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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

Doomboy said:
I recommend Take Five for showing iTunes tracks. I always found it a bit weird having things such as tweets mixed up with Growl announcing a new track. I originally combatted that by using the 'Music Video' theme for iTunes, but it looks like shit really.

So when I bought Take Five for its pausing function the thing that really took me by surprise is how nice it looked when I had a new track, so I use that now.

why did you prefer this solution over Bowtie? Just wanted something in the grey bar as opposed to on the desktop?


Neo Member
Dreams-Visions said:
why did you prefer this solution over Bowtie? Just wanted something in the grey bar as opposed to on the desktop?

Well the main reason is that I use Take Five to show me when a new track is being played, instead of showing information on the current track, if you know what I mean?
But especially in Lion, when I'm using a full-screen app it is useful to just press a global shortcut to show song information instead of going to one of my desktops, yeah.


Doomboy said:
Well the main reason is that I use Take Five to show me when a new track is being played, instead of showing information on the current track, if you know what I mean?
But especially in Lion, when I'm using a full-screen app it is useful to just press a global shortcut to show song information instead of going to one of my desktops, yeah.
Bowtie uses Growl which I have set up to show a "Music Video" style notification when the track changes. And it has a hotkey to speak the current track, which for me is in an Australian accent. And it places a customizable desktop bowlet which I customized myself.


Neo Member
Jasoco said:
Bowtie uses Growl which I have set up to show a "Music Video" style notification when the track changes. And it has a hotkey to speak the current track, which for me is in an Australian accent. And it places a customizable desktop bowlet which I customized myself.

Yeah, I still use Bowtie to show the bowlet and scrobble my songs to Last.FM, but I prefer the look of Take Five to the 'Music Video' growl notification, and it can be summoned from anywhere at any time (I press control+shift+s), which is useful when I'm using a full screen app.

EDIT- Yeah, I guess that you can use the 'Speak Track' function as well, but its a bit more intrusive.


So I wiped down touch pad on my 2010 MBP and now it seems like i have a dead spot on it.

I tried resetting the PRAM like some forums have suggested but I still have a dead spot. Any idea what is causing this?

Did I get some water in my case and now it's fucked?
ivedoneyourmom said:
What wolfmat says is true, there are really only find and mdfind, aside from *grep which can be used to find strings within a file.

It is my understanding that all _MASReceipt folders are in the exact same place - *.app/Contents/_MASReceipt

This means you don't actually have to find them and only need to find the app.

Using mdfind, you can create a script to append the locations of that directory to a file.

mdfind "kMDItemContentType == com.apple.application-bundle && kMDItemAppStoreHasReceipt == 1" | while read -r ; do echo "$REPLY"/Contents/_MASReceipt; done

This should get you started.
Yeah, I was kind of including all the md tools as search tools. Also, aren't "locate" and "apropos" used for finding stuff?

For that script, I just put it into a text file and run it with sh in Terminal or iTerm, right?


Confirmed Asshole
cooljeanius said:
For that script, I just put it into a text file and run it with sh in Terminal or iTerm, right?
The script should start with
This tells your shell that it should interpret it with the bash interpreter.

Then, you have to make it executable with this command:
SCRIPTNAME should be replaced with the name of your script, of course.

It makes sense to give your script the extension .sh for distinction purposes in a file browser.

If you want to execute the script, you have to execute it with the path it resides in (either relative or absolute path), or symlink it from a directory that's in your $PATH variable and then execute it without the directory part of the path.

If you navigate to the directory it resides in, you can execute it by calling

You can also run a bash script from a Finder if you set the program to open it with to Terminal.app (and check "Always open with" while you're at it). Then, you can doubleclick it from a Finder and so forth. That's by extension, so there's a reason to give it the .sh extension for ya.

Edit: locate relies on a database, which is recomputed periodically. It finds filenames quickly by going through that database. By default, it does not exist on OS X (you have to generate it). Check the manpage for details.

apropos searches the whatis database for strings, which contains manpages with short desriptions and what sections they're in. Here are some examples:
box:~ wolfmat$ apropos apropos
apropos(1)               - search the whatis database for strings
box:~ wolfmat$ apropos gcc
gcc(1)                   - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gccmakedep(1)            - create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'
box:~ wolfmat$ apropos yes
yes(1)                   - be repetitively affirmative
xeyes(1)                 - a follow the mouse X demo
box:~ wolfmat$ apropos repetitively
yes(1)                   - be repetitively affirmative
wolfmat said:
The script should start with
This tells your shell that it should interpret it with the bash interpreter.

Then, you have to make it executable with this command:
SCRIPTNAME should be replaced with the name of your script, of course.

It makes sense to give your script the extension .sh for distinction purposes in a file browser.

If you want to execute the script, you have to execute it with the path it resides in (either relative or absolute path), or symlink it from a directory that's in your $PATH variable and then execute it without the directory part of the path.

If you navigate to the directory it resides in, you can execute it by calling

You can also run a bash script from a Finder if you set the program to open it with to Terminal.app (and check "Always open with" while you're at it). Then, you can doubleclick it from a Finder and so forth. That's by extension, so there's a reason to give it the .sh extension for ya.
OK, got that working. How can I modify the script so it saves its output in a specific folder? Besides running it in TextWrangler, that is.

Edit: locate relies on a database, which is recomputed periodically. It finds filenames quickly by going through that database. By default, it does not exist on OS X (you have to generate it). Check the manpage for details.
Is there a way to tell if my locate database exists or not? I'm thinking some other program might have created it for me, but I'm not sure. I tried reading the manpage but I'm not quite fluent in manpage-ese yet...


Confirmed Asshole
cooljeanius said:
OK, got that working. How can I modify the script so it saves its output in a specific folder? Besides running it in TextWrangler, that is.
You would pipe it into a file. Like so:

# This is the file to write into

# Flush file content
echo -n "" > $OUTPUT

# Find apps with _MASReceipt and pipe their paths into file
mdfind "kMDItemContentType == com.apple.application-bundle && \
kMDItemAppStoreHasReceipt == 1" | while read -r ; do \
echo "$REPLY"/Contents/_MASReceipt >> $OUTPUT; done
(Edit: This is copy-paste-friendly with those backslashes)
This _overwrites_ the file in the path $HOME/Desktop/receipts.txt.

The pipe operator > overwrites the target's content. The pipe operator >> appends.

Is there a way to tell if my locate database exists or not? I'm thinking some other program might have created it for me, but I'm not sure. I tried reading the manpage but I'm not quite fluent in manpage-ese yet...
Just type
locate blah
If your db doesn't exist, it'll tell you at that point. And give you a hint about how to create it. But you'll either have to add a cronjob for periodically updating it, or do it manually. And it takes a bit of time. Usually, you shouldn't need it.
wolfmat said:
The pipe operator > overwrites the target's content. The pipe operator >> appends.

Just to nitpick otherwise great advice, the '>' is redirects the output to a file, and is not the pipe operator. | is pipe.

ls -l | grep 'monkey porn'


ls -l > ~/search_this.txt
grep 'monkey porn' ~/search_this.txt


cooljeanius, sorry I couldn't reply, I was away from the Internet most of the day. Seems you've been in good hands with Wolfmat.

I didn't mention locate because it is pretty damn useless, and has been for many many years, even when I was using other Unix like systems prior to switching to OS X.

locate has a good ability to tell me where I already know the files are at, and be oblivious to the files I want to find, that's because the database it calls from usually only points to the binary, man, info, and etc directories. apropos I guess also 'finds' things, but is targeted specifically for manuals, and really just a shortcut to know what a command is about, or which command you are likely to want to choose to use.

wolfmat, out of curiosity, is there any reason you chose to use echo -n "" > file versus touch file ? Both are fine obviously, but I think touch is a pretty lonely command so I try to use it whenever possible. LOL


Jasoco said:
Bowtie uses Growl which I have set up to show a "Music Video" style notification when the track changes. And it has a hotkey to speak the current track, which for me is in an Australian accent. And it places a customizable desktop bowlet which I customized myself.
I stopped using the Music Video growl theme because it delayed or completely ignored notifications if it was already on screen and a new notification event occurs. So, if the next track starts playing and I skip the track while it was displaying the info, it wouldn't show the next track info until it was done with the current one, which was already skipped, or it wouldn't show it at all.


Confirmed Asshole
ivedoneyourmom said:
wolfmat, out of curiosity, is there any reason you chose to use echo -n "" > file versus touch file ? Both are fine obviously, but I think touch is a pretty lonely command so I try to use it whenever possible. LOL
touch doesn't delete the old content of the file, redirecting into the file with > does (and creates the file if it doesn't exist). I assumed he wanted to ditch findings from previous runs.

I use touch to update file dates so that I know from a scan routine that I need to do something (or need to idle or similar things). Or generally, to express logic in file dates. There are lots of examples where this makes sense.

For instance, I have a script called _do.sh, and it does a thing periodically, but that thing is critically incorrect until completion. Another script called _check.sh does a thing periodically as well, but with a different period; and it needs to idle if _do.sh hasn't completed its job. But it's started asynchronously, so _do.sh isn't in control of the situation. Can't even control logic with variables because the shells might be distinct. So I need some sort of signaling mechanism to negotiate properly, even when shit reboots or whatever.

A trivial solution for this would be to use two touch files called _Start and _End. When _do.sh starts its operation, it touches _End first, then it touches _Start. Now, _Start is newer than _End, which is easy to test for _check.sh. When _do.sh is done, it touches _End. Then, _End is newer than _Start. So _check.sh idles until _End is newer than _Start by a significant amount, and then does its thing (and maybe blocks as well through touch files, I don't know, you get the general idea).


wolfmat said:
touch doesn't delete the old content of the file, redirecting with > does (and creates the file if it doesn't exist). I assumed he wanted to ditch findings from previous runs.

I use touch to update file dates so that I know from a scan routine that I need to do something (or need to idle or similar things). Or generally, to express logic in file dates. There are lots of examples where this makes sense.

For instance, I have a script called doStuff.sh, and it does a thing periodically, but that thing is critically incorrect until completion. Another script called checkStuff.sh does a thing periodically as well, but with a different period; and it needs to idle if doStuff.sh hasn't completed its job. But it's started asynchronously, so doStuff.sh isn't in control of the situation. Can't even control logic with variables because the shells might be distinct. So I need some sort of signaling mechanism to negotiate properly.

A trivial solution for this would be to use two touch files called stuffStart.marker and stuffEnd.marker. When doStuff.sh starts its operation, it touches stuffStart.marker and stuffEnd.marker in direct succession to ensure everything's set up right. Then, it touches stuffStart.marker again. Now, stuffStart.marker is newer than stuffEnd.marker, which is easy to test for checkStuff.sh. When doStuff.sh is done, it touches stuffEnd.marker. Then, stuffEnd.marker is newer than stuffStart.marker. So checkStuff.sh idles until stuffEnd.marker is newer than stuffStart.marker by a significant amount, and then does its thing (and maybe blocks as well through touch files, I don't know, you get the general idea).

Haha, good point. I guess I'm too tired to read bourne right now. LOL.

Edit: Sorry. :lol


Confirmed Asshole
You fucked up my crazy edit that made shit even more unreadable!
I don't even know who uses touch like this in the real world, tbh


wolfmat said:
For instance, I have a script called _do.sh, and it does a thing periodically, but that thing is critically incorrect until completion. Another script called _check.sh does a thing periodically as well, but with a different period; and it needs to idle if _do.sh hasn't completed its job. But it's started asynchronously, so _do.sh isn't in control of the situation. Can't even control logic with variables because the shells might be distinct. So I need some sort of signaling mechanism to negotiate properly, even when shit reboots or whatever.
Inside _check.sh:
FOO=`ps -e | grep _do.sh | grep -v grep`

If _do.sh is running, FOO will have its ps line, else it'll be a nullstring. Just sleep 60 or however long you want to stall in a loop.

e: Ohhh shiiiit, think I read it too quickly. _do.sh is always running, right?
e2: Oh frig you're not even asking for help, I need to start reading... Or leave work already.


Confirmed Asshole
Doytch said:
Inside _check.sh:
FOO=`ps -e | grep _do.sh | grep -v grep`

If _do.sh is running, FOO will have its ps line, else it'll be a nullstring. Just sleep 60 or however long you want to stall in a loop.

e: Ohhh shiiiit, think I read it too quickly. _do.sh is always running, right?
e2: Oh frig you're not even asking for help, I need to start reading... Or leave work already.
Haha yeah, it's a hypothetical scenario for justifying a more intricate use of the touch command. Might have been a bit ambiguous in the wording there.


hirokazu said:
I stopped using the Music Video growl theme because it delayed or completely ignored notifications if it was already on screen and a new notification event occurs. So, if the next track starts playing and I skip the track while it was displaying the info, it wouldn't show the next track info until it was done with the current one, which was already skipped, or it wouldn't show it at all.
Well start using it again because when the track changes, Bowtie just replaces the text in the current Growl slide with the new information and resets its timeout. i.e. it just deletes the old one and replaces it with the new information every time you change the song while it's on screen. It's done it this way for as long as I can remember.


I have a huge problem with iTunes, it won't let me add any new music! Every time I try add a file it says "Attempting to copy to the disk "Macintosh HD" failed. You do not have enough access privileges for this operation". So I figured okay I'll just set the privileges as Read & Write on the iTunes folder and apply it to all enclosed folders... no joy. What gives? I have crazy privileges but it's telling me I have none? I want to add new music! :(


Where is your library stored? What does the Preferences say in iTunes about the location of the library? Maybe it's trying to copy the files to the wrong folder.


Jasoco said:
Where is your library stored? What does the Preferences say in iTunes about the location of the library? Maybe it's trying to copy the files to the wrong folder.

iTunes says it's in the expected place, which is the default. Everything is on my internal drive. I'm really quite perplexed because as far as I can tell nothing is out of place. I'm trying to apply Read & Write privileges on all enclosing folders from Macintosh HD itself to see if that helps. Taking ages though.


Jasoco said:
Did you try repairing permissions to make sure everything has the right rights? Just in case something got buggered.

Yep, that's the first thing I tried but it didn't help. I'm assuming even drastic measures like a reformat + reinstall won't help as it's a permission problem with the files. If I try to drag the files around in the iTunes folder (or delete them) it complains it needs my password, which it definitely shouldn't.


edgefusion said:
Yep, that's the first thing I tried but it didn't help. I'm assuming even drastic measures like a reformat + reinstall won't help as it's a permission problem with the files. If I try to drag the files around in the iTunes folder (or delete them) it complains it needs my password, which it definitely shouldn't.
PErmission are airs only checks and repairs a list of system files and stuff, I believe.

I think there may be a repair and rebuild iTunes library option somewhere.


I'm having a problem with my mac mini. I can't run my applications from the Mac App Store because each time at launch it gives a message informing that the app was purchased on another computer (duh! i set up using a time machine backup from another computer) and requests my password upon which the app quits, despite the dutifully and correctly entered password given each time! I finally fixed one app by deleting it and then reinstalling from the AppStore (at which point Apple sent an email informing me that an app was downloaded on a computer or device that had not previously been associated with that Apple ID *sigh*). I've authorized the computer in iTunes. What step am I missing? I really don't want to try deleting and reinstalling all the apps...


hoverX said:
So I wiped down touch pad on my 2010 MBP and now it seems like i have a dead spot on it.

I tried resetting the PRAM like some forums have suggested but I still have a dead spot. Any idea what is causing this?

Did I get some water in my case and now it's fucked?
Ouch, yeah that's what it sounds like. ~£200+ to fix the trackpad


Greyface said:
I'm having a problem with my mac mini. I can't run my applications from the Mac App Store because each time at launch it gives a message informing that the app was purchased on another computer (duh! i set up using a time machine backup from another computer) and requests my password upon which the app quits, despite the dutifully and correctly entered password given each time! I finally fixed one app by deleting it and then reinstalling from the AppStore (at which point Apple sent an email informing me that an app was downloaded on a computer or device that had not previously been associated with that Apple ID *sigh*). I've authorized the computer in iTunes. What step am I missing? I really don't want to try deleting and reinstalling all the apps...
Definitely a good question for applecare


Bought a new iMac a few weeks back. WIFI will not keep a consistent connection. I had no problems with my MacBook Pro (I did a system migration from the MBP to my new iMac). My GF's ASUS connects just fine.

What should I look into? Change some settings on my router? Something in System Preferences?

I'm on OS X Lion. Router is Netgear.


Futureman said:
Bought a new iMac a few weeks back. WIFI will not keep a consistent connection. I had no problems with my MacBook Pro (I did a system migration from the MBP to my new iMac). My GF's ASUS connects just fine.

What should I look into? Change some settings on my router? Something in System Preferences?

I'm on OS X Lion. Router is Netgear.
You're still within the 3 months of telephone support with AppleCare right?


yea I bought it this month at Best Buy.

Hmm, could it have to do with Google DNS? I previously set up Google DNS on my MBP.

Right now, the setting is "2001:4860:4860::8888" under DNS Server.


Futureman said:
yea I bought it this month at Best Buy.

Hmm, could it have to do with Google DNS? I previously set up Google DNS on my MBP.

Right now, the setting is "2001:4860:4860::8888" under DNS Server.
Dns settings are ip addresses. Not sure what that is.



The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows:


You can use either number as your primary or secondary DNS server. You can specify both numbers, but do not specify one number as both primary and secondary.

You can configure Google Public DNS addresses for either IPv4 or IPv6 connections, or both.

I just set mine to the one I listed. Should I just use IPv4?


ok this is ridiculous.

I've tried just "2001:4860:4860::8888" and it has connection issues.

I've tried "2001:4860:4860::8888" with "2001:4860:4860::8844" as secondary and it has connection issues.

and I've tried "" with "" as secondary and it has connection issues.

There's an unprotected network in my apartment complex, and when my router starts getting issues (sites not loading at all), I switch to the other network and it works for a little bit, but then once again, sites will not load.

must be something with the router at this point? I have a Netgear router, how do I get to the router login page??


Hey guys question here, are any of you having problems with flash videos not playing after pausing them? I'm running lion and when I pause any video on giantbomb, or YouTube and try to resume playing, it won't play unless I drag the little dot back a second or two. Anybody else have this problem?


Futureman said:
ok this is ridiculous.

I've tried just "2001:4860:4860::8888" and it has connection issues.

I've tried "2001:4860:4860::8888" with "2001:4860:4860::8844" as secondary and it has connection issues.

and I've tried "" with "" as secondary and it has connection issues.

There's an unprotected network in my apartment complex, and when my router starts getting issues (sites not loading at all), I switch to the other network and it works for a little bit, but then once again, sites will not load.

must be something with the router at this point? I have a Netgear router, how do I get to the router login page??

OooooooH, IPv6. Ignore my previous post.

I am ignorant. Regardless, I don't think DNS settings will affect your actual WiFi connection. It would affect your ability to visit certain sites or doing anything on the internet, of course.


njean777 said:
Hey guys question here, are any of you having problems with flash videos not playing after pausing them? I'm running lion and when I pause any video on giantbomb, or YouTube and try to resume playing, it won't play unless I drag the little dot back a second or two. Anybody else have this problem?
I've been having some of this on snow leopard for a couple of months now. Not a Lion problem. Haven't tested it on all my browsers though


njean777 said:
Hey guys question here, are any of you having problems with flash videos not playing after pausing them? I'm running lion and when I pause any video on giantbomb, or YouTube and try to resume playing, it won't play unless I drag the little dot back a second or two. Anybody else have this problem?
yes, I have, but its done it since before Lion. pretty sure it's Flash. Flash is a piece of shit. at least on OSX. its no wonder Steve didn't want it on his IOS devices.


njean777 said:
Hey guys question here, are any of you having problems with flash videos not playing after pausing them? I'm running lion and when I pause any video on giantbomb, or YouTube and try to resume playing, it won't play unless I drag the little dot back a second or two. Anybody else have this problem?
Yeah, this has happened for me with most Flash video things for the longest time.


Futureman said:
yea I bought it this month at Best Buy.

Hmm, could it have to do with Google DNS? I previously set up Google DNS on my MBP.

Right now, the setting is "2001:4860:4860::8888" under DNS Server.
I don't understand why you're looking into DNS, but I also don't know what your problem.

Is it a Wi-Fi connectivity issue in that the connection to the router itself keeps dropping out? If so, then it has nothing to do with DNS and possibly more to do with the Wi-Fi hardware or the drivers running them.

Does your Wi-Fi connection stay connected but you are unable to access the Internet? What about accessing other things on your local network, such as the router? If you can't, then there might be some other issue with IP address allocation, for example. Or try a wired connection and see if that changes anything.

If you can access your local network and not the Internet, then you might look into the DNS settings. Why not try your ISP's default assigned IP addresses?

There could be a myriad of possible causes depending on what the problem actually is, but I don't get the logic of tinkering with DNS when you have a supposed Wi-Fi connection issue.


hirokazu said:
I don't understand why you're looking into DNS, but I also don't know what your problem.

Is it a Wi-Fi connectivity issue in that the connection to the router itself keeps dropping out? If so, then it has nothing to do with DNS and possibly more to do with the Wi-Fi hardware or the drivers running them.

Does your Wi-Fi connection stay connected but you are unable to access the Internet? What about accessing other things on your local network, such as the router? If you can't, then there might be some other issue with IP address allocation, for example. Or try a wired connection and see if that changes anything.

If you can access your local network and not the Internet, then you might look into the DNS settings. Why not try your ISP's default assigned IP addresses?

There could be a myriad of possible causes depending on what the problem actually is, but I don't get the logic of tinkering with DNS when you have a supposed Wi-Fi connection issue.

It stays connected to my wifi network but sites just hang and won't load.

The only reason I am messing w/ DNS is that I started using Google DNS about 3 months ago so I was thinking maybe it had something to do with that, hence the "Hmmm, could it have to do...?" because I have no clue what the problem is. Plus, my GF's laptop works fine on the network, so I'm assuming there's some issue on my end.


and for what it's worth, before I only had "2001:4860:4860::8888" under my DNS settings.

I've since changed it to "" with "" as my secondary and I don't seem to have any issues anymore. So I think that was it.


Jasoco said:
yes, I have, but its done it since before Lion. pretty sure it's Flash. Flash is a piece of shit. at least on OSX. its no wonder Steve didn't want it on his IOS devices.

Ok just making sure its not only me having this problem.


njean777 said:
Ok just making sure its not only me having this problem.
Yeah, it's definitely been around for a long time. I've just gotten used to clicking the circle indicator to make it refresh itself. I don't know why it does it, but the bug has survived through many betas.


Still Alive
Doomboy said:
I recommend Take Five for showing iTunes tracks. I always found it a bit weird having things such as tweets mixed up with Growl announcing a new track. I originally combatted that by using the 'Music Video' theme for iTunes, but it looks like shit really.

So when I bought Take Five for its pausing function the thing that really took me by surprise is how nice it looked when I had a new track, so I use that now.

You know what, I like this. I may try it out, even though i'm currently satisfied with how I have bowtie set up. [EDIT] Ugh, no free versions? Fuck that.


Doomboy said:
I use Alfred and IMO it looks pretty great, especially compared to what I've seen of Quicksilver.

You can edit it to simplify it by removing objects such as the hat, and you can change the colour scheme if you have a premium account, though there are three free themes available - Light, Dark and Lion. Lion is similar to Light though a bit greyer.

Here's what mine looks like -

OK back to this, I am now an avid Alfred user. Fuck, it's good. Got the power pack too, set up a bunch of extensions and specific settings. Love it love it, mine is pretty sexy too. :D


Goodbye quicksilver, forever. You will be missed.... but not really.
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