Can someone recommend a finance tracking app?
Yeah it does. HyperDock shows both. And doesn't look horrible like DockView does. HyperDock looks like it belongs in OS X. DockView looks like it was made by amateurs. The only tolerable style it has is Borderless, but I prefer HyperDock's more Snow Leopard Dock style look. It looks like it belongs in OS X, like it's part of it.Charred Greyface said:DockView gives previews for both minimized and hidden windows. HyperDock doesn't do hidden windows.
Mint.comDancingCactus77 said:Can someone recommend a finance tracking app?
Yeah, definitely. But for some reason I'm rooting for it. It just looks nicer and more integrated. Not that I wouldn't get DockView if they didn't add a theme that looked like HyperDock's more Snow Leopard feel.hirokazu said:HyperDock seems better to me but it's still damn buggy at the moment.
I miss the ease of home networking. Home Share is brilliant.Jasoco said:Either way, it's nice to see the one feature from Windows 7 that I like make it into OS X.
I tried it again and you're right, it does work. Hyperdock sure is buggy though. I don't find the App controls compelling because I don't use iTunes for playing music and there are menubar controls that can be used instead. DockView can also show previews on the Window Switcher (another app that does that Witch cost $19). *shrug* I'll wait some more before purchasing.Jasoco said:Yeah it does. HyperDock shows both. And doesn't look horrible like DockView does. HyperDock looks like it belongs in OS X. DockView looks like it was made by amateurs. The only tolerable style it has is Borderless, but I prefer HyperDock's more Snow Leopard Dock style look. It looks like it belongs in OS X, like it's part of it.
I'm still torn on which one I want to use though. DockView runs as an app while HyperDock runs as a Preference Pane. DockView has an amateur preferences UI while HyperDock has a nicely laid out Preference Pane. But HyperDock (In its current version) seems buggy in that sometimes it doesn't work at all while DockView seems to work more responsively. But HyperDock is free right now while DockView costs money. Also HyperDock's previews fade up and down nicely while DockView's just jump into view annoyingly and abruptly. I personally find that insulting. Also, and this is important, HyperDock has iTunes controls and iCal events in its previews for those apps while DockView does not. HyperDock is just the more polished product, but DockView is the older one.
My decision would be made if either A) DockView let me use a much nicer looking preview style (That matched HyperDock's) or B) HyperDock was fixed to never stop working unexpectedly.
Because I like HyperDock's look, how it is presented in how it's installed and its current price, but DockView actually works all the time. Probably because HyperDock is still a Beta while DockView is a finished product. I refuse to pay $8 for DockView unless it ends up being the one I choose, but I hate having one that doesn't work all the time. But I guess it's moot since I came 10 years without these previews anyway, so...
Jasoco said:I don't have, nor have I had, many problems with OS X's Networking (Aside from an occasional forgetfulness) since Leopard. What does Home Sharing do? I mean I have a MacBook (Replaced my old G4 mini) running connected to my HDTV via HDMI with two 2TB HD's connected that I use for both a networked backup (From my MacBook Pro via CCC) and Media server (Which I play on my HDTV with the amazing and totally better than XBMC, Boxee and Plex/Eight combined.) and it works fine, aside from the slowness of my wireless G network. In fact, CCC is doing its thing right now. Tri-hourly clones to one of the two HD's on the MB, and daily clones of the clone and the media for good measure.
Macsales/OWC (check if your macbook can use this one)bionic77 said:Can anyone recommend a site to get batteries for an older MBP (talking like 2005) for cheap? Battery on my older MBP is totally worthless at this point.
DancingCactus77 said:Thanks. But I am in Canada though.
I use an old MacBook (2007 2.0GHz C2D model) as a server.Charred Greyface said:Could you describe your setup in more detail?
Thanks for the writeup. I have the same MacBook pro model (except mine has 2.2Ghz) so I was excited to try out Plex. I'm very disappointed to discover that Plex fails completely when encountering full DVD rips in the form of Video_TS folders (from MacTheRipper) or .dvdmedia files (from RipIt). I could compress the DVDs to avis/mkvs but there are some extra content that doesn't show up as video files. The other app I mentioned in the Software list thread, Multiplex, handles the DVDs very well and can even group different film extras under one film. Except the app appears appandoned, has no forthcoming sexy integration with TVs/Bluray players/media boxes and costs $35 :/Jasoco said:I use an old MacBook (2007 2.0GHz C2D model) as a server.
I have two 2TB HD's connected to it. Both are partitioned into two pieces. A small piece for my MacBook Pro's backup (250GB) and the rest for my vast DVD collection which I am in the process of ripping and encoding my way through.
I use Carbon Copy Cloner on my MacBook Pro to backup my entire main HD across the network to the one partition on the main 2TB HD every three hours. I have a separate daily clone that runs on the server to clone the clone to the other 2TB HD. There's also a clone of the media. So I have two copies of my DVD's and three copies of my main HD. And no, it's not overkill. You can never have too many copies of your important data.
The Media/Backup Server
Media Server:
I use Plex/Nine which came out on September 1st (August 31st actually) and features a brand new totally rewritten scraper (They call it a scanner) for naming all your movies and TV shows correctly. It actually works unlike the shitty scraper Plex/Eight and other XBMC clones use. (Boxee, Plex/Eight, XBMC) It impresses me to no end how accurate it is. I have only had to fix a small handful of shows, and with it's new GUI for the Media Manager (No longer part of the main UI, it has an actual OS X UI now.) it's so much easier to get things working. I've spent less time trying to get my media recognized and more actually WATCHING it.
Unfortunately as you can see, there's no way to sort series' of movies in order of release. Hopefully in time they will fix that so I can have all my series' in release order like all the Batman's and Star Trek's and so on. Especially since Dark Knight is under D while Batman Begins is under B.
I can run Plex on my MacBook Pro and watch the media over the network on my MBP if I wanted to, or I can just watch it on my TV at 720p. (Or 480p/SD depending on what video I'm watching.)
And yes, that is a HD recording of Back to the Future Part II that I have had since 2006 when it aired on Universal HD uncut without commercials. The Blu-Ray's are finally coming out next month.
I have Teleport installed on both computers so I can control the server from across the room, I also have my Apple remote to control the video.
The MacBook performs all those tasks. I also use the Hulu app or the NetFlix plugin in Plex or just plain old Movist/VLC/QuickTime if need be. It's also an old MacBook and overheats, but it works better than the G4 Mac mini that preceded it. One day I will replace it with a newer Mac mini or something else powerful enough.
The studios are run by morons who would have you not own media if they could and would prevent people from ripping their DVD's if they had the power. But there's just something about being able to watch any DVD movie/TV show at any time ala carte without having to wait through commercials and unnecessary menu animations just to watch a goddamned video.
Jasoco said:And yes, that is a HD recording of Back to the Future Part II that I have had since 2006 when it aired on Universal HD uncut without commercials.
Futureman said:I have a MacBook from 2006. Just installed 2 GB of RAM. It is currently running 10.4 Tiger.
I have a retail Snow Leopard disc. Will I be fine installing this, or is it necessary to install 10.5 first??
Burger said:New email client for OS X out in beta form. Resembles Tweetie. Gmail only at this stage.
It's quite nice.
I did it with an upgrade disc for a 2005 MBP. You will be fine. Upgrade was painless.Futureman said:I have a MacBook from 2006. Just installed 2 GB of RAM. It is currently running 10.4 Tiger.
I have a retail Snow Leopard disc. Will I be fine installing this, or is it necessary to install 10.5 first??
Mecha_Infantry said:I could Google it, but how does Left 4 Dead 2 run on a late 2008 MBP, just running 4GB of RAMs
Ashhong said:I like how simple it is. However it's missing labels..I need to be able to organize my emails. It also needs a button to "Mark as read"
Ashhong said:13" or 15" unibody? shit on 13", fine on 15
Burger said:New email client for OS X out in beta form. Resembles Tweetie. Gmail only at this stage.
It's quite nice.
I don't even understand why people still use mail applications in OSX/Win, I haven't found a need for them since gmail unless you need to access your e-mail when you're offlineshidoshi said:Interesting, but I wish somebody would actually try to make a good email app, and not not that's even more bare-bones.
http://www.nullriver.com/products/connect360Dreams-Visions said:guys, is there an app good for streaming media from OSX --> 360? for mp4's, mkv's, etc?
I've tried PS3 Media Server and it can't connect, whereas if I boot into Windows 7, PS3MS works fine, connecting to my 360 without any issues. alternatives?
Dreams-Visions said:guys, is there an app good for streaming media from OSX --> 360? for mp4's, mkv's, etc?
I've tried PS3 Media Server and it can't connect, whereas if I boot into Windows 7, PS3MS works fine, connecting to my 360 without any issues. alternatives?
Mairu said:I don't even understand why people still use mail applications in OSX/Win, I haven't found a need for them since gmail unless you need to access your e-mail when you're offline
Mairu said:I don't even understand why people still use mail applications in OSX/Win, I haven't found a need for them since gmail unless you need to access your e-mail when you're offline
Dreams-Visions said:guys, is there an app good for streaming media from OSX --> 360? for mp4's, mkv's, etc?
I've tried PS3 Media Server and it can't connect, whereas if I boot into Windows 7, PS3MS works fine, connecting to my 360 without any issues. alternatives?
It's not a fast computer.JeffDowns said:just got a 2010 Mac mini...it's stock with 2 gigs of ram. Fresh out the box, I'm finding it kinda slow.... I'm sort of disappointed with how slow this thing is. Granted I'm coming from a quad core pc with 8 gigs of ram... but still. I thought it would have a little more pep. Anything I'm doing wrong, or could change besides the obvious (more ram)?
2 GB of RAM sucks.JeffDowns said:just got a 2010 Mac mini...it's stock with 2 gigs of ram. Fresh out the box, I'm finding it kinda slow.... I'm sort of disappointed with how slow this thing is. Granted I'm coming from a quad core pc with 8 gigs of ram... but still. I thought it would have a little more pep. Anything I'm doing wrong, or could change besides the obvious (more ram)?
Bboy AJ said:It's not a fast computer.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:2 GB of RAM sucks.
And yeah, it's their lowest end computer.
JeffDowns said:I wasn't expecting it to be mind blowing or anything, just capable.
It's slow like my 2006~ HP laptop.
LCfiner said:i doubt it's actually that slow...
anyway get 4 GB of Ram in there and you'll see the most obvious delays - pauses when switching between apps - go away.
My last laptop, the 13" MBP which is very similar to your Mini was perfectly capable of running through a bigass itunes library, running iphoto and photo editing tools, encoding movies, and browsing lots of memory hungry webpages at once. it could even hobble through some recent games like Dragon Age.
You should be able to do most basic tasks on this machine. it just won't compare to your old quad core monster for intensive shit.
JeffDowns said:You know what, I'm starting to think the mouse is the culprit. I'm using a PC mouse, and it just has this laggy feeling to it. It's making the system seem slower than it is I think. COuld that be a cause? Or am I imagining things?
sweet, yea that's the one I've been using on PC for years. for some reason, my 360 can't connect to it when I'm using OSX. dunno why. :-/Mecha_Infantry said:PS3 MEDIA SERVER..Don't use the Nullsoft one!
If you ever will transcode, don't use the Nullsoft one as the quality is absolute SHIT. I bought it for about £15, and it was fine until I used PS3 Media Server. Really is quality
Oh yeah, it's free too. But not as elegant
Dreams-Visions said:sweet, yea that's the one I've been using on PC for years. for some reason, my 360 can't connect to it when I'm using OSX. dunno why. :-/
Select them → CMD+I or right click and then Get Info → Options → Media Kind → AudiobookUlairi said:I have some audiobooks in my library, is it possible for me to get them in the "book" section of iTunes?
Bluetooth keyboard: Yes. Get the usb if you need number keys.JeffDowns said:What's the consensus on all of the Mac's input accessories?
The Bluetooth keyboard?
The Magic Mouse?
The Magic TrackPad?
I'm looking to ditch my traditional PC kb/mouse for my Mini.
Should I stick to magic mouse? Or is the trackpad a worthy mouse replacement? I'm a heavy iOS user, so keep that in mind, but I do need precise control as well. What are you guys using?
I guess I want to know, what's going to make the biggest impact to my functionality?
Mairu said:I don't even understand why people still use mail applications in OSX/Win, I haven't found a need for them since gmail unless you need to access your e-mail when you're offline
It has optical audio minijacks.CaramaC said:More of a hardware question but I'm seriously thinking of buying an imac to replace my aging windows desktop. My music collection is a big thing with me.
Can anyone say what sort of audio quality l could expect from an imac hooked up to a pair of mid to high end speakers. All my music is ripped at 320kbps.