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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

Does anyone know of a way I can get the Mail app to insert my signature before the Quoted text when sending a reply? Thanks.

Durr hurr I'm an idiot it's right under Signature preferences:



UnluckyKate said:
Niiiice, thanks !

Also, anyone ?
You can either use an external HD and time machine or you can just use migration assistant and hook up the two laptops. It is totally painless either way. Really awesome feature of the OS.

I am going to be upgrading my new MBP's HD to an SSD later this year (hoping the prices come down) and I have to learn about how to install the new drive and how to manage it (something, something TRIM).


Desperately need some tech help. My Macbook Pro can't seem to connect wirelessly via airport to any network at all. I thought it was just my new school wifi network, but then I brought it back home and tried to use my home wireless network that it was working just fine with last week, and now that won't do either, so I'm sure it's a problem on my end.

I've tried everything I can think of, including all available software/OS updates and network configurations I have access to.

Any common mistakes that cause this shit?


tabsina said:
Hey guys, quick question.. I have to use a Mac every week in one of the tute rooms at university to give a ppt presentation + background music that runs separate from the ppt (which i have going in itunes)

i had two issues with the setup, both relating to changing the volume of the background music mid presentation (due to a particularly loud or soft part) - the first problem i figured out (it made a noise every time i adjusted the volume, which was annoying as hell - why is this on by default - i assume it is default)

Anyways, the question I'm still having trouble with is - how do i remove the display from visually showing me the change of volume on screen, which then also shows up on the projector

I couldn't find the off switch for it anywhere in the properties, can anyone guide me to it? (i think it has snow leopard installed, if that changes anything)



Spotlight problem.

Spotlight is stuck "estimating time remaining" to index my hard drive.

Iv tried deleting and recreating the spotlight index manually and with

sudo mdutil -E /

sudo mdutil -i off /

sudo mdutil -i on /

I'm using Quicksilver in the meantime but I really need Spotlight back

Any ideas?


Jasoco said:
Use OS X's Migration Assistant and you will be able to choose what to import. It will import it and make your new OS install exactly like your old one. I used it when I got my MacBook Pro because it wouldn't boot from a clone. (Not sure why. Maybe something to do with coming from a 2007 MacBook to a 2010 MacBook Pro.

I actually did the Time Machine thing myself. Went from 13 to 15. Ran a Time Machine on the 13, did the setup on 15 and plugged in the drive when the startup application asked me to. Only a couple problems, but overall smoove.


AlexMogil said:
I actually did the Time Machine thing myself. Went from 13 to 15. Ran a Time Machine on the 13, did the setup on 15 and plugged in the drive when the startup application asked me to. Only a couple problems, but overall smoove.
I don't trust Time Machine for full recovery because I'm a bit paranoid that it would miss some files. So I keep two clones handy for recovery. But either way works great.

tabsina said:
Firstly, it plays a sound so you can tell how loud the volume is. Many UI's have done this since computers were invented. Including video games and cell phones.

Anyway, I could have sworn there was a way by holding a key while changing it, but apparently I was wrong. So the next best thing would be to replace the resources with blanks and empties. Unfortunately, a Google search reveals a link from 2004, but OS X has changed the location of those resources in the past 6 years. (Possibly making them part of the extras.rsrc file.)
Good luck. If you can find the files you'll be set. But other than that, it doesn't look possible to just toggle it. Sorry.
I recently hooked up my MBP to my TV to use as a monitor.

I'm very frustrated about how the whole thing works. I have it set to dual display mode (mirroring looks funky on the MBP end of things) and I downloaded Secondbar so I could have a menu bar on both screens.

However, my frustration comes when I unplug my computer from the TV. All of the windows are sized to what they were on the TV. Is there a way or an app that allows me to set window sizes for each screen? Thanks!


Will mirroring two Macs with different resolutions make sure that both have a supported resolution? I also have a MacBook connected to my TV via HDMI. The TV will work at 1280x720 while the MacBook has 1280x800. Will the MacBook's screen automatically switch to 1280x720? Or is the MacBook going to try and force the TV to go 1280x800? I am afraid to try it myself in case it fucks up the settings to the point I can't get them back the way they should be. I want to switch to Mirrored because I really don't need the second display while it's connected to the TV.


Jasoco said:
Will mirroring two Macs with different resolutions make sure that both have a supported resolution? I also have a MacBook connected to my TV via HDMI. The TV will work at 1280x720 while the MacBook has 1280x800. Will the MacBook's screen automatically switch to 1280x720? Or is the MacBook going to try and force the TV to go 1280x800? I am afraid to try it myself in case it fucks up the settings to the point I can't get them back the way they should be. I want to switch to Mirrored because I really don't need the second display while it's connected to the TV.
As I understand, mirroring will switch to whatever resolution is supported by both monitors. Since TVs generally have less supported resolutions, it'll likely switch to 1280x720 and do the same on the MacBook display.
UnluckyKate said:
How do I format my Macbook Air ?

Can I remote disc the MBP installation disc ?

uh I think you should use the installation disc that shipped with that MBA, but yes, pretty much that. I recommend cloning an ISO of Snow Leopard onto a partitioned external hard-drive.
mescalineeyes said:
uh I think you should use the installation disc that shipped with that MBA, but yes, pretty much that. I recommend cloning an ISO of Snow Leopard onto a partitioned external hard-drive.

But I don't the installation disc that came with the MBA and my Snow Leopard disc is in the same place, somewhere like 10 000km from where I stand... No way I can format the MBA from itself ?


UnluckyKate said:
But I don't the installation disc that came with the MBA and my Snow Leopard disc is in the same place, somewhere like 10 000km from where I stand... No way I can format the MBA from itself ?

um... you can't do that with any computer (I think).

you need a secondary drive. either a DVD drive and a disc or an external hard drive with an image of the installation disc.


tabsina said:

You can hold the Shift key when changing the volume to disable the sound cue. I don't think you can get rid of the on-screen visual indicator for it though.

You might wanna investigate an AppleScript solution, you can change the volume of iTunes that way (see http://dougscripts.com/itunes/itinfo/eqandvolume.php for examples). Use an application like FastScript to execute the applescript from a keyboard shortcut - one for changing your volume lower, and then another one to raise the volume. I don't really know much about presentations or your setup to know if that'd work, but it seems like it could be a decent workaround...
UnluckyKate said:
But I don't the installation disc that came with the MBA and my Snow Leopard disc is in the same place, somewhere like 10 000km from where I stand... No way I can format the MBA from itself ?

if you own it, just torrent a vanilla Snow Leopard .iso and clone it onto an external drive. that's how I did it when I still had my Macbook Air (probably the best laptop I've ever owned, even if it's not all that beefy, innit.)
Does anyone know how I can use my Windows Live email address in the mail app, but instead of just having my mails forwarded to the app I can delete them (for example) and actually have them delete in my Live inbox? Kind of like how it works on the iPhone now with Exchange.
Neverender said:
Does anyone know how I can use my Windows Live email address in the mail app, but instead of just having my mails forwarded to the app I can delete them (for example) and actually have them delete in my Live inbox? Kind of like how it works on the iPhone now with Exchange.
That's using IMAP instead of the standard POP3 protocol, which I don't think Hotmail can do (which is one of the millions of reasons people shit on Hotmail on this forum).
mescalineeyes said:
if you own it, just torrent a vanilla Snow Leopard .iso and clone it onto an external drive. that's how I did it when I still had my Macbook Air (probably the best laptop I've ever owned, even if it's not all that beefy, innit.)

I was planning to do so but I wanted to be sure that I had no other option. Time to buy an external hdd !


...hate me...
LCfiner said:
um... you can't do that with any computer (I think).

you need a secondary drive. either a DVD drive and a disc or an external hard drive with an image of the installation disc.
It is possible. Secondary partitions on the system hard drive.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
That's using IMAP instead of the standard POP3 protocol, which I don't think Hotmail can do (which is one of the millions of reasons people shit on Hotmail on this forum).

Didn't they open Hotmail to POP3 recently for iPhone/smartphone use. Or was that something different?


... Okay, I'm really getting impatient.

For a month I haven't used my Mac Mini. Because iTunes X doesn't work properly with my iPhone 4 - now it doesn't even notice the phone.

Anyway, how do I completely re-install Mac OS X?
I inserted the install disc and installed the os again but all apps and everything is intact.
It's not possible to start from scratch?

I really need some help here, as it needs to be ready before I leave for vacation.
Anastacio said:
... Okay, I'm really getting impatient.

For a month I haven't used my Mac Mini. Because iTunes X doesn't work properly with my iPhone 4 - now it doesn't even notice the phone.

Anyway, how do I completely re-install Mac OS X?
I inserted the install disc and installed the os again but all apps and everything is intact.
It's not possible to start from scratch?

I really need some help here, as it needs to be ready before I leave for vacation.

If you want to completely wipe the drive, once you've booted from the DVD. Choose Utilites > Disk Utility and Erase the drive. Then install the OS.


Really sorry for being a noob here, it's my first Mac. Where do I find 'Utilities'? I inserted the DVD again, then where do I go from here?

I appreciate your help btw. =)

Edit: Found it.

Now it is erasing free space it seems.
The latest Safari 5.0.2 update made browsing a lot slower than 5.0.1 for me. Especially YouTube. I removed the open dns (, from my network prefs and for some reason it is back to normal again.

I don't even remember why I was using open dns. What does it do exactly? Also, how many people here actually use it?
Heya guyssss.

I am searching for two things: the tool Apple officially uses and recommends for hard drive well beige analysis, summing like better hard drive tool? I can't really remember but I know they recommend it with their AppleCare.

Secondly what is the best app I can use so I can see what the hell is taking up so much space on my HDD. ALMOST LIKE TREESIZE FOR WINDOWS

Hey I'm not sure whether this is a software problem or not but I have a 21.5" iMac and whenever it wakes up from sleep I have to restart AirPort or my Wifi doesn't work. Does anyone have a solution?


I still don't know how to completely re-install Mac OS X on my Mac Mini.
Can someone put up a step-by-step? I got to fix it before going on vacation. =/

I tried this "Choose Utilites > Disk Utility and Erase the drive."
But it seems to erase free space. I still got 293GB of space, so it hasn't erased anything and the same apps are on my Mac. Does any of you know how to completely re-install mac os x, so that nothing than the default stuff will be on it?
Anastacio said:
I still don't know how to completely re-install Mac OS X on my Mac Mini.
Can someone put up a step-by-step? I got to fix it before going on vacation. =/

I tried this "Choose Utilites > Disk Utility and Erase the drive."
But it seems to erase free space. I still got 293GB of space, so it hasn't erased anything and the same apps are on my Mac. Does any of you know how to completely re-install mac os x, so that nothing than the default stuff will be on it?
Are you booting from the OS X disc?


Anastacio said:
I still don't know how to completely re-install Mac OS X on my Mac Mini.
Can someone put up a step-by-step? I got to fix it before going on vacation. =/

I tried this "Choose Utilites > Disk Utility and Erase the drive."
But it seems to erase free space. I still got 293GB of space, so it hasn't erased anything and the same apps are on my Mac. Does any of you know how to completely re-install mac os x, so that nothing than the default stuff will be on it?
Boot from the OS X DVD and use Disc Utility from there.


So I'm trying again.
Inserted Boot DVD, restarted the Mac Mini and then chose 'Disc Utility' from there.

Now I have quite a few options:

First Aid - Erase - Partition - RAID - Restore

If I go to Erase, I can choose a Format and Name and then go to 'Security Options' where I can select between 'Don't Erase Data' to '35-pass Erase'.

Am I doing it right?


Anastacio said:
So I'm trying again.
Inserted Boot DVD, restarted the Mac Mini and then chose 'Disc Utility' from there.

Now I have quite a few options:

First Aid - Erase - Partition - RAID - Restore

If I go to Erase, I can choose a Format and Name and then go to 'Security Options' where I can select between 'Don't Erase Data' to '35-pass Erase'.

Am I doing it right?
You're doing it right.
If you're erasing data, you only need to erase it once. The multiple pass erase is just if you're getting rid of the system and really want to clean your tracks so no one can recover the data.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Anastacio said:
But I already tried doing this and all my apps are still there. =/ I guess I'll try again.

Have you booted from the disk? You must boot into the disk and do it from there.

To boot from disk, turn off computer, then turn it on and immediately hold down 'c' till it starts to boot. The boot time should take longer than normal, so don't worry about that. Then you choose your language, from there you can go into Utilities on the menu bar and just follow the instructions.
Holy shit I just figured out how to set my Mac up as a wi-fi hotspot. Now I can use my university's internet for devices that wouldn't otherwise let me (iPod Touch, DSi, Wii). Yay!


cooljeanius said:
Holy shit I just figured out how to set my Mac up as a wi-fi hotspot. Now I can use my university's internet for devices that wouldn't otherwise let me (iPod Touch, DSi, Wii). Yay!

How? What Mac?
cooljeanius said:
Holy shit I just figured out how to set my Mac up as a wi-fi hotspot. Now I can use my university's internet for devices that wouldn't otherwise let me (iPod Touch, DSi, Wii). Yay!

Elaborate. Now.
Inferno313 said:
Elaborate. Now.
So my university makes you download a VPN client to get onto its internet, which is fine for my MacBook Pro, but not fine for the rest of my devices. Anyway, today I Googled "Mac OS X wifi hotspot", and found out, that if you go to System Preferences>Sharing (under the "Internet & Wireless" header), click on "Internet Sharing", then check "Airport" (optional: set up a password under the "AirPort Options..." button), then check "Internet Sharing", your Mac then becomes a wi-fi hotspot.
cooljeanius said:
So my university makes you download a VPN client to get onto its internet, which is fine for my MacBook Pro, but not fine for the rest of my devices. Anyway, today I Googled "Mac OS X wifi hotspot", and found out, that if you go to System Preferences>Sharing (under the "Internet & Wireless" header), click on "Internet Sharing", then check "Airport" (optional: set up a password under the "AirPort Options..." button), then check "Internet Sharing", your Mac then becomes a wi-fi hotspot.

Woah, I didn't know that. Awesome. I'll have to use that.
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