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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


GodfatherX said:
just bought idefrag, trying this now

i had a similar problem. do you have photoshop installed? i read online that that can cause that to happen. i believe a combination of uninstalling that and idefrag fixed it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ashhong said:
SnakeXs, is there a way to make AppZapper automatically search for all files when you delete a program? What i mean is I want to just drag the app into the trash and have appzapper activate and find associated files. appcleaner does this..

If you place Appzapper on your dock. You can drag the apps to the icon. it should find all associated files without the need to open the program first.
For all the shit Windows machines get, Macs seem to get outdated much faster. At least the mid-range and lower-end models.

I have a G4 PPC, 256MB Ram, iMac that I bought in 2004 that's basically now reduced to being a DVD and iTune player. I can barely get any software updates because almost nothing is compatible with OSX 10.3.9. I probably could upgrade OSX but with the pathetically small Ram and with it being PPC based it may not even be worth it.

Whereas my Windows XP Intel Celeron that I bought in 2002, it's also somewhat limted but I'm still able to do more tasks and it's still compatible with a lot of software.


I'm posting from my Macbook Air but I'm just trying to figure out what to do with my old iMac. It didn't just happen recently, it's been severely handicapped for about 2-3 years now. What do you guys think I should do with it? Aside from adding a little more Ram is there really anything I can do to upgrade it?

it kind of sucks that pretty much everything that's not a Mac Pro, looks awesome but will get outdated in a couple of years.
The Chosen One said:
For all the shit Windows machines get, Macs seem to get outdated much faster. At least the mid-range and lower-end models.

I have a G4 PPC, 256MB Ram, iMac that I bought in 2004 that's basically now reduced to being a DVD and iTune player. I can barely get any software updates because almost nothing is compatible with OSX 10.3.9. I probably could upgrade OSX but with the pathetically small Ram and with it being PPC based it may not even be worth it.

Whereas my Windows XP Intel Celeron that I bought in 2002, it's also somewhat limted but I'm still able to do more tasks and it's still compatible with a lot of software.


I'm posting from my Macbook Air but I'm just trying to figure out what to do with my old iMac. It didn't just happen recently, it's been severely handicapped for about 2-3 years now. What do you guys think I should do with it? Aside from adding a little more Ram is there really anything I can do to upgrade it?

it kind of sucks that pretty much everything that's not a Mac Pro, looks awesome but will get outdated in a couple of years.
I don't think it's as big of an issue with the intel-based macs. Keep in mind that when the G4 notebooks were replaced the architecture was 5 years old. Also, there was a strong gap between Windows releases which allowed Windows XP to get a phenominally huge userbase which is why it is still supported these days. The reason not many developers support 10.3 any more is because the userbase is probably not very large these days. You
just have to put things in perspective.

EDIT: oh, 2004? That thing is ancient dude. Sell it on craigslist for $150.
I paid $1400 for it....

I know it's not a spring chicken but the computer is not even 6 years old yet (I got it at the end of '04). As I mentioned before, it's already been outdated for several years now, which means I only got a couple of good years out of it for a $1400 machine.

My Celeron POS cost just $500 at retail 8 years ago and the machine is still usable. If I bought a $1400 Windows machine in '04, I seriously doubt I would be complaining how it couldn't run anything just 4-6 years later. Heck, I bought a mid-range PC in '04 (AMD 3000, GeForce FX, just recently upgraded Ram to 3GB) and it's still a very solid machine today. It hasn't come close to hitting the wall.

Look, I know Apple products in general cost more. You pay a premium for the styling and Apple brand. However, I'm just frustrated that even though you pay more, the longevity of Apple's low/midrange computers pale in comparison to PCs.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
6 years is a looooong time in computing man. My sexy mid '09 MBP will be yesterday's news when the i5/i7 ones pop up in the coming months. It hurts but you can't stop the rock. You'll get about $120-$200 for the G4 on eBay, about 3 times as much as the Celeron POS.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Jill Sandwich said:
6 years is a looooong time in computing man. My sexy mid '09 MBP will be yesterday's news when the i5/i7 ones pop up in the coming months. It hurts but you can't stop the rock. You'll get about $120-$200 for the G4 on eBay, about 3 times as much as the Celeron POS.

Plus that was just around the time G5s came into play (prolly shoulda waited for that), and just 2 years later they switched to Intel.

I'm sure Leopard will run fine if you get more RAM. And since when does Software Updates make a machine? You'll be missing out on Intel-only stuff, and whatever few Snow Leopard only stuff there is. I'm sure it'll run what it can run better than your Celeron.

Really, you have a processor that, depending on when you got it, most informed consumers would have waited out for G5s, and your RAM is anemic. Get more, install Leopard, and it'll do plenty.

Or gimme examples of what you want it to do, or what it can't do (besides system updates...), and what your Windows Machine does do.


iuno, i got a Pentium 4 windows machine back in 2002-3, and im still using it. added a gig of ram and its acting as a media center PC, perfectly capable of playing anything i throw at it. even installed windows 7 and it feels as good as new. its ugly as sin though.

quadriplegicjon said:
If you place Appzapper on your dock. You can drag the apps to the icon. it should find all associated files without the need to open the program first.

cool thanks, ill try this. im assuming the program needs to at least be running first though. i cant use the osx trash anymore anyway because pathfinder took over.
I was a complete Mac Noob when I bought the iMac in '04 so I wasn't aware that the G5s were right around the corner for the mid-range systems. Plus I needed a Mac ASAP for testing and compatibility purposes so I couldn't wait another 6-12 months to get a Mac.

I probably did buy the iMac at the worst possible time just before the PPCs were getting phased out. That said, I still got fucked over a bit. It wasn't like I was buying some off-shoot like a laptop with Windows ME. I bought a desktop on the main product line with the latest OS, yet it became a dud within a couple of years.

And if you're saying your midrange MBP that you bought last year is going to be yesterday's news in just a couple of months, then that basically illustrates my point. I guess people in the Mac market are just accustomed to their hardware cycling through at the speed of light.

Anyway, just to be clear I'm not talking about bragging rights, I'm talking about basic functionality. here are some of the things my iMac can't do:

- I can't upgrade past iTunes 7.0, which means I can't transfer music to my iTouch. My Celeron POS can run the latest version of iTunes just fine.
- I can't install FireFox 3, Safari 4.0.x. or any other modern browser version. It's still stuck on Safari 1.3.2 !!! My Celeron POS can install all modern browsers. Though admittedly it starts to croak with a lot of tabs open.
- Browser plugins like Flash, Shockwave, and etc are also outdated and can't be updated. The Celeron POS has all current plugins.
- Whenever I try to open a few applications at a time and something processor intensive happens, I get the pinwheel of death and the whole computer freezes up.

So basically the combination of poor backward compatibility support and limited upgrade options has left my iMac nearly completely useless. Yes 6 years is a long time if I want to have a bleeding edge machine, but it's not a long time for standard functionality. Heck, I probably could squeeze out another year or two with my Celeron if I bought a cheap PCI graphics card.

I think it's good that Apple releases frequent OSX updates. However they need to enforce stronger compatibility between the versions. Panther (which I'm running on the iMac) is already a dud, but Tiger has little compatibility as well with new software. And now that Snow Leopard is 64bit and a lot of things are already beginning to become incompatible with Leopard. It's crazy... I probably should just accept that I can't afford to be a Mac user. Steve Jobs keeps leaping to the new best thing while leaving past creations to collect dust and become useless. Supporting old hardware and software is never exciting I guess...
Btw, I'm not trolling, just venting.

Anyway I do have a Noob question also. I'm probably going to have to transfer my iTunes library from my iMac to my MacAir. What's the best way to do this without losing all my library settings and play counts?


i think its more the fact that Apple fans just love having the newest upgrades. for example, the new MBP will most likely only be a processor bump (a big one hopefully), but i will think mine from last summer is horribly out of date and want the new one. its not like Windows computers dont have processor upgrades, but you dont feel the same urge.

i just built a Windows PC and chose not to go the i7 route, but not regretting it.. maybe its because the i7 are like double the price, while new Macs come in at the same price point as the old one? its a weird phenomenon

quadriplegicjon said:
Nope. The program doesn't need to be running. I just tested it out. You still need to confirm the deletion after you do it though.

just tested it out. so it basically just opens the program, like when you drop an mp3 onto itunes. not as quick as appcleaner but itll do. thanks
Hey you guuuuuuuuuuuyz!

Anyway, is it possible to run a mac mini with S.Leopard/Server as a remote time machine?

Reason being I'm thinking of getting a time machine and Apple TV, but the combined price is about the same as a mac mini, plus I get a full system OS


The Chosen One said:
Btw, I'm not trolling, just venting.

Anyway I do have a Noob question also. I'm probably going to have to transfer my iTunes library from my iMac to my MacAir. What's the best way to do this without losing all my library settings and play counts?
Make sure you copy exactly. Music goes in exact same path, and the important part, the actual Library which resides in ~/Library/Music/iTunes. So make sure the contents of that iTunes folder are exactly where you keep your music now, and your music itself is in the same exact path on the Air's HD and you're 100% golden.

I keep my music at the root of ~/Music instead of under the default ~/Music/iTunes Music. You might keep yours elsewhere. Just make sure the paths match.

OS X isn't as picky about copies of itself as Windows might be. You could clone your entire HD from your current iMac to your Air's HD and boot up and it'd be like the same machine, with a smaller screen of course.
The Chosen One said:
Btw, I'm not trolling, just venting.

Anyway I do have a Noob question also. I'm probably going to have to transfer my iTunes library from my iMac to my MacAir. What's the best way to do this without losing all my library settings and play counts?
You can still get the latest Opera though. It runs on Panther.


The Chosen One said:
I was a complete Mac Noob when I bought the iMac in '04 so I wasn't aware that the G5s were right around the corner for the mid-range systems. Plus I needed a Mac ASAP for testing and compatibility purposes so I couldn't wait another 6-12 months to get a Mac.

I probably did buy the iMac at the worst possible time just before the PPCs were getting phased out. That said, I still got fucked over a bit. It wasn't like I was buying some off-shoot like a laptop with Windows ME. I bought a desktop on the main product line with the latest OS, yet it became a dud within a couple of years.

And if you're saying your midrange MBP that you bought last year is going to be yesterday's news in just a couple of months, then that basically illustrates my point. I guess people in the Mac market are just accustomed to their hardware cycling through at the speed of light.

Anyway, just to be clear I'm not talking about bragging rights, I'm talking about basic functionality. here are some of the things my iMac can't do:

- I can't upgrade past iTunes 7.0, which means I can't transfer music to my iTouch. My Celeron POS can run the latest version of iTunes just fine.
- I can't install FireFox 3, Safari 4.0.x. or any other modern browser version. It's still stuck on Safari 1.3.2 !!! My Celeron POS can install all modern browsers. Though admittedly it starts to croak with a lot of tabs open.
- Browser plugins like Flash, Shockwave, and etc are also outdated and can't be updated. The Celeron POS has all current plugins.
- Whenever I try to open a few applications at a time and something processor intensive happens, I get the pinwheel of death and the whole computer freezes up.

So basically the combination of poor backward compatibility support and limited upgrade options has left my iMac nearly completely useless. Yes 6 years is a long time if I want to have a bleeding edge machine, but it's not a long time for standard functionality. Heck, I probably could squeeze out another year or two with my Celeron if I bought a cheap PCI graphics card.

I think it's good that Apple releases frequent OSX updates. However they need to enforce stronger compatibility between the versions. Panther (which I'm running on the iMac) is already a dud, but Tiger has little compatibility as well with new software. And now that Snow Leopard is 64bit and a lot of things are already beginning to become incompatible with Leopard. It's crazy... I probably should just accept that I can't afford to be a Mac user. Steve Jobs keeps leaping to the new best thing while leaving past creations to collect dust and become useless. Supporting old hardware and software is never exciting I guess...

i can understand how you might be frustrated, but why not pick up more ram? one of my macs is a 1.33 GHz PPC Powerbook G4, with 768 mb ram (built in is 256, i added 512 years ago), which i bought in mid 04, and it runs like a champ. i have it running leopard (10.5.8), it can use both up to date versions of safari and firefox, and is running iTunes 9.0.3.

of course it's not blazing fast, but i don't have any problems running most things within reason. things like flash and animated gifs can be a problem-- the GIF is of course tied to that notorious problem with pre 64-bit safari and flash just is not optimized for macs anyway. i get by using html5 beta on youtube in conjunction with ClickToFlash which improves the powerbooks performance significantly.

i know because it's older tech so you're gonna be hesitant to upgrade it in any fashion, but ram will go a long way to increasing your imacs longevity and it'll be dirt cheap. you're not doing ANY computer, mac or pc, any favors buy trying to run modern apps on 256 mb of ram.
Cool thanks, for the iTunes help and yeah I think I might at least add some more Ram and see how the performance goes.

Is there any other hardware upgrade I can do aside from Ram?


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I had a mobileme trial account set up so my mac and my iphone would know when the mail got checked on one device and mark it as read on the other. But now the trial's over, and i'm trying to use gmail's push system. I set it up on the iphone using google's instructions, and i set up my mail.app again......but the mail.app doesn't recognize when my iphone has read an email, just keeps showing the red badge. Is there a trick to making mail.app ready for gmail push?


mattiewheels said:
I had a mobileme trial account set up so my mac and my iphone would know when the mail got checked on one device and mark it as read on the other. But now the trial's over, and i'm trying to use gmail's push system. I set it up on the iphone using google's instructions, and i set up my mail.app again......but the mail.app doesn't recognize when my iphone has read an email, just keeps showing the red badge. Is there a trick to making mail.app ready for gmail push?

better to use gmails IMAP settings if i remember correctly.


i have no issues as long as i have wifi (no data plan here)


The Chosen One said:
I was a complete Mac Noob when I bought the iMac in '04 so I wasn't aware that the G5s were right around the corner for the mid-range systems. Plus I needed a Mac ASAP for testing and compatibility purposes so I couldn't wait another 6-12 months to get a Mac.

Why not just buy a Mac mini and a cheap-ass display? (Or use the display your Celery PC is using?) I assume the iMac you have is the sunflower iMac G4. I had one. I replaced it with a first generation G4 mini 3 years later (2005) right before the Intel switch happened. But mini's are so cheap and lightyears more powerful than the G4 iMacs were. Just invest in one. Or even get a low-end iMac Intel. Even refurbished models would be nice. $600 for low-end.

I know the Intel switch hurt a lot of people who didn't see it coming, but it had to happen for the survival of Apple. And I think they handled it pretty well. They've done major switches three times and have come out on top each time. 68000 to PowerPC, Legacy OS 9 to new world OS X, PowerPC to Intel. They do offer BC for a while, but eventually you just have to bite the bullet and upgrade.

The PowerPC processor in your iMac is the reason you can't do all the wonderful things you want. It's just so old and outdated and is from a time when Apple was still in the "PowerPC is superior... as long as Motorola and IBM can keep up" line of thinking. It's a completely different architecture that's equivalent to a Pentium.. what, III? Which in processor terms is super slow.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Are there any Quicksilver aficionados around here? QS had some issues with SL starting out, but I still can't manage to get proxy commands and hot keys working. Namely for "Current Selection". I've sort gotten used to going back to knuckle dragging and mousing around but if anyone knows a way to get them working again I'd be ecstatic.
Jasoco said:
Why not just buy a Mac mini and a cheap-ass display? (Or use the display your Celery PC is using?) I assume the iMac you have is the sunflower iMac G4. I had one. I replaced it with a first generation G4 mini 3 years later (2005) right before the Intel switch happened. But mini's are so cheap and lightyears more powerful than the G4 iMacs were. Just invest in one. Or even get a low-end iMac Intel. Even refurbished models would be nice. $600 for low-end.

I know the Intel switch hurt a lot of people who didn't see it coming, but it had to happen for the survival of Apple. And I think they handled it pretty well. They've done major switches three times and have come out on top each time. 68000 to PowerPC, Legacy OS 9 to new world OS X, PowerPC to Intel. They do offer BC for a while, but eventually you just have to bite the bullet and upgrade.

The PowerPC processor in your iMac is the reason you can't do all the wonderful things you want. It's just so old and outdated and is from a time when Apple was still in the "PowerPC is superior... as long as Motorola and IBM can keep up" line of thinking. It's a completely different architecture that's equivalent to a Pentium.. what, III? Which in processor terms is super slow.

Hmm... maybe I should just buy a Mac-Mini. Apple doesn't even sell the Leopard OSX software on their site anymore and I really don't feel like waxing a dinosaur. I guess I could buy a Mac-Mini and just add it on my KVM switch along with my 2-3 other computers. But do Mac-Minis have enough juice to do anything decent? Or will it also be outdated in a couple of years? I'm now wary of purchasing low-end Macs.


Aggressively Stupid
Is there any way to rip an "Enchanced CD" using iTunes or anything else on Leopard?

Every time I try it ejects the disc after a few moments. I've tried to do it with iTunes, Toast and Disk Utility and the CD never shows up on any of them.
I got this computer the summer of 2008 right before College. I got it as a display model from the University Tech store on sale. Still runs everything I want, which includes: Itunes, Firefox, Photoshop.

So I finally got bootcamp working on my mbp. I posted earlier about it not being able to partition properly and after 2 days of screwing with disk utility, onyx, and idefrag I finally got it to partition, although it still wouldn't partition it to 42gb so I had to lower it to 18gb. Now I just need to find my SL disk to get all the drivers
Okay, I had to replace my iMac. Got the replacement that is much better except for it has odd booting issues. When I turn it on after having it on overnight, it gets stuck at the apple logo screen. I turn it off and back on and it's fine but it's really strange that I have to do that.


Anyone had to have the SMC Controller replaced and can give me idea on the cost? I have an 07 MBP where the battery will no longer charge (shows 0% all of the time) and resetting it hasn't worked.


aka ThreeOneFour
uraldix said:
Anyone had to have the SMC Controller replaced and can give me idea on the cost? I have an 07 MBP where the battery will no longer charge (shows 0% all of the time) and resetting it hasn't worked.

New battery?


OneEightZero said:
New battery?

It's not the battery, it's the controller. I wish it was the battery, that would probably be cheaper. With a battery problem, it will show 100% and drain really fast. My problem is that it shows 0% and doesn't charge at all. One day it was fine, the next it wasn't.


aka ThreeOneFour
uraldix said:
It's not the battery, it's the controller. I wish it was the battery, that would probably be cheaper. With a battery problem, it will show 100% and drain really fast. My problem is that it shows 0% and doesn't charge at all. One day it was fine, the next it wasn't.

On my Dell laptop, my battery has no charge at all. Zero. I bought it in 07 also. ^_^

You might want to test and make sure first. Try the cheaper route before having to break into it.
Hello everyone, so I've got a couple of questions for ya.

I'm currently running a Dell 2.5 GHz single core with 2 Gigs of ram and no graphics card on a 80 GB HDD.

It runs pretty fast for things like the internet and such, but anything like CS4 well it gets slow with the exception of illustrator. Also my computer is running XP 32 bit.

I just ordered a new iMac 27inch Core i7 and got a 24 inch monitor to go in tandem with it. I'll be using it for video and photo editing.

What I'm really looking to do here is find out that the best and easiest way for me to get my computer onto the mac. With everything I currently have. I know theres a few options Boot Camp, Parallels and Fusion. I want to know whats the best and easiest.

I'm getting office and final cut studio but I want to hold off of bothering with adobe on mac right now just because CS5 is right around the corner.

Also I want to be able to use windows on the machine for some gaming, I have an xbox and I love Left 4 dead, but I've always wanted to try out the maps people make for it, and I'm interested in some other console games like Lego Universe and anything people could recommend that my system can handle.

So what do I need to know? What will be the best way of doing this? What are some games my system can run? Fulls specs below.

Intel Celeron CPU 2.53GHz
2.00 GB RAM
Integrated Graphics
XP Home version 2002 SP3

New System
Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard

It's safe to say I'm excited, so I want to get prepared for when it comes next week, I love OSX but I want to get my games on, and not have to get adobe for mac until CS5 comes out.
criesofthepast said:
Here is a picture of what I see. Tough to capture but it's the best I can do right now. Notice the two white dots below each arrow.


The_Inquisitor said:
Holy shit yes! Except mine are long arcs. I will take a picture later.
Have you figured out how to fix this? Sounds like we have the same problem so we should band together and try and get this solved!! I'm out of warranty and want to sell my mac pro ASAP and I fear this will lower the amount I can get for it. It is in otherwise perfect condition.

Can't figure out what's causing this. The fact that it only shows up on a lighter background and completely gone on a darker one must mean something to someone. Even putting my mouse curser over the white spot makes it disappear.

Any suggestions? Anyone? Please? :(


HenryGale said:
Hello everyone, so I've got a couple of questions for ya.

I'm currently running a Dell 2.5 GHz single core with 2 Gigs of ram and no graphics card on a 80 GB HDD.

It runs pretty fast for things like the internet and such, but anything like CS4 well it gets slow with the exception of illustrator. Also my computer is running XP 32 bit.

I just ordered a new iMac 27inch Core i7 and got a 24 inch monitor to go in tandem with it. I'll be using it for video and photo editing.

What I'm really looking to do here is find out that the best and easiest way for me to get my computer onto the mac. With everything I currently have. I know theres a few options Boot Camp, Parallels and Fusion. I want to know whats the best and easiest.

I'm getting office and final cut studio but I want to hold off of bothering with adobe on mac right now just because CS5 is right around the corner.

Also I want to be able to use windows on the machine for some gaming, I have an xbox and I love Left 4 dead, but I've always wanted to try out the maps people make for it, and I'm interested in some other console games like Lego Universe and anything people could recommend that my system can handle.

So what do I need to know? What will be the best way of doing this? What are some games my system can run? Fulls specs below.

Intel Celeron CPU 2.53GHz
2.00 GB RAM
Integrated Graphics
XP Home version 2002 SP3

New System
Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard

It's safe to say I'm excited, so I want to get prepared for when it comes next week, I love OSX but I want to get my games on, and not have to get adobe for mac until CS5 comes out.

That is a huge fucking jump in tech! Congrats, sounds like it cost a pretty penny as well. I assume you have copies of XP or 7 or whatever? I fully recommend using Bootcamp, especially if you are using it for games and CS4. It basically partitions your harddrive into OSX and Windows, and the Windows part acts just like a regular PC.

As far as transferring your old stuff, well you'll probably just have to put it onto thumbsticks or something and move it over.

criesofthepast said:
Have you figured out how to fix this? Sounds like we have the same problem so we should band together and try and get this solved!! I'm out of warranty and want to sell my mac pro ASAP and I fear this will lower the amount I can get for it. It is in otherwise perfect condition.

Can't figure out what's causing this. The fact that it only shows up on a lighter background and completely gone on a darker one must mean something to someone. Even putting my mouse curser over the white spot makes it disappear.

Any suggestions? Anyone? Please? :(

It just sounds like a blemish on the screen to me. On my iphone i have this spot just like that except its black. I have no idea how it got there..
Ashhong said:
That is a huge fucking jump in tech! Congrats, sounds like it cost a pretty penny as well. I assume you have copies of XP or 7 or whatever? I fully recommend using Bootcamp, especially if you are using it for games and CS4. It basically partitions your harddrive into OSX and Windows, and the Windows part acts just like a regular PC.

As far as transferring your old stuff, well you'll probably just have to put it onto thumbsticks or something and move it over.

The 2nd part of that is no problem, the only reason my computer can handle those programs or even run well is because I keep everything minus the operating system and programs on the machines main drive. Everything else is external. I also use chrome so my internet is fast still.

And yeah, been saving for some time now :) Pretty much finished with video at school and cant stand relying on their time table so I can use the lab computers for editing, as nice as their mac pro's are, this system will be nicer and I have full access.

I suppose I'll do something similar, i went with the 1TB drive, didnt feel like the upgrade was worth the $$ with how cheap external drives are, I'll give windows a good 200GB and keep the other 800 for OSX. I suppose I'll save myself the trouble and only keep video files on the main HDD while editing then move them back to the external when I finish a project, was my plan in the first place.

I just wish their was some sort of migration assistant I could use, to literally move my whole system over, so long as I installed XP first of course, re-installing programs is annoying.

The games will be worth it though :)
The streaks are beginning to become more visible. I am not happy at all. In fact there is a perfect square-oval at 12 and 3 o-clock on my monitor. If you push the screen back far enough they are almost impossible to see. However if you tilt the screen forward, they become increasingly visible.

Following this have gone wrong with my macbook pro in 2 and 1/2 years

3 battery replacements
top case replacement due to excessive pitting in aluminum + 2 fans replaced
failed hard drive

and on top of this now potential LCD replacement due to defect.

I think I may sound like I am bitching a bit, but I am pretty disappointed by the build quality of my mac. Yes Apple has done a fine job getting my laptop fixed when it goes downhill, but having a screen, hard drive, 3 batteries, and a case replacement in such a period of time seems kind of excessive. Do you guys and gals think I have a potential case for a full replacement at this point?
Ignore the yellow tinge. That was seen by my camera alone.


See how the right one looks like a perfect oval? If I tilt my screen far enough down I see one toward the top of my screen too, but it is hard so I don't count that one.
My boot issues did not get any better. I asked for a full refund from Apple which will happen once they receive my Mac. I really wanted to get into the Mac world but it seems now is not the time as it has been nothing but issue after issue. At least they offered a full refund without any question and no restocking fee.


Junior Member
In my dowloads stack there are a few things like 66zGZ_Xz.doc.part when i click them it says app not found when i drag them to trash nothing happens and when i open in finder they are not there. Any idea what these are/how to get rid of them?


I have no idea if this is a well-known feature or what browsers it is in (Safari OSX) but instead of opening a new tab and then typing in a URL you can just type in the URL in your current tab and CMD-Return to open that URL in a new tab without disturbing your current one...

Sorry if this is well know but I just accidentally found this out and it blew my mind. :D
I used to CMD-T and then URL.


FrancisH said:
I have no idea if this is a well-known feature or what browsers it is in (Safari OSX) but instead of opening a new tab and then typing in a URL you can just type in the URL in your current tab and CMD-Return to open that URL in a new tab without disturbing your current one...

Sorry if this is well know but I just accidentally found this out and it blew my mind. :D
I used to CMD-T and then URL.

doesnt seem to work in Firefox. However, if you just type google and press CMD+Return it adds ".com" for you. works in windows as well if you use CTRL.


The_Inquisitor said:
Ignore the yellow tinge. That was seen by my camera alone.


See how the right one looks like a perfect oval? If I tilt my screen far enough down I see one toward the top of my screen too, but it is hard so I don't count that one.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking at, but is this on a new MBP by any chance? I just noticed this on my screen today. See the reddish T looking thing? if i push on it it kinda moves around, like some kind of liquid. They better replace this.


Does it look something like this?
Is it possible to pop off the keys on these keyboards? All I can find are older Mac keyboard tutorials. My friend burned part of my "M" key and while it still works fine I'm just curious if I can replace it for cosmetic reasons.


Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Yep, I had to pop off the 2 3 and 4 keys off my bluetooth one to clean up something sticky off the back. Use a plastic spudger and a little bit of leverage from each side and they'll pop out.
So I'm thinking of selling my Mac laptop, Powerbook G4. 1gig ram, 15" screen, aluminium (or is it titanium?). What would be a reasonable price? UK btw.
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