Dragona Akehi
mrkgoo said:I used to get a "insufficient power to burn" type warning on certain media. I had to get it replaced.
It's super weird that it is able to read/rip media just fine. It's only with burning...
mrkgoo said:I used to get a "insufficient power to burn" type warning on certain media. I had to get it replaced.
I don't find it that strange - maybe the laser requires much less power to read than it does to burn.Dragona Akehi said:It's super weird that it is able to read/rip media just fine. It's only with burning...
Dragona Akehi said:I've got a really odd problem.
I have a Macbook Pro 2,2 and while it reads optical media perfectly, it won't burn. Anything. CD or DVD. +R -R -RW. Any brand. Any speed. Any programme.
The computer itself says along the lines of "burn failed. brand of media may not be compatible or try at a slower speed."
Any idea what it is before I take it in to be repaired? I no longer have apple care on it, unfortunately.
The old Macbook Pros have these really flakey disc drives. The problem is only with a certain manufacturer of the drive, and the issue persisted for several hardware generations. My friend ran into the same problem last semester. I would check the manufacturer of the disc drive and then google the problem.Dragona Akehi said:I've got a really odd problem.
I have a Macbook Pro 2,2 and while it reads optical media perfectly, it won't burn. Anything. CD or DVD. +R -R -RW. Any brand. Any speed. Any programme.
The computer itself says along the lines of "burn failed. brand of media may not be compatible or try at a slower speed."
Any idea what it is before I take it in to be repaired? I no longer have apple care on it, unfortunately.
btkadams said:i have the same problem with my disc drive on my early 2008 model mbp. it hasn't burned cds or anything for at least 6 months. i've tried disc cleaners and nothing. Dragona if you find an answer, please let me know and I would be forever grateful![]()
ive done it all. tried different brands of cds to burn too.luoapp said:Have you guys tried to burn at the lowest speed? That usually gives you the best chance.
thewesker said:Maybe someone can help me out here. I accidentally mucked with my Downloads folder on the dock. I drug it back on there but it doesn't appear to sort the Fan correctly. Can anyone tell me what the stock "Sort By" is for the Downloads folder on the dock?
Yeah, I've heard that can help in some instances.mescalineeyes said:Date added
yo, Dragona, here's the fix I was talking about earlier. It's not confirmed to work 100% percent but before you go spend the big bucks you might as well give it a try, innit.
- Open System Preferences.
- Click on "International"
- Under "Languages": Drag any of the other languages to the top, then drag English back to the top.
- Set "Order for sorted lists" to English
- Set "Word Break" to English (United States, computer)
- Close System Preferences
- Restart computer
√ Date Addedthewesker said:Maybe someone can help me out here. I accidentally mucked with my Downloads folder on the dock. I drug it back on there but it doesn't appear to sort the Fan correctly. Can anyone tell me what the stock "Sort By" is for the Downloads folder on the dock?
Thanks to you and mascalineyes.MCX said:√ Date Added
√ Folder
√ Fan
btkadams said:do you have a lot of rss feeds in your mail app? i have a bunch and it make my whole comp run slower.
Futureman said:Hey.
So I did a data migration from my Time Machine backup to my new MBP.
After everything was transferred, I initiated a 7-pass HD erase on my old iMac.
I forgot to deactivate my iTunes account on the iMac, and now when I try to sync my Touch on my new MBP, it won't let me as it says I am already over the 5 computer limit.
I have an Genius Bar thing at 6:30, what can I expect? You think it will be quick and painless to get things running?
mrkgoo said:You can reset your authorisations once you hit your limit.
Go to the iTunes store and log in. There will be a button to reset all authorisations to your account.
Then you just have to reauthorise that computer (devices don't count towards the limit), and any other computers.
Futureman said:I just did this, and iTunes seemingly randomly deleted 12 MP3s.
After I deactivated and synced my Touch, I got an error message that 12 files couldn't be found. One of them was a song I bought on the iTunes store, but the other 11 were ripped from CDs. What the hell?
mrkgoo said:That's not normal.
What should've happened is that your computer simply stops playing DRMed music until you reauthorise it.
Are you sure those files were on your computer before you deauthorised? Check your Time Machine Back up for them.
At any rate, you weren't supposed to deactivate and then sync. You should deactivate all your computers, then reactivate the one you're syncing with, THEN sync.
Here's the deal:
You have an iTunes account, and you can have up to 5 computers that are authorised to play content from that account. iDevices are not computers, so do not count towards that limit. Your iPod touch is simply a device synced to your computer - it just picks up authorisation from any account that that computer is authorised to play.
If you deactivate all your computers, and then sync, you are syncing with a deactivated computer, so possibly it has lost authorisation for those songs (or those songs were never actually on your computer to begin with, but were synced somewhere else).
I'm pretty sure the songs have not been randomly deleted. Again, check your time machine backup to be sure.
MCX said:Hey guys, I'm selling my Windows PC and sticking with Mac as my only computer. I have ~30GB of music organized in iTunes on it and want to back it up to an external and then transfer it over to my Macbook. Is there a way to properly do this so that iTunes retains my organization and album covers, etc. on the new computer? Thanks.
mrkgoo said:This is why I don't like the magic mouse.
I recovered a friend's system (fried CD drive) by using my macbook's CD drive through firewire target modemescalineeyes said:does anyone have an idea how to install Windows (preferrably 7) without a disk drive?
I have a few ISOs here from MSDNAA but I can neither burn them, nor can my disk drive read disks at all :/
edit: boot camp, not parallels
Many thanks.mescalineeyes said:yes. grab the whole iTunes folder on your Windows PC.
It's the one that when you open should have a bunch of folders (Album Artworks, iTunes Music etc.) and .xml and/or .itdb files.
Then on the mac, just put that same folder in your /user/Music folder. when you start up iTunes on the Mac, everything will be in place.
Cool. Sounds like your touch library was fine, but it lost track of where they were during the new sync or your new computer lost 'em.Futureman said:I did deactivate, reactivate, and then sync.
It's weird, the missing MP3s were actually still on my HD. For example, I have one Lou Reed album, "Transformer." Every song on there was fine except for "Make Up." So I double clicked it, it said it couldn't be found, and would I like to try and locate it.
I located the "Transformer" album and sure enough, all the MP3s were in the folder, but the song "Make Up" was showing as a generic song file while every other song on the record's icon was the album art.
I had to do this to all 12 songs that were missing, but everything seems fine now.
I have the same problem as Dragona (mines a MacBook though) but Snow Leopard doesnt have an International pref pane, just Language and Text and it doesnt have these options:mescalineeyes said:Date added
yo, Dragona, here's the fix I was talking about earlier. It's not confirmed to work 100% percent but before you go spend the big bucks you might as well give it a try, innit.
- Open System Preferences.
- Click on "International"
- Under "Languages": Drag any of the other languages to the top, then drag English back to the top.
- Set "Order for sorted lists" to English
- Set "Word Break" to English (United States, computer)
- Close System Preferences
- Restart computer
your mac came with an "applications" disc. iLife is on there.Futureman said:Hey, so I wiped my iMac w/ a 7-pass encode in anticipation of selling it.
I then installed 10.6 from the Snow Leopard DVD.
Does this mean my iLife suite is gone? How do I get the iLife apps back, would they be on the original OS X disc that came with the iMac?
edgefusion said:So has anyone else been using the YouTube5 extension for Safari? Absolutely amazing extension that makes YouTube usable again. Displays video in H.264 so it removes all the stupid crap like annotations and adverts and gives you the option to always view the video in the highest resolution available. Soooo good.
so according to my activity monitor, do you think it's saying i'm using 60% of one core (or 60% spread over 2 cores)...but only 12% of the total available?LCfiner said:Windows and Mac display processor percentages differently on multicore machines
Each core has 100%. On a four core machine, the max you will see on a mac in 400%. but it's 100 on windows, so that may be tripping up your addition.
not that I'm aware of, no.Spruchy said:I have an iphone synced to my PC its a 32gb pretty much full on music and apps. Is there an easy way to resync it to my mac besides moving all the music over manually?
pulga said:Hey guys, Im looking to replace my HDD with a new 120gb or so one. Im selling off my Macbook, already had a buyer, but the factory HDD went and died on me. Any suggestions?
mrkgoo said:Can you even still buy 120GB HDD?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136373pulga said:Hey guys, Im looking to replace my HDD with a new 120gb or so one. Im selling off my Macbook, already had a buyer, but the factory HDD went and died on me. Any suggestions?
Futureman said:Gmail + Mac users.... What do you do?
I've always used Mail, but it's kind of annoying to participate in a threaded conversation in Gmail using Mail. I wish there was a more elegant way to use Gmail on my computer without having a web browser open all the time.
Futureman said:Does the $100 external MacBook Air Superdrive work with any Mac?
I'm thinking of one day replacing the internal Superdrive in my MBP w/ an SSD.
When people do this, I guess the best path is to put your OS and core apps on the SSD, and all your files on the normal internal drive?
Last I read on it, you have to mod it if you want it to work on anything other than a MBA.Futureman said:Does the $100 external MacBook Air Superdrive work with any Mac?
I'm thinking of one day replacing the internal Superdrive in my MBP w/ an SSD.
When people do this, I guess the best path is to put your OS and core apps on the SSD, and all your files on the normal internal drive?