I click the link to check my version and it says I have 10,1,53,64 installed and that the newest is the one mentioned. So I click the Download Center link and it says "You are running Chrome which has the latest version built in." What? No I don't! Fuck. This is why I was against having Flash built-in. There's no reason to build it in. Every computer has it already.
How do I update in Chrome? Or do I really have the newest version?
If I go to Firefox, it says I have the same version and lets me download the update. Safari won't even go to the Download page. And Chrome thinks I have the newest version right after telling me I didn't.
After downloading the installer in Firefox and installing, Firefox gets the new version, but Chrome is still stuck with 10,1,53,64. Fuck!
I hate Flash. I wish it wasn't still needed.
Edit: From Adobe.com:
How do I install the latest version of Flash Player in Google Chrome?
Chrome users don't have to download new versions of Flash Player. Chrome automatically updates when new versions of Flash Player are available, to protect users with the latest security updates.
LIES! BLATANT LIES! Chrome hasn't updated it. When will it do that? Why can't I just install it like a normal person?
Edit: Apparently you can disable the built-in Flash in Chrome to get it to use the one you update manually. WTF? This is stupid design. Let's see if it worked...