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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh


Are there any pro's or cons to turning your laptop off over night as oppose to just shutting it closed? It's charging soo...


we're almost in september now, and mountain lion is out. I wonder if apps are optimized for rMBP now.

I'm getting my rMBP replaced for the second time now (ghosting), and I have the option to expand my configuration.

Already got 16GB Ram, but the 256GB SSD was too small so I'm upgrading that to 512GB.

Should I also move the 2.3 CPU to 2.6? It's 100 USD difference..
Yeah I'm gonna have to start installing games on my external too... that SSD fills up fast as fuck.

I only made a 25 gb Windows 7 partition knowing that I was going to install Steam and all of my games on an external drive. Left with with a little over 200 gb on my rMBP's OS X partition. Seems to have worked out well for me so far.


My rMBP is making awkward noises...
It started when I just scrolled in Chrome and stopped after a while. The pitch often got higher when I scrolled again, but often it would also begin with me not doing anything. Though in the record it always started when I scrolled.
Interestingly, it's gone now, although I didn't do anything. What the heck?


This post is about finding the perfect computer for myself.

I knew Anandtech was respected, but after watching this video, I now believe it myself. What a great video (talking about the Retina MBP), about lessons learned, present and the future. Great video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94OenZ71ADY

I recenty got mysef a Sony Vaio S13p. The p stands for premium. It was a near ultrabook thin profile, with dedicated graphics and a fast dualcore cpu. It had backlit keyboard which was a requirement for me too. I swapped a 830m Samsung SSD in there, and it was so blazing fast. The island keyboard was tight. The goal for me was always to get a machine that was powerful yet had the mobility so I could carry it around, plugged or unplugged.

I wanted a machine that I could take with me. Everywhere. watch movies in bed, hook it up to tv, work on photoshop, take it with me in the kitchen and look up recepies as I listen to itunes music. play games at friends house. It's the idea that one device can be your gateway to everything.
The sony is great. It really is a great product. But I underresitmated certain things. For one, display quality and build-in speakers became a big annoyance. but most of all. I missed a unibody chassis. I missed a machine like a Iphone or Ipad that felt whole. It dawned of me that my Sony and most pc laptops in general feel flimsey. they crack. they squeak. and they feel like you could seperate the display from the body with sheer force. flimsey lid, flexing keyboards. small but subtle things.

toying with a friends macbook pro, I suddenly saw how well build it was. no flex. no plastic anywhere. I bought the wrong machine.

in the video anandtech guy, explains that next year its hashwell. and one year after its broadwell.

rMBP is expensive. very. and I need the 512 gig version. Because I need boot camp. im entitled. I like my battlefiield 3. I like my guild wars 2.

Thoughts arise. thoughts about thunderbolt storage and thunderbolt cinema display. ive had an imac before (2008 model). i loved it. It was a fantastic computer.

its too late to return the sony now. its a fine ultrabook thing. i dont mind it. but the screen and speakers are poo. my iphone 4 speakers can litterly play 2-3 times as loud, and its quite pathetic. i know laptop speakers are not great generally, but come on. watching youtube clips is near useless.

Do I wait with the rMBP? I kinda feel like no, because kepler + ivybridge is a great match. hashwell might go back to being a power drain or heat pleaser. i feel that this combo of cool components is great. everyone love these two.

we're almost in september now, and mountain lion is out. I wonder if apps are optimized for rMBP now.

You can always use an external USB 3 drive for games, works really good.


So, I've been having problems with my retina MacBook pro since I purchased it. It freezes probably 2 to 3 times a week, much more than my old windows desktop used to. Actually freezes probably isn't the right word, it just does not like to coldboot properly. It will just boot to a blank screen and I will have to hard power down in order to "reboot" it and get to the desktop. I'm not sure if the problems have increased since the upgrade to Mountain lion, but my first course of action is to get a fresh copy of mountain lion installed on the rMBP, instead of having the upgrade version which I currently have.

What is the best way to go about doing this? Is there a way for me to burn the mountain lion upgrade file to a DVD and then install it on my MacBook. Or am I better off just making an appointment at the Genius Bar and having the Apple employees install Mountain lion on my computer.


So, I've been having problems with my retina MacBook pro since I purchased it. It freezes probably 2 to 3 times a week, much more than my old windows desktop used to. Actually freezes probably isn't the right word, it just does not like to coldboot properly. It will just boot to a blank screen and I will have to hard power down in order to "reboot" it and get to the desktop. I'm not sure if the problems have increased since the upgrade to Mountain lion, but my first course of action is to get a fresh copy of mountain lion installed on the rMBP, instead of having the upgrade version which I currently have.

What is the best way to go about doing this? Is there a way for me to burn the mountain lion upgrade file to a DVD and then install it on my MacBook. Or am I better off just making an appointment at the Genius Bar and having the Apple employees install Mountain lion on my computer.

bring it to them and tell them they gave you a piece of shit and you demand a new one.

or something.


So, I've been having problems with my retina MacBook pro since I purchased it. It freezes probably 2 to 3 times a week, much more than my old windows desktop used to. Actually freezes probably isn't the right word, it just does not like to coldboot properly. It will just boot to a blank screen and I will have to hard power down in order to "reboot" it and get to the desktop. I'm not sure if the problems have increased since the upgrade to Mountain lion, but my first course of action is to get a fresh copy of mountain lion installed on the rMBP, instead of having the upgrade version which I currently have.

What is the best way to go about doing this? Is there a way for me to burn the mountain lion upgrade file to a DVD and then install it on my MacBook. Or am I better off just making an appointment at the Genius Bar and having the Apple employees install Mountain lion on my computer.

Yes there is. Just copy all the files you want to keep on a flash or external drive then hit option on start up. Look for the recovery partition (if not there, hit command +r on start up), format the Macintosh Hd, then hit reinstall osx and it should re-download ML for you.
Can someone tell me about how iTunes Match works with an iPhone and iPad?

When I go into iPod on my phone, what does it look like? It shows all the music I have stored on my computer, and I can stream it? How does it show the difference between music I'm streaming through Match and music that's stored on my phone?

Will it stream over 3G?
Are there any pro's or cons to turning your laptop off over night as oppose to just shutting it closed? It's charging soo...
I never turn off my laptop ever. I'm pretty sure it's designed to be used that way. Why bother having to wait for it to boot up when you can just open the lid and you're good to go instantly.


Can someone tell me about how iTunes Match works with an iPhone and iPad?

When I go into iPod on my phone, what does it look like? It shows all the music I have stored on my computer, and I can stream it? How does it show the difference between music I'm streaming through Match and music that's stored on my phone?

Will it stream over 3G?

There's a cloud icon right next to album titles and artist names when there's at least one song of them in the cloud:

And next to the song titles there's a download button (If you just tap the song, it will play while downloading):

But you can also download all songs of an album/artist at once. Just streaming without downloading is currently not possible.

Using it with 3G is possible, although I think it's disabled by default. The option is in the settings of the Music app in the Settings app.
Buying a macbook tomorrow, help me out guys!

Can't decide between the base model 13" Air or base model 13" pro. I'm a computer science student that has a fully fledged windows desktop pc so it really would be a secondary computer. Only thing I might do on the macbook which might be taxing on the specs would be compiling moderately large java/c++ projects. Would also need to dualboot linux on it which might be pushing it with 128gb of storage on the air.

Should also mention that I love the design of the air as well as the slight resolution bump.
Any MacBook Pro that isn't the Retina MBP is for suckers.


I'll have mine replaced next week too. Gotta get an access point beforehand, as I'm gonna take my iPad with me and there's no WiFi in the dorms I live during the week. They actually charge for surrogate devices here, about 7€ per day..

But I'm certain it will happen with the new display too. It's always like this for me.

How bad was the effect on your screen? Here's what mine looked like after having a browser window with Google left opened for about seven minutes:

Disappears quickly, but everytime I work with the same windows for a a while without moving them, I get to enjoy a bunch of bright rectangles on my desktop afterwards.

Jeez, that's pretty bad. Mine isn't THAT bad, but bad enough that if I change to a grey background, I can pretty clearly see an outline of the car I have normally set as my wallpaper. Sucks that we're having the problem.

My touchpad is also a little weird, the right side makes almost a "click" sound when I just rest my fingers on it, and I do a side swipe from the left to the right, I can feel it depress, which isn't right. Maybe I'll get that fixed too...hopefully that's not a 10 day fix like the screen was/is.


Just bought my MacBook Air, but will eagerly await the specs and get a Rev. B or C in a year or two. Hopefully it has both a 16GB RAM option and a 256GB SSD base as well as both integrated and discrete graphics.

Any reason to wait for this instead of just getting my 2011 13" MBA as planned, Abed? What would you guess the price on this thing would be?
Just bought my MacBook Air, but will eagerly await the specs and get a Rev. B or C in a year or two. Hopefully it has both a 16GB RAM option and a 256GB SSD base as well as both integrated and discrete graphics.

Doubt you'll get discrete graphics, but you will get awesome Haswell and Broadwell integrated graphics with dedicated VRAM!

The Real Abed

Any reason to wait for this instead of just getting my 2011 13" MBA as planned, Abed? What would you guess the price on this thing would be?
If we go by the pricing of the current 15" Retina which at first glance looks more expensive, but when you configure a normal 15" to be the same, you end up paying more just to get the equivalent SSD size and half the max RAM the Retina has, I'd say it might be pretty reasonable in price. Maybe a few hundred more baseline, but will have much cooler stuff built-in like the SSD instead of HDD and probably 8GB RAM stock instead of 4. Who knows what the price will actually be. But it'll definitely be less than the 15".

Doubt you'll get discrete graphics, but you will get awesome Haswell and Broadwell integrated graphics with dedicated VRAM!
Exciting. Especially when it makes its way into other machines that can't have discrete. Still, would be nice to have discrete for gaming at least on a Windows BootCamp side. I guess since the 13" normal Pro's don't even have discrete either, guess we shouldn't hold our breath.

If Haswell is going to be that much better graphics-wise, and you want Retina, and you need 13", then wait until next year. Let them get the Rev. A out now, and buy a year from now when it hits Rev. B and is much better.


If we go by the pricing of the current 15" Retina which at first glance looks more expensive, but when you configure a normal 15" to be the same, you end up paying more just to get the equivalent SSD size and half the max RAM the Retina has, I'd say it might be pretty reasonable in price. Maybe a few hundred more baseline, but will have much cooler stuff built-in like the SSD instead of HDD and probably 8GB RAM stock instead of 4. Who knows what the price will actually be. But it'll definitely be less than the 15".

Exciting. Especially when it makes its way into other machines that can't have discrete. Still, would be nice to have discrete for gaming at least on a Windows BootCamp side. I guess since the 13" normal Pro's don't even have discrete either, guess we shouldn't hold our breath.

If Haswell is going to be that much better graphics-wise, and you want Retina, and you need 13", then wait until next year. Let them get the Rev. A out now, and buy a year from now when it hits Rev. B and is much better.

Haswell has been speculated to be a minimum of 2x better than Ivy Bridge for integrated graphics. Intel it seems is making a strong push to get rid of introductory dedicated graphics
cards. Ivy could run a 13.3" Retina display, but not as well as one would hope.

As far as your pricing goes. They could fit 16GB of ram inside of a 13" enclosure pretty easily. But thats not really the purpose of the line, The 13" 'Pro' is an introductory (general consumer) product for that series. I don't seem them fitting base models with 8GB for some reason. But with the prices of Ram I wouldn't be surprised one bit. And the 13" also runs dual cores and not quads. I figure they would want to keep the prosumer and consumer lines separate.

The Real Abed

Yeah but it's 2012 so you'd think they'd want them to be the high end Pro. Even on a 13" model it would be nice if it finally got the features it's bigger brother had. I'd say at least for the first revision the 13" will be limited as its normal Pro equivalent. Hopefully by the 2013 model they'll be quad and have 8GB base if not a discrete card too. Guess it also depends on the stuff they can fit in the case.

2013 will be interesting for Apple to say the least.


That's good news. If Apple starts incorporating screens with that high of a resolution on the 13" MBPs then that means we'll finally be getting a dedicated, non-garbage non-Intel GPU.


Considering going out and buying an iMac tomorrow, although I know the refresh is imminent. Am I really going to be missing out on a lot? Any idea on what kind of an upgrade the video card will get when the refresh happens?

The Real Abed

I wouldn't. When it takes this long it means an update will be so much better than what is currently available. The processors have leaped pretty far and will no doubt be amazing when the next update comes along.

As for video card, who knows. But the CPU will be leaps ahead.

The last update was May 3rd... 2011. A year and a half ago almost. Leaps and bounds. Leaps and bounds. To buy an iMac right now unless you absolutely can't hold off any longer would be like buying a Mac Pro, which will be getting an update next year at some point. Sure it'll be amazing, but you need to know if you can forgive yourself if say a new iMac comes out 15 days from now. As long as you can say to yourself "My machine is pretty damn good anyway so no big deal." instead of "Dammit! I knew I should have waited!" then you can buy now if you need to.

September/October hopefully. Who knows when during that time though.
Same, if they go retina that will be a 4K screen for 27". Surely that's not possible at anywhere near the iMac price point?

If you add the retina display together with a thunderbolt display hooked up to it you're almost at the resolution that iMac would need to push. (which is a considerably faster machine than any MBP)

I just think no one can afford a display that nice.

The Real Abed

Sorry no, you are stuck with Intel GPUs.
Well, we're not 100% sure yet. Though it does seem that way. Unless Apple is able to finally break the routine and finally put discrete graphics in the 13" model. Even if it were just the Retina.

Doesn't the 15" Retina run Integrated by default anyway? Which would give an idea of how well a Retina display would run on a 13" MBP.

Also, isn't it odd that they're technically bumping the "unit resolution" of the Retina models down a notch? The rumor says the display is going to be 2560x1600 which is basically a 1280x800 display in units. Or the next step down from what the Air's are. The 15" has the 2880x1800 resolution which is the same as an Air. Personally I think they should put a 2880x1800 in the 13" and a larger one in the 15" but I guess it's a moot point with Retina and the pixels being small enough that it doesn't matter since you can just up the scaling if you need.


Hey, so is this true?

If you are in college Best Buy is the cheapest place to get a MacBook air/pro right now. Get a 100$ off through their student deals website and the store I work at has every MacBook already discounted 50-60$ bucks before the discount takes place. The only thing you need for the student discount is a .edu email.

I read that on Gaf, and I was just curious if this is accurate? I've been looking at Best Buy's website, but I can't seem to find a way to check student discounts and how much they may possibly take off from the overall price.


I own a MBA and I'm moving into a room with internet but no wifi, so I'm looking for a ethernet adapter.

What's the best price/quality thing I could get? 30 buck for the official one feels a little heavy, but maybe it's just me?
I own a MBA and I'm moving into a room with internet but no wifi, so I'm looking for a ethernet adapter.

What's the best price/quality thing I could get? 30 buck for the official one feels a little heavy, but maybe it's just me?

This $15 one from Monoprice works very well for me.

You will need a driver, the adaptors have either a ASIX or SMSC chipset. This thread on MacRumors might be useful: cannot get monoprice.com gigabit USB adapter working (10.7).

Mine had the ASIX, and it has worked in 10.7 and now 10.8.

It's half the price and twice as fast as the Apple adaptor. If you have a Thunderbolt or USB3.0 port, you may want to look into one of those GigE adaptors if 160Mb/s is too slow.


This $15 one from Monoprice works very well for me.

You will need a driver, the adaptors have either a ASIX or SMSC chipset. This thread on MacRumors might be useful: cannot get monoprice.com gigabit USB adapter working (10.7).

Mine had the ASIX, and it has worked in 10.7 and now 10.8.

It's half the price and twice as fast as the Apple adaptor. If you have a Thunderbolt or USB3.0 port, you may want to look into one of those GigE adaptors if 160Mb/s is too slow.

I have those, actually. It's a 2012 MBA. Also, I'm going to Japan where internet speeds are supposed to be pretty good, but do you think I'd really need more than 160Mb/s for personnal internet use (browsing, download, game)?

(Oh yeah, and I'm in France so Monoprice can't really help me I guess :/)


Wow, so if the in-store price is the same as the online price, then I'll be getting a new Macbook Air 2012 for 20$ more than a 2011 refurb. What a world we live in! I'M FUCKING PUMPED!

EDIT: Sorry for the double post.


Recommendations on portable USB3 drives for a MBA?

Doesn't seem like there are any thunderbolt drives I can get yet that are worth it.


At least it wasn't an accidental link to porn. And yes, that's happened in the near-past in OT. Was some funny shit.

Also, you may want to un-quote that, Majine, as I'm assuming the error will be fixed and nobody wants the profile to be accessible to all indefinitely.
I also keep my Steam partition on an external Seagate USB3.0 2TB drive. I treat external drives like every day could be its last. Backup non-cloud capable game saves to dropbox and any other essential files.


Well, we're not 100% sure yet. Though it does seem that way. Unless Apple is able to finally break the routine and finally put discrete graphics in the 13" model. Even if it were just the Retina.

Doesn't the 15" Retina run Integrated by default anyway? Which would give an idea of how well a Retina display would run on a 13" MBP.

Also, isn't it odd that they're technically bumping the "unit resolution" of the Retina models down a notch? The rumor says the display is going to be 2560x1600 which is basically a 1280x800 display in units. Or the next step down from what the Air's are. The 15" has the 2880x1800 resolution which is the same as an Air. Personally I think they should put a 2880x1800 in the 13" and a larger one in the 15" but I guess it's a moot point with Retina and the pixels being small enough that it doesn't matter since you can just up the scaling if you need.

Retina will run HD4000 graphics if it is unplugged. If its connected to power it will run the 650M, or you have to force it to run the discrete chip. The HD4000 running the Retina is fine doing normal tasks, but if you didn't know, there is a difference between the power of the Intel graphics between a dual and quad core. Running a smaller resolution screen like the 13.3" won't be a problem unless you game, but that was the problem with the previous 13" MBPs. They didn't have discrete either. The 13" has always got the shaft as far as display tech goes, 2560x1600 on a 13" display is huge regardless of how you scale it.

Ill say it again, if you are holding out for a 13" rMBP with discrete graphics, don't hold your breath. Especially with Haswell slated for next year.

Edit: Who the heck linked a FB profile


I got myself a Macbook Air 13" about three days ago from Chicago's main apple store, i'm literally in love this this device and even though my main desktop is a powerhouse I think I will end up using this little device more.

I just noticed that in the top middle of the screen there is a slight yellow tint. It's about 4 inches in diameter and is quite subtle but certainly noticeable when I have a light background. As I will be programming on this machine quite alot I will generally have a white background most of the time which kind of highlights the problem. I think I would be happier if the tint was across the whole screen as I could play with some colour settings.

Wondering whether this will go away or if apple will do anything about it.


I got myself a Macbook Air 13" about three days ago from Chicago's main apple store, i'm literally in love this this device and even though my main desktop is a powerhouse I think I will end up using this little device more.

I just noticed that in the top middle of the screen there is a slight yellow tint. It's about 4 inches in diameter and is quite subtle but certainly noticeable when I have a light background. As I will be programming on this machine quite alot I will generally have a white background most of the time which kind of highlights the problem. I think I would be happier if the tint was across the whole screen as I could play with some colour settings.

Wondering whether this will go away or if apple will do anything about it.

Apple devices seem to do this often. If I recall there was huge issue with the Retina iPad and yellowing in the screen. It's weird, because Samsung makes kickass displays.

Slightly OT, I totally forgot the iMac existed until I looked in this thread. Same goes for the Mac Pro.
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