anime and the movie a watch! I just saw the movie about a week ago and it was pretty good. I feel like it should've been turned into a mini 12 episode series instead as it felt a bit rushed, but it's still worth a watch.
Steins;Gate 0 starts sometime in the Spring I believe. The VN came out a few weeks ago in Japan so I'm hoping it gets localized!
And yes, the game is quite slow in the beginning. I think it didn't have to take so long to get going, but in the end it works nicely for the reasons I explained in the OP. The shift is quite brutal.
A while ago a friend recommended the Steins;Gate anime to me but I never got around to it so when I heard that the game was being released for the Vita I decided to play through that instead and I'm so glad I did.
The OP pretty much describes how I felt about the game from hating Okabe Kyouma at the beginning of the game to him being my character of the year by the end, how I felt once shit started to hit the fan, and how hyped up the credits fake out on the true ending makes you feel.
In short: http://i.imgur.com/v79AYOW.jpg
For Christmas I bought a different friend a copy of Steins;Gate because of how much I liked it and wanted him to experience it. I know how important the slow build up is once you get the pay off when the lab gets attacked, but when you are playing for the first time the opening of the game can be a bit of a slog so hopefully he'll stick through it to the end.
I bought the anime series shortly after finishing the game and although I've not finished it yet (I've only got the last two episodes left to watch) it's a really well done adaptation of the game. You mentioned that you couldn't imagine anyone else voicing Okabe, but I would recommend watching the English dub of the anime because the English voice actor for Okabe is really good. Don't get me wrong the Japanese voice actor for Okabe is amazing and he does a great job of getting across how the character feels even if you don't understand the language but the English voice actor is great too, to the point that I wouldn't mind playing through the game again if there was a full English dub with the anime voice actors.
When the Blu-rays arrive, I think I'm going to watch the anime in Japanese. But now you have me intrigued. I will definitely also try out the English dub!
Amazing OP. It's not in my GOTY list only because I played it a few years back on PC, but damn if it isn't powerful and takes you unaware. The scenes you mentioned that made you react had the same effect on me, the jelly man one is heart-chilling and had me welling and the one with the blood is literally gut-wrenching. Funny thing is I just had the same reaction right now reading about and remembering them.
Both Faris and Luka's choices/endings were very moving to me; the game may end up rather satisfyingly for most involved but damn if they didn't get the short end of the stick. Luka especially as the version of her that's happily a biological girl gets erased from existence, and the scenes right before and after sending the mail are so incredibly and touchingly voice acted.
Special mention for Kurisu and Mayushii for turning two character archetipes I absolutely loathe (tsundere and moe) and making them work for me, for once. The first one thanks to her smarts and deadpan wit, and the second one for her incredible voice actress.
Wow, amazing LTTP thread! It feels like I'm replaying the game.
I think the moment I've cried the most was Suzuha departure, so damn sad. Her whole story is sad actually.
And yes, definitely watch the movie (and maybe the OAV before)
From what I have seen, the other games I. The series are not nearly as good. Steins;Gate is simply amazing. OP, your write up was probably the best one I have seen for LTTP or RTTP, major props for doing that wand such a superb game as well (my favorite VN hands down).
Wow, thanks for the huge wall of text OP. The feels were definitely back for a moment.
Kudos for mentioning Suzuha's ending. It's the one that shocked me the most.
The main theme of the game is definitely in my top 10 now. It's so poignant.
For unknown reasons, I couldn't get the true ending because there is a bug with my copy. I followed multiple guides, wiped my saved games and still, it wouldn't work.
I watched the anime. It was ok but the movie was horrible.
VNs aren't really my style of games but this story caught my interest. Hopefully we'll see more of it translated.
Excellent post. I actually just finished Steins;Gate 0 the other day, which is a game about the Okabe that sends the Dmail to Steins;Gate Okabe at the very end of the game, the one about fooling the world into believing Kurisu is dead.
I recently got my platinum and I loved your write-up! It captured many of my sentiments.
I played this after watching the anime so the game didn't have as much impact until the various endings started appearing. They totally added to the characaters in ways the anime didn't though.
I can't believe it's been 6 years since the original game came out. I never thought it would get an official localization.
Great OP. I was in your shoes a few months ago, I picked it up in September and found the intro slow going. I would've given up multiple times if I didn't have several people convincing me to stick with it...and I'm super glad I did. Best game I played this year.
Been slowly going through the anime now. As mentioned previously, the dub is excellent. It's a little more localized, in that it changes some of the dialogue to more closely match English net speak terms, but it works really well. The guy who did Okabe pulls off a similarly excellent faux-theatrical performance, and Daru's much more likable because he gets some really good one liners. Mayuri isn't quite as air-headed sounding either. Conversely Kurisu's actress is good but since they've cut down on some of the long winded science speak, it's mostly her tsundere side that's shown through, at least the point where I'm at (ep 7 or so, after Luka's change).
Steins;Gate 0 just came out a few weeks ago and what little I've heard suggests that it's really damn good. Eagerly awaiting a localization announcement.
I played Steins;Gate right after I played Ever17. It was supposed to be another sci-fi epic, so I actually took Okabe seriously in the beginning, when he was all over dramatic, haha.
I struggled through the first part of Steins;Gate. Fell asleep while playing it and everything. Took me about four days to get through it.
Then I blasted through every ending in two days. The plot ramps up SO hard, I love it.
I apologize in advance for not reading your entire OP, because I know the feels that come with this game. I teared up just looking at some the screenshots and glancing at the moments from the 2nd half of the game. The story...is just so good. I even knew the story before playing this game thanks to the anime, and the VN was still so much better.
It engrossed me. It made me laugh. It made me cry. By the end, I felt joy. Glad you were able to play it.
Great post! Steins;Gate was my GOTY2014 and will remain one of my favorite sci-fi stories of all time. Hope Zero can deliver some more magic but I don't think the creators can top the original Steins;Gate.
Kurisu is one of the strongest female characters in games I think. Some unnecessary tropes and sadly felt a bit dumbed down/more like love interest in the anime version due to cut content. Otherwise I like the genious, in my mind the true hero of the story.
Thank you! Kurisu is definitely great. I'm still not sure if she wasn't aware of how "tsundery" she was acting. After all, she is a closeted nerd, lol.
I believe the reference was to the entire Science Adventure series, though opinions are divided on which entry is the best (especially after Chaos;Child came out).
For those who don't know, the main series (the most updated versions in release order) consists of Chaos;Head Noah, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes Elite, Chaos;Child, and Steins;Gate 0. There are a number of references to Chaos;Head in Steins;Gate, and I hear that Steins;Gate 0 references all of the previous games in the series. They generally have different character casts, but they are all set in the same world.
For some reason I clicked into this thread (I literally don't know why I did this to myself) and saw
an image indicating, I think, that... Suzuha is Daru's daughter?
. There's no one I can blame but myself for not being awake enough to realize "no, don't click that", but ouch. I'm probably pretty close to where that knowledge would drop anyway, but given how almost completely unspoiled I've been... good job, me.
Sorry you got spoiled. As someone who hates getting spoiled, that really sucks. I hope you can come back after finishing the game and share your impressions
I must say , you managed to perfectly nail , why steinsgate is the VN that took everyone by surprise.
Okabe as a MC actually mimic how you're supposed to feel at specific moments of the game.
And it's glorious
And yeah ..You can't have the STRONG moments in steins gate , without all the blanter in the first part , every scene before the first WTF was made so you could feel the ride of the second part .. the best 3 weeks of a mad scientist..
There is so many things steingate did right , i can forgive the small thing the game did wrong.
Thank you! I was surprised at how much of the game I remember from memory when I wrote this. That's how I can confirm how memorable this game really is!
The first ending did send chills down my spine. I mean, the whole ponderimg rape thing and thinking about using the time machine to undo it, aw man. I think it was one of the few times where I was disgusted by the main character. I was like dude come on, don't be like that! I wasn't yelling at the screen, but I almost did. Luckily he snapped out of it.
Yeah, Mayuri's deaths... And when you think about it, she's the one character who did nothing wrong: she didn't hack SERN, she didn't make the time machine, she didn't send a D-Mail.
Actually you should probably just watch the anime for a refresher, and there's a bonus OVA at the end that's an epilogue to the game, that takes place after the true ending of the game.
And then, after watching that OVA
I am not a man who cries when I am sad or emotional. Not even when a family member dies. What happens instead is that I get this grasping feeling in my throat. It is extremely rare for any piece of media to legitimately pull that feeling in my throat. In fact, I can think of only two pieces of media off the top of my head that have made me so emotional that they have done so.
And one of those is the Steins;Gate movie.
And it did it basically throughout the entire course of the film.
The film's been fansubbed. There is no official release, but it's speculated that Funimation might do it eventually. I'll happily watch the dub if it happens.
The film's been fansubbed. There is no official release, but it's speculated that Funimation might do it eventually. I'll happily watch the dub if it happens.
I guess I didn't really have a hugely emotional reaction to the game as many people did. I really enjoyed it, but I didn't feel as engaged as I did with the Zero Escape series or Danganronpa.
The film's been fansubbed. There is no official release, but it's speculated that Funimation might do it eventually. I'll happily watch the dub if it happens.
Thanks! About the true ending, are you talking about the conversations about Kurisu's father? If so, I agree. I was even more shocked to see how Nakabachi's inferiority complex was more than a simple tantrum, but something that made him attempt murdering his own daughter. Holy Upa, dude.
Yeah I was referring to that, I was shocked when I got to that part. I don't remember how well this was shown in the anime, it's been 3-4 years but I was shocked when I played the game last month lol.
The VN has multiple endings, and gave a lot more detail explanation on many of the events. The anime adaption is great, but it is hard to include everything in a 60 hours VN to a 24 hours anime.
I watched the anime first before reading the vn, to be honest a few parts are pretty boring since it is redundant, but it is worth it for the parts not covered by the anime.
It is so worth it, but if you recently watched the anime I would hold off for a little bit. If you're like me and others who finished the anime years ago then you should play this game 100%.
The VN has multiple endings, and gave a lot more detail explanation on many of the events. The anime adaption is great, but it is hard to include everything in a 60 hours VN to a 24 hours anime.
I watched the anime first before reading the vn, to be honest a few parts are pretty boring since it is redundant, but it is worth it for the parts not covered by the anime.
It is so worth it, but if you recently watched the anime I would hold off for a little bit. If you're like me and others who finished the anime years ago then you should play this game 100%.
Hmm, this has me thinking. Should I watch the anime so soon after finishing the game? I'm craving more Steins;Gate right now, but maybe I'd enjoy it more if some time has passed...
What do you guys think? Did anyone here do something similar?
Hmm, this has me thinking. Should I watch the anime so soon after finishing the game? I'm craving more Steins;Gate right now, but maybe I'd enjoy it more if some time has passed...
What do you guys think? Did anyone here do something similar?
I watched the show immediately after playing the VN and still enjoyed it immensely. I think it's also probably a good idea to watch the show in full before watching the extra OVA and/or the movie maybe if just to get a feel for the universe as an anime rather than a VN.
The anime is also just a really good way to re-experience Steins;Gate, and probably would be my preferred method going forward, if just because it takes a lot less time.
Holding off on playing the VN after just watching the anime makes sense to me, because the VN is so much longer it could feel like it drags in comparison to the anime. Not really the same problem when you do it the other way around.
I watched the show immediately after playing the VN and still enjoyed it immensely. I think it's also probably a good idea to watch the show in full before watching the extra OVA and/or the movie maybe if just to get a feel for the universe as an anime rather than a VN.
The anime is also just a really good way to re-experience Steins;Gate, and probably would be my preferred method going forward, if just because it takes a lot less time.
Holding off on playing the VN after just watching the anime makes sense to me, because the VN is so much longer it could feel like it drags in comparison to the anime. Not really the same problem when you do it the other way around.