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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


I'd been using Aperture fullscreen prior to 10.7, so going in and out of it is long second nature to me. I also have most of the keyboard shortcuts memorized. The boxed versions of Aperture came with cardboard keyboard maps; very helpful, since it's Apple pro-software, and everything has a keyboard shortcut.

I have window-Aperture set up so that my secondary display (17") is mirroring the primary image, while the main monitor (24") has the window in browser mode ('v' to toggle between browser, viewer, and split). In full screen, I have this reversed, so that the secondary display is in browser mode and the primary screen is displaying my image as big as I can have it. I have the palate on the inside edge of the secondary screen in full screen.

The big draw is distraction-free editing. I do most of my organizing/reviewing/culling/metadata/exporting work in window-mode.
I'll have to try browser mode on one screen and full screen on the other. That sound awesome.


I'd been using Aperture fullscreen prior to 10.7, so going in and out of it is long second nature to me. I also have most of the keyboard shortcuts memorized. The boxed versions of Aperture came with cardboard keyboard maps; very helpful, since it's Apple pro-software, and everything has a keyboard shortcut.

I have window-Aperture set up so that my secondary display (17") is mirroring the primary image, while the main monitor (24") has the window in browser mode ('v' to toggle between browser, viewer, and split). In full screen, I have this reversed, so that the secondary display is in browser mode and the primary screen is displaying my image as big as I can have it. I have the palate on the inside edge of the secondary screen in full screen.

The big draw is distraction-free editing. I do most of my organizing/reviewing/culling/metadata/exporting work in window-mode.

Ok, I did some more exploring...WOW! The dual screen mode in Aperture is fantastic!

I didn't know there were options to basically have two aperture windows up. It's really good.

It's still a bit buggy on my machine. For example, if I bring up an inspector pallete with 'H', it is fine on my external, but if I have locked and switch to my secondary display it flies off the screen. Also, the tabs at the top are partially obscured by the header of the pallette window.

What are the options? I have secondary display set to Mirror or alternate and it doesn't seem to make a difference....

but thanks...I might use this more often. Havign a browser on a different display and a full size ont eh external is really good. I'll just have to use a floating pallete for now....
What are the options? I have secondary display set to Mirror or alternate and it doesn't seem to make a difference....

Big images of my Aperture setup (see 'monitor' menu pulled down on right):

As for the tab/button bar getting confused, I just made it happen (hadn't seen it before). Swapping monitors (via that menu) and going in and out of fullscreen sorted it out. My only complaint is having the button bar on the right-hand monitor in full-screen. I do a lot of brushes. I guess I could assign keyboard shortcuts.


Does anyone have any recommendations on how to check for where my disk space is being eaten up? I'm running low on space on my MBA and I don't understand why. 256GB SSD, only ~60GB is iTunes and I don't really store anything else there that I'm aware of. Something like a purge to get rid of deleted files (as I have been messing with my library a bit today).

EDIT: 30GB in applications, most of which is World of Warcraft.

EDIT: Never mind, seems I'd copied a lot more to the disk than I'd originally thought...
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to check for where my disk space is being eaten up? I'm running low on space on my MBA and I don't understand why. 256GB SSD, only ~60GB is iTunes and I don't really store anything else there that I'm aware of. Something like a purge to get rid of deleted files (as I have been messing with my library a bit today).

EDIT: 30GB in applications, most of which is World of Warcraft.

EDIT: Never mind, seems I'd copied a lot more to the disk than I'd originally thought...



how do I get Quicktime to always open .mp4 movie files? Currently a program called Mocha is opening them.

I can set Quicktime to open a .mp4 on a per file basis, but can't figure how to set for all.


I can set Quicktime to open a .mp4 on a per file basis, but can't figure how to set for all.

The terms might be slightly different because my OSX runs in my language but...

Right click the .mp4 file -> Show info -> Open with: Select Quicktime and press "Change all".

is there any way i can right click and "open with" items that show up on spotlight results? or a way i can open images on preview on photoshop without having to resave them somewhere else? or just some way i can find the folder that item is saved on from a spotlight search?


I have a monitor on my desk and when I get home I usually hook my Macbook up to that and just work from there, but if I change the wallpaper when it's hooked up, it don't change when it's not hooked to the monitor, and vice versa.
It's only a minor annoyance as I don't change my wallpaper all that often, but is there a setting I'm missing to make it set default across all displays at once?
Running the latest version of Mountain Lion if you need to know.


I kind of screwed up my graphic card drivers and now OS X won't boot. I have read/write access from Windows though, is there any way I can fix it (manually installing the correct drivers for example) without resorting to reinstalling the OS?


so my Macbook battery isn't charging, it works fine when plugged in (and the light is green) but when I unplug it shuts up because the battery has no power.

Would getting a new battery solve this or is this a problem with something else? I just want to make sure before I put the money down. My current battery has nearly 1200 cycles which I'm pretty sure is way past the normal amount before you're supposed to replace it lol. Also, what's the best(cheapest) place to get a new Macbook Pro battery

The Real Abed

I kind of screwed up my graphic card drivers and now OS X won't boot. I have read/write access from Windows though, is there any way I can fix it (manually installing the correct drivers for example) without resorting to reinstalling the OS?
Is it Lion or Mountain Lion? Because you can boot from the Recovery Partition if so. If it's Snow Leopard or before, you'll just need to reinstall the OS. It's just a driver. It can be put back.


...hate me...
Do you need the power pack for that?
I have Alfred (but not the power pack), and don't recall ever finding this functionality.
I'm not sure to be honest, but it sounds like that's the case. I just use Alfred as an app launcher, but I've seen in The Verge a very good article about it, and it had that feature.

The Real Abed

For multiple paste boards I've used PTH Pasteboard for probably the better half of a decade. It's been through so many changes but it still works. Haven't been able to time a clipboard replacement that works as well an doesn't look like skeumorphic shit.


Two questions regaurding the ? mark. How do I remove a ? mark from the dock and how do I make the ? mark show up as what the application actually is. Every time I reboot my mac it shows a ? for chrome. I just want it to show the normal chrome logo.


Two questions regaurding the ? mark. How do I remove a ? mark from the dock and how do I make the ? mark show up as what the application actually is. Every time I reboot my mac it shows a ? for chrome. I just want it to show the normal chrome logo.

Have you tried just dragging it off the dock and then dragging the app back on again? That might kick stuff into sticking.

Additionally, are you sure you have actually installed the app, and not just running it from a dmg? Installed, as in the .app file is sitting on your computer somewhere, probably /Applications.


Have you tried just dragging it off the dock and then dragging the app back on again? That might kick stuff into sticking.

Additionally, are you sure you have actually installed the app, and not just running it from a dmg? Installed, as in the .app file is sitting on your computer somewhere, probably /Applications.

Just checked and the DMG file is sitting in the applications folder.

Mr. F

It's probably been brought up before, but - is there any way to dismiss notification centre balloons without launching the application it's tied to?

I liked that in Growl an X would appear in the top corner of the notification balloon if you hovered your mouse, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do that for notification centre balloons.

Kind of annoying when it wants me to do a system update at an inopportune time and the only way to dismiss the balloon is to turn off notification centre entirely.


It's probably been brought up before, but - is there any way to dismiss notification centre balloons without launching the application it's tied to?

I liked that in Growl an X would appear in the top corner of the notification balloon if you hovered your mouse, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do that for notification centre balloons.

Kind of annoying when it wants me to do a system update at an inopportune time and the only way to dismiss the balloon is to turn off notification centre entirely.

You can do a two fingers swipe and it will put off the notification for later, or dismiss it.
Depends on what kind of notification it is.

Will take a look at PTH pasteboard. Thanks!


Just checked and the DMG file is sitting in the applications folder.
Sounds like you opened the dmg file and double clicked the app inside when you first launched it.

This does NOT install the app. I know newcomers do that because they think it's an installer like an .exe in windows, but it's not.

The dmg is a disk image file that mounts a virtual drive with the file inside. Typically, the file inside is the actual app file itself, all self contained. To install, you just drag that app file somewhere - usually people put them in the applications folder.

And you just run them from there.

What it sounds like you have done is run it from the dmg file. When you do this (and subsequently pin it to the dock) it is actually running from the virtual drive every time. This is why the icon disappears when you reboot. The virtual drive is I mounted and the app essentially doesn't exist, so there's no icon. When you try to run it it actually then mounts the drive and runs the app again from the dmg.

If this is what you have done, you will see the dmg mount the virtual drive on your desktop or finder sidebar every time you run it.

Open the dmg and put the app into your applications folder and run it from there.

Hope this helps.

Note: this is the typical mac installation style. I'm not sure of that's how chrome has done it. Some developers actually DO put an installer in their dmg (I.e Dropbox).


Is it Lion or Mountain Lion? Because you can boot from the Recovery Partition if so. If it's Snow Leopard or before, you'll just need to reinstall the OS. It's just a driver. It can be put back.

I've no idea but since my last problem the partition that has OS X on it has now become unmountable (meaning I can't reinstall the OS from the recovery HD) and impossible to remove or format. It's looking like I'll have to format the whole drive and do a fresh install.
I have a Safari question.

is there any way of improving the image caching capabilities?

this has been bugging me for ages, and now I am fed up with it.
in picture heavy threads (e.g. funny pictures) safari has to reload all the images every time I open a page, this is not only slow but really annoying when scrolling through the thread (e.g. to get to the bottom of the thread.

it seems to me as if safari isn't caching images at all, is this normal behaviour? or am I missing some basic settings?
anything else I can do to improve the situation?

just to clarify, this doesn't "only" happen with picture heavy threads, but thats when its most apparent because loads of images need to reload!



hi guys, my bf's late 2009 imac has been really slowing down ever since i installed mountain lion a few months ago. it's beachballing all the time. he reboots it to fix the problem temporarily and then it happens again. last time i checked his activity monitor, it didn't appear to have anything hogging resources other than kernel. i even reset the pram (lol) to see if that did anything.

is the computer underpowered for mountain lion? should he be upgrading the computer or could there be software somewhere causing the issue?

he only uses his computer for the internet, itunes, and iphoto. those are the only things that are ever open. he probably gets up to 20 safari windows open (never tabs), but i don't see how that could be slowing things down that much.

these are his specs:
21.5" Late 2009 iMac
Processor: 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 467- 256 MB
Storage: ~600GB free on his 1TB HDD
OS X 10.8.2
hi guys, my bf's late 2009 imac has been really slowing down ever since i installed mountain lion a few months ago. it's beachballing all the time. he reboots it to fix the problem temporarily and then it happens again. last time i checked his activity monitor, it didn't appear to have anything hogging resources other than kernel.

I upgraded three Macs to 10.8 and this happene on one of them. Such a pain in the ass. What you need to do is open Console ( /Applications/Utilities/ ) and click 'all messages'. After each beachball, check here for a ton of repeated messages. You then have to search Google for the repeated message (typically a portion of it, like 'com.apple.foonuts 10.8 beachball') to see how to resolve it (usually deleting some system stuff; good times).

For me, I found apache2, afpstats, MRTAgent all causing this.


I upgraded three Macs to 10.8 and this happene on one of them. Such a pain in the ass. What you need to do is open Console ( /Applications/Utilities/ ) and click 'all messages'. After each beachball, check here for a ton of repeated messages. You then have to search Google for the repeated message (typically a portion of it, like 'com.apple.foonuts 10.8 beachball') to see how to resolve it (usually deleting some system stuff; good times).

For me, I found apache2, afpstats, MRTAgent all causing this.

thank you so much for this. i will check it out when i get a chance and update the thread in case anyone else encounters the issue.

The Real Abed

I just looked at my Console and have found a looooot of this...


Thousands of them.


hi guys, my bf's late 2009 imac has been really slowing down ever since i installed mountain lion a few months ago. it's beachballing all the time. he reboots it to fix the problem temporarily and then it happens again. last time i checked his activity monitor, it didn't appear to have anything hogging resources other than kernel. i even reset the pram (lol) to see if that did anything.

is the computer underpowered for mountain lion? should he be upgrading the computer or could there be software somewhere causing the issue?

he only uses his computer for the internet, itunes, and iphoto. those are the only things that are ever open. he probably gets up to 20 safari windows open (never tabs), but i don't see how that could be slowing things down that much.

these are his specs:
21.5" Late 2009 iMac
Processor: 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 467- 256 MB
Storage: ~600GB free on his 1TB HDD
OS X 10.8.2

I get some beach balls on ML as well. I'm running an early 2008 (non unibody) MBP, 2.4GHz, 6GB ram, 256 MB graphics.

I feel I'm on the edge in what would be considered useable.


So I just wanted to encrypt my Time Machine backup, but the option's disabled. I googled, and it seems I have to change the partition scheme of the whole disk from MBR to GUID, which would reformat the disk. But I've also got a NTFS partition and I don't have enough space on my Mac to temporary put the files on there.

What could I do?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So, is there any way to empty the trash from a USB drive without emptying the trash of the internal drive? The way OSX handles the trash bin is one of my gripes. :/


So, is there any way to empty the trash from a USB drive without emptying the trash of the internal drive? The way OSX handles the trash bin is one of my gripes. :/
Lol, yeah that kinda sucks.

Best way I know would be to copy stuff out of internal trash, empty trash and then out back in after. LOL
Whats the best way to clean up a rMBP?

I've started to notice everything taking so long to load or display about a month or two ago. About around the time I installed a Bootcamp partition(Win8).

It's getting pretty infuriating, as it used to load web pages instantly, Load eclipse and photoshop in seconds. But now everything takes noticeably longer. When I need to load a program in eclipse that is kinda long(550 lines, its long for me at least) it will take up to 2-3 minutes. Is this just me getting used to the speeds?

Hopefully this is the right thread, I always get confused as to which thread to post in. (Mac Hardware vs. OSX)
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