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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh


Ugh. I forgot how terrible the MacRumors forums were. Why did I keep reading?

Either way, until it shows up on a rumor news post with leaked part numbers or something, I remain skeptical.

Yeah, gotta be coming with Mavericks later.

Bummer though, I'd like to pick one up for school and it doesn't sound like they'll be ready in time


Yeah, gotta be coming with Mavericks later.

Bummer though, I'd like to pick one up for school and it doesn't sound like they'll be ready in time
They've rarely shipped new notebooks right before school. My year was right before they went to unibody MBP.

The Real Abed

They've rarely shipped new notebooks right before school. My year was right before they went to unibody MBP.
Well to be fair this is the Pro line that were waiting for which is not usually aimed towards the school people. The Airs are and they were already updated. So anything can happen.
Take your pick, Apple Insider or Mac Rumors as both have their upsides and downsides.
I prefer to stick to the blog side and avoid the forums. They're as bad as a YouTune comment thread.

The Real Abed

They shit their pants over anything that could lead to a release date, actually amusing to read

I have met some good people on both forums. One person I would have to give major kudos to is Hellhammer who is a mod on both MacRumors and Anandtech. He knows SSDs especially well.
It's when I get to posts like this on these forums:

neteng101 said:
ohbrilliance said:
neteng101 said:
zOlid said:
A lot of people buy Mac cos they like the OS better but still want to game.
What you're describing are what I call poseurs. They want to be seen with the latest and coolest things, and while they might complain a bit about the lack of a dGPU, they'll go out and buy the next iteration of the rMBP just cuz it will still be the cool thing to have.
With all due respect, your post is the most self-righteous pile of clap-trap I've had the pleasure to read all day. People buy macs for all sorts of reasons, and it's wrong to presume and pigeon-hole their motives. Not everybody is as serious, dedicated or amazing a gamer as you suppose you might be. Get over yourself.
Its actually the truth, even if it hurts some to admit it.

Ugh! Just fucking shut up!! I want to punch you in the nose through the internet, neteng101!
Oh the multi-quoting. Yeah that's really bad. When I see it on any forum, I skip the post because it makes it difficult to read.

Getting back on topic, my biggest concern will be the performance of the Iris Pro. The regular Iris will be a huge jump over the HD 4000 and (to me) justify the price of the 13" rMBP somewhat (though not completely) unfortunately not so much with the 15". Still holding out hope for maybe a base 15" at say $1,700 with just the Iris Pro and then at least one model with a price drop say $2,499 with a dGPU maybe a 750M.


Have anyone of you tried the logitech k760 wireless keyboard? I'm having some troubles with it:

1. Alt+Tab+Shift - normally on the macbook keyboard, you can cycle through the open programs back and forth dependent on whether you hold down shift but with the k760, everytime you change "direction", it changes focus to the chosen program and opens a new Alt+tab "icon list" where the icons are differently ordered. (sorry, I may not be using the correct terms)

2. I've selected to use the f1, f2 keys etc. as standard function keys but it keeps changing the option back and the keyboard respond the same.

Anyone have better experiences with that keyboard?

The Real Abed

Oh the multi-quoting. Yeah that's really bad. When I see it on any forum, I skip the post because it makes it difficult to read.
No, I'm talking about acting like an elitist asshole who thinks he knows how other people should and shouldn't use their computer. Calling Mac users who want to be able to play games on their Mac "poseurs" because they're too stuck up and snotty rich to buy a PC for gaming. I want to punch him right in the snout.
No, I'm talking about acting like an elitist asshole who thinks he knows how other people should and shouldn't use their computer. Calling Mac users who want to be able to play games on their Mac "poseurs" because they're too stuck up and snotty rich to buy a PC for gaming. I want to punch him right in the snout.

Ah I know what you mean there too. Of course Razer is changing the game and if the Blade is as successful as the Blade Pro (and there's no reason why it shouldn't except for maybe the 1600x900 resolution, and since the CEO got some of his ideas from Apple and admitted he is an Apple fan), it might get their attention and could possibly influence them just slightly.

Can't wait for Anand's review of the Iris Pro within the MacBook Pro and how it turns out.


They release an update to the 2013 Air that fixed some weird sound issue. I wasn't sure if I was just hearing things but during a video the audio would become lower for some reason. I would have it between 1/2 and 3/4 then have to max it all the way out to hear it.


No, I'm talking about acting like an elitist asshole who thinks he knows how other people should and shouldn't use their computer. Calling Mac users who want to be able to play games on their Mac "poseurs" because they're too stuck up and snotty rich to buy a PC for gaming. I want to punch him right in the snout.

That's the typical PC gaming masterrace dork, but the people complaining about Iris Pro rMBP because of their gaming needs are real manchildren and just as annoying. Both Iris Pro and Geforce 750 are barely capable of running current games, just get an iMac if playing the latest games is that important ffs..


That's the typical PC gaming masterrace dork, but the people complaining about Iris Pro rMBP because of their gaming needs are real manchildren and just as annoying. Both Iris Pro and Geforce 750 are barely capable of running current games, just get an iMac if playing the latest games is that important ffs..

What's going to suck, gaming and workstation-wise, is that Apple has flipped the table on graphics cards for the Mac Pro--I doubt that standard cards will work in the new model. Sure, there's the theoretical enclosures, but I still haven't seen the proof that Thunderbolt 2 can truly provide the bandwidth needed. Mac graphics support has only recently been getting better with Apple lagging less behind on OpenGL and the card makers actually putting out half-decent drivers, but I'm afraid this will set us back again. At least for now I have a 5770 and Quadro 4000 that satisfy my needs for another year or two. Hopefully when I'm in the market for a Rev B Pro the Thunderbolt and graphics ecosystem will have reached some saturation.

The Real Abed

That's the typical PC gaming masterrace dork, but the people complaining about Iris Pro rMBP because of their gaming needs are real manchildren and just as annoying. Both Iris Pro and Geforce 750 are barely capable of running current games, just get an iMac if playing the latest games is that important ffs..
I don't even care about the latest and greatest. I just have a lot of Mac and Windows games on Stearn that would run fine on a Pro and don't require a top drawer high end gaming rig. And until I can actually buy a gaming rig, I'd still like to enjoy the games I have on my Mac be it under OS X or Windows.

I'd just rather not be generalized because I happen to want to play a simple game.
speaking of gaming, how would a fully spec'd out current gen imac be for gaming? i7, 32gb ram, GTX 680MX 2GB, fusion drive, etc.?

im really considering getting one for motion graphics and music production work but i wouldnt mind throwing some games in it as well. maybe i should wait for the new mac pro but the imac is just too sexy to ignore for long.


speaking of gaming, how would a fully spec'd out current gen imac be for gaming? i7, 32gb ram, 2GB, fusion drive, etc.?

im really considering getting one for motion graphics and music production work but i wouldnt mind throwing some games in it as well. maybe i should wait for the new mac pro but the imac is just too sexy to ignore for long.

It'll be fine. The only thing to keep in mind is that the iMac uses top-end mobile GPUs instead of full-sized ones, so performance will be correspondingly lower. However the 680MX has some pretty good benchmarks and frame rates according to user data.



I don't even care about the latest and greatest. I just have a lot of Mac and Windows games on Stearn that would run fine on a Pro and don't require a top drawer high end gaming rig. And until I can actually buy a gaming rig, I'd still like to enjoy the games I have on my Mac be it under OS X or Windows.

I'd just rather not be generalized because I happen to want to play a simple game.

So do I, but I'm not losing my shit because getting 25 instead of 20 FPS on The Witcher 2 matters more to me than the battery life and raw compute improvements of Iris Pro. Those manchildren need to fuck off because they're clearly buying the wrong brand because of the logo. If they were a viable market for Apple, we'd still have the 17" MBP.

The Real Abed

I'm sure at least the 15" Retina Pro will play all my Steam games well enough even in Windows for me to enjoy them. If I really wanted a gaming PC, I'd have one. I'm not buying my Mac for gaming. But being able to game on my Mac is just an extra bonus.

I say 15" because I'm placing all my bets that they'll still only put an integrated graphics chip in the 13" and if we're lucky they'll keep the discrete chip in the 15". And I might end up having to get that one. Because I'd rather go as high as possible this run. Also, the 15" will have a quad-core and the 13" most likely still won't. As much as I'd rather stick with 13". And as much as I'd love Apple to surprise us and finally put quad core discrete GPU in the 13".

I just hate the waiting part. But I look forward to seeing the models we get. Eagerly. More than anything. Just to see the specs. And to throw my money at them.
I'm sure at least the 15" Retina Pro will play all my Steam games well enough even in Windows for me to enjoy them. If I really wanted a gaming PC, I'd have one. I'm not buying my Mac for gaming. But being able to game on my Mac is just an extra bonus.

I say 15" because I'm placing all my bets that they'll still only put an integrated graphics chip in the 13" and if we're lucky they'll keep the discrete chip in the 15". And I might end up having to get that one. Because I'd rather go as high as possible this run. Also, the 15" will have a quad-core and the 13" most likely still won't. As much as I'd rather stick with 13". And as much as I'd love Apple to surprise us and finally put quad core discrete GPU in the 13".

I just hate the waiting part. But I look forward to seeing the models we get. Eagerly. More than anything. Just to see the specs. And to throw my money at them.

It might be the quad core that pushes me to get the 15". The portability difference from 13-15" would be a bonus to me, rather than a necessity. I'm not on planes enough, and any table I'm at would accommodate the 15" fairly easily.

Like you though, I just want to see what the models are at this point. I'm not the most patient individual when it comes to computers.

The Real Abed

It might be the quad core that pushes me to get the 15". The portability difference from 13-15" would be a bonus to me, rather than a necessity. I'm not on planes enough, and any table I'm at would accommodate the 15" fairly easily.

Like you though, I just want to see what the models are at this point. I'm not the most patient individual when it comes to computers.
See I really love the 13". I have never gone bigger. I've used a 15" and it always seemed huge. But nowhere near as huge as the 17" was. I'd never get one of those. The 15" will take getting used to but if I end up getting one instead of a 13" (And it'll probably happen as I've decided I won't go dual-core or IGPU-only this time which will 90% chance leave me with the 15" as my only option) I'm sure I'd get used to it quickly. Another thing I'll miss is the extreme feather lightness of my Air. 1.5lb more is a pretty big amount when coupled with the 2" more width.

I'm actually contemplating going all out too. In that I'll get a 15" and pay the extra $300 for a 512GB drive just to fill up with my games. As well as maxing it out at 16GB. It'll end up being almost $3000 and will be almost twice the most I've ever paid for a computer before, but if I use it for 3 years or more it'll be worth it in the end. Still it's a pretty hefty chunk of change to drop when I'm used to getting these lower priced consumer machines. My last Pro was a 2010 13" model and that was only like $1500.

It's the Retina Tax right now. The all-Flash and HiDPI display bring the price up a lot. The display will be worth it, but the Flash, well I can't believe it's 2013 and Flash storage is still so expensive. I mean with every other technology, it only took a few years of popularity to drop the price significantly. HDD's are a dime per GB because they've been around for decades and have dropped rapidly since the '80s when they cost $5000 for 10MB. And LCD's were still mostly unheard of around 2000 when they were expensive. Now you can't even buy a CRT in a normal store if anywhere. But Flash has been widely adopted, especially since Apple started using it in almost everything they sell, and they sell millions per year, but it's still so expensive. I'd have thought it'd drop to at most $.50/GB by now. It's still at about $1/GB. (Apple prices: 128 = $100 baseline, 256 = $300, 512 = $600, 768 = $1000) Is it really that hard to make it? Prices have dropped, but only slowly and slightly. It'll be a great day when you can interchange the Flash with the HDD and not have to pay that much extra if anything. Whenever that is.

Am I rambling?


The 15" is a little too cumbersome, but my main issue is that the screen real estate improvement isn't significant enough to warrant the $500 price difference at least for the shit I do. It's either the 13" rMBP or 27" iMac this fall.


The 15" is a little too cumbersome, but my main issue is that the screen real estate improvement isn't significant enough to warrant the $500 price difference at least for the shit I do. It's either the 13" rMBP or 27" iMac this fall.

Haha I can't do anything on a screen smaller than 15". I was amazed I got an AE work done on my MBP in college. Utility > Size any day for me.


Haha I can't do anything on a screen smaller than 15". I was amazed I got an AE work done on my MBP in college. Utility > Size any day for me.

To be fair, you can jack up the resolution on a 13" rMBP to give you as much real estate as you'd need, way better than the old fixed 1440x900 15" panel (same resolution as the MacBook Air!)

The Real Abed

Whichever one I get, I'm setting it to 1680x1050 at the very least. Maybe even the next one up if I get the 15". That's the same resolution as my 2005 20" ACD.

Deku Tree

27" is my minimum screen size for doing my actual work.

I have a 15" rMBP that is hooked up to my Dell U2713hm monitor. The retina screen is actually closed 97% of the time and standing on one of these BookArc's: http://twelvesouth.com/products/BookArc_for_Air/

For answering emails, surfing the web, using siri etc I am fine with my 11" MBA.
For all of that etc, for anything except typing, I am fine with my 4" iphone screen even or preferably my iPad screen or even my wifes iPad mini screen.


Whichever one I get, I'm setting it to 1680x1050 at the very least. Maybe even the next one up if I get the 15". That's the same resolution as my 2005 20" ACD.
I have a 20" ACD also. Just wondering if there's anyway I could plug in a console via dvi or something.

Just looking for a way to setup a wii u. According to the apple support pages, however, it doesn't look like any standard HD resolutions are supported. Am I right that the ACD has no scaler itself and relies in the input to use appropriate resolution? That is, that would normally be Mac OS X providing multiple resolution support so I'm out if luck with my situation?

What about using something like a black magic design ultrastudio recorder via thunderbolt? Would you be able to play live in the preview?

I know the 2012 iMacs can only accept a thunderbolt source when using in target display mode, but why can't an adaptor be made that turns an hdmi into a thunderbolt source?
I'd have thought it'd drop to at most $.50/GB by now. It's still at about $1/GB. (Apple prices: 128 = $100 baseline, 256 = $300, 512 = $600, 768 = $1000) Is it really that hard to make it? Prices have dropped, but only slowly and slightly. It'll be a great day when you can interchange the Flash with the HDD and not have to pay that much extra if anything. Whenever that is.

Am I rambling?

You are, but I sympathize with your frustration.

NAND has seen tremendous improvement in size and speed since they were first used in PC devices, but just like magnetics before it, there was a long bloodletting period where not everybody was on board. I bought a Vertex 1 some time after launch for almost $400 - now the same device with a newer chipset is closer to $100.

We're seeing more frequent improvement now that the technology is better understood and virtually every storage company in the business is using it. The market pressures of companies like Apple have forced down prices from their previous stratosphere, and now we even have 960GB drives for well under a thousand dollars.

NAND's current problem right now is scale. Since it's still silicon, it's linked to Intel and everyone else seeking a fiscally feasible way to go from 40nm down to 5nm. Die shrinks are the fastest route to more capacity, but they reduce speed and cost billions in research and retooling. Science itself also is having trouble keeping up with the pace needed - at some point all we can do is add more chips to get more storage.

The pressure has been so severe that now there are three classes of NAND just to store more data per dollar. You can double or triple the amount stored per cell...but you pay an equal price in lifespan and speed for it.

Magnetic storage has had some pretty significant advantages over time because the material hasn't changed (much). Instead, platter density has gone up thanks to a) awesome science and b) new organizational techniques. We've pretty well past what was supposed to be the theoretical limit on storage per inch. (If NAND research ever fails to make a breakthrough I think it's pretty fair to expect a surge in interest in MRAM instead.)


27" is my minimum screen size for doing my actual work.

I have a 15" rMBP that is hooked up to my Dell U2713hm monitor. The retina screen is actually closed 97% of the time and standing on one of these BookArc's: http://twelvesouth.com/products/BookArc_for_Air/

For answering emails, surfing the web, using siri etc I am fine with my 11" MBA.
For all of that etc, for anything except typing, I am fine with my 4" iphone screen even or preferably my iPad screen or even my wifes iPad mini screen.

Damn you are deep into the ecosystem. I always thought 2 laptops might be overkill but you have me rethinking my ways. Of course I'm thinking of getting rid of my ipad in favor of the 11" air, to compliment my 15" retina.


My 2011 Macbook Pro has the "Condition: Replace Soon" for the battery and I do not have the warranty anymore, is there anything I can do? Are replacements super expensive?


I put my Macbook Air mid-2011 on Craigslist for $800 thinking no one would bite, but I got some offers. Very tempted to take the $800 and turn around and buy a new Haswell 13" MBA.

The Real Abed

I put my Macbook Air mid-2011 on Craigslist for $800 thinking no one would bite, but I got some offers. Very tempted to take the $800 and turn around and buy a new Haswell 13" MBA.
When I get my Retina I'm probably going to want to sell my 2012 Air. But I've grown afraid of eBay and Craigslist. I'd rather sell it to people I know I can trust. I dunno, I'm just paranoid I'll get scammed on something pricey. I'd feel better if I could use a third party to make sure the money will get to me, the device will get to them and they can't email me saying they never got the machine even if they did. Haven't sold anything on eBay in years. Let alone something worth hundreds.


you giys with an 11" air how do you feel about writing on this thing? I mean could you write for a long time on it?
you giys with an 11" air how do you feel about writing on this thing? I mean could you write for a long time on it?
The keyboard is the same size as all the other MacBooks' keyboards. The only thing that's slightly smaller is the trackpad, but any issues go away if you increase the cursor speed.

On a practical basis, I wrote my senior thesis on it without a problem. That assignment was the biggest reason why I upgraded from my shitty HP netbook, so I have no complaints about its usability as a writing device.


If I format my Mac will I still be able to redownload Logic Pro 9 from my App Store purchases tab even though the product itself is no longer available?

I would assume yes but it was £140 so thought I'd better double-check first. It's the only app I've ever bought so not sure how far back they honour that stuff.


I put my Macbook Air mid-2011 on Craigslist for $800 thinking no one would bite, but I got some offers. Very tempted to take the $800 and turn around and buy a new Haswell 13" MBA.

Thats a steal. Upgrade a 2 year old laptop and double the battery life and you're only out of pocket ~$200. I'd jump on that in a second.


ok i jumped and ordered a 13" air with 8GB ram as a writing, light work machine.

now its time to save up some more monies and then iam going to get a 27" imac later this year (maybe for christmas or so) ... YAAAY

soo has this photoshop flickering issue with the airs been resolved? Also whats that about a samsung vs. lg panel?


ok i jumped and ordered a 13" air with 8GB ram as a writing, light work machine.

now its time to save up some more monies and then iam going to get a 27" imac later this year (maybe for christmas or so) ... YAAAY

soo has this photoshop flickering issue with the airs been resolved? Also whats that about a samsung vs. lg panel?

For non-Retina displays the LG Panel vs. Samsung isn't that big of a deal. Obviously Samsung makes better panels, but im not sure where the panels are sourced for the airs. A simple terminal command will tell you your manufacturer.

I thought I read something about the Flickering being fixed or is fixed already.


So I'm thinking of buying my GF a new computer, but I have a couple questions.

1) MacBook Air or 13" Retina? Does anyone have experience with both? I had a 15" retina and loved it. She only really uses it for web browsing and word documents. I really would like 8gb ram just to be safe which the retina comes with already. I'll most likely be buying fr best buy which means I can't upgrade the air to 8gb. Price would be $944 plus tax for the air or $1299 plus tax for the retina. Unless you guys know a better price somewhere?

2) How much should I ask for her old MacBook? It is the mid 2010 unibody white (2.4ghz, 250gb hdd, 4gb ram). Still got the box and it has apple care until February 2014.

Thanks guys.
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