Surprised there are no actual Mountain Lion desktop images (the animal itself).
Didn't notice any either. I too was surprised.
Surprised there are no actual Mountain Lion desktop images (the animal itself).
so it looks like both my machines are somewhat hosed, and have been hosed since Lion. i'm not sure whether it's due to a system extension or not, but it manifests in not being able to mount the InstallESD.dmg image inside the Mountain Lion upgrade app. this likely explains why the upgrade kept failing. i was only able to install by booting off my coworker's ML USB drive.
using the updated recovery partition, i installed a clean operating system on an external firewire drive (4 hours to download - thanks Apple!) that exhibited no mounting problems. looks like my weekend will be spent wiping and installing the OS on my two machines, then reinstalling apps bit by bit.
hooray. all this for a damn Notification Center and those 200 (or 199!!) new features.
Shit, man.
Are you sure you didn't download Windows 98 by accident?
I think part of the reason safari seems faster is that new loading progress bar. when it speeds up and zips to the end when a page loads, it adds a feeling of extra speed to the operation. I'm only half joking. I know Safari is more responsive than before but I think that accelerating loading animation really does affect our perception.
There is one though, it's a side shot of one with a mountain range in the background.Didn't notice any either. I too was surprised.
There is one though, it's a side shot of one with a mountain range in the background.
How do I get new tweets to show up in the notification center? I can tweet out to it but nothing shows up inside of it when I get a new tweet. Do I need a special twitter app for this? I thought it was built into the OS now.
It only shows up if you get tweeted at.
or you know, just download tweetbot for mac and forgo the apple silliness.
Finally got my key after nearly 24 hours wait. Not so bad I guess considering they are most likely backlogged like hell with requests.
Thanks! Is there a similar solution for having gmail show up properly in notification center. This notification center is not working at all for me. I configured the mail app with gmail imap and it is showing like 3 year old unread messages instead of the most recent.
Thanks. Kind of disappointing that the notification center seems like a PoS out of the box.
Thanks! Is there a similar solution for having gmail show up properly in notification center. This notification center is not working at all for me. I configured the mail app with gmail imap and it is showing like 3 year old unread messages instead of the most recent.
Performance is great on ma 2009 MBP.
I regret upgrading to Lion, because SL to ML would have been awesome.
you are not even half-joking.
everyone who works in UX knows this, especially Apple.
Great performance on my 2009 27" iMac. I went SL to ML.
On a laptop sure but on a desktop Mac where you may not have that option it's a great alternative.
Most important question; is there a welcome/bienvenue/willkommen Etc. video when you first boot? The grey screen on Lion was a step down from flying through multilingual outer space in Snow Leopard. wonder if anyone else uses USB Overdrive and has tried it out. I really don't like the default mouse acceleration curve, and USB Overdrive is my current means of fixing it as well as allowing the extra button to be used for stuff like expose.
Conflicting reports, with the positive one being from February.
Cool, definitely interested in that. I'll have to retest screen distances though.Use Decelerator.
Also, for it to feel like Windows, you do not want to fully disable Mouse Acceleration, this will make the mouse feel very jumpy when moving slowly. You want very, very little Mouse Acceleration; About 1-2/10
Yea...Conflicting reports, with the positive one being from February.
Is there an easy/quick way to check your HDD space in ML? They've removed the indicator that was always tacked at the bottom of folders in Finder in SL. That was always useful.
Anyone have any suggestions or tips on how I can use this integration more fully?
That bottom bar is what I'm missing though, I think. My Finder seems really barren in general from what it used to be in SL, the sidebar is only showing Favorites. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a screenshot of it's previous layout before installing.It says so in the bottom bar of the finder when you are browsing your hard-drive.
also, Cmd+I on the drive you want to check on works.
You will probably also want to get Daisy Disk from the app store for the future. Trust me on this one.
That bottom bar is what I'm missing though, I think. My Finder seems really barren in general from what it used to be in SL, the sidebar is only showing Favorites. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a screenshot of it's previous layout before installing.
CMD+J on your Desktop.Is there an easy/quick way to check your HDD space in ML? They've removed the indicator that was always tacked at the bottom of folders in Finder in SL. That was always useful.
Aha! Thanks again. I feel dumb asking this stuff because it seems all very obvious in retrospect.View -> Show Status Bar
I am liking ML, its a lot zippier than Lion, but I have to wonder what the point of twitter integration was?
I mean if you use Safari (I don't. I use chrome), there is that little action button now that will allow you to post a site to twitter, but aren't like 95% of all sites already linked up to twitter with a button right on the site??
The only cool use I've seen for it so far, is with iPhoto as I can now tweet a photo right from there.
Anyone have any suggestions or tips on how I can use this integration more fully?
When checking out the new screensavers I see a few picture collections that I haven't seen before, i'd like to use them as my wallpapers. Collections like Aerial, National Geographic, Cosmos and Nature Patterns.
Any idea where those are located on the harddrive?