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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh

My Macbook Pro 2011 just died, but I backed it up with target disk and reinstalled Snow Leopard then got Mountain Lion and tried to do a clean install of that, but it kept my files and programs i'd just installed on the new install of Snow Leopard, even though I hit clean install. Is there an option i'm missing in the Mountain Lion installation?
There's no clean install option.

So i'm not crazy.. Good. Even though I only installed Pages & Numbers and one folder full of files, I feel like i'm a bit cheated from a complete clean install. When I got this Macbook Pro in Feb 2011 I had to just migrate stuff, and it's always run like a weird piece of shit, so I want to give this as clean a start as possible. Maybe I should format it and start again...


Thanks for the responses guys

Probably your palm? Looks like the discoloration usually caused from prolonged usage (sweat, etc).

I don't think it's from my palm, because if it was, it would be on both sides since I rest both of my hands when typing. IDK though. It's really weird.

The Real Abed

My Macbook Pro 2011 just died, but I backed it up with target disk and reinstalled Snow Leopard then got Mountain Lion and tried to do a clean install of that, but it kept my files and programs i'd just installed on the new install of Snow Leopard, even though I hit clean install. Is there an option i'm missing in the Mountain Lion installation?
In order to "Clean Install" you need to already have a Recovery Partition on the drive. You'd then boot into it, reformat from it and install from there. You can't clean install from the installer. You'd need to boot onto a self-made Lion/Mountain Lion install drive or the recovery partition. Since you now have ML installed, you could now reboot and hold Option and reinstall again after reformatting. Then you'll have a fresh install.
Do the Macbook Airs (2011, 13") get super-hot as well? That's kind of a big issue.
All Mac laptops (and other brands) do more or less.. they're getting the heat from the inside to the outside in order to save the critical components from overheating.


That kind of concerns me if it gets that hot. I really don't want something that gets hotter than my current laptop, as I usually use my laptop in bed, propped up against my legs and abs.
That kind of concerns me if it gets that hot. I really don't want something that gets hotter than my current laptop, as I usually use my laptop in bed, propped up against my legs and abs.

I am using mine like that right now after some heavy photoshopping and it's perfectly bearable.
And it's an 11 inch to boot.
Does anyone else have any impressions on whether the 2012 Macbook Air i7 gets hotter than the i5 causing the fans to run more? Specifically in the 12" version.
Curious about the well, but do you mean the 11" or the 13"? I'd like to know about the latter.

Oops I meant I am interested in the 13" version, I have read some posts on other forums alluding to the fact that the i7 runs hotter to the point where the fans start running high, but no concrete evidence. It is a cheap upgrade from the i5 to the i7 so I will do it as long as it doesn't make it hotter to the point where it is an annoyance.


You gotta be fucking joking me.

My Retina MacBook Pro had burn in, and I had the display replaced a few weeks ago.

Now, the night before leaving for college, I decide to set my background to a dark grey, just to check for any more burn in.

Yep. Sure enough, this new (LG) display STILL has ghosting/burn-in.

Man, I love bullshit like this. God dammit.

No idea what I'm going to do, I guess I'm gonna have to try and get it repaired AGAIN in January when Im home for winter break? Fuck.


Hey guys,

A few questions... Whats the best mysql and reference manager application to get from the app store ?

Also how is moom and textwrapper?
What about general use? I'm not sure if I'd use it because I keep hearing the trackpad is mind-blowing.

I think that the mouse is an uncomfortable piece of shit. With the exception of the single button 'Pro Mouse', Apple's mouse design has been crap since the iMac was introduced. The weird Mighty Mouse was crap despite having the same form-factor as the Pro Mouse, as putting buttons on the grips ruined it.

The Magic Trackpad is brilliant. Am thinking of buying one for my work Mini since I love it on my Mac Pro at home.

Instead of Apple's, I have been using big five button Microsoft mice on desktop Macs for a decade, and Mission Control (née Exposé) is fantastic on buttons 3-5 (have been rocking these since 10.3 days).


I posted this in the Win8 thread, might as well post here too - Anyone try Boot Camping windows 8 yet? Debating doing that on my macbook air before I sell it


I posted this in the Win8 thread, might as well post here too - Anyone try Boot Camping windows 8 yet? Debating doing that on my macbook air before I sell it

I did on my retina with the consumer preview and it was horrid, then again it could be that there are no Windows 8 drivers on bootcamp yet. I am going to stay with 7 for awhile till I see how Windows 8 develops cuz as of now I do not care for it very much.


Thinking of getting an external USB3 drive to compensate for the low internal memory on my MBA. How is the speed of these things?


You gotta be fucking joking me.

My Retina MacBook Pro had burn in, and I had the display replaced a few weeks ago.

Now, the night before leaving for college, I decide to set my background to a dark grey, just to check for any more burn in.

Yep. Sure enough, this new (LG) display STILL has ghosting/burn-in.

Man, I love bullshit like this. God dammit.

No idea what I'm going to do, I guess I'm gonna have to try and get it repaired AGAIN in January when Im home for winter break? Fuck.

I'll have mine replaced next week too. Gotta get an access point beforehand, as I'm gonna take my iPad with me and there's no WiFi in the dorms I live during the week. They actually charge for surrogate devices here, about 7€ per day..

But I'm certain it will happen with the new display too. It's always like this for me.

How bad was the effect on your screen? Here's what mine looked like after having a browser window with Google left opened for about seven minutes:


Disappears quickly, but everytime I work with the same windows for a a while without moving them, I get to enjoy a bunch of bright rectangles on my desktop afterwards.


Buying a macbook tomorrow, help me out guys!

Can't decide between the base model 13" Air or base model 13" pro. I'm a computer science student that has a fully fledged windows desktop pc so it really would be a secondary computer. Only thing I might do on the macbook which might be taxing on the specs would be compiling moderately large java/c++ projects. Would also need to dualboot linux on it which might be pushing it with 128gb of storage on the air.

Should also mention that I love the design of the air as well as the slight resolution bump.
I think that the mouse is an uncomfortable piece of shit. With the exception of the single button 'Pro Mouse', Apple's mouse design has been crap since the iMac was introduced. The weird Mighty Mouse was crap despite having the same form-factor as the Pro Mouse, as putting buttons on the grips ruined it.

The Magic Trackpad is brilliant. Am thinking of buying one for my work Mini since I love it on my Mac Pro at home.

Instead of Apple's, I have been using big five button Microsoft mice on desktop Macs for a decade, and Mission Control (née Exposé) is fantastic on buttons 1-3 (have been rocking these since 10.3 days).

I really think that Apple's Mice are the worst hardware they make, they've never got them right. I had the original iMac and the tiny peddle mouse was horrible, and over the years I've bought various models they have released and I hate them all. They just aren't comfortable for me. The multi-touch scrolling is good, but it gets confused sometimes and I ended turning it off. It can happen sometimes that you are moving a web page down and it thinks (of I have moved my hand a tiny amount) I've shifted left and it backs the webpage up. It's REALLY annoying if you're in a secure site like online banking where you can't go back and forth easily.


I've just bought a Crucial M4 SSD for my MacBook Pro. Installed it in less than 5 minutes and I'm downloading mountain lion now. It's the first time I've replaced a HDD in MacBook and I can't believe how simple it is to do it and get things up and running.


You can download a Boot Installer from apple and put it on a disc/USB drive. It's a tiny file. I put it on a USB drive. Plug it in and when you boot up with the new HDD installed, hold down command+R for a few seconds. This will load up the Recovery software, which is identical to the screen you'd see if you try and restore from the original HDD. You can then download OSX and/or restore from Time Machine. You also need to format the new HDD to Mac OS Journal, which you can do from this screen.


we all knew her
Just got my new 15"MBP with the anti-glare display and upgraded resolution. Very happy with it, and Mountain Lion runs MUCH better than it did on the late 2010 MBP (w/ 8GB RAM) that I replaced (ran like shit on there). I hadn't seen one of the anti-glare displays in person and was concerned that the colors would look markedly worse on here, but I think it looks terrific, and the extra pixels are a nice bonus.
You can download a Boot Installer from apple and put it on a disc/USB drive. It's a tiny file. I put it on a USB drive. Plug it in and when you boot up with the new HDD installed, hold down command+R for a few seconds. This will load up the Recovery software, which is identical to the screen you'd see if you try and restore from the original HDD. You can then download OSX and/or restore from Time Machine. You also need to format the new HDD to Mac OS Journal, which you can do from this screen.

Cheers :) I didn't know you could download OSX from that screen, very handy!


Yeah, it's a great feature. My computer even remembered my wifi settings so I guess it gets saved on the Recovery drive. It took less than an hour and a half to download and install. It's up and running now. ML now installed...490+MB/s read and ~250MB write. Just rebooted and it took 3 seconds to shut down, and less than 20 seconds to boot up again. Amazing!
Yeah, it's a great feature. My computer even remembered my wifi settings so I guess it gets saved on the Recovery drive. It took less than an hour and a half to download and install. It's up and running now. ML now installed...490+MB/s read and ~250MB write. Just rebooted and it took 3 seconds to shut down, and less than 20 seconds to boot up again. Amazing!

Fuuuu. Need to get an SSD for my Macbook Pro.
This post is about finding the perfect computer for myself.

I knew Anandtech was respected, but after watching this video, I now believe it myself. What a great video (talking about the Retina MBP), about lessons learned, present and the future. Great video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94OenZ71ADY

I recenty got mysef a Sony Vaio S13p. The p stands for premium. It was a near ultrabook thin profile, with dedicated graphics and a fast dualcore cpu. It had backlit keyboard which was a requirement for me too. I swapped a 830m Samsung SSD in there, and it was so blazing fast. The island keyboard was tight. The goal for me was always to get a machine that was powerful yet had the mobility so I could carry it around, plugged or unplugged.

I wanted a machine that I could take with me. Everywhere. watch movies in bed, hook it up to tv, work on photoshop, take it with me in the kitchen and look up recepies as I listen to itunes music. play games at friends house. It's the idea that one device can be your gateway to everything.
The sony is great. It really is a great product. But I underresitmated certain things. For one, display quality and build-in speakers became a big annoyance. but most of all. I missed a unibody chassis. I missed a machine like a Iphone or Ipad that felt whole. It dawned of me that my Sony and most pc laptops in general feel flimsey. they crack. they squeak. and they feel like you could seperate the display from the body with sheer force. flimsey lid, flexing keyboards. small but subtle things.

toying with a friends macbook pro, I suddenly saw how well build it was. no flex. no plastic anywhere. I bought the wrong machine.

in the video anandtech guy, explains that next year its hashwell. and one year after its broadwell.

rMBP is expensive. very. and I need the 512 gig version. Because I need boot camp. im entitled. I like my battlefiield 3. I like my guild wars 2.

Thoughts arise. thoughts about thunderbolt storage and thunderbolt cinema display. ive had an imac before (2008 model). i loved it. It was a fantastic computer.

its too late to return the sony now. its a fine ultrabook thing. i dont mind it. but the screen and speakers are poo. my iphone 4 speakers can litterly play 2-3 times as loud, and its quite pathetic. i know laptop speakers are not great generally, but come on. watching youtube clips is near useless.

Do I wait with the rMBP? I kinda feel like no, because kepler + ivybridge is a great match. hashwell might go back to being a power drain or heat pleaser. i feel that this combo of cool components is great. everyone love these two.

we're almost in september now, and mountain lion is out. I wonder if apps are optimized for rMBP now.
I bought an iMac ('11) back in january before I decided to pick up studying again. So I had to buy a new laptop. I decided to go Air, which I received in July and I absolutely love it. I'm now on the edge of selling my iMac though. I use it less since the Air is more convenient and has a way faster (re)boot time, but I could also really use the money right now, to put down towards my first car. I'm this close to sealing the deal with this guy offering me €1450 (for the 27'', i5 2.7, 12GB RAM). Which is not bad I guess since I then lose only about €115 for about half a year of usage.

Q: When I format the iMacs HDD will Mountain Lion still be on there? (I used a slot I got from free Air copy of ML)
Q: Will it also function properly when my account it deactivated?
Q: Do I need to do anything else (Apple)account related before I sell it?
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