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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh


I briefly thought about aiming for a iMac & iPad combo instead of a rMPB this fall, but those fusion drive upgrades are just ridiculous..especially since the edu discount only makes a big difference when it comes to the base models.
My brother just got a 27" iMac with the 680MX and Fusion drive.. Love this thing, it actually does a pretty good job with Crysis 3 believe it or not.
When I play games on my Mac via bootcamp, the top of the computer gets VERY VERY hot. So hot that it seems if I were to hold my hand there too long I could get a mild burn. Is this normal? I keep worrying and closing my games to let it cool off. I've tried using an overclocker a few times, but the temperature get way up there even without it.

The aluminum case on the iMac is part of the cooling, so the top can/will get very very hot. It is not a concern for gaming. I game often on the exact same computer and have had no problems. If you are worried, though, run a temperature monitor program while you game and see how well the cooling is working.
What kind of mac do you have?
When I was gaming with my MBP in bootcamp, the area above the number keys would become really hot. But it never damaged anything.

That area gets hot on our mbp after watching videos for more than an hour with the brightness at +-80%, is this normal?


Is there a way to have the startup disk just be the boot option screen? With the keyboard being bluetooth, sometimes it won't connect fast enough on bootup and I can't access the boot screen to select Windows or Mac. I would prefer it to go to that screen by default.


My macbook pro charger has died after 4 years. Should I shell out the $80 to get a new one or are there any good 3rd party replacements?
My late 2009 macbook pro's battery has officially gone to shit. Can barely get two hours out of it, and this is just from browsing and listening to music. Can I get the battery replaced by Apple? Does it cost a lot?


That area gets hot on our mbp after watching videos for more than an hour with the brightness at +-80%, is this normal?

Depends on the video format I guess. But my MBP got hot too while watching movies. Not scorching hot but I wouldn't put it on my lap for a long time.

Like I said my MBP is more than 6 years old already and it still works so I don't think it will break anything. Also i used speed fan to manually alter the fan speed.


When I play games on my Mac via bootcamp, the top of the computer gets VERY VERY hot. So hot that it seems if I were to hold my hand there too long I could get a mild burn. Is this normal? I keep worrying and closing my games to let it cool off. I've tried using an overclocker a few times, but the temperature get way up there even without it.

If you want a "native" Windows way of controlling the fan:

Makes more sense than having the fans constantly on high.


Scaley member
Just got my Air and it's all set up! (Using it to post right now.) I was wondering, aside from being grounded, does the 3 prong AC adaptor provide any benefits over the 2 pronged adaptor? My power bar already has surge protection, so I don't think grounding will be too important. If it doesn't make a difference, I'd prefer to use the 2 pronged adaptor because holy shit the 3 prong adaptor part is so freaking huge when connected to the MagSafe (?) thingy. Also, death to trackpads. I feel so weird using them :( (First Mac, first laptop)
Depends on the video format I guess. But my MBP got hot too while watching movies. Not scorching hot but I wouldn't put it on my lap for a long time.

Like I said my MBP is more than 6 years old already and it still works so I don't think it will break anything. Also i used speed fan to manually alter the fan speed.

6 years? Did you replace the battery? I've been busy reading how to maximize battery life on this 15" retina. I've only had 7 cycles on so far and my maximum capacity dropped more than 100mAh according to coconut battery.

The Real Abed

Be sure to post back when you've made the 180-degree turnaround on that. Apple trackpads are god tier.
Fuck yeah, so hard to use any other laptop.
Seriously. I haven't even used a mouse since 2010. I even use my trackpad in FPS games. Yeah. FPS games. I use a trackpad to play FPS. Never could stand using a mouse in FPS games, but this trackpad is so magical it feels natural to me. (The only problems that ever arise are if a game requires you to be able to click both the left and right mouse button at once which you can't do since both buttons are the same thing. And an occasional misdetection of left vs. right click.)

Can't go back to my mouse. I had a Logitech MX1000 that I used exclusively until I got my first Unibody Pro. Like 8 buttons on that thing. But I haven't gone back to it since the Magic Trackpad. Couple it with BTT and gestures and I will never touch a mouse again. Even if it had a hundred buttons. My poor mousepad is so lonely. I even have a Magic Trackpad for my mini.


So uh

in the past few days for some reason the text on some stuff has randomly been bigger. The stuff it's happened in I don't use regularly so it could have all happened at the same time.

I've noticed it in Steam and Spotify so far. In Steam I only saw it while chatting with someone. The text was much bigger than it usually was and I can't figure out how to switch it back either.

2010 MBP 13" if that matters.

Anyone know what's up?


Seriously. I haven't even used a mouse since 2010. I even use my trackpad in FPS games. Yeah. FPS games. I use a trackpad to play FPS. Never could stand using a mouse in FPS games, but this trackpad is so magical it feels natural to me. (The only problems that ever arise are if a game requires you to be able to click both the left and right mouse button at once which you can't do since both buttons are the same thing. And an occasional misdetection of left vs. right click.)

Can't go back to my mouse. I had a Logitech MX1000 that I used exclusively until I got my first Unibody Pro. Like 8 buttons on that thing. But I haven't gone back to it since the Magic Trackpad. Couple it with BTT and gestures and I will never touch a mouse again. Even if it had a hundred buttons. My poor mousepad is so lonely. I even have a Magic Trackpad for my mini.

Apple makes the best trackpads out there, but let's not sound like a crazy person when describing the experience.


6 years? Did you replace the battery? I've been busy reading how to maximize battery life on this 15" retina. I've only had 7 cycles on so far and my maximum capacity dropped more than 100mAh according to coconut battery.

I'm now on my 3rd battery.

My first one lasted almost 3 years, before it started to swell up and I got it replaced for free by AppleCare.
My second one only lasted around 2 years, before it started to swell. This one also lost its capacity quite quickly, but that was mostly my own fault. I always let the power plug in and I never calibrated it in those 2 years.
My third one is almost a year old I guess. I don't use my MBP that much anymore since now I've moved on to a 27" iMac, but I do calibrate it more often and don't put it on the power plug anymore unless it is to game or to recharge the battery.

Also I always bought the official batteries.


What's up with the latest Safari release?


Chris R

The Haswell information that was posted earlier today by various sites sounds really good. Just hope Apple puts a nice high end chip in the MBA as an option.

The Real Abed

Apple makes the best trackpads out there, but let's not sound like a crazy person when describing the experience.
Are you kidding? I HATED trackpads until this. It is natural. It is magic--okay, that's a silly word, but it does feel natural. I cringe when I have to use "other" trackpads, or even the half-assed Magic Trackpad knockoff on my Cr-48 which just isn't the same. I can still use a mouse if I have to, but man, I love my MTP.

As I said the only problem it has is when something (Usually a rare game or two) requires you to click both the left and right mouse buttons. But then again the number of games I know of that do this that I've seen totals 1. And it wasn't a game I really want to play all the time.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Is the Mac book air still worth it these days ?

The Real Abed

Is the Mac book air still worth it these days ?
Hell yes. Why wouldn't it? It's their most amazing machine that's not priced extremely high. It's super powerful, has a higher resolution than the normal Pro's (Still 1280x800 on the 13". WTF?) and is nice and cheap.

That said my next machine will be a Retina Pro. I wish they'd put a Quad-Core option in the 13". At least as an option. I'd rather not go 15" if I can avoid it. Especially with the price. I only need the 13" but a Quad would be sweet. Can't wait to see what Haswell brings us from Apple.


Are you kidding? I HATED trackpads until this. It is natural. It is magic--okay, that's a silly word, but it does feel natural. I cringe when I have to use "other" trackpads, or even the half-assed Magic Trackpad knockoff on my Cr-48 which just isn't the same. I can still use a mouse if I have to, but man, I love my MTP.

As I said the only problem it has is when something (Usually a rare game or two) requires you to click both the left and right mouse buttons. But then again the number of games I know of that do this that I've seen totals 1. And it wasn't a game I really want to play all the time.

That's all I was pointing out...silly unless uttered on stage at an Apple event.

The Real Abed

The trackpad on the Cr-48 is a wannabe. It looks like a MT. But it's far from one. The gestures feel clunky and slow and since it's plastic and gritty and not glass and smooth it just feels wrong. Again, that's just the Cr-48. The FREE laptop Google gave us. It doesn't encompass all new style trackpads in the Windows and ChromeOS world. I'm sure there's a trackpad out there that feels similar. Especially with Windows 8 and gestures. But the Cr-48 is just barely usable in the same way I can get around my MacBook Air. I used my Cr-48 for a few months and liked it but over that time learned that it would be more enjoyable to just take my MacBook with me and use Chrome instead of the Cr-48. (This isn't a ChromeBook thread so let's get off this topic. lol)

That's all I was pointing out...silly unless uttered on stage at an Apple event.
Yeah, sorry. The RDF got to me. It's magical how it does that. Oh dammit.

The Real Abed

Oh! I thought you meant you used Apple's Magic Trackpad with the Cr-48. Carry on.
Ha. No. Though I wonder if you could. It is BlueTooth. I never tried. Though I bet it wouldn't work well since the MT is more about the software than the hardware. It's a package and the software is the part that's harder to get right.


Question: I'm using my MacMini as a hub/desktop/media server. I installed an SSD as a boot drive and it very nicely boots/shuts down in seconds.

I want to be able to use the power button as a one-press turn off (instead of sleep and with the same options of saving all open windows automatically as it would with a soft-triggered shut down). Is this possible?
Question: I'm using my MacMini as a hub/desktop/media server. I installed an SSD as a boot drive and it very nicely boots/shuts down in seconds.

I want to be able to use the power button as a one-press turn off (instead of sleep and with the same options of saving all open windows automatically as it would with a soft-triggered shut down). Is this possible?

I think your best bet is a two command shutdown - you can make the power button bring up a dialog, and then you just hit return to shutdown.
Hi Guys,

I'm sort of in a dilemma. I have a mid-2011 13 inch MacBook Air that I'm going to sell (under AppleCare until August 2014) after I get the bottom case replaced by Apple due to a technician not putting the old one in properly after replacing the battery. So I formatted the computer and I'm not going to touch it anymore.

So today, I went and bought a 13 inch MacBook Pro from AppleStore since the girl just said to return it after 14 days if I don't like it. But Time Machine transfers don't work with Office and Adobe, and installing them is such a headache since I have to use the remote disc feature that I won't bother for a computer that I might return in 14 days. And I need a computer for school for this Monday so an iPad won't suffice.

The thing is I know WWDC is around the corner and there will definitely be a refresh. I don't care for the new processor or the .1 increase in GHz, but will anything else change? I know it's hard to say, but anecdotally what changes in the first refresh of a new model of MacBook Pros? Will there be a price decrease? It would suck to see this computer go down $200 in a Monty's time. I don't know if I should keep this computer or just return it. :

Thanks for any input.
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