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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh


More looking to recover what was on there. Backup is a couple months old. since I bought the drive :(

Thanks for the software suggestion. I'll check it out.
Thanks for the software suggestion. I'll check it out.

I've only used it on Linux, but it works extremely well. It's like standard dd, but when it gets bad data it slows down and grabs smaller and smaller chunks until it has everything it can, then speeds up again.
Will it work on osx or should I install Linux somewhere?

Apparently it does. I just compiled it in ~10s. If it were me, I'd boot off something that wasn't the source or target, though you can copy to an image file, so booting off the destination isn't impossible.

Ubuntu 'burnt' to a USB stick is all I've ever used to recovered crashed PC disks.
Yank the drive ;)

After a fat-fingered error restored a dying drive to a co-worker's "See drive" (whatever that is), I now disconnect the host computer's internal drives when attaching my USB boot volume and the spare drive I'm rescuing too.


but ever so delicious
My hard drive randomly corrupted itself. Any good recovery software recommendations?

What do you mean by corrupted? Does it no longer work at all or is it just not booting to the login screen?

If you can boot off a known good OS from an external drive. Just simply run a) Smart status on the internal drive, see if it has any bad sectors, if not then head to B) run disk utility first with the usual stuff then to C) run diskwarrior over it.


but ever so delicious
Here is my last crash report. Unfortunately, since I dont know what is the important information I will just post the whole thing. Sorry!

I totally couldn't find this thread, I need to sub to it. Sorry!

Are all of the kernel panics the same? You're mostly looking for what's under the "Kernel Extensions in backtrace:" . Everything listed there is pretty much pointing to your GPU, Obviously since it's talking about the Nvidia/IO/Blah blah extensions. If all the previous kernel panics have the same information, Then it's probably going to be the logic board that's up shit creek.

You could be very lucky with this one. Since it's a mid 2010 15" macbook, It's possible that it's actually an Nvidia issue, which is known. It's covered under the apple repair extension program for that exact issue.

My suggestion is simple. Take it back to an apple repair centre, Ask them to run AST on the machine even if it passes with all the green ticks, Get them to reboot the machine. DONT let them hit the bottom right arrow as this reset nvram, Instead press R to reboot the machine, Boot it back into AST and there should be a video service test. Get them to run this, If it fails then it's the logic board.

Essentially say you want to run the VST on this machine since you believe it's covered under the Apple Repair Extension program for the Nvidia issue. Hopefully they aren't idiots.

If you're able to prove that you have purchased the machine within the past 3 years, the logic board will be replaced under warranty. If you're just shy of 3 years then I would suggest calling Apple and being nice with them, They do like to try and help out so they might give you a CS (Customer Satisfaction) code for the logic board replacement, which means you get it under warranty.


What do you mean by corrupted? Does it no longer work at all or is it just not booting to the login screen?

If you can boot off a known good OS from an external drive. Just simply run a) Smart status on the internal drive, see if it has any bad sectors, if not then head to B) run disk utility first with the usual stuff then to C) run diskwarrior over it.
It is bad. Froze the OS so I rebooted. Then it booted into the recovery partition. I tried to run Disk Utility and that didn't fix it and actually changed the partition name. Then my boss ran his copy of Disk Warrior and it reported a hardware failure. I ran a Disk Rescue scan and it showed me a scrambled partition. Some stuff can be recovered but it looks like none of the important stuff can. What is kind of interesting is Disk Warrior made it revert to an older partition name. Going to keep at it. Fingers crossed. I lost some important work stuff (that has since been redone) and about a month worth of videos of my kids.


but ever so delicious
It is bad. Froze the OS so I rebooted. Then it booted into the recovery partition. I tried to run Disk Utility and that didn't fix it and actually changed the partition name. Then my boss ran his copy of Disk Warrior and it reported a hardware failure. I ran a Disk Rescue scan and it showed me a scrambled partition. Some stuff can be recovered but it looks like none of the important stuff can. What is kind of interesting is Disk Warrior made it revert to an older partition name. Going to keep at it. Fingers crossed. I lost some important work stuff (that has since been redone) and about a month worth of videos of my kids.

That sounds .. Interesting to say the least. I have never heard of disk utility changing the volume name D:

Is it an iMac or Macbook Pro?

If it's a Pro, I would simply suggest running a smarts on it for the simple sake of finding out if there are any bad blocks. If there are well then fuck. If there aren't and it's reporting CRC errors, It could actually be the cable and not the drive. I would then say remove the drive and place it into an external then run disk utility / warrior / whatever over it and see what happens.

If diskwarrior is reporting a hardware failure then it's probably the drive itself anyway.

Certainly going to be difficult to get the important stuff off it, Good luck!


All this was done outside of the Pro. It actually already has a bad sata cable so it runs from an enclosure in the optical bay while I wait for a replacement cable. I've had a scrambled partition on pc before. Just never on a mac. Having a shitty month for hard drives. Bought a Drobo today to get my ass in gear for backups.

The Chef

Im about to lose my mind with this Memtest86 thing. I just cannot get it to boot from a USB and I've tried it like 3 times.

Here is what I am doing:

Downloading the Windows ISO from Memtest

I move it to my user folder

I follow these instructions on creating a bootable USB

I follow every step. Everything appears to be working fine but when I reboot and hold Option I dont ever have the option to boot from the USB. Im losing my mind why its not working.

Any ideas??


Im about to lose my mind with this Memtest86 thing. I just cannot get it to boot from a USB and I've tried it like 3 times.

Here is what I am doing:

Downloading the Windows ISO from Memtest

I move it to my user folder

I follow these instructions on creating a bootable USB

I follow every step. Everything appears to be working fine but when I reboot and hold Option I dont ever have the option to boot from the USB. Im losing my mind why its not working.

Any ideas??

Have you tried other USB sticks? Different USB port?


I know this isn't Mac-related but could anyone answer me quickly as it's computer related. I got a desktop computer, is those kind of computers running with a 2.5" or 3.5" hard drive? How can I see that?
Im about to lose my mind with this Memtest86 thing. I just cannot get it to boot from a USB and I've tried it like 3 times.
Any ideas??

OK, since I'm the asshole that told you to do this, I had a go. Tried the Windows/CD, didn't work. Got the Linux/USB one.

1. In Finder, Double-click downloaded file to uncompress/untar it.
2. Insert USB stick.
3. In Disk Utility, unmount the drive (but don't eject it).
4. In Terminal, use 'diskutil list' to find the ID of the disk (mine was #2)
5. In Terminal, run 'sudo dd if=~/Downloads/memtest86-usb/memtest86-usb.img of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m' (change highlighted parameters to match your system.
6. In Disk Utility, eject USB disk.
7. Stick in Mac, boot with option held down, select the orange drive named 'Windows', and away you go.


I know this isn't Mac-related but could anyone answer me quickly as it's computer related. I got a desktop computer, is those kind of computers running with a 2.5" or 3.5" hard drive? How can I see that?

Most desktop computers have 3.5" hard drives. I don't know how you can check without opening the computer.


I know this isn't Mac-related but could anyone answer me quickly as it's computer related. I got a desktop computer, is those kind of computers running with a 2.5" or 3.5" hard drive? How can I see that?

About This Mac -> More Info... -> System Report -> Serial-ATA -> Look for the model number and then do a search on it.

The Chef

OK, since I'm the asshole that told you to do this, I had a go. Tried the Windows/CD, didn't work. Got the Linux/USB one.

1. In Finder, Double-click downloaded file to uncompress/untar it.
2. Insert USB stick.
3. In Disk Utility, unmount the drive (but don't eject it).
4. In Terminal, use 'diskutil list' to find the ID of the disk (mine was #2)
5. In Terminal, run 'sudo dd if=~/Downloads/memtest86-usb/memtest86-usb.img of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m' (change highlighted parameters to match your system.
6. In Disk Utility, eject USB disk.
7. Stick in Mac, boot with option held down, select the orange drive named 'Windows', and away you go.

Followed it step-by-step. Everything goes fine in Terminal. I reboot holding down Option and all I see every time is my main HD and a Recovery Disk. No thumbdrive ever shows up.

I dont know if this matters but I reformatted the thumbdrive as mac osx extended (journaled) and then followed the steps. When that didn't work I tried it again but formatted the thumb for FAT32 and it still didn't change anything.

Thanks so much for the help dude but I may be a lost cause.
So, I'm looking to get a new laptop. I'm seriously considering a MacBook Air, is it worth it?

Also, is Apple due to release a new version? Should I hold off?
Thanks so much for the help dude but I may be a lost cause.

My USB stick was HFS+ too when I started (the dd command will replace whatever filesystem you had with the one on the image). That's really weird. Booted my MacBook Air and away we went. I had my friend's 15" MBP booted off one six months ago too.

You aren't sticking the USB key into a hub, are you?

You could try using So, I'm looking to get a new laptop. I'm seriously considering a MacBook Air, is it worth it?[/QUOTE]

Love mine.

Also, is Apple due to release a new version? Should I hold off?

Widely believed to be, so probably.


Almost a week with my new 15" rMBP display.

If you have an LG display, take it back. The Samsung panels are superior in every way.
Almost a week with my new 15" rMBP display.

If you have an LG display, take it back. The Samsung panels are superior in every way.
Agreed. Luckily the rMBP I purchased has a Samsung display in it and I have had no issues in it. Come August I will have owned it for a year.


Agreed. Luckily the rMBP I purchased has a Samsung display in it and I have had no issues in it. Come August I will have owned it for a year.

Colours, contrast, no retention, etc

its better every measurable way. My LG panel got to the point where the top bar was burning into the display in under 30 seconds.


but ever so delicious
Colours, contrast, no retention, etc

its better every measurable way. My LG panel got to the point where the top bar was burning into the display in under 30 seconds.

Yep. We have replaced a few displays with image retention issues, When compared to one of the guys retinas at work you could easily tell the colour temperature was different. The image just wasn't as sharp or bright.

We had to take picture and video footage for a guys repair since he complained it wasn't the same as what he purchased. The difference really was striking.
Also, if I wait for the new Macbook Air/Pro, would the new processor really be worth it?

I don't do any heavy gaming, the only thing of real processing power I use is my HDPVR and running Lightroom 4 to edit photos, can the base Macbook Air run these programs with little to no hiccups?


Why will the older model drop that much in price?

Well, that depends on what you consider to be "much", but the new model could have a better screen or be more desirable in some other way...nvm, just go hog wild and return it afterwards because less than 2 weeks of self-control is for losers.


So I was reading something from that D11 conference and someone said that there's no real need for a mac only conference and mac announcements fit well with WWDC. I'll see if I can find the link.

MBA Pls.


So I was reading something from that D11 conference and someone said that there's no real need for a mac only conference and mac announcements fit well with WWDC. I'll see if I can find the link.

MBA Pls.
It as Jim Dalrymple at The Loop, who is pretty much 100% right on these things.

Looking forward to buying either a Haswell MBP or MBA.


Uh oh. My mac book pro didn't wake from sleep , just remained on a black screen after I heard the DVD drive buzz on wakeup.

Killed it and tried to restart but To no avail. Reset smc. Still just a black screen, doesn't even get to the chime (so don't think it's an he issue).

Dead logic board?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Well my battery in my Macbook 2.2 Core 2 Duo (black) has swollen to the point of danger. Which battery on Amazon should I order?


Could be! Had a similar problem but SMC or NVRAM fixed it (SMC, I think). Ultimately it was caused by having boot volume in optical bay of MacBook Pro, and kept happening until I moved it to HDD bay.
You mean resetting SMC? I tried that but who knows if I did it correctly. There's no sign if you've done anything.

Anyway, I did put a new sshd in recently but it has been working up until yesterday. Then suddenly ... Nothing.

Hmmm. Might try putting in another HD and see what happens.


Yes; It reboots.
yeah, I know. I just meant I have no idea if I did the smc reset properly as there's no feed back. According to the knowledge base I'm supposed to hold the power button down for 5 seconds on no power.

Held it down for longer I think, and computer is still dead.

A Mac with no HDD will get to a grey screen with an icon.
Yeah that's why I think it's not HD related. You at least get the chime and then just a question mark.

I get nothing.


Almost a week with my new 15" rMBP display.

If you have an LG display, take it back. The Samsung panels are superior in every way.

Is there a way to know what display your rMBP is using? for example something in the system prefs?

I haven't noticed any image retention issues, but then I havent paid too much attention to it.


I'm wondering the same thing. Last year it said available now during the conference but I want to know if they are in store same day. I have off on Monday so I could just drive off to the store.

Usually available for same day shipping and guessing next few days/1 week in stores from looking at last year's announcement.

I am strongly considering a Macbook Air as my Ultabook choice for Uni.It seems to outclass most of the competition, only the Zenbook seems t be a great challenger as well as that Acer. Don't like that Samsung Chromebook.


All this talk about wwdc has me thinking if I should sell my retina MBP a week before the conference so I can get the best price.
All this talk about wwdc has me thinking if I should sell my retina MBP a week before the conference so I can get the best price.
I'm bummed at how far the prices for them have plummeted already. I paid $3800 for mine with a 768GB SSD and it dropped in price by $1000.
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