Uncharted has some really poor player navigation stuff...
I was wandering around that damn vehicle section looking for wherever I was supposed to be going... and there was a section there where I couldn't reach a handhold and so hung there looking for my next grab point. Naughty Dog offers a hint system that is, no shit, "you can grab onto ledges"...
That's it, not "hey, look over this way", or "press r3 to highlight objective"... or in the car section, when I was trying to drive up the long gentle curve only to be washed away by the rapids at the end, their hint was "try to avoid the rapids". Thanks for that... big freaking help.
Also, Uncharted is still, still, doing that bloody thing where it changes camera direction mid chase... so, where you were running away from the camera, you're now running towards the camera. But, it doesn't flip the input... so, because you're still pushing the stick up, Nathan now turns away and runs toward the obstacle chasing him.
It was bullshit in Uncharted one... it's still bullshit umpteen years later.
Also, what was with the tapping the controller stuff? Are they so in love with the accelerometer in the Dual Shock controllers that they felt the need to include that... no one liked the balance beam in Uncharted one, why would they believe we'd like it now?
I was wandering around that damn vehicle section looking for wherever I was supposed to be going... and there was a section there where I couldn't reach a handhold and so hung there looking for my next grab point. Naughty Dog offers a hint system that is, no shit, "you can grab onto ledges"...
That's it, not "hey, look over this way", or "press r3 to highlight objective"... or in the car section, when I was trying to drive up the long gentle curve only to be washed away by the rapids at the end, their hint was "try to avoid the rapids". Thanks for that... big freaking help.
Also, Uncharted is still, still, doing that bloody thing where it changes camera direction mid chase... so, where you were running away from the camera, you're now running towards the camera. But, it doesn't flip the input... so, because you're still pushing the stick up, Nathan now turns away and runs toward the obstacle chasing him.
It was bullshit in Uncharted one... it's still bullshit umpteen years later.
Also, what was with the tapping the controller stuff? Are they so in love with the accelerometer in the Dual Shock controllers that they felt the need to include that... no one liked the balance beam in Uncharted one, why would they believe we'd like it now?