I'm really more a fan of MPlayer OSX Extended than I am MPlayerX. I seem to get better and more stable results from it. So, consider that another app to check out.
What's wrong with VLC?
I'm really more a fan of MPlayer OSX Extended than I am MPlayerX. I seem to get better and more stable results from it. So, consider that another app to check out.
What's wrong with VLC?
I completely hard wiped my Macbook Pro and can't find my OS installation disk.
The big problem is that I can't access the App Store to buy a copy of Mountain Lion (can't do it through the OSX Utilities or Safari) and Apple doesn't sell a hard disc copy.
Why aren't y'all using NicePlayer?
I completely hard wiped my Macbook Pro and can't find my OS installation disk.
The big problem is that I can't access the App Store to buy a copy of Mountain Lion (can't do it through the OSX Utilities or Safari) and Apple doesn't sell a hard disc copy.
Why aren't y'all using NicePlayer?
Sorry if this is a newbie question, but I'm trying a multi-monitor setup on OS X for the first time:
When I go full-screen in VLC or QuickTime on one monitor, it blacks out my other screen too (essentially making that useless). Any way to prevent this (I'm on Mountain Lion)? I'd like to have a movie up on one screen (fullscreen), web browser on the other for example.
Nope, fullscreen implementation in Lion/Mountain Lion is not ideal. Not sure what can be done - it's easy to SAY, hey just throw up another screen down there, but what happens when you swipe to another full screen or desktop? the bottom on shifts to the top? The OS keeps track of different top and bottom screens?
Obviously, there's a solution somewhere, but it's not as simple as people think.
Anyway, "fullscreen" in Lion/ML is a special mode, that opearates as a whole separate space.
I suggest taking the movie out of full screen, and just maximising on that screen, thus it's just a really big window on a desktop space. Then open something else in the remain desktop space on the other screen.
What's wrong with VLC?
Nope, fullscreen implementation in Lion/Mountain Lion is not ideal. Not sure what can be done - it's easy to SAY, hey just throw up another screen down there, but what happens when you swipe to another full screen or desktop? the bottom on shifts to the top? The OS keeps track of different top and bottom screens?
Obviously, there's a solution somewhere, but it's not as simple as people think.
Anyway, "fullscreen" in Lion/ML is a special mode, that opearates as a whole separate space.
I suggest taking the movie out of full screen, and just maximising on that screen, thus it's just a really big window on a desktop space. Then open something else in the remain desktop space on the other screen.
Yeah this is what I've ended up doing. Really frustrating that there's no better way to accomodate multitasking across multiple displays on an OS level.
Yeah this mess they call 'Mission Control' shouldn't have been implemented in the first place. Seems to me the key design goal was to heavily make use of horizontal swipes because it's so extraordinarily easy to use, boom.
In VLC under Settings -> Video you can uncheck the "black out other screens" option (not sure what it's called exactly but you should be able to find it). It's possible you have to also uncheck native full screen mode first in Settings -> Interface. Unfortunately I can't test it myself since I only have one screen at the moment.Sorry if this is a newbie question, but I'm trying a multi-monitor setup on OS X for the first time:
When I go full-screen in VLC or QuickTime on one monitor, it blacks out my other screen too (essentially making that useless). Any way to prevent this (I'm on Mountain Lion)? I'd like to have a movie up on one screen (fullscreen), web browser on the other for example.
You can see what the problem was when you open and scroll up to the last time you booted up. If it's not immediately apparent you could also try to post the output somewhere and link it here.My rMBP just refused to wake up this morning. The keyboard lights were on, but nothing happened. Closed the lid, reopened it, all lights off. No reaction to anything. Was it even on? I would've known if they hadn't removed the LED in the front. Form over function my ass. Had to hold the power button to kill it.
I've had waking up problems since my first Mac in 2007, running Leopard. How about they actually fix shit like that instead of removing and replacing useful features?
That looks like it's specific to Lion and Mountain Lion and I don't currently have access to that since I haven't bought it.
Err... try booting from the recovery hard drive. Turn your mac on, and hold Option key. But if you hard-wiped you may have deleted that part too :/
Sorry if this is a newbie question, but I'm trying a multi-monitor setup on OS X for the first time:
When I go full-screen in VLC or QuickTime on one monitor, it blacks out my other screen too (essentially making that useless). Any way to prevent this (I'm on Mountain Lion)? I'd like to have a movie up on one screen (fullscreen), web browser on the other for example.
Obviously, there's a solution somewhere, but it's not as simple as people think.
Fullscreen is nice, but it's obvious that it doesn't seem all that well thought out in its current implementation. I get the notion - make it like iOS, one app at a time, swipe between them (and auto save, resume etc etc).
And it does work. Problem is it breaks other concepts that we use in our current form of the Desktop analogy.
Mission control kind of had to be done, it's basically Expose but with a bar showing your full screens. Fine in concept, but in practice it adds too much information. It's like you swipe into an area that manages two things at once, which is the opposite of what I consider intuitive.
I still think there's a solution for multi displays out there. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but hopefully Apple are testing them. That, however, is kind of the issue. A blank screen with linen texture is all they can come up with?
Again, it's not a simple thing to implement. I mean, for example, my ideal would be to have two screens - when you swipe on one, THAT one swipes to the next app/Desktop.
But what do you do about order? Do you allow swiping to the SAME screen? What happens to Desktops that span across two screens? What happens if your screens are arranged vertically vs horizontally?
You can see what the problem was when you open and scroll up to the last time you booted up. If it's not immediately apparent you could also try to post the output somewhere and link it here.
I think the old Expose/Spaces combo was nearly perfect.
Anyone has noticed this, or found a workaround ?
Maybe a stupid question, but where is the "Macintosh HD" icon that used to always be in the side bar in the Finder window? I always used to Apple-I it to see how much HD space I had left.
Maybe a stupid question, but where is the "Macintosh HD" icon that used to always be in the side bar in the Finder window? I always used to Apple-I it to see how much HD space I had left.
Maybe a stupid question, but where is the "Macintosh HD" icon that used to always be in the side bar in the Finder window? I always used to Apple-I it to see how much HD space I had left.
If you go into Finder preferences and go to the "sidebar" tab, i think you should be able to add it.
You can put it back. In Finder preferences, just pick what you want to show up there. If you have multiple hard drives, you can just get rid of the ones you don't want to display after they're there by right-clicking.
Go to Finder Preferences -> Sidebar -> Make sure hard disks is checked near the bottom of the list.
lol triple beaten.
In VLC under Settings -> Video you can uncheck the "black out other screens" option (not sure what it's called exactly but you should be able to find it). It's possible you have to also uncheck native full screen mode first in Settings -> Interface. Unfortunately I can't test it myself since I only have one screen at the moment.
If you're not using MPlayerX or you're doing it wrong.As of version 2.0 nothing IMO. Had often a pixelated mess with earlier versions when fast forwarding or jumping to a specific point on the timeline. Used MPlayer OSX Extended during that time but am now back to using VLC because it's loading the videos faster than MPlayer OSX Extended.
Activity monitor?Hope an update comes out soon, my 13" MBA '11 is running crazy hot now (fan will not shut up, even with NOTHING running).
Hope an update comes out soon, my 13" MBA '11 is running crazy hot now (fan will not shut up, even with NOTHING running).'m surprised alot of programs still don't have Notification Center support. Adium for example.
This is the closest you can get right now. Unfortunately everything just shows up under "Growl" in the NC.
Oh sweet. Atleast something.
defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/XProtect.meta Version
Code:defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/XProtect.meta Version
So you have autoupdate for system files to on?2020
View -> Show Status Bar-No URL preview. Even Safari iOS does this better (long press). This is probably the worst.
Cmd + Z for your latest closed tab.-Open last closed tabs (it's possible through History, but again I think Safari iOS does this better, with a long press on the new tab button.)
Install Ultimate Status Bar safari extension. That will give you the floating URL preview at the bottom. Or just go View/Show Status Bar for a permanent status bar with url preview?-No URL preview. Even Safari iOS does this better (long press). This is probably the worst.
I think that only works with Glims, which is another thing he should install (and disable adding search engines in Glims because it's buggy in Safari 6)Cmd + Z for your latest closed tab.
I think that only works with Glims, which is another thing he should install (and disable adding search engines in Glims because it's buggy in Safari 6)
I just tried, and you're right! Glims' function is still better though, because it has undo history. It will keep reopening all the recently closed tabs if you keep pressing CMD+Z.It's a default Safari feature now, just tried it and I don't have Glims installed.