Macron Campaign Emails Hacked and Posted Online


steals Justin Bieber DVDs


Okay? So you've got like 48 hours to sift through all this data and find something that can be used against him? Strategically, how does this erase the 20 point deficit?
It's not like it's only one person going through the stuff or posting fake shit.

I already saw Trump voters(as if they speak french) claim some shit about macron getting a life insurance while the french documente was talking about a loan for his campaign.

Trump worshippers, Alt right and russian bots are gonna push this like crazy the next two days


Okay? So you've got like 48 hours to sift through all this data and find something that can be used against him? Strategically, how does this erase the 20 point deficit?

They actually have ~24 hours to get this to millions upon millions of possible swing voters. Heck of a challenge.
Oh I don't think it will hurt Macron, but there's also the legislative elections in June. Some of the candidates might be in here.

They give up on beating macron but force him into cohabitation?
I'm not super knowledgeable about French politics but since En Marche! is a brand new party wasn't he likely to be in cohabitation anyways, with the whole "neither left nor right" thing?


It's not like it's only one person going through the stuff or posting fake shit.

I already saw Trump voters(as if they speak french) claim some shit about macron getting a life insurance while the french documente was talking about a loan for his campaign.

Trump worshippers, Alt right and russian bots are gonna push this like crazy the next two days

As the deception of the Insoumis showed, internet's reach is rather limited.
If the media can talk about it they'll have to let Macron's team talk and their opponents would rather not talk as it would only serve to incriminate them.
It's fucked up but for this one it's going to damage the FN more than En Marche.

They actually have ~24 hours to get this to millions upon millions of possible swing voters. Heck of a challenge.

Most of whom don't even have twitter.



I'm not super knowledgeable about French politics but since En Marche! is a brand new party wasn't he likely to be in cohabitation anyways, with the whole "neither left nor right" thing?

Yes it's a major question about the coming parliamentary elections. It seems impossible he'll get a majority (but then it seemed impossible for him to be elected president, so what do we know ? :p)
Okay? So you've got like 48 hours to sift through all this data and find something that can be used against him? Strategically, how does this erase the 20 point deficit?

I believe that this kind of work has been done weeks ago... including a nice bunch of lies which cannot be debunked before the election.


The Birthday Skeleton
They actually have ~24 hours to get this to millions upon millions of possible swing voters. Heck of a challenge.

First they would need to find something relatively bad in the leak, which doesn't seem to be the case considering the fact that they pushed it with no accompanying story.


Macron's lead over Le Pen has steadily widened since the big debate and it was already like 20 points, unlike a certain other candidate. I doubt Macron is in danger here when he's already winning like 60/40 according to the French polls.

Yeah. lets trust the polls guys.
It's not like it's only one person going through the stuff or posting fake shit.

I already saw Trump voters(as if they speak french) claim some shit about macron getting a life insurance while the french documente was talking about a loan for his campaign.

Trump worshippers, Alt right and russian bots are gonna push this like crazy the next two days

It wasn't hashtags on twitter that swung the election, it was the 24 hour news cycle covering the stories non-stop. Only 21% of Americans even use twitter.


The Birthday Skeleton
It wasn't hashtags on twitter that swung the election, it was the 24 hour news cycle covering the stories non-stop. Only 21% of Americans even use twitter.

Practically CNN with their bullshit "let's host an alt-right nut every night" and "both sides" did way more harm than 4chan or wikileaks could ever do on their own.


The likely impact that these leaks will have is that it will energize people that didn't feel like voting or were wavering to not vote for Macron to vote for him.
Macron is now saying some of the emails are fake.

11th-hr Macron statement: campaign inboxes hacked; leaks are mix of real & fake docs; real ones describe campaign's legal/normal functioning



It wasn't hashtags on twitter that swung the election, it was the 24 hour news cycle covering the stories non-stop. Only 21% of Americans even use twitter.
Who's talking about only twitter?
I give US media a lot of shit but they didn't make up fake news stories and got tens of millions of clicks on Facebook.


It's sad that the word "leak" implies there's some shit in there. There's probably nothing, especially since the movement only started a year ago. Add to the fact that they have to add fake emails in there is pretty telling.


I saw where people said that there are claims in that French statement that there were fake emails mixed in with the real ones, but what are the general contents of the emails? Clinton's were a big deal (well, not really, but they were to some people) because of "Benghazi!" and the private server. Are there any scandals surrounding Macron or anything scandalous in the emails? I mean I get that his email being hacked and posted is still a big deal on its own and totally something that Russia "whoever it was" shouldn't have done, but I was wondering what in them was supposed to swing people away from him.


listen to the mad man

it says in the 3rd paragraph that those who circulated these documents took real ones but put in fake ones as well

This is my QUICK translation, read but do not circulate I may have flubbed something

The En Marche! movement (party) has been a victim of a massive and coordinated hack which today led to the spread of a variety of internal materials (mails, documents, financial accounts, contracts) on social media.

The documents that circulated were obtained several weeks ago thanks to hacking the work email accounts of several members of the movement.

Those that are circulating the documents have added to the authentic documents a number of false documents in order to spread doubt and disinformation.

By intervening during these final hours of the official campaign, this attack smacks of an attempt to destabilize our democracy, like the attempts against the United States in the last presidential election.

During the whole campaign, En Marche! has been the party most frequently targeted by these attempts, in an intense and repeated way.

The intention of the authors of this hit and run is to harm En Marche! just hours before the second round of the French presidential election.

Obviously, the documents that came from this hack are all legal and represent the normal function of a political campaign. Their spread makes public internal data but it's not of the kind that we're worried about the legality and properness of the documents in question.

The accounts (contracts / agreements) of the campaign, of which certain scattershot elements were spread, will be disclosed at the regular time to the National Commission on Campaign Accounts. We expect, however, attention to be paid to the fact that a number of the documents published relate to provisional contracts that were never actually finalized.

We appeal to the media who wish to discuss this attack to keep in mind their responsibility. This is not a regular hack attack, but an effort to destabilize the french election. It is thus important to think about the nature of the stolen documents, keep in mind that many of the spread documents are false, and if one repeats them then one amplifies the destabilizing effect of the attack.

We will do everything necessary with public and private actors to clarify the details of this attack during the French election campaign.

The seriousness of the facts is already certainly: we would not want to tolerate the vital interests of our democracy being endangered.


Beat EviLore at pool.
It wasn't hashtags on twitter that swung the election, it was the 24 hour news cycle covering the stories non-stop. Only 21% of Americans even use twitter.

Doesn't help when everyone and their grandmother uses facebook. The fake stories spread and people assumed they are real. If you walk down the street and ask did Bill Clinton really rape 10 people chances are 5 will say yes.


I saw where people said that there are claims in that French statement that there were fake emails mixed in with the real ones, but what are the general contents of the emails? Clinton's were a big deal (well, not really, but they were to some people) because of "Benghazi!" and the private server. Are there any scandals surrounding Macron or anything scandalous in the emails? I mean I get that his email being hacked and posted is still a big deal on its own and totally something that Russia whoever did it shouldn't have done, but I was wondering what in the. was supposed to swing people away from him.

Absolutely nothing. Only the fact that he has been a banker for Rothschild. So you know, he has to have off-shore accounts and steal money... Every party has been attacking him from the start and nobody could find anything on him.


Yeesh, luckily it's fairly close to the election so the damage is minimized, but this is a seriously disturbing trend. Wonder if the google docs phishing scam yesterday was to blame.


Hillary won the popular vote by a little less than the polls predicted. Even if she didn't, you'd be quite foolish to use one statistical anomaly to junk all stats analysis.

Be smarter than this. The polls were spot on for the first round.

False equivalency. People need to learn up on polling before comparing the two.

Can you take your anti-intellectual garbage down to your local carnival please?

Brexit defied the polls too. Also the my main source of the US election coverage was 538.. soo uhhh what pundits?

Polls are clearly not infallible. All I'm saying is, have we not learned our lesson? I'm on the same side as you guys. Let's not put all our hopes and confidence in polls. Information travels fast, pretending that the election can't be effected is wishful thinking.

Granted, I'm not that familiar with your every-day French person, so I really don't know what I'm talking about. Just trying to come from a place of realism.

With that said, I'm not trying to start an argument, even though my comment was pretty shit-posty. So, sorry about that.


Hopefully the media does the responsible thing and doesn't devolve into a feeding frenzy like the insipid US press did.
This shows what we can expect in every US election from now until the internet is outlawed by Mega-Hitler in 2154.

I say we role some tanks over to the Crimea and start shooting some Russians.

I'd rather do it now than the constant geopolitical feeling of having to look over your shoulder 24.7 whilst Russia tries to pick apart our society from within.

Let's fuck them over whilst we're still united, not after he's broken us up. I mean it's going to come to a head any way you look at it, these fucks aren't going to go away. and the only thing strongmen understand is force.

It's a police state in Russia, the "people" can't just revolt without getting mowed down.
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