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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh

The Chef

Im just waiting for this time machine to finish up and then I'll get started on the reformating and stuff.
Thats so much for the help guys.

The Chef

The optibay and SSD? It was only an hour and a half ago if you'd asked if we'd heard about it.

hahahaha, yeah I guess that does sound confusing.
Im debating just reformating my current HDD and using that instead of getting the SSD since I am the cheapest man alive.

My Macbook has been doing hard reboots on itself for a month now. Right in the middle of working and BAM it reboots "You mac shut down because of a problem..." I took it to the Mac store today, they ran a diagnostic and everything checked out green (big surprise). So he said I should reformat and see if that fixes anything. Soooo here I am.

Edit: Just bought this SSD
My Macbook has been doing hard reboots on itself for a month now. Right in the middle of working and BAM it reboots "You mac shut down because of a problem..." I took it to the Mac store today, they ran a diagnostic and everything checked out green (big surprise). So he said I should reformat and see if that fixes anything. Soooo here I am.

Kernel panics? The panic.log in Console.app will tell you what caused it, typically. If there's no rhyme nor reason, I'd test the memory.


Is there a site that you guys prefer to sell Macs on? I have a MBP 2011 to sell. Thinking about using Amazon

EDIT: actually Amazon's cut isn't that bad for computers at 6%. It was more when I sold a different type of product.


What kind of changes can we expect for the Retina Pro refresh other than Haswell?

Well, I'd like Apple to get its act together with the Pro 13'' line. Right now it's just a Mac Air 13'' with a different chassis and a Retina display. I'd hardly consider that enough of a difference to call it a "Pro".

Personally I think the 13'' needs a quad core starting right from the base model to fully make a distinction between the whole Pro line and the Air 13''. They can keep the GPUs only for the 15''. Adding an option for 16gigs ram would be nice to, but not a deal breaker.

Otherwise calling the Pro 13'' a "Pro" is a joke. Which is a pity, because I really want one.


Junior Member
How much better would a 13" rMBP with 256 ssd and 8gb ram be than my 13" air with 128 and 4gb ram? Might be able to pull a trade +cash deal on Craigslist.


How much better would a 13" rMBP with 256 ssd and 8gb ram be than my 13" air with 128 and 4gb ram? Might be able to pull a trade +cash deal on Craigslist.

First off, it's debatable that the MacBook Retina is better.

8GB RAM to 4GB could be a huge upgrade but that depends on your workload. Check the Activity Monitor app during a typical session to see the size of your page outs. That should indicate if you'll benefit from more RAM.

The Real Abed

It's debatable, like already said. I personally wouldn't consider a 13" rMBP until Haswell is available.
I would agree with this. The current 13" Retina is pretty much the same thing as an Air except in a different case with a better screen that may or may not be a little slower due to the higher resolution.

Haswell will hopefully fix all the "problems" with the Retina Pro's. I can't wait to see what we get this year. I already have monies saved up for a 13" Pro with Haswell.
I would agree with this. The current 13" Retina is pretty much the same thing as an Air except in a different case with a better screen that may or may not be a little slower due to the higher resolution.

Haswell will hopefully fix all the "problems" with the Retina Pro's. I can't wait to see what we get this year. I already have monies saved up for a 13" Pro with Haswell.

Same here, though I decided to get the 15"


The Real Abed

Same here, though I decided to get the 15"
I'd love the power of the 15", but I can't get past the size. Not a big fan of anything over 13". For me 13" is the sweet spot. So I forget ever having a discrete graphics card for the size comfortability.

It's my dream that they at some point put a discrete card in a 13" model, even as an option, but hopefully the integrated chip in the Haswell processors will be good enough.


Same here, though I decided to get the 15"

I'd love the power of the 15", but I can't get past the size. Not a big fan of anything over 13". For me 13" is the sweet spot. So I forget ever having a discrete graphics card for the size comfortability.

It's my dream that they at some point put a discrete card in a 13" model, even as an option, but hopefully the integrated chip in the Haswell processors will be good enough.

I found the sweet spot to be the 15", but maybe it's the programs I use. They're just too cramped on the 13".

I'd like to get the 15'' because I prefer the bigger screen and it will substitute for my 6 year-old pc desktop. On the other hand, 13'' is pretty sweet for working stretched in the sofa and carrying around to the lab, meetings, etc, so it doesn't bug me that much. I don't have money for the 15'' anyway.

But I'd really benefit from a quad-core. The discreet GPU i can live without, but man, if you want to call the 13'' a "Pro" than at least put a fucking quad-core in there.


When files are downloaded, they appear in Finder under No Date section and few hours later they are labeled Today. Any ideas how to "fix" this?

The Real Abed

But I'd really benefit from a quad-core. The discreet GPU i can live without, but man, if you want to call the 13'' a "Pro" than at least put a fucking quad-core in there.
Yeah. I forgot about the 13"'s other drawback. I really want a Quad and Discrete graphics but I can't get past the size. I'd have to go and play around with one long enough to get used to it but it's just too big. I actually think 13 is too big sometimes. Also the price. 13" is expensive enough for Retina right now.


Abed you'd have to enter the dreamatorium to get discrete graphics in a 13" Retina with the improvements that Intel is making in there integrated graphics.


What kind of improvements would haswell chips bring to the 13" retina?

Haswell will provide better battery life and better gpu performance, but it won't fix the poor UI performance of OSX on Retina Macbooks.

To quote Anandtech's 13" Retina Review --

Apple does a lot of CPU and GPU work to make OS X look like OS X. Scaling the workload up from 1.76 million pixels to 4 and 5 million pixels creates additional work for both the CPU and GPU that neither chip vendor had planned on. Apple had to replace some fixed function code with general purpose CPU and GPU code to achieve consistent image quality in enabling Retina, which obviously has performance implications.

Next-generation GPUs should do a better job of driving these ultra high resolution displays, but today it looks like our biggest bottlenecks are software and single threaded CPU performance. In every situation where UI frame rate drops significantly on the rMBP, the offending application usually ends up consuming 100% of a single CPU core. This is true in Safari, Mail and other applications where I notice drops in scrolling frame rate.


The 13 I'm testing had demonstrably lower scrolling performance than my 15-inch rMBP, but I believe that has to do with the difference in CPU clocks more than anything else. My 13 uses a 2.5GHz Core i5 that can turbo up to 3.1GHz, while my 15 has a max single threaded turbo of 3.6GHz - an increase of 16%. There's also the fact that the 15-inch model features a quad-core CPU, leaving you with more idle cores in the event that you're actually doing more than just scrolling all day. I suspect the combination of these two things is why a lot of folks perceive the 15-inch rMBP to deliver faster UI performance.

The 15-inch model does have a discrete GPU, however I didn't notice a big performance difference in UI frame rates when I was on integrated vs. discrete graphics. I do believe that a lot of the present issues are related to Apple not GPU accelerating more of the drawing pipeline and as a result, single threaded CPU performance suffering under the load of 4 and 5MP displays.


There's not much you can do here other than wait for faster hardware or buy the fastest CPU available on whatever system you're considering. Single threaded performance will scale linearly with CPU clock speed, so higher clocked CPUs should deliver smoother scrolling performance. Ultimately just scaling CPU clock is an inefficient way to solve the current UI frame rate issues. Future revisions of OS X will likely shift even more UI workload to the GPU, plus we'll see new microprocessor architectures that will perform better with these types of workloads as well. The only issue is I don't know when either of these things will happen. Haswell should bring a good increase in IPC and maybe even a slight increase in frequency, which will definitely help.

What we'll need however, without any significant changes to OS X is an outright doubling of single threaded CPU performance. In the worst case scenario that could mean that we won't see UI frame rate fixed for years. I doubt it'll be that long, if I had to guess I would say that Haswell will bring a good improvement and around the Broadwell (2014) timeframe is probably we'll see things really get better. I don't have intimate knowledge of Apple's OS X roadmap and I also don't know the instruction mix that's causing this behavior so I can't really say anything for certain, I'm just speculating.


Since Haswell seems to provide a relatively meagre improvement in single threaded cpu performance over Ivy Bridge, retina performance will still be lacking.

Ultimately, Apple will need to fix this problem by improving their retina scaling algorithm. Hopefully they'll do this in OSX 10.9.
Haswell will provide better battery life and better gpu performance, but it won't fix the poor UI performance of OSX on Retina Macbooks.

To quote Anandtech's 13" Retina Review --


Since Haswell seems to provide a relatively meagre improvement in single threaded cpu performance over Ivy Bridge, retina performance will still be lacking.

Ultimately, Apple will need to fix this problem by improving their retina scaling algorithm. Hopefully they'll do this in OSX 10.9.

So is that likely?
I don't want to buy something that is flawed for its entire lifespan.
Was thinking of either this or an air


So is that likely?
I don't want to buy something that is flawed for its entire lifespan.
Was thinking of either this or an air

Who knows. They'll fix the UI performance eventually, that's for sure, but whether that happens this year, next year, or the year after is anyone's guess.

If I was you, I'd try hunt down a Retina Pro to play around with for a bit. If the sketchy UI performance bugs you, then you'd probably be better off getting an Air. If it doesn't, then the Retina Pro would be a good choice.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
15 inch retina runs metro last light at 40 fps with boot camp !

Sadly thing gets too hot , near 100 c, :(


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Right now I don't remember, but settings are medium High, res of course is not 1920

Anyway it's useless due to temperature , realtemp has one processor with "log"


Right now I don't remember, but settings are medium High, res of course is not 1920

Anyway it's useless due to temperature , realtemp has one processor with "log"

100C is awful, I haven't had a game run anywhere close to that.

I can run Bioshock Infinite on full (after fixing stuttering manually) and stream it without heat issues.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
100C is awful, I haven't had a game run anywhere close to that.

I can run Bioshock Infinite on full (after fixing stuttering manually) and stream it without heat issues.

You have any fan control software or something ?

I can run blood dragon on full but CPU gem gets to 95

Is real temp accurate in boot camp ?



You have any fan control software or something ?

I can run blood dragon on full but CPU gem gets to 95

Is real temp accurate in boot camp ?

What are you using to monitor your temperatures?

You can spool your fans full on OSX using SMC Fan Control and switch over to W7 and they will stay on full.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
What are you using to monitor your temperatures?

You can spool your fans full on OSX using SMC Fan Control and switch over to W7 and they will stay on full.

Real temp on bootcamp is that accurate ?


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Don't worry anyway is a fucking great machine! I'm trying to make an app now


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Cool, I have the 8 gigs ,2.4 ghz setup , I don't think it makes too much of a differences
Is there a thread for people who is programming for iOS ?


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Maybe it's crazy talk but the fact that u run the game from an external drive makes these work easier , I never had a slowdown too but I'm just a freak :)


So is that likely?
I don't want to buy something that is flawed for its entire lifespan.
Was thinking of either this or an air

Until Apple fixes the retina ghosting issues, the Air is the better purchase. Should the Air get IPS panels (which are overdue imo if you take a look at some of the competitors) and Apple fixes the ghosting, but not the UI performance, I'd continue to favor the Air.

We'll just have to wait and see...right now the entire Mac lineup is in this weird transition phase where the only choice is between seriously flawed 1st gen products developed with Haswell in mind and mature products that are starting to show their age.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
What ghosting in retina ??
I apologize for the off-topic nature of this post.

Is there a general PC hardware recommendation thread? My mother in law's looking for a cheap Windows laptop, and I'd like some recommendations, but all I know is Macs lol.


The I Need A New PC thread in Gaming. It gets bumped pretty frequently.

There is also a laptop thread. But neither thread will have much to say about cheap :)


I've got a network TV, and on my Dad's PC running Windows 8 he has the ability to right click a media file, select PlayTo and then select the TV.

Is there an app for OSX that gives similar functionality?


I've got a network TV, and on my Dad's PC running Windows 8 he has the ability to right click a media file, select PlayTo and then select the TV.

Is there an app for OSX that gives similar functionality?
Depends how it works. Is it through the network or HDMI using CEC?
I have a problem with the recovery method. (Pressing Cmd-R when rebooting to reinstall OSX Mountain Lion).

For some reason, when I do this, it goes into the Lion installation instead of Mountain Lion.

Does anyone have a solution? It's annoying.
So the issue I had was definitely the hard drive, just finished installing the sad and it feels great. Any tips to get the most out of it? Its the samsung 840 pro, 128gb.
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