guest1321 said:
I have seen some kits to swap the optical drive out for an additional storage drive of either sort. The last time I used my optical drive was to install an OS but considering that can be done from partitioned drive I don't see a huge need to hold onto an optical. Can anyone provide any insight as to why I should not do anything like this?
Also, I am considering upgrading my harddrive. I don't want to go with SSD quite yet so that's out of the question. I have looked into some stuff at Other world computing. This
750GB 7200RPM Western Digital looks pretty solid. Anyone had any luck with this or something similar?
What benefits can I expect from a 7200 rpm drive over 5400?
If they created 3TB laptop drives I'd buy an OptiBay in a second. HDD in HD bay, SSD in optical bay. HDD for storage. SSD for speed.
The thing that sucks though is a lot of apps create caches on the drive. On a HDD this helps speed. If you delete it you can definitely notice a slowdown while the caches are recreated. But on an SSD, there is absolutely no difference between an app loading from a cache, or one having to create it from scratch for later. If you delete the cache files from an SSD, they will be recreated, but you will not notice any speed loss.
The actual problem is that the cache files have to be created in the first place. OS X needs to have a global option for SSD users to make cache files only be created (Since the app can't be stopped from creating them) in temporary RAM instead of on the SSD. You can use a RAMDisk for temporary storage, and one time I did try to set it up to have all Cache files get created in a RAMDisk, but I could not for the life of me get OS X to reliably create the RAMDisk immediately at Boot. It worked fine while booted up, but as soon as I rebooted the disk didn't recreate itself in time, so OS X was trying to create cache files in a non-existant folder since there was no RAMDisk yet. If OS X had it built-in that a hidden RAMDisk could be created first thing after the OS starts loading, then redirect the Cache folders all to this RAMDisk via hard links, it would save on the wear and tear of your SSD and keep potentially Gigabytes of data from being written for no reason.
All you need to do is figure out how to get the RAMDisk to be created immediately after boot. Can OS X run shell scripts that early on?
The most common Cache folders are ~/Library/Cache/ and /Library/Cache/. The former gets created after login for each user and the latter when the OS loads up. If there's no place for the files it recreates the folder. If you have a hardlink to a RAMDisk that doesn't exist, it ends up creating a folder with the RAMDisk's name in /Volumes/ and the RAMDisk when it does end up being created gets a different name, thus negating all your work.
OS X needs to detect when it's on a SSD and do things differently without needing to jump through hoops. I've already disabled my Swap file to save myself 8GB of data being written every bootup. As long as I never let my battery run completely dry it doesn't matter.