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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

Burai said:
CSS, you want CSS Edit. It's brilliant. One of the reasons I could never go back to Windows.

For PHP, I use Coda which is a real hardcore code editor that supports pretty much every web language you can think of. There's also Espresso by the CSS Edit people, but... well, I just don't like it as much as Coda. Coda is far more mature and it's easier to keep track of an entire project. YMMV.

I will have to give these a try. Finally getting into the world of CSS for work.
Never mind about my sister. She changed her mind and got a Dell instead. :(

The main reason was due to the fact that OS X doesn't have Microsoft Publisher in which she needs for work (yes she knew about Indesign but she said it wasn't exactly the same thing and wasn't compatible with Publisher files).


Flying_Phoenix said:
Never mind about my sister. She changed her mind and got a Dell instead. :(

The main reason was due to the fact that OS X doesn't have Microsoft Publisher in which she needs for work (yes she knew about Indesign but she said it wasn't exactly the same thing and wasn't compatible with Publisher files).
Whether you fail as a mac-geek or not, my son, depends entirely on how hard you pushed bootcamp/virtualisation.

Tobe honest, though, if she needs a particular piece of software, can't blame her for going with the platform that provides it.



I've been having severe crash issues with snow leopard ever since I installed it. Any application that used the Save As or Open dialogs would crash about 50% of the time when I tried to save or open a file. Textedit, safari, opera, matlab, gimp, everything.

There were tons of stupid wacky solutions I tried, but this last one EFFING WORKED. I've given several applications a total of about 40 chances to crash so far with none taking the bait. The fix was just removing the folders I had in System preferences -> File sharing -> shared folders. I haven't tried adding them back in yet, but I don't use file sharing anymore anyway so who cares!
mrkgoo said:
Whether you fail as a mac-geek or not, my son, depends entirely on how hard you pushed bootcamp/virtualisation.

Tobe honest, though, if she needs a particular piece of software, can't blame her for going with the platform that provides it.

She also seemed kind of bummed out how expensive Macs were. She stated that by going Dell she saved "a few hundred dollars" (and that wasn't including the extra money she'd have to pay for Windows).

She spend $1100 on the laptop, but she got a pretty powerful one with a 3 year warranty.


pj325is said:

I've been having severe crash issues with snow leopard ever since I installed it. Any application that used the Save As or Open dialogs would crash about 50% of the time when I tried to save or open a file. Textedit, safari, opera, matlab, gimp, everything.

There were tons of stupid wacky solutions I tried, but this last one EFFING WORKED. I've given several applications a total of about 40 chances to crash so far with none taking the bait. The fix was just removing the folders I had in System preferences -> File sharing -> shared folders. I haven't tried adding them back in yet, but I don't use file sharing anymore anyway so who cares!

Interesting. I've no such issues with Snow Leopard, but I'm totally aware of the other issues.

I know that all new OSes have their work in period as Apple tries to flatten out the bugs, but I was really hoping that since SL was a "Leopard done right", that it would basically be MORE leopard, with bugs quashed, but it really did introduce a lot of other things. Definitely more issues than advantages at this point. I'm hopeful for 10.6.2, however, as Colorsync is on the list of things fixed, which is my main gripe.

Chris R

Anyone know of a program (or if garage band could do it?) that lets you import an audio file, and then map that file to a keyboard that you can dink around on that alters the pitch and tone or whatever based on what key you hit?


Just upgraded to Snow Leopard, first time I have ever upgraded an OS and gained hard drive space, awesome!. Everything seems a bit smoother, standby wakeup is much faster. Less beachballs all around.

I still would have liked something new visually.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
pj325is said:

I've been having severe crash issues with snow leopard ever since I installed it. Any application that used the Save As or Open dialogs would crash about 50% of the time when I tried to save or open a file. Textedit, safari, opera, matlab, gimp, everything.
I have had similar problem, and I found out what was causing it and how to fix it.

The problem, in my case at least, was that whenever I was opening a Save As Dialog of any kind in Safari, it would default to All Videos "folder". Then no matter if I try to save, change the folder, or close the dialog, Safari would just freeze. Solution is forcing this to not open in All Videos (or probably any such smart folder or whatever that is). I did it by doing "Open" from file menu, then navigating onto desktop and then opening an image from it. From that point when I go to Save As, it defaults to desktop and it doesn't freeze anymore.


Lord Error said:
I have had similar problem, and I found out what was causing it and how to fix it.

The problem, in my case at least, was that whenever I was opening a Save As Dialog of any kind in Safari, it would default to All Videos "folder". Then no matter if I try to save, change the folder, or close the dialog, Safari would just freeze. Solution is forcing this to not open in All Videos (or probably any such smart folder or whatever that is). I did it by doing "Open" from file menu, then navigating onto desktop and then opening an image from it. From that point when I go to Save As, it defaults to desktop and it doesn't freeze anymore.

Interesting. I never had any issues, but after reading this, I went and tried to 'save as', then navigated to "All videos" (which isn't a folder, just a smart search), then back out and cancelling - it immediately beachballed and I had to force quit :/
I'm having trouble with my macbook pro. I bought a minidisplay to dvi connector from monoprice and when I output to my tv it's fine on my laptop but my tv starts freaking out. It keeps flashing gray with little colored dots every second and has the colored pixels if you look closely when it's not flashing that gray. I have nothing going on and it's just displaying my desktop when this is happening. Does this sound like a bad cable or is there something wrong with my video card?


Neo Member
I got my first mac (13 in MBP) a few weeks ago & I'm not sure if the issue I'm having is hardware or software related. Pretty much the first day I got it I was setting it up, installing programs and such, and I went out to lunch and left it sit. When I got back, the screen wouldn't toggle back on. I'd seen it go in to sleep mode before, but I never let it sit for very long. I was out for a few hours this time & I ended up having to restart it to get the screen to come back up. After that I tested it a few times, shutting the lid and lifting it back up, and the first few times, it did the same thing. I pressed lightly on the frame where the lid and bottom meet and once the screen powered back up from that.

I ended up letting it go & taking it with me to class that night and since then I haven't experienced that issue to that extent. Rarely the screen won't toggle back on right away, but if I shut the lid and open it back up the screen comes back (usually with a two or three second delay).

What say you mac users, should I take it in to my local Apple store? I'm less inclined to now just because I have the whole thing set up & I really don't feel like having to do that for a third time (my first MBP had dead pixels). As long as I'm under my 1 year warranty I'm fine in case it does that again, right?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I'm having trouble with my macbook pro. I bought a minidisplay to dvi connector from monoprice and when I output to my tv it's fine on my laptop but my tv starts freaking out. It keeps flashing gray with little colored dots every second and has the colored pixels if you look closely when it's not flashing that gray. I have nothing going on and it's just displaying my desktop when this is happening. Does this sound like a bad cable or is there something wrong with my video card?

I would assume that it would be the cable. Well unless you were having problems with your video card before.

Just call monoprice and they'll send you a new one. And if that doesn't work than you'll know what the problem is.
terithegreat said:
I got my first mac (13 in MBP) a few weeks ago & I'm not sure if the issue I'm having is hardware or software related. Pretty much the first day I got it I was setting it up, installing programs and such, and I went out to lunch and left it sit. When I got back, the screen wouldn't toggle back on. I'd seen it go in to sleep mode before, but I never let it sit for very long. I was out for a few hours this time & I ended up having to restart it to get the screen to come back up. After that I tested it a few times, shutting the lid and lifting it back up, and the first few times, it did the same thing. I pressed lightly on the frame where the lid and bottom meet and once the screen powered back up from that.

I ended up letting it go & taking it with me to class that night and since then I haven't experienced that issue to that extent. Rarely the screen won't toggle back on right away, but if I shut the lid and open it back up the screen comes back (usually with a two or three second delay).

What say you mac users, should I take it in to my local Apple store? I'm less inclined to now just because I have the whole thing set up & I really don't feel like having to do that for a third time (my first MBP had dead pixels). As long as I'm under my 1 year warranty I'm fine in case it does that again, right?

What do you do to wake it up? I have to press a couple buttons the keyboard if it's been sitting for a while. I usually hit a couple letters or the brightness buttons and it pops back up, I dunno if it's a defect if that's what yours is doing.
Video to show the problems I'm having when I try to output to my tv. http://s838.photobucket.com/albums/zz302/testingmymac222/?action=view&current=P1020256.flv Again, any help is appreciated.

Flying_Phoenix said:
I would assume that it would be the cable. Well unless you were having problems with your video card before.

Just call monoprice and they'll send you a new one. And if that doesn't work than you'll know what the problem is.

Nah, no problems before now so I figured it was the cable but I waited over a week already for this one to reach me. :( Video added to if that helps any.
Smiles and Cries said:
I don't know if Snow Leopard is doing this or my ISP but I lose connection to the Wireless network in this building run by some cheap service provider called Spot On. Years ago on my old powerbook if I lost connection a simple turn OFF Airport and turn ON airport again would fix the connection and I am back online

Now I can turn it ON and OFF until I am blue in the face and nothing but red no connection to the wireless network... I have to RESTART the macbook and that fixes the connection automatically like my old trick use to until it drops again in a few hours

so each day I have to restart my macbook about 4 to 5 times. Turning Airport on and off is an easy click I could deal with that but waiting for OS X to reboot 5 times per day sucks ass.

Connection is even lost when I put the macbook to sleep (folding the laptop closed) when I open it I have to restart to be online.

Is this a finder issue?

I wonder if anyone knows a fix for this?

help please

asking new page maybe someone has an idea?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Video to show the problems I'm having when I try to output to my tv. http://s838.photobucket.com/albums/zz302/testingmymac222/?action=view&current=P1020256.flv Again, any help is appreciated.

Nah, no problems before now so I figured it was the cable but I waited over a week already for this one to reach me. :( Video added to if that helps any.

Looking at the video it seems to be a connection problem (you know how sometime the TV flickers when the cable is loose?). I hate to say it but looks like you'll be waiting another week or so.
Smiles and Cries said:
asking new page maybe someone has an idea?
A friend of mine with a new MBP had (still has?) that problem. It was pre-SL, so I don't think that's the culprit. It must be a straight-up driver issue. I'm fairly certain it's a relatively common problem. I'd check the Apple support forums to see what can be done.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ugh. i have a brand new macbook pro (9 days old).. and it seems to be making an odd noise when i move it sometimes. it sounds like something is a bit loose inside and it makes a click, or ting noise. it's very light, and it doesn't happen every time the thing is moved, but it occurs frequently enough to be annoying. will i be able to just get it replaced by a new one, or will i have send if off for repair. i really can't afford to not have my computer for days.

quadriplegicjon said:
ugh. i have a brand new macbook pro (9 days old).. and it seems to be making an odd noise when i move it sometimes. it sounds like something is a bit loose inside and it makes a click, or ting noise. it's very light, and it doesn't happen every time the thing is moved, but it occurs frequently enough to be annoying. will i be able to just get it replaced by a new one, or will i have send if off for repair. i really can't afford to not have my computer for days.


From what you're saying it just sounds like the hard drive shock protection.


not characteristic of ants at all
quadriplegicjon said:
ugh. i have a brand new macbook pro (9 days old).. and it seems to be making an odd noise when i move it sometimes. it sounds like something is a bit loose inside and it makes a click, or ting noise. it's very light, and it doesn't happen every time the thing is moved, but it occurs frequently enough to be annoying. will i be able to just get it replaced by a new one, or will i have send if off for repair. i really can't afford to not have my computer for days.

Mine does the same thing. It's only when you are carrying it or anything, and I'm pretty sure it has to do with protecting the harddrive while its in use.
quadriplegicjon said:
it happens very often.. even when it is just sitting on my lap. is that normal? :lol i guess i may be a bit anal about this.


Is it moving at all? It does it sometimes when I shit positions when sitting and stuff. Any sudden movements will activate it like it's supposed to.
So yeah I've noticed that my Mac can't go past a 96% charge. Normally I'd accept this. but it's only had 11 full charges so far. :/

Is this normal?

Jasoco said:
Publisher? That still exists?

I guess so. My sister is a student events coordinator for a college so she needs to use it for work.
Flying_Phoenix said:
So yeah I've noticed that my Mac can't go past a 96% charge. Normally I'd accept this. but it's only had 11 full charges so far. :/

Is this normal?

I guess so. My sister is a student events coordinator for a college so she needs to use it for work.

What are you using to look at charge %?
Got back from my first experience in the Apple Store.

First off holy shit! This store was packed like all hell. People who say that these shops are almost always the most profitable ones in the area aren't kidding.

Second off, it look pretty damn nice. All of Apple's products everywhere of every version was really cool.

Anyway I took my Macbook Pro to the store. They did a quick diagnostic on it and found that I just needed to replace the trackpad. I also pointed them out the battery problem and they didn't even bother to look any further or do any tests they just decided to replace the battery. So yeah they ordered some parts and I'm suppose to drop my Macbook Pro off at the store to get it fixed...for FREE!

Man after all of this I really love Apple's customer service.

However I asked them about a problem concerning my keyboard. I noticed that there seems to be a stain on the left side of my spacebar. When I brought that upon notice the guy just said that it's just the aluminium smoothing from use and even if I got a new one the same thing would happen. Is this sort of thing common?
Flying_Phoenix said:
Got back from my first experience in the Apple Store.

First off holy shit! This store was packed like all hell. People who say that these shops are almost always the most profitable ones in the area aren't kidding.

Second off, it look pretty damn nice. All of Apple's products everywhere of every version was really cool.

Anyway I took my Macbook Pro to the store. They did a quick diagnostic on it and found that I just needed to replace the trackpad. I also pointed them out the battery problem and they didn't even bother to look any further or do any tests they just decided to replace the battery. So yeah they ordered some parts and I'm suppose to drop my Macbook Pro off at the store to get it fixed...for FREE!

Man after all of this I really love Apple's customer service.

However I asked them about a problem concerning my keyboard. I noticed that there seems to be a stain on the left side of my spacebar. When I brought that upon notice the guy just said that it's just the aluminium smoothing from use and even if I got a new one the same thing would happen. Is this sort of thing common?

Unfortunately yes, you should see my old Acer laptop. There is a clear discoloration from where my palms have been resting, simply due to use.


Charred Greyface said:
It should be. I added the artwork with iTunes after all.

do you mean you asked iTunes to “get album artwork” or did you performa “get info” on the file and add the artwork image manually?

because if you ask iTunes to find the artwork, it is not embedded into the file. you need to copy it, then manually embed it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
manofmandango said:
Unfortunately yes, you should see my old Acer laptop. There is a clear discoloration from where my palms have been resting, simply due to use.

though.. depending on who you talk to, they may replace it for free. i had some discoloration on my older macbook pro, and they replaced the piece, but technically it is not covered, so they may not do it for you.
quadriplegicjon said:
though.. depending on who you talk to, they may replace it for free. i had some discoloration on my older macbook pro, and they replaced the piece, but technically it is not covered, so they may not do it for you.

Exactly. Typically they won't cover it since it relates to general wear/tear and aesthetics.
Ok. WTF. I tried an expirement to see if I could get Handbrake working on my MacBook. Downstairs, I have a Mac Mini that I've been able to get HB working on just fine for a while now. So I just copied VLC Player and HB into a shared folder over the network, moved it onto the Applications folder on the MBP and now it works. Gonna rip Dr. Horrible to see if it TRUELY works. Now all I gotta do is figure out what the hell is wrong with my scanner software on this thing.


Flying_Phoenix said:
Got back from my first experience in the Apple Store.

First off holy shit! This store was packed like all hell. People who say that these shops are almost always the most profitable ones in the area aren't kidding.

Second off, it look pretty damn nice. All of Apple's products everywhere of every version was really cool.

Anyway I took my Macbook Pro to the store. They did a quick diagnostic on it and found that I just needed to replace the trackpad. I also pointed them out the battery problem and they didn't even bother to look any further or do any tests they just decided to replace the battery. So yeah they ordered some parts and I'm suppose to drop my Macbook Pro off at the store to get it fixed...for FREE!

Man after all of this I really love Apple's customer service.

However I asked them about a problem concerning my keyboard. I noticed that there seems to be a stain on the left side of my spacebar. When I brought that upon notice the guy just said that it's just the aluminium smoothing from use and even if I got a new one the same thing would happen. Is this sort of thing common?
See why people recommend AppleCare in the Us? Imagine 3 years of that kind of service.


manofmandango said:
Unfortunately yes, you should see my old Acer laptop. There is a clear discoloration from where my palms have been resting, simply due to use.
It happens to pretty much anything that has constant contact with your hands. My mouse has a thumb imprint from 5 years of use. The oils in the skin tend to do this. It's just something to get used to.
This is not really a Mac-specific question, as it's really about a media center solution, but it would help me to have the advice of those experienced with the platform.

I used to have a Windows desktop and a Windows laptop. My desktop was used to store and download media. I had all my music on there, plus I ripped my whole DVD collection and some torrents of currently running shows. I had all this on an external drive and whenever I wanted to watch something, I would hook up the drive to my laptop and use the VGA-out to hook it up to my TV.

I got rid of the Win desktop and built myself a Hackintosh using the most recent Lifehacker guide (I love it.)

Because of the capabilities of my computer, I'd like to use it for ripping, downloading, storing, etc. But it's not the point at which I'll be watching the stuff.

So what do you guys suggest as a media center set up? I can keep doing the same thing with the laptop, but I'd rather set up something more permanent, or at least with less transferring of data and hardware. Is there some wireless streaming solution? Should I buy a little "net-top" or a Mac Mini?

Chris R

Any idea how I would go about adding an album picture to a playlist? I have the an album I got from Amazon (99 Beethoven songs for 99c ftw!) but my playlist has only 28. In iTunes and on my iPod Touch, the album art doesn't show up when the playlist is playing :(


mrkgoo said:
See why people recommend AppleCare in the Us? Imagine 3 years of that kind of service.

technically 2 years. the first year of the in-store service is included when you buy the machine.

I got applecare for my 13” Macbook Pro. first time I’ve bought an extended warranty on a computer. I figure, if nothing else, it’ll push me to keep the machine longer than I have my old ones before upgrading :lol

rhfb said:
Any idea how I would go about adding an album picture to a playlist? I have the an album I got from Amazon (99 Beethoven songs for 99c ftw!) but my playlist has only 28. In iTunes and on my iPod Touch, the album art doesn't show up when the playlist is playing :(

you don’t add pictures to playlists but to songs. try this. in iTunes, on the lower left corner, hit the triangle to show the album artwork below the playlists. go to one of the beethoven songs in iTunes, see the artwork in the lower left corner? right click on it and hit copy.

now, select all the beethoven songs in iTunes (or just the ones in the playlist you speak of) and right click and select get info.

in the window that pops up, go to the artwork location and right click and paste the art.

hit ok.

you’ve now forced iTunes to embed the image in all the files you’ve selected. assuming the image isn’t corrupted it will now show up in the iPod and any other music player.
manofmandango said:
Unfortunately yes, you should see my old Acer laptop. There is a clear discoloration from where my palms have been resting, simply due to use.

Well I was referring to the actual keys on the keyboard but I don't doubt that either are all the uncommon.

mrkgoo said:
See why people recommend AppleCare in the Us? Imagine 3 years of that kind of service.

But see while the place is only 30 minutes from me, it's over 50 from my house and there's another one but that's more or less the same distance. I just wish they were a bit more popular.

Jasoco said:
It happens to pretty much anything that has constant contact with your hands. My mouse has a thumb imprint from 5 years of use. The oils in the skin tend to do this. It's just something to get used to.

I wish that I was stubborn enough to consider wearing gloves. :(

LCfiner said:
technically 2 years. the first year of the in-store service is included when you buy the machine.

Wouldn't it be more wise to buy the 3 year warranty when the computer's warranty is on the verge of expiring? Or is there some kind of deal that I'm missing here?

EDIT - Also while in the Apple Store I noticed that the Apple TV was hot has shit. Seriously It wasn't too far away from burning my hands when I touched it.


Flying_Phoenix said:
Well I was referring to the actual keys on the keyboard but I don't doubt that either are all the uncommon.

But see while the place is only 30 minutes from me, it's over 50 from my house and there's another one but that's more or less the same distance. I just wish they were a bit more popular.

I wish that I was stubborn enough to consider wearing gloves. :(
There's no applestore in cities around me. Back in nz, there are no applestores at all.


Flying_Phoenix said:
Wouldn't it be more wise to buy the 3 year warranty when the computer's warranty is on the verge of expiring? Or is there some kind of deal that I'm missing here?

for most cases yes, but I saw someone was selling it on ebay for 100 bucks instead of over 300 so I bought the code and it saved some decent cash.

Chris R

Thanks for the help, I guess the album had the artwork, but not the songs themselves.

Now I just get to wait for a repair since my touch has a broken accelerometer :(
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