Tweetbot only has the egg because it's in Alpha. It'll 'hatch' once it's officially released on the App Store. On a related note: I think Tweetbot is going to be Mountain Lion exclusive. Ballsy.
Oh yeah I know, that's why I called it the alpha egg. Hopefully they'll use something more inventive than the standard Tweetbot app icon. And are they really doing that? What benefits could that possibly have?
Just want to second the recommendation by Sentry for Pixelmator. I had a copy of photoshop I received free from a graphic design placement and I haven't even bothered installing it now that I upgraded to ML. Always loved the look of Pixelmator and bought a copy when I installed ML. I mainly made the switch due to how lightweight it is in comparison to photoshop. It looks amazing and is lightning fast. I don't know how it compares to photoshop for graphic designers who use this stuff daily but it works well for just casual design work that I do.
For graphic design it's adequate, but you have to do so much more manually. Like if I wanted to make a drop shadow, or an internal shadow etc in Photoshop I have the simple layer options. In Pixelmator I need to duplicate the layer, darken it to pitch black, place it behind the image, then use the gaussian tool. It achieves the same effect, just with a bit more work. And Photoshop still rules for text manipulation and of course filters. But I agree, Pixelmator is awesome and gets the job done faster than PS. The learning curve is practically non-existent compared to PS, too.
My only problem is that it doesn't have layer effects. Shadows and bevels and outlines and all that jazz. It's like Photoshop circa version 7.0.
Like I said to cries, you can do almost all of that, but manually. It would be nice if all that was built-in, though.
The problem with Pixelmator is that they switched it over to using Lion's file saving system. To me, that one fact alone keeps it as an amateur-level app. (The other thing that makes the app useless to me it its non-tabbed interface.)
No. It's a huge advantage having your shit being auto-saved. You can even never save or name a new file and Pixelmator will remember it. If you need to save a png, just use save as or export. There's nothing inherently wrong with that feature imo. But I agree on the tabs, that'd be a welcomed addition.
I owned Pixelmator 1.0 when it came out and was kind of mad at the time when 2.0 came out as a paid version with a high upgrade fee. But I'm thinking of going back to it as it's come a long way since then. I don't use most of the stuff Photoshop would offer anyway.
It's worth it imo. Thankfully I hand't actually bought Pixelmator 1 yet (but tried it a bit) so 2.0 was a logical entry point for me. Really can't wait to see what they upgrade into it next, though. Been a while.