Joel Was Right
Thanks. It would have been much simpler were Get Info achieved this. I've had to learn so many keyboard shortcuts on the Mac lol
Get Info shows information for one file. Inspector shows information for multiple ones. Just remember to hold Option.Thanks. It would have been much simpler were Get Info achieved this. I've had to learn so many keyboard shortcuts on the Mac lol
Not that I've seen yet. I really hope 10.9 has better Fullscreen support. I want to be able to put windows on different monitors in fullscreen and drag them between them and manage them much better. It's really stupid and such a lazy way of programming to have it just blank out the other there an app that lets me have more than 1 full screen window when im plugged into an external monitor?
id like to have netflix or something playing on my external while i do stuff on the mbp.
Can someone recommend me on the best app that allows a similar "snap to edge" feature to Windows 7? I.e, quickly half two windows open half half, just by snapping them to the edges. I've googled it, but not really sure which of the options is best today.
What's the recommended file system for an external HDD that I want to use primarily on Mac, but it would be useful to use on Windows occasionally as well? exFat?I assume that doesn't have the same 4GB file limit that FAT32 has?
Better Touch Tool includes this, as well as it's crazy multi-touch customization.
I use Hyper Dock instead of BTT. It does the same but in addition offers some cool window preview management.
This is going to sound really anal, but do you use Battery Health? Any idea how much extra amperage, wattage or memory Hyper Dock uses? All I know is BTT uses a negligible amount more. Costs me about 5 mins extra total battery time having it running lol.
I plugged my headphones into my mac for the first time. 3 times my itunes just starts playing. I closed my iTunes and it just relaunched. It's doing it randomly.
I still prefer BetterTouchTool.
I do wish though that there was an application that would fix the Finder's shitty "Zoom" feature. It NEVER zooms to fit the contents. Ever. Not at all. It gets the width right most of the time, but the height is always arbitrary. Sometimes it's higher than the content. Sometimes lower. But never exact. In icon view it never knows how to work right at all.
OS 9's Finder was perfect. Especially in this regard. And ever since they broke it 10 years ago they only fixed it once, a few years ago, for a few weeks before the next point update came along.
I use the Finder using the OS 9 paradigm. Where each folder is a separate entity and each folder opens separately. But ever since OS X added the toolbar and sidebar and made it open folders in place, it's been screwed up. You can turn the sidebar and toolbar off and it keeps coming back when you don't want it.
I've tried switching to Path Finder a few times but it just never sticks. PF seems so full of bloat and just looks wrong. I just want Apple to FIX THE F**KING FINDER ALREADY. It's literally the only thing I've asked from Apple for the past 6 or 7 cat versions and it's the only thing I never get.
I could see a third-party app being able to fix the zooming issue though. As long as they have access to folder view information like content size. I've seen apps like Moom which let you move windows to certain places on the screen, but that's not what I want to do at all.
I never use Column view OR Coverflow view. I like Column view though, but it doesn't fit my workflow at all. Which consists of having windows open to specific folders set to list view with colored labels for categorizing importance.I thought you could open folders in a new window if you wanted.
At any rate, I haven't used icon view once I discovered column view.
I never use Column view OR Coverflow view. I like Column view though, but it doesn't fit my workflow at all. Which consists of having windows open to specific folders set to list view with colored labels for categorizing importance.
Sometimes the Finder likes to say "NO U!" though and completely forgets settings I set and checkboxes I checked. i.e. it likes to occasionally set to a different view, change to a different size or activate the toolbar when I don't want it to with no rhyme or reason. It's a complete mess and I know Apple is trying to get away from a file system based OS paradigm but goddamn. Some of us like having a filesystem. Especially us programmers who need access to that stuff.
Bring back the OS 9 Finder! It was the best one. The BEST one.
Best super clean/simple/minimal music player for macs that's not iTunes?
I don't give a shit about library management or anything, i essentially just want foobar2k for a mac if anything similar exists.
Oh wow, I didn't know this one. Sweet!Right click, press alt, show inspector.
Keyboard shortcut alt+cmd+i.
Mac gurus, what's the deal with custom Fusion Drives not hibernating properly?
CoreStorage doesn't support sleepimage?
Already lost work because of it![]()
What is the best way to clean the screen?
Was looking to replace the HDD in my Macbook Pro (early 2011) with a SSD. Any that work better than the rest?
Is there any real advantages or disadvantages with clean install and upgrade? Will it make much difference, is it worth the hassle?
If I do a clean install, how can I retrieve my iLife applications as my Mac did not come with any CD. I don't want to buy it again.
I just had a look at my purchases in the App Store. I have GarageBand, iMovie and iPhoto. I also have iWeb and iDVD and they are not in my Purchases list. How else can I retrieve them if I do a clean install?They should be registered to your Apple ID in the Mac App Store (see 'purchased' section). Once you've done that, just download them on the new install.
iDVD and iWeb are discontinued, they are not included with new Macs anymore. What year is your Mac?I just had a look at my purchases in the App Store. I have GarageBand, iMovie and iPhoto. I also have iWeb and iDVD and they are not in my Purchases list. How else can I retrieve them if I do a clean install?
Not that I've seen yet. I really hope 10.9 has better Fullscreen support. I want to be able to put windows on different monitors in fullscreen and drag them between them and manage them much better. It's really stupid and such a lazy way of programming to have it just blank out the other screens.
Just make it so in Mission Control we can grab a fullscreen window and drag it to another screen and have it stay there and no longer stay on the main monitor. Then make it so we can put more than one fullscreen window on the other display and have us able to swipe between them depending on which screen the cursor is currently on. Basically treat each display as a different mission control center that we manually drag apps or windows to.
DO IT APPLE. This is how it should work. What's the point of introducing a magical FullScreen mode and including multiple display ports on your machines if you're not going to make them work together?
Wait, what? I havent used an external monitor yet, but Im planning to. You're saying I can't use my MBP + external monitor concurrently? What if I dont use full screen? What the hell.
If you don't use the Full Screen mode that got introduced with Lion it will work like it always has, but as soon as you put something into the Full Screen Mode the other screens are unusable. It is the weirdest thing ever.
I just had a look at my purchases in the App Store. I have GarageBand, iMovie and iPhoto. I also have iWeb and iDVD and they are not in my Purchases list. How else can I retrieve them if I do a clean install?
Wait, what? I havent used an external monitor yet, but Im planning to. You're saying I can't use my MBP + external monitor concurrently? What if I dont use full screen? What the hell.
Yeah, Fullscreen is great when you only have one display. But if you're one of the many multiple display users, you might as well ignore its existence until Apple hopefully figures out a better way to handle it. Seriously. I love Fullscreen, but it keeps me from wanting to sit at my desk and use my 20" ACD. (That I got in 2005 and has a resolution of 1680x1050.)
I'm really really hoping for some Fullscreen revamps in 10.9.
Aperture's layout changes, which is probably where iPhoto gets it. I absolutely love Aperture's: it's the best place to do edits. Wish Silver Efex Pro would work in full-screen.
Also, iPhoto feels much more bloated than when I used it as a DAM before Aperture. I only use it once a year, to make calendars at Christmas time.
I think I asked before but what is teh benefit of full screen aperture, besides a bit more desk top space? The second screen allows you to put palletes, but I kind of do that with maxmised window view anyway.