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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


I somewhat got the feeling with the iPhoto, Safari, Podcasts app, iOS 6.01, etc. update rollout that took place last week that they were originally supposed to be updates that would coincide with iTunes 11.

I don't think so at all. Maaaaaybe 6.0.1 iOS, but everything else is largely unrelated.

iTunes always has an update version around this time, that coincided with new iPods. Any other software update is generally just coincidental.
Okay, so I store a lot of porn on my ipad, in the form of bookmarks. I forget that Icloud saves all of that stuff on my mac. I didnt open any of the links on my mac and I deleted them all. Should I be concered about virsus? If so how do I fix it?

The Real Abed

Bananas is playing with your head.

No, you won't get a virus on either your iPad or Mac from those bookmarks. And deleting them from Safari will delete them from all your devices if your iCloud is set up properly.

The Real Abed

The way porn sites usually infect computers is by having an EXE download and execute automatically, usually without you even noticing it. On OS X and iOS, EXE's won't work. Which leaves the occasional site that is aware of this and will download a DMG instead. But as long as you don't open this DMG and run the installer inside, you will be safe. (Just delete any disk images you don't recognize. In my experience I've come upon ONE porn site that ever offered a DMG. I believe it was disguised as a Virus Scanner.) Plus a DMG won't download on iOS anyway. With OS X and iOS you are pretty safe as long as you don't run installers or apps from places you don't trust of files you didn't request yourself. That's why they're called Trojans. Because you need to actually invite them into your comfort zone and give them permission in order to do their stuff. They do this by tricking you into thinking you either need the program they are offering, or thinking that it's something else, like a Flash installer.


Can someone please help me with something?

I do not use the Mail app. Ever. I use Gmail's website instead. Yet, occasionally, Mail will just randomly open. It'll then interrupt what I'm doing and ask me to fill in some account information.

Any way to stop this? Its extremely annoying.


So, I'm about to buy a iMac and I have a question. I noticed the 600 dollar price tag on the mac mini. Can I do my day to day stuff such as browsing gaf, uploading to youtube, maybe playing games, downloading/uploading new music to my itunes? Maybe some other things. Or should I stay with my initial purchase of the iMac?


So, I'm about to buy a iMac and I have a question. I noticed the 600 dollar price tag on the mac mini. Can I do my day to day stuff such as browsing gaf, uploading to youtube, maybe playing games, downloading/uploading new music to my itunes? Maybe some other things. Or should I stay with my initial purchase of the iMac?
Depends on the game. If it's light gaming with mostly less demanding games it should be fine. Keep in mind your mini may get loud for the duration of the game though.

Otherwise it's a great little machine. You should be able to do anything you want with it. Well, except heavy gaming :)


Depends on the game. If it's light gaming with mostly less demanding games it should be fine. Keep in mind your mini may get loud for the duration of the game though.

Otherwise it's a great little machine. You should be able to do anything you want with it. Well, except heavy gaming :)

Would it be better to go with an iMac over a Mini?
Do you have a monitor and mouse of acceptable quality already? (I would get a Mac-specific keyboard). The Mini gets a lot less attractive if you have to buy those things.

The base model iMac is much faster, but it might not be worth the doubled price.
Can someone please help me with something?

I do not use the Mail app. Ever. I use Gmail's website instead. Yet, occasionally, Mail will just randomly open. It'll then interrupt what I'm doing and ask me to fill in some account information.

Any way to stop this? Its extremely annoying.

AFAIK it should only open if you try to click on a mail link (which doesn't necessarily have to look like an email address). It asks you for account information because you haven't bothered setting up an account through the app.

I believe if you install Google Notifier you can configure it to be your default mail application in OSX, which should prevent Mail app from loading ever again, although if you have some sort of rare/weird shortcut setup that was triggering mail it would then trigger gmail instead.

You could also try going into settings - > mail and disabling anything listed from having mail access, which theoretically would give you no default mail application, though I'm not sure what might happen or if that could even work.


Would it be better to go with an iMac over a Mini?
Personally I prefer the Mac mini. Only downside for me is when the fans kick in due to heavy load but it's still acceptable and not often the case anyway. I don't really play many games either and I like that I can take it with me, similar to a laptop (minus battery, screen and input devices of course).

If you don't already have mouse, keyboard and a monitor you may be better off with an iMac. Dito if you want to be on the safe side for gaming.


Do you have a monitor and mouse of acceptable quality already? (I would get a Mac-specific keyboard). The Mini gets a lot less attractive if you have to buy those things.

The base model iMac is much faster, but it might not be worth the doubled price.

I'm leaning towards an iMac for the opticle drive. I was thinking since the mac mini is 600 I wouldn't have to wait for a paycheck and could get a computer now. Its the paycheck thats holding me back from getting an iMac now.
Optical Disk sharing works need to install a package from Apple on Windows. You can also use any USB optical drive. I have a $20 kit that lets me plug any IDE or SATA device into USB. Have used it with MacBook Air and an eight year old burner before.


I keep getting this Time Machine error:

"This backup is too large for the backup disk. The backup requires 26.89 GB but only 4.57 GB are available."

I thought that Time Machine deleted old backups if it needed more space?? What do I do now?
guys, I'm thinking about installing Windows 8 on my Bootcamp Partition. Wanted to know if there are any drivers/features that still aren't working in Windows 8?

2011 MBP.


What's the best archiving/compression app currently?

UnrarX is ugly, doesn't prompt for passwords automatically and can't unzip several files at once.
The Unarchiver often doesn't recognize that a file is password encrypted.
I had several problems with Archiver.app as well, though I can't remember which one right now. I think it was related to concurrent unzipping too.


I can't help but be a bit disgusted whenever I see the Tweetbot for Mac pricepoint at 20 bucks. I know Tweetbot is widely regarded as one of, if not the best Twitter app, but holy fuck, there is a limit.
I can't help but be a bit disgusted whenever I see the Tweetbot for Mac pricepoint at 20 bucks. I know Tweetbot is widely regarded as one of, if not the best Twitter app, but holy fuck, there is a limit.

The Tapbot folks have a limited opportunity to make money given Twitter's draconian new policy. I had no problem supporting their hard work out of principle.
I have a couple of minor, yet annoying issues:

When playing a YouTube video, if I skip forward to any section of the video I am then unable to skip backwards. If I skip to the 1:00 mark, I will always be taken to the 1:00 mark when trying to go anywhere before this. It ends in me having to reload the video to get back to the beginning.
It can get incredibly frustrating on lengthy videos when trying to find a specific part, I have to constantly reload and hope I click on the right time.
Anybody else experience this?
I've tried switching to HTML5 only playback and back with no change...

Also, when I search for something on Google, the sidebar disappears. I used to use it a lot to search for images in a specific size but now it doesn't appear at all.
How can I get it back?


Been playing a lot of games on bootcamp recently, and as expected the fans get quite loud and the laptop gets hot. I know this is whats to meant to happen, but is there any risk of my macbook overheating? I'm playing new games like Battlefield 3 and Sleeping Dogs. I don't want to overheat my CPU and GPU.. I did read that the macbook will automatically shut down if it gets too hot, but does this also happen on bootcamp windows 7?
Just don't want to destory my laptop, is it cool if I play for a few hours on end?

Use a windows based GPU monitoring software. It will tell you if it runs to hot.

My retina peaks at 80 degrees centigrade. My old (windows) laptop peaked at 95.
In all likelyhood yours also holds 80 degrees, which is very hot to the touch, but completely safe. And yes, if it gets to hot it will first clock down (lower performance) and if that does not help, it will shut down.

Laptop parts are made to run significantly hotter than desktop parts, you will be alright.


I have a couple of minor, yet annoying issues:

When playing a YouTube video, if I skip forward to any section of the video I am then unable to skip backwards. If I skip to the 1:00 mark, I will always be taken to the 1:00 mark when trying to go anywhere before this. It ends in me having to reload the video to get back to the beginning.
It can get incredibly frustrating on lengthy videos when trying to find a specific part, I have to constantly reload and hope I click on the right time.
Anybody else experience this?
I've tried switching to HTML5 only playback and back with no change...

I can't offer any help except to say that the same thing is happening to me, and only on my Mac. It's a fairly recent occurrence though, hasn't always been like this.


...hate me...
So a couple of days ago I had a serious problem with my hard drive. I posted it in the Mac hardware thread.

My HDD went to crap, wouldn't boot, wouldn't repair, volume wouldn't mount even as external. But it would show up in diskutil.

Anyway, because of its "not mounting" nature I was reading everywhere that it would need to be taken to a company etc, but this software was miraculous:


Here it is if someone is ever in the same trouble!

This that it's copying over (150 out of 250GB) is my user folder. I had the option to make a complete clone but I didn't know how it would go, so the important stuff first. Now I don't want to risk trying to do it (HDD may not have much life left), so, well, since I've never done a migration (with migration assistant), what other folders do I need for a smooth transition to a new hard drive?

Other users sure, maybe applications, library? I don't know. Halp Mac gurus.


I'll be getting my first mac soon and was wondering:

Say my native screen resolution is 2560 x 1440 but that a game at that resolution has a low frame rate. Would I be able to play the game in 1920 x 1080 with a black border? That is could I get the game to run at 1920 x 1080, display the image centered on my screen in 1-to-1 pixel mapped manner and have the remainder of the screen black? And would this improve the frame rate?


Are they still developing Sparrow for Mac?

If not, what's the most Sparrow looking app out there?

I'm sure they've said they'll continue to provide support, but I don't think they're actively developing it any more.

Never used it, so I don't know what it's like to suggest alternatives.


I'll be getting my first mac soon and was wondering:

Say my native screen resolution is 2560 x 1440 but that a game at that resolution has a low frame rate. Would I be able to play the game in 1920 x 1080 with a black border? That is could I get the game to run at 1920 x 1080, display the image centered on my screen in 1-to-1 pixel mapped manner and have the remainder of the screen black? And would this improve the frame rate?

That depends on the game itself , I would say. Not sure if the system would do that.


I'll be getting my first mac soon and was wondering:

Say my native screen resolution is 2560 x 1440 but that a game at that resolution has a low frame rate. Would I be able to play the game in 1920 x 1080 with a black border? That is could I get the game to run at 1920 x 1080, display the image centered on my screen in 1-to-1 pixel mapped manner and have the remainder of the screen black? And would this improve the frame rate?

i think that's actually dictated by the monitor itself not the OS... I know having my acer set to 'aspect' or 'full' will determine stretching.


So, I got my Refurb Mac today.
Started PC to mac transfer. Because the CMOS battery needs to be replaced on my PC it shutdown. So, now my Mac is sitting there thinking it's in the middle of doing that. Should I shut it down in the middle of that?

Edit: I fixed the issue for now on the PC side. I had to do a hard shutdown of the Mac. This is about where it is now
I hope that my CMOS battery doesn't fail me again.


Neo Member
Since when did Safari on OSX become such a POS?

I liked the swipe feature but disliked how when swiping forward or back it does a full reload and doesn't take you to the spot it was on the page. (Firefox works great with this.) Annoyingly enough, it's slow to refresh the page so you get a page, then a white screen, then a page again.

Now the damn thing gives me the spinning wheel every other time. I have an early Feb 2011 (2.9 Ghz i7 Sandy Bridge 16GB DDR3) and there should be no reason this thing is running slow. Of course, Firefox doesn't have this issue.

Anyone else notice this since the last update?


I notice when I Facetime with my father that alot of the time his audio is being cut off when speaking. Is that due to the connection, or is it the Facetime Software trying to eliminate background noises or something?


...hate me...

you wound me, good sir.
I used to love Chrome, but in the last year or so it has gone downhill :(
And the mandatory automatic updates thing makes it even worse... when I get a crash prone bad release I can't do anything but wait for the next update... or get a dev/canary channel release with even more chances of buggy behavior.

Changed for Safari 6 (first time I use Safari as the main browser on a computer) and it has been working very nicely for me. Performance is good, UI is good (not perfect), Apple ecosystem integration is great (as to be expected).

But of course, I could name a thing or 2... or 7, where Safari could be largely improved. Tab management, downloads, to name a few.
No perfect browser for me so far.


So this might not be a noob issue. Idk. When my iMac goes to sleep, and I wake it up, it goes to sleep again and I have to click on the mouse or hit a key on the keyboard to wake it up. Anyone know about that?


I used to love Chrome, but in the last year or so it has gone downhill :(
And the mandatory automatic updates thing makes it even worse... when I get a crash prone bad release I can't do anything but wait for the next update... or get a dev/canary channel release with even more chances of buggy behavior.

Changed for Safari 6 (first time I use Safari as the main browser on a computer) and it has been working very nicely for me. Performance is good, UI is good (not perfect), Apple ecosystem integration is great (as to be expected).

But of course, I could name a thing or 2... or 7, where Safari could be largely improved. Tab management, downloads, to name a few.
No perfect browser for me so far.

Firefox has been fantastic of late surprisingly.
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