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M. Night Shymalan's New Sci-Film (Written By GARY WHITTA)

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Still Alive

via SlashFilm
Holy shit he aged fast. But that might be explained by the fact that he's just a Will Smith clone.

Also, I don't know anything about this movie but that costume design has me intrigued.
Is a 1000 years enough for earth to have evolved to the point where it's built mechanisms to ward off humans? That doesn't make any sense to me.


Video from the panel and the Facebook timeline that was shown there are now online:


Just watched both videos, looks interesting. Off-putting take on the narration with the traveling through time via Facebook, I feel that movies get really "dated" when they use, for lack of a better term, pop-culture references. Of course, I'm sure that won't be in the movie.

When will the trailer hit?
I've never really followed Comicon or watched these panels, but did a 12 year old ask you a question at that panel?
It's all kind of a blur but yes there were a couple of kids who came up to the mic during the Q&A.

You seem like you're always in a hurry.

Either that or you're about to announce the TOP TEN AT TEN HERE ON WRAZ 101.3.
Well I speak fast anyway and I was very aware that we had limited time at the panel so probably rushed all the points I was trying to get across.

When will the trailer hit?


I can't believe shymalan still gets work. He made one good movie (even a million monkeys etc...), the rest of his portfolio consists of some of the worst movies ever made. I can say this confidently and without hyperbole. So basically, what the hell is wrong with people?


I can't believe shymalan still gets work. He made one good movie (even a million monkeys etc...), the rest of his portfolio consists of some of the worst movies ever made. I can say this confidently and without hyperbole. So basically, what the hell is wrong with people?

He made two great films (The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable) and one good, albeit flawed film (Signs).

I think his biggest problem thus far has been the fact that he is an incompetent writer. His direction for the most part seems fine (although he does seem to have a knack for squeezing out the shittiest of performances from otherwise good actors), so I'm interested in seeing what he can do if the pencil is ripped from his paws and he's forced behind the camera.
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